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Re: Re: Hospital give-aways

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In a message dated 01/24/2000 7:21:28 PM Eastern Standard Time,

lizery@... writes:

<< in NICU and I was HAVING to

pump. The weird thing is that after every feeding they would ask me if I

needed to supplement as if there was no way she would be getting enough just

from me >>

I too had to spend a few days in the NICU with DD. Thank goodness I was

allowed to breastfeed without having to pump. I never left the hospital and

was in a room down the hall .. the NICU nurses were instructed to call me

whenever my DD woke up ... which of course was fairly often. So at all hours

I was trotting down to the NICU to nurse .. the nurses there were on 12 hour

shift so I saw a lot of each one. One nurse in particular couldn't

understand why my baby was waking every hour or two. She was convinced that

my DD wasn't getting enough and suggested several times to supplement with

formula. AARRRRGGGG!!! How frustrating!! I was MORE THAN happy to come down

and rock my baby even if all she wanted was holding .. I spent so much time

in the NICU that the nurses just saved a rocking chair for me. Why are these

supposedly " educated " people pushing this formula crap?????

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> << in NICU and I was HAVING to

> pump. The weird thing is that after every feeding

> they would ask me if I

> needed to supplement as if there was no way she

> would be getting enough just

> from me >>

My ds spent one night in the NICU because he had

jaundice. He was taken to the NICU when he was 3 days

old and I was told he needed formula because my milk

had not came in yet and that was the only way he would

get better. They said he needed to drink a lot to get

rid of the jaundice and needed formula because he

wasn't getting enough from me. We were doing great at

breastfeeding. He was latched on and eating great, but

they insisted he would not get well without formula so

after every breastfeeding session he got a bottle.

Finally we were both discharged and sent home with a

case of all ready made up formula bottles. It was hard

in the first week not to reach for that bottle when I

was frustrated with sore nipples or just wanted to

sleep. Well, at 2 weeks he was diagnosed with a milk

protein allergy so the formula was out of the

question. I was glad I had not fed him any more than I

had or it might have been worse.

I will be more prepared next time and not let them

force me into supplementing or giving a pacifier. The

nurses insisted he take a pacifier because he wouldn't

stop crying for them to take his blood pressure. I

took the pacifier away as soon as we left the hospital

and he hasn't had it since.

Becky & Cody 8-18-99


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