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Light Body Development and DNA Part I and II

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Light Body Development and DNA By Liane Legey


plane of existence has a body that is connected to it. One of the super keys to

accelerating evolution is to anchor, activate and actualize these bodies into

your existing four-body system. One way to effectively connect all those bodies

is the development of your Light Body through the re-coding of your own DNA...


Body or Spiritual DNA is the blueprint for our Life

Purpose and the divine potentialities or the "Divine Blueprint" of

humanity; the ultimate expression of us as individuals and ultimately is the

way to reach ascension. Ascension is not only ascending to live the Higher

Self, but is also ultimately returning to the "All That Is" or

"God and Bliss".


Spiritual DNA is an image of the structural physical DNA and resembles energetic spiral beads with uniquely

specific patterns.


process of activation and development of the Light Body is exclusively a

quantum energetic experience and involves the transmutation of the Human 2

Strand DNA Helix (know as "Backbone DNA") to a 12 Helix Strand Human actualizing with our

Light Body. Our current 2 Strand DNA can't

handle multidimensional energy of experience combined with the processing of

information while simultaneously also being able to fully conceive

the understanding of the super-consciousness.


secret of this activation (upgrade) is the understanding of some of the

functions and relationships of certain glands and the associated offsetting

production of special hormones.


thymus gland, located on the 8th Chakra, is known as the "Seat of the

Soul" or your "Higher Heart Center" and is located on our

upper-chest just below the throat. Its function is to produce strong hormones

that stimulate the improvement of our immune system therefore allowing us to

have stronger Mental and Physical Bodies.


hyper-thymus gland, which is located in the center of the brain, is responsible

for the connection and interaction of two other glands; the pineal and the

pituitary glands. The proper activation of those glands and their consequent

integration allows the production of the SOMA which is known as the

"Spiritual or Divine Hormone". This hormone develops the

internal power for the transmutation of the 2 Strand Helix DNA

into an original DNA designed for humans with 12 Strands.


concept of DNA activation is to bring to life the

other 10 Strands (5 pairs) to be stacked on the top of the Double Helix DNA Strand present today in most humans.


activation of the Light Body at its completion will allow the Higher Self the

possibility to download and permanently anchor the complete DNA

/RNA Grid composed of 64 distinct seals which are located inside of all your

Chakra Grids (the complete patterning of your present chakras). This specific

process is done with the close assistance of the Higher Beings and with the

blessings from the Ascended Masters and the High Hierarchy. Ultimately all

those activations will make possible for the Soul to have permanently anchored

the bio-stratus. This stratus is the super DNA

pattern, also known as "Spiritual Genetic Super-Helix DNA",

lost by humans when "The Fall" occurred. This pattern can be fully

reconstructed because it was preserved in the "Divine Matrix" as it

was part of the original design for the human race evolution and for cosmic



the "Plan of Creation" each race of Beings was graced with its own DNA or unique pattern; essentially a blueprint. Encoded on

those original patterns include the destiny and mission of each Being /Soul.

The original DNA patterns vibrate in higher

frequencies and, as the energies of the planet itself evolve and shift, we are

progressively able to reawaken those formerly dormant potential.


attunement and re-coding of the DNA is a necessary

process for realigning the Soul with our Soul Purpose. Through many lifetimes

Souls can be damaged during their learning processes, consequently many of

those disrupted patterns are stored throughout our "Memory

Cells". Each and every cell of our body remembers/retains everything it has

experienced and possesses intelligence. The Memory Cells may have the potential

to disarrange/rearrange the original "DNA 12

Strand Super-Helix Blueprint". In order to anchor the remaining 10

Strands of DNA and awaken the dormant potential of

all our other bodies, including the "Mental Body Potential" (which is

translated as the unused portion of the human brain), it is essential to

realign and re-balance the "Two Backbone" original DNA Helix Strand.LightBody development part I Lightbody development Part II

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