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Re: New Member Mardi

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Welcome Mardi. It's great to have you with us. I'm glad you have a

supportive family. That is something not everyone here can say. I am

blessed with a supportive family as well. I'm 44, married for 21 years, and

have 2 teenage daughters. I've been diagnosed for about 10 years now, and

haven't been able to work since then. You seem like you have a great

positive attitude and that will help you out a lot. Take care.

Jeanne in WI

> Good afternoon, y'all! I want to start by saying thanks for letting me

> join this group. I've lurked the past couple of days (because I've been

> working) and I have to say that it seems to me I may have found a new

> home! Y'all are really great at supporting one another, and that is one

> thing I really need right now.


> I was only just diagnosed with fibro. For the past few years I've had

> problems off and on that I chalked up to hormones, getting older, stress,

> or my natural-born utter lack of grace. That all changed last November

> when I had an accident while walking up a hill; my calf muscle seemed to

> painfully " lock " in place and I just fell over... we won't talk about the

> bruises that followed. Well, it took eleven months for eight different

> doctors, seven intricate blood tests, four mis-diagnoses, three MRI's, 2

> specialists, and a partridge in a pear tree to finally diagnose me with

> FMS. At least now I have an answer!


> I am a 33 year old mother of two teenagers and wife to a really awesome

> man. These three are my center, my core of strength. My husband, Tyson,

> has dilligently researched fibro with me and is really understanding about

> my flares. My 14 year old son, Jay, is very driven and does a lot around

> the farm to make sure things run

smoothly. My 12 year old girl, Kate, is a bit lazy about helping out

around the house, but she is totally awesome at massage! We all band

together to make our home healthy and happy. I'm very lucky!


> I work full-time as a correctional officer at a maximum security women's

> prison. It's not as glamorous as it sounds! I work 12 hour night shifts

> so my schedule is all over the place. My down time is usually spent in

> the kitchen. I cook and bake all the time; it's my passion! Also, having

> been a homemaker for 12 years bofore my

divorce from the kids' dad, I enjoy tons of crafts: sewing, scrapbooking,

card making, floral arranging, etc. I have a very full life. I don't let

the fibro control any aspect of my life... sure, it wins a battle on

occassion, but I'm in it to win the war!


> I can't wait to get to know more of y'all better. I'm so excited to be

> here! Again, thanks for including me.


> Love from Mardi

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