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Messages from the Future #3, Expanding Your Beliefs to Open to Your Future Self

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Messages from the Future #3, Expanding Your Beliefs to Open to Your Future Self By DL ZetaIn order to perceive and unite with your future self, you may need toexpand your beliefs to allow for this relationship to develop. Whatever you believe is true for you. If you have placed limitationson the possibilities for your life experience, this is a good time toexamine and update your beliefs. Your beliefs determine theboundaries of your existence and create your future realities. If youhold limiting beliefs about who you are and what you are capable of,this greatly limits your field of possibilities.Limiting Beliefs and Your Inner ChildIf you hold beliefs that you are a multidimensional, infinite beingcapable of tapping into the vast wealth, knowledge and resources ofthe universe, you are well on your way to being able to work with yourfuture self in creating the design for your life. If, on the otherhand, you believe you are a disempowered, hapless victim subject tothe whims of a random universe, you have some updating to do in termsof your beliefs.As a child, many feel helpless, disempowered, dependent on others andsubject to the whims of family members and other adults. As a resultof experiencing circumstances seemingly beyond your control, you mayhave developed disempowering beliefs about how things work. If thisis the case, it is time to examine these old beliefs in the light ofyour expanded and wise present-moment consciousness. Once you seethese old beliefs for what they are, you are ready to undertake theprocess of releasing them and adopting new, more expansive andempowering beliefs.The Truth about Dark or Negative EntitiesAnother part of expanding your beliefs is accepting all the parts ofyour self – even those parts you identify as "shadow selves." As longas you remain fearful and believe there are dark energies around youthat can harm you, you are likely to keep the door closed to meetingother aspects of your self in consciousness.In your world, you perceive energies you identify in various ways. Keep in mind your perception of these energies and entities isfiltered through your conscious mind. We can tell you there are timeswhen you identify "dark" entities around you when these are shadowaspects of your self you are meeting in consciousness. If yourconscious mind is fearful of these energies, you will see your self asvulnerable to "outer" dangerous and ill-intentioned entities. If youbelieve you are a vast and powerful being, you recognize theseenergies as either direct aspects of your self or energies that areattracted to your "shadow" aspects. (Remember, through the Law ofAttraction, every being, energy, situation and encounter you attractis in resonance with some aspect of your being.) This is not ajudgment. As a multidimensional being, you contain a full spectrum ofenergetic resonances. You truly are all-that-is energetically. Yourexperience within the present moment is a reflection of those aspectswithin your vast repertoire of selves you are energizing through yourfocus and attention.Likewise, if you perceive an angelic presence around you, this energyis reflecting an angelic aspect of your self you are bringing intofocus within your reality. In much the same way, when you bring yourfocus to your future self, you are opening your self energetically tothis aspect of your being and creating a bridging connection inconsciousness. You are already all that is - every single note alongthe spectrum of existence. Just as a musical composer chooses thenotes of a new concerto, you as creator of your reality bring yourfocus to the points along the spectrum of life experience you wish tobring into your reality.The Anatomy of a BeliefBeliefs are higher on the pecking order than emotions because theydetermine what something feels like. A belief begins as a thoughtform.The more attention and emotion you give this thoughtform, the more itbecomes a belief. So a belief is born of a thoughtform constantlyenergized and reinforced with your attention and emotions.Another way to see this is that you think a thought. When you think athought more often, this thought accumulates other thoughts at asimilar vibratory level. When a thought grows big enough, we call ita belief. When a thought starts running on automatic and is no longerin your conscious awareness, it is a subconscious belief.The most powerful beliefs are those you are not aware of. It is verydifficult to transform a belief you are not aware of. Often youaccept these unconscious beliefs as truths and absolutes about what isreal. The Art of Stalking Unconscious BeliefsSo how do you bring unconscious thoughts into the light of day so youcan examine and transform them? You can start by becoming a detectivein your own life, stalking your unseen realities and bringing theminto conscious awareness.The circumstances of your outside reality provide clues of yourbeliefs. It isn't necessary to launch a hunt for them or excavateyour past for them. For example, if you are experiencing poverty, youhold beliefs that are disempowering around the issue of abundance.Ask your self what would someone experiencing a certain reality haveto believe in order to create this experience. What would they have tothink and feel in order to hold this belief? What is the payoff forbelieving this? What benefit are they getting for believing this? How is this belief serving them? Once you understand why and how abelief is created, it is much easier to transform it.If a person at some point in their life adopted the belief that theyare a limited being helpless to make the changes they dream of, thereis an underlying reason or "payoff" for adopting this belief. Maybethis belief prevents them from having to face deep-seated fears fromtheir past, or from having to accept responsibility for every part oftheir existence. If this is the case, acknowledging it does not haveto be a matter of judgment. Each person makes decisions based on thebest information they hold at the time. Many people have chosentremendous challenges to help them grow rapidly. Once theirconsciousness grows to a certain point, they are able to release the"outer trappings" they created for purposes of learning. This releasemay seem like an overwhelming step at the time, but whenever someonetakes steps on their own behalf, the universe is ready and willing toassist. Then it is just a matter of asking for this assistance andopening to receive it.Opening Doors in ConsciousnessIf you encounter difficulty in changing old beliefs, you can simplychoose to adopt a timeline where your beliefs support new andexpansive ways of being. As an infinite and magical being, this iswithin the scope of your "unlimited abilities." (Remember it is youwho sets the boundaries of your existence on Earth - not others andnot your present circumstances.)Regardless of which method you use, once you have transformed yourbeliefs to allow these changes, you are ready to meet with your futureself in consciousness. When you expand your beliefs to embrace theidea that you are a vast and unlimited being, this opens the door foryou to meet in consciousness with other aspects of your self, past andfuture. This is what allows you to receive guidance and assistancefrom your future "selves."For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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