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Re: Caring for Grandmother Earth

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This is wonderful my dear sis-star thank you so so much for this



----- Original Message ----From: Liane Legey <butterflygris@...> < >Sent: Sunday, May 4, 2008 9:35:57 AMSubject: [] Caring for Grandmother Earth

Caring for Grandmother Earth To indigenous people, Earth is a living being. Among the Lakota we call Earth our grandmother, and you do not rape your grandmother. Because she is the mother of all living beings, you are related to everything that lives - every blade of grass, every pine needle, every grain of sand. Even the rocks have life. Since you rely on all this life for your sustenance, you have to be respectful. ~ Means, Arapahoe Activist As men and women of Spirit, one of the most urgent responsibilities we have is to become respectful citizens of Grandmother Earth, not merely consumers or conquerors, and to teach others to do the same. Grandmother Earth is our sustainer and inspiration. She not only provides a home and sustenance, but her measureless beauty opens a

thousand windows to show us God(dess). Her vast mountains remind us of the endless peaks of our own courage, the fathomless depths of her seas reflect our own enigmatic and unplumbed treasures, and the endless span of her ever-changing sky invites our spirits to soar on the wings of eagles. Next to life itself, Grandmother Earth is God's most precious gift, and it is our sacred responsibility to cherish her so that our beloved children will inherit her riches. Today, in reality or in your mind's eye, go to a place on the breast of Grandmother Earth where you feel her power and are inspired by her beauty. Make yourself comfortable and invite the wonder of her priceless and countless gifts to permeate your heart and soul. Ask her what she desires from and of you. Listen for her voice in the wind and from the depths of your heart.

I love and respect Grandmother Earth. I nourish the earth as she nourishes me.

Please visit the sites below:

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