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Re: Hi I am new here

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Hi and welcome to the group. My daughter started wearing her

DOCBand at 8.5 months. She graduated from her band just 12.5 weeks

later!! She rec'd wonderful correction during this time. We

actually saw improvement within the first 2 weeks while taking her

in for minor adjustments. Having to go in because of redspots in

the beginning is very common. It normally takes several adjustments

to get just the right fit. What CranialTech Clinic are you going

to? I found that my daughter wearing the band was much harder on

me, than it was on her. She never minded wearing it and at the end

of her treatment, when I would take it off for bathtime and

cleaning, she would go get it for me to put back on. When is

finished with treatment, I guarantee you will say, man that didn't

seem long at all. Remember that the time frame of treatment is just

an estimate. It could take longer or he could grow like a weed and

it take less time.

This is not your fault!! Not at all!!! Guilt unfortunately comes

with it, just please try not to let it get to you. My daughter was

6wks 5 days premature and she spent 7 days in NICU and not once was

her head rotated or was I told to rotate her. Good thing is plagio

can be corrected and you and are on the road!! You may want

to go to the " photo " section of the group and check out the Before &

After folder, there are a bunch of babies that have completed

banding with great success! Good luck and I look forward to reading

of 's journey.

Dustie, mom to , DOCGrad'03


> My son is 9 months and he just got his Doc Band yesterday.


> have to go back today as he has a red spot that doesn't fade


> his ear where the closure is.

> He seems to be doing OK with it - he cries for a second when we


> put it on.


> I am just looking for some success stories, as I think I am having


> hard time with this. It is quite the adjustment. I am feeling

> guilty for not positioning him properly when he was a newborn. He

> was born 3.5wks early and he grew so fast, that I am not sure we

> could have controlled the flatness on the back of his head b/c he

> slept on his back and didn't like his sides. Nonetheless I feel


> it is my fault and I just feel so bad for him. Though I know it

> doesn't seem to bother him too much.


> Does the time go by fast? I am hoping we will see a difference in


> few weeks, so that way we will feel better about it.


> Anyone have a child who started treatment at 9 months and have

> success after 3 months?

> His head flatness isn't that severe, but we wanted to make him

> perfect :)


> Thanks for the support!



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My daughter wore a starband from 9 to 12 months. she received

approximately 80% correction. That was with little growth spurts.

The time truly did go fast.

PLEASE look in the photo section under before and after. It is full

of successful banding and repo.

Please do not feel guilty. This isn't your fault.

Angie and Jenna(STAR grad)--- In

Plagiocephaly , " lesliemetzing " <lesliemetzing@y...>


> My son is 9 months and he just got his Doc Band yesterday.


> have to go back today as he has a red spot that doesn't fade


> his ear where the closure is.

> He seems to be doing OK with it - he cries for a second when we


> put it on.


> I am just looking for some success stories, as I think I am having


> hard time with this. It is quite the adjustment. I am feeling

> guilty for not positioning him properly when he was a newborn. He

> was born 3.5wks early and he grew so fast, that I am not sure we

> could have controlled the flatness on the back of his head b/c he

> slept on his back and didn't like his sides. Nonetheless I feel


> it is my fault and I just feel so bad for him. Though I know it

> doesn't seem to bother him too much.


> Does the time go by fast? I am hoping we will see a difference in


> few weeks, so that way we will feel better about it.


> Anyone have a child who started treatment at 9 months and have

> success after 3 months?

> His head flatness isn't that severe, but we wanted to make him

> perfect :)


> Thanks for the support!



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Hi & welcome to our group!!!

What you are feeling right now is very common in the beginning.

PLEASE though, don't ever feel guilty about this. It's definitely

NOT your fault, you are doing the best thing for right now &

getting him treatment w/the DOCband.

Please chk out our PHOTOS section " Before & after " folder for some

very encouraging photos of great correction so many of our banded

babies have rec'd from their bands/helmets. 9 mos is definitely

young enough to get good correction still :)

My daughter wasn't banded til 11.5 mos & still rec'd good correction

of her severe plagio iin 4.5 mos time in her DOCband.

Keep your spirits up!! Please keep us posted on 's progress

too. Hope today's adjustment will take care of that red spot.

Debbie Abby's mom DOCGrad


> My son is 9 months and he just got his Doc Band yesterday.


> have to go back today as he has a red spot that doesn't fade


> his ear where the closure is.

> He seems to be doing OK with it - he cries for a second when we


> put it on.


> I am just looking for some success stories, as I think I am having


> hard time with this. It is quite the adjustment. I am feeling

> guilty for not positioning him properly when he was a newborn. He

> was born 3.5wks early and he grew so fast, that I am not sure we

> could have controlled the flatness on the back of his head b/c he

> slept on his back and didn't like his sides. Nonetheless I feel


> it is my fault and I just feel so bad for him. Though I know it

> doesn't seem to bother him too much.


> Does the time go by fast? I am hoping we will see a difference in


> few weeks, so that way we will feel better about it.


> Anyone have a child who started treatment at 9 months and have

> success after 3 months?

> His head flatness isn't that severe, but we wanted to make him

> perfect :)


> Thanks for the support!



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Hi ,

The guilt feelings are perfectly normal. I still have them now even after 's

treatment is finished with good results. What happened to your child is

absolutely not

your fault, it is a serious shortcoming within the medical community. You should


been instructed verbally several times (at least twice, once by a maternity

nurse and

once by the ped) at the hospital on how to prevent plagio. You should also have


given written material on this before you left the hospital. Your ped should


checked at the first well-child visits to make sure the recommendations were


followed and that there was no preference for always turning the head one way


they should have examined your child's headshape and picked up any

irregularities by

2 months. The person who came to your home in the first 2 weeks or contacted you

at home should have reiterated all this. I bet none of this was done by the


community. So see, this is absolutely not your fault. How can you prevent


you know nothing about? My wife and I were aware of plagio before our son's


and he still developed it. He also grew quickly and was almost 20 pounds by 5

months. My son was banded at 9.5 months and wore his band till 12.5 months

with good results. There are some photos in the before/after section (DOC band).

Time went by super fast and we saw good improvement after a couple of months.

Don't beat yourself up over this.

All the best,

Mark (dad to , DOCgrad 1/19)

--- In Plagiocephaly , " lesliemetzing " <lesliemetzing@y...>


> My son is 9 months and he just got his Doc Band yesterday. We

> have to go back today as he has a red spot that doesn't fade beside

> his ear where the closure is.

> He seems to be doing OK with it - he cries for a second when we first

> put it on.


> I am just looking for some success stories, as I think I am having a

> hard time with this. It is quite the adjustment. I am feeling

> guilty for not positioning him properly when he was a newborn. He

> was born 3.5wks early and he grew so fast, that I am not sure we

> could have controlled the flatness on the back of his head b/c he

> slept on his back and didn't like his sides. Nonetheless I feel like

> it is my fault and I just feel so bad for him. Though I know it

> doesn't seem to bother him too much.


> Does the time go by fast? I am hoping we will see a difference in a

> few weeks, so that way we will feel better about it.


> Anyone have a child who started treatment at 9 months and have

> success after 3 months?

> His head flatness isn't that severe, but we wanted to make him

> perfect :)


> Thanks for the support!



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my youngest son spent a week in the nicu as well and every single photos of him he was turned to the left even they didnt move his head try not to feel soo bad

Hillymom to 6

Re: Hi I am new here

Hi ,The guilt feelings are perfectly normal. I still have them now even after 's treatment is finished with good results. What happened to your child is absolutely not your fault, it is a serious shortcoming within the medical community. You should have been instructed verbally several times (at least twice, once by a maternity nurse and once by the ped) at the hospital on how to prevent plagio. You should also have been given written material on this before you left the hospital. Your ped should have checked at the first well-child visits to make sure the recommendations were being followed and that there was no preference for always turning the head one way and they should have examined your child's headshape and picked up any irregularities by 2 months. The person who came to your home in the first 2 weeks or contacted you at home should have reiterated all this. I bet none of this was done by the medical community. So see, this is absolutely not your fault. How can you prevent something you know nothing about? My wife and I were aware of plagio before our son's birth and he still developed it. He also grew quickly and was almost 20 pounds by 5 months. My son was banded at 9.5 months and wore his band till 12.5 months with good results. There are some photos in the before/after section (DOC band). Time went by super fast and we saw good improvement after a couple of months. Don't beat yourself up over this. All the best,Mark (dad to , DOCgrad 1/19)> My son is 9 months and he just got his Doc Band yesterday. We > have to go back today as he has a red spot that doesn't fade beside > his ear where the closure is.> He seems to be doing OK with it - he cries for a second when we first > put it on.> > I am just looking for some success stories, as I think I am having a > hard time with this. It is quite the adjustment. I am feeling > guilty for not positioning him properly when he was a newborn. He > was born 3.5wks early and he grew so fast, that I am not sure we > could have controlled the flatness on the back of his head b/c he > slept on his back and didn't like his sides. Nonetheless I feel like > it is my fault and I just feel so bad for him. Though I know it > doesn't seem to bother him too much.> > Does the time go by fast? I am hoping we will see a difference in a > few weeks, so that way we will feel better about it.> > Anyone have a child who started treatment at 9 months and have > success after 3 months? > His head flatness isn't that severe, but we wanted to make him > perfect :)> > Thanks for the support!> > For more plagio info

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Hi ,

I just want to second everything that Debbie, Dustie, Mark, Angie and

Hilly said and join them in welcoming you to the group!! You are not

alone and none of this was your fault!! You are doing what is best

for your baby and before you know it, he'll be out of his band and

have a nice round noggin. Please keep us posted on his progress.

, mom to Makenna LLUMC helmet grad.

> My son is 9 months and he just got his Doc Band yesterday.


> have to go back today as he has a red spot that doesn't fade beside

> his ear where the closure is.

> He seems to be doing OK with it - he cries for a second when we


> put it on.


> I am just looking for some success stories, as I think I am having


> hard time with this. It is quite the adjustment. I am feeling

> guilty for not positioning him properly when he was a newborn. He

> was born 3.5wks early and he grew so fast, that I am not sure we

> could have controlled the flatness on the back of his head b/c he

> slept on his back and didn't like his sides. Nonetheless I feel


> it is my fault and I just feel so bad for him. Though I know it

> doesn't seem to bother him too much.


> Does the time go by fast? I am hoping we will see a difference in


> few weeks, so that way we will feel better about it.


> Anyone have a child who started treatment at 9 months and have

> success after 3 months?

> His head flatness isn't that severe, but we wanted to make him

> perfect :)


> Thanks for the support!



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Hi ,

Welcome to the group! My baby was DOCbanded when she was a little

over 11 months old. She received over 90% correction. It is very

common in the beginning of treatment to need an adjustment or 2 or 3

before the " perfect " fit is found.

This is NOT your fault! How could you have prevented a condition you

didn't even know existed. If you want to lay blame, blame your

nursery doctors and nurses and your pediatrician. All of them should

have told you what plagiocephaly was and how to prevent it. Hopefull

one day that will be standard procedure.

You'll get used to seeing banded. Believe it or not the day is

going to come when he looks naked without his band.

Please let us know how you make out at your adjustment. Keep us


> My son is 9 months and he just got his Doc Band yesterday.


> have to go back today as he has a red spot that doesn't fade beside

> his ear where the closure is.

> He seems to be doing OK with it - he cries for a second when we


> put it on.


> I am just looking for some success stories, as I think I am having


> hard time with this. It is quite the adjustment. I am feeling

> guilty for not positioning him properly when he was a newborn. He

> was born 3.5wks early and he grew so fast, that I am not sure we

> could have controlled the flatness on the back of his head b/c he

> slept on his back and didn't like his sides. Nonetheless I feel


> it is my fault and I just feel so bad for him. Though I know it

> doesn't seem to bother him too much.


> Does the time go by fast? I am hoping we will see a difference in


> few weeks, so that way we will feel better about it.


> Anyone have a child who started treatment at 9 months and have

> success after 3 months?

> His head flatness isn't that severe, but we wanted to make him

> perfect :)


> Thanks for the support!



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  • 10 months later...

bill wrote:



> i am 39 and i have type 2 diabetes.

> I recently herd of a new herbal treatment that supposedly it can cure

> diabetes. its a blend of herbs called " eleotin "

> has anyone taken it yet in this group and if so how well did it work

> for you? is it in your opinion worth buying?

> can anyone help?thanks.

> bill


Hi Bill,

Welcome to the group. I am sorry to hear that you are suffering from

diabetes 2. Eleotin seems to be a wonder drug doesn't it? However, it is

not going to do you much good now. The only thing that is going to help

you now and allow you to overcome diabetes type 2 is a total body

cleansing and changing your diet to a completely raw natural food based

diet with nothing cooked. All raw, preferrably all organic too. Sprout

all your seeds and grains before eating them and eat them only in

moderation. Do get yourself a nice juicer and begin juicing lots of

fresh vegetables and fruits (not together though). Do some fasting.

Start getting plenty of exercise and fresh air and lots of sun. Lots of

skin brushing twice a day before showering. You can start with a 1 or 2

or even 3 day juice cleanse to begin with. Do drink lots 4 liters per

day of distilled or RO water with fresh squeezed organic lemon juice in

it. Drink nothing else except maybe caffeine free herb teas and your

juices. No dairy, no meats, no processed foods of any kind. No refined

sugars. No refined flours. No breads, pastas, cakes, cookies, etc.

Nothing but fresh organic (if possible and is preferred) raw fruits and

vegetables utilizing sprouted seeds and grains.

The Eleotin would have worked for you if you had begun using it way back

when. It might have staved off the diabetes for another 2, 5, 10 20

years maybe. Then again, you still might have managed to make yourself

diabetic through your diet no matter how much Eleotin you had taken.

Diet and lifestyle get us every time. Only one natural way out of this

Bill. I do believe that you will find it to be much easier than the

alternatives now facing you for your not so distant future.

Peace be with you Bill.


Peace, love and light,

Don " Quai " Eitner

" Spirit sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, dreams in the animal

and wakes in man. "


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thissal@... wrote:




> You can start with a 1 or 2 or even 3 day juice cleanse to begin

> with.

> ____________________________________________________

> The 2 day orange juice fast was probably what kick started my ability

> to follow the pure diet I've been on now for 4-5 weeks. I did another

> 2 day apple fast -- great too. Then a week later I followed it with

> the lemonade fast for 3 days. That wasn't bad, but it didn't seem to

> have the same benefit as the 1st two.



This very well could be considering how close you did them together.


Peace, love and light,

Don " Quai " Eitner

" Spirit sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, dreams in the animal

and wakes in man. "


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Did you eat any nuts, grains, seeds? or just fruit.. and if too much citrus types you would get mouth sores. Check out "Fruitarian" on the web for more help.

Suzitempo33x <tempo33x@...> wrote:

Several years ago I went on strict all-fruit diet, it was very easy to do, but after three months I developed sores at the corners of my mouth and had to end it, if I could find a way to modify it to prevent that from occuring again, I would definitely go back on it. This is something to seriously consider.-- In health , thissal@y... wrote:> > > > You can start with a 1 or 2 or even 3 day juice cleanse to begin > with.> ____________________________________________________> The 2 day orange juice fast was probably what kick started my ability > to follow the pure diet I've been on now for 4-5 weeks. I did another > 2

day apple fast -- great too. Then a week later I followed it with > the lemonade fast for 3 days. That wasn't bad, but it didn't seem to > have the same benefit as the 1st two.

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tempo33x wrote:



> Several years ago I went on strict all-fruit diet, it was very easy

> to do, but after three months I developed sores at the corners of my

> mouth and had to end it, if I could find a way to modify it to

> prevent that from occuring again, I would definitely go back on it.

> This is something to seriously consider.


Which fruits were you mostly eating? What was your diet like before? Did

you do any cleansing of your body before? A purely fruit diet can be

very wonderful for a person in excellent health with a very clean body

to begin with. Otherwise, you are going to have problems.


Peace, love and light,

Don " Quai " Eitner

" Spirit sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, dreams in the animal

and wakes in man. "


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Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

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Version: 7.0.302 / Virus Database: 265.8.4 - Release Date: 2/1/05

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest


Most of the list members have sick children, but some parents are

sick themselves too. There is a lot of info in the Files section

that may be of help or interest to you.



> Hiya,

> I am new here,

> and feeling confused (which is not unusual for me)


> Is this a group meant for sick children?


> If it is then I dont belong,

> because it is fully nine years now since I have been diagnosed


> the neurological condition M.E.

> and I am obviously not a child, I am in my late 40's.


> I was wondering if there were any other adults with similar


> using this site, especially those in the UK?


> I have been drawn in now because I am currently taking melatonin

> myself for a severe sleep disorder and have been for many months


> Melatonin is only a natural body hormone anyway; its not as if its


> foreign substance.

> Most people take only 1 to 3mg at a time which is a miniscule


> and this has been proved to help with sleep disorders associated


> malfunction of the Hypothalamus, and things like jet-lag.

> I understood that the only reason that it was not yet approved as


> supplement,

> was because it is much too cheap to be of any interest to the


> orientated drug companies.

> I heard that nobody will shell out the hard cash needed for


> trials to be done because there isnt enough profit involved.


> Of course, we are all fully aware that Melatonin is freely


> over the counter in any pharmacy the United States.

> which if, it were dangerous, when you actually think about it,

> would be really amazing considering the Americans popular


> for health paranoia and litigation culture.


> Of course I am only taking it myself,

> and I am definitely not advising anyone else to take it

> because I am not in any way qualified to make such




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Hi ,

Many of us have CFIDS/ME and/or other neuroimmune/autoimmune disorders. Our

children have these illnesses manifesting as autism spectrum, and related

disorders. I have two sons...one that manifested as autism spectrum and

one that developed CFIDS when he was a pre-teen.

I just posted a collection of melatonin related abstracts that you might be

interested in. We hope to some time (hopefully soon) have agents that can

directly correct all the imbalances rather than one piece at a time.


----Original Message Follows----

From: " " <simplicity46@...>


Subject: Hi I am new here

Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2005 16:23:46 -0000


I am new here,

and feeling confused (which is not unusual for me)

Is this a group meant for sick children?

If it is then I dont belong,

because it is fully nine years now since I have been diagnosed with

the neurological condition M.E.

and I am obviously not a child, I am in my late 40's.

I was wondering if there were any other adults with similar illnesses

using this site, especially those in the UK?

I have been drawn in now because I am currently taking melatonin

myself for a severe sleep disorder and have been for many months now.

Melatonin is only a natural body hormone anyway; its not as if its a

foreign substance.

Most people take only 1 to 3mg at a time which is a miniscule amount,

and this has been proved to help with sleep disorders associated with

malfunction of the Hypothalamus, and things like jet-lag.

I understood that the only reason that it was not yet approved as a


was because it is much too cheap to be of any interest to the money-

orientated drug companies.

I heard that nobody will shell out the hard cash needed for clinical

trials to be done because there isnt enough profit involved.

Of course, we are all fully aware that Melatonin is freely available

over the counter in any pharmacy the United States.

which if, it were dangerous, when you actually think about it,

would be really amazing considering the Americans popular reputation

for health paranoia and litigation culture.

Of course I am only taking it myself,

and I am definitely not advising anyone else to take it

because I am not in any way qualified to make such recommendations.

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Thanks Cheryl,

yes, I have an 18 year old daughter with some recurring health

problems that make my ears prick up.

She is in denial and she does boom and bust, its interfering with her

school work but she sometimes says,

'How comes I get so tired and ill mum? My friends can do so much more

than I can and it doesnt make them ill.'

I have discussed with her the possibility of genetics being involved,

and carefully advised her to eat well, drink water, and try to get

sufficient rest.

LOL! you might as well ask a bird not to fly.....

she prefers junk food, Guinness, and burning the candle at both ends.

all the best


> Hi ,


> Many of us have CFIDS/ME and/or other neuroimmune/autoimmune

disorders. Our

> children have these illnesses manifesting as autism spectrum, and


> disorders. I have two sons...one that manifested as autism

spectrum and

> one that developed CFIDS when he was a pre-teen.


> I just posted a collection of melatonin related abstracts that you

might be

> interested in. We hope to some time (hopefully soon) have agents

that can

> directly correct all the imbalances rather than one piece at a time.

> Cheryl


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....this was my daughter last year. Her doctor had her try

Singulair for allergies, and she was already on Zyrtec. Later added

Flonase. These all helped, but taking dairy out her diet was the


I recommend the trial of no dairy ... its hard, but see if she does

not notice her pep come back.

> >

> > Hi ,

> >

> > Many of us have CFIDS/ME and/or other neuroimmune/autoimmune

> disorders. Our

> > children have these illnesses manifesting as autism spectrum,


> related

> > disorders. I have two sons...one that manifested as autism

> spectrum and

> > one that developed CFIDS when he was a pre-teen.

> >

> > I just posted a collection of melatonin related abstracts that


> might be

> > interested in. We hope to some time (hopefully soon) have


> that can

> > directly correct all the imbalances rather than one piece at a


> > Cheryl

> >

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My older son had the same type of problems. He missed a lot of school in Jr

High due to minor illnesses, fatigue...just not feeling quite right. I'd

been doing a Dr. Rapp type treatment on my younger son (beginning at age

five) so we started that with the older one. We did that for a couple of

years. It helped as far as attendence when he began high school but his

grades didn't recover.

My younger son began treatment when he was nine. I finally started the

same treatment (dietary, antiviral, antifungal, SSRI, etc.) with my older

son right before his senior year. Since he wasn't complaining about not

feeling well it took me awhile to realize that something still wasn't right.

I knew he was a very intelligent kid who's grades didn't match his level of

intelligence. He had to take summer school three years in a row because he

didn't pass math. Yet this was a kid who tested in the top ten percent of

the US in some of areas. He'd been an A-B student before he became

ill...went to a C-F student.

What I eventually found was that he'd been living in a fog for years. After

we began treatment at the end of his Junior year of high school......he

earned an A in math on his first report card his senior year. We kept him

on treatment for about two years then were able to discontinue.


----Original Message Follows----

From: " " <simplicity46@...>


Subject: Re: Hi I am new here

Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2005 09:19:46 -0000

Thanks Cheryl,

yes, I have an 18 year old daughter with some recurring health

problems that make my ears prick up.

She is in denial and she does boom and bust, its interfering with her

school work but she sometimes says,

'How comes I get so tired and ill mum? My friends can do so much more

than I can and it doesnt make them ill.'

I have discussed with her the possibility of genetics being involved,

and carefully advised her to eat well, drink water, and try to get

sufficient rest.

LOL! you might as well ask a bird not to fly.....

she prefers junk food, Guinness, and burning the candle at both ends.

all the best

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  • 3 years later...
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Welcome Fiona! Ummm, work? Heck, no work here, just JOY! We are all here to help, and be helped, to be the very best that we choose to be, as members of the family of man and woman kind. So, whatever YOU need or can contribute, is always answered and/or welcomed. Glad to have you with us. Many Blessings Markfionain2008 <fionain2008@...> wrote: How does this work?Love,Fiona

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Are you from England? Are you on My Space? I have a beautiful, kind

and inspirational friend on My Space from England with the name


Well... whether it is the Fiona I'm thinking of or not... WELCOME!



fionain2008 wrote:

How does this work?



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Kerrie Amatelli, Founder and President

Triple Your Heart® with Ripples of Love


P.O. Box 2550

Pawtucket, RI 02860




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Hello friend,

I am on myspace but I am not from England, but I am glad you have such a wonderful friend.





----- Original Message ----From: Kerrie Amatelli <TripleYourHeart@...> Sent: Sunday, May 4, 2008 10:22:45 AMSubject: Re: [] Hi I am new here

Fiona...Are you from England? Are you on My Space? I have a beautiful, kind and inspirational friend on My Space from England with the name Fiona. Well... whether it is the Fiona I'm thinking of or not... WELCOME!~KerrieRipplesofLove. com fionain2008 wrote:

How does this work?Love,Fiona

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-- Kerrie Amatelli, Founder and PresidentTriple Your Heart® with Ripples of Love LMOPP.com, LLCP.O. Box 2550Pawtucket, RI 02860Phone:1-401- 723-2241Fax:1-401-723- 2352http://www.RipplesO fLove.com

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