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Re: Summer Solstice Activation - June 21st, 2008

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NOW - is the time to LIVE!

smiles and hugs to all of you, us - oneness as family -

on my way to sing dream songs in concert this evening -

and I will be WITH us all in spirit

as we attune, align, vibrate and resound

in peace and healing for all our relations,

all around the world...

taking humanity and all our relations

to a whole new level

of BE-ing.

My love and blessings I send as I send

heart-song voice,

Walk in a sacred manner.

Mitakuye Oyasin,


--- In , " Liane Legey " <liane@...>



> Summer Solstice Activation - June 21st, 2008




> It's been an incredible past two weeks, as we have witnessed


> layers of ingrained behavioral patterns and belief systems expelling

> out of our energetic systems. These layers represent lifetimes of


> wounds, traumas and karmic cyclical programs that needed to be

> returned to the Void Space and transmuted. We are no longer carriers

> of the past! As the Ascension Waves continue to transform our

> bio-energetics we can also actualize more and more of our true


> and purpose for being here.


> We are no longer to be misconstrued as tame, robotic creatures that

> can be managed and manipulated. Now is the time to break free of all

> constraints that have imprisoned our minds and spirits in negative,

> divisive consciousness. We are not to be reckoned with! Now is the

> time to rise up out of duality and present ourselves as integral to

> the health and well-being of our collective consciousness. This

> movement will require a concentrated effort of unity and


> Human Ascension is a group project, no matter what the " powers to

be "

> would like us to believe.


> As history has proven throughout time...we must join forces to

> dismantle the old and connect with the new. We only have to peer


> some sixty years to see a perfect example of how our world can be

> transformed from a dark, oppressive prison into a liberated state of

> sovereign individuals. The rise of Nazi Germany exemplifies just how

> effective a fear-based enslavement program can dominate an entire

> country...spreading like disease throughout Europe. It is not so


> different now!


> The disease of mind-control, emotional manipulation, and genetic

> corruption is currently spreading throughout our planetary energy

> field. And just as before, we must recognize our personal prison and

> choose to deny its powerful hold...and break free. Each soul that

> succeeds in breaking free will weaken and aid in dismantling the

> polarizing grip of duality. As witnessed with the Holocaust, a wave

> of mass consciousness of intolerance can and will destroy the

> controlling forces in charge.


> By joining together in unity consciousness we align with an


> reality of Universal Abundance, not possible in Dual Earth. Until


> we've only experienced the painful backlash of polarizing

> counter-force. In Dual Earth - for every positive action taken we

> magnetize equal amounts of negative reaction. So how does The

> Universal Law of Attraction work in Earth's magnetic field? The

> greater the positive intent initiated, the greater the sabotage

> counter-force to deal with. The more light you embody the more


> attacks you encounter! If you are experiencing this level of


> you are still imprisoned in duality. There is no other explanation!


> In order for " The Secret " to truly work, we need to live in the

> Unified Field, where unity consciousness will magnetize more union.

> Our lives can be enhanced exponentially by converting our energy

> systems into whole, complete embodiments of Sacred Union. This

> movement of liberation needs to touch every layer and level of life

> force. We must purge every ounce of duality from our being.


> As we near the Summer Solstice, we are able to access multiple


> of life force...the building blocks of time and space. There are

> criss-crossing in our atmosphere multiple timelines of past, present

> and future, like intersecting planes of existence. It looks like a

> kaleidoscope of flashing mirrors reflecting scenes of parallel

> realities. And as these planes flash and reflect unto each other,

> there is a crossing over and a passing along of information. In a


> the intersecting timelines are communicating back and forth, bending

> into the other. This creates portals in time that our Souls can


> through. We are able to enter and access other planes of existence

> that we've never crossed into before.


> And so, we have been dropping the dead weight of duality so that our

> Souls can rise up and merge into the Unified Field of reflecting

> timelines. Without this, we would continue to battle it out with the

> opposing forces of light and dark. Our minds, bodies and hearts


> stay locked in the internal prison of struggle and defeat. We would

> remain stuck in a world reality of ego-gratification and escapist

> addictions...separate from our beautiful god-self. Feeling alone in

> the world!


> I invite you to join the growing movement of unity consciousness and

> actively, progressively break free of the grip of duality. Allow the

> painful memory of the Holocaust to inspire you to rise out of

> complacency and reject the oppression of divisive programming.


> union with all that you are! And connect into the cosmic maize of

> flashing timelines, like a sparkling multi-faceted crystal. Our


> reality can shift in a flash!


> Copyright © 2008 Meg Benedicte ·




> I will be gathering in a small goddess circle to celebrate our


> activation! If you would like to join remotely, send hearts


> of intent.

> Warmest wishes of expansion,



> Meg Benedicte

> Founder of Unified Field Therapy®

> www.megbenedicte.com






> " Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still

dark. "

> Rabindranath Tagore


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> http://.OurOrganizationToolbar.com


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--- In , " Liane Legey " <liane@...>



> Summer Solstice Activation - June 21st, 2008




> It's been an incredible past two weeks, as we have witnessed


> layers of ingrained behavioral patterns and belief systems expelling

> out of our energetic systems. These layers represent lifetimes of


> wounds, traumas and karmic cyclical programs that needed to be

> returned to the Void Space and transmuted. We are no longer carriers

> of the past! As the Ascension Waves continue to transform our

> bio-energetics we can also actualize more and more of our true


> and purpose for being here.


> We are no longer to be misconstrued as tame, robotic creatures that

> can be managed and manipulated. Now is the time to break free of all

> constraints that have imprisoned our minds and spirits in negative,

> divisive consciousness. We are not to be reckoned with! Now is the

> time to rise up out of duality and present ourselves as integral to

> the health and well-being of our collective consciousness. This

> movement will require a concentrated effort of unity and


> Human Ascension is a group project, no matter what the " powers to

be "

> would like us to believe.


> As history has proven throughout time...we must join forces to

> dismantle the old and connect with the new. We only have to peer


> some sixty years to see a perfect example of how our world can be

> transformed from a dark, oppressive prison into a liberated state of

> sovereign individuals. The rise of Nazi Germany exemplifies just how

> effective a fear-based enslavement program can dominate an entire

> country...spreading like disease throughout Europe. It is not so


> different now!


> The disease of mind-control, emotional manipulation, and genetic

> corruption is currently spreading throughout our planetary energy

> field. And just as before, we must recognize our personal prison and

> choose to deny its powerful hold...and break free. Each soul that

> succeeds in breaking free will weaken and aid in dismantling the

> polarizing grip of duality. As witnessed with the Holocaust, a wave

> of mass consciousness of intolerance can and will destroy the

> controlling forces in charge.


> By joining together in unity consciousness we align with an


> reality of Universal Abundance, not possible in Dual Earth. Until


> we've only experienced the painful backlash of polarizing

> counter-force. In Dual Earth - for every positive action taken we

> magnetize equal amounts of negative reaction. So how does The

> Universal Law of Attraction work in Earth's magnetic field? The

> greater the positive intent initiated, the greater the sabotage

> counter-force to deal with. The more light you embody the more


> attacks you encounter! If you are experiencing this level of


> you are still imprisoned in duality. There is no other explanation!


> In order for " The Secret " to truly work, we need to live in the

> Unified Field, where unity consciousness will magnetize more union.

> Our lives can be enhanced exponentially by converting our energy

> systems into whole, complete embodiments of Sacred Union. This

> movement of liberation needs to touch every layer and level of life

> force. We must purge every ounce of duality from our being.


> As we near the Summer Solstice, we are able to access multiple


> of life force...the building blocks of time and space. There are

> criss-crossing in our atmosphere multiple timelines of past, present

> and future, like intersecting planes of existence. It looks like a

> kaleidoscope of flashing mirrors reflecting scenes of parallel

> realities. And as these planes flash and reflect unto each other,

> there is a crossing over and a passing along of information. In a


> the intersecting timelines are communicating back and forth, bending

> into the other. This creates portals in time that our Souls can


> through. We are able to enter and access other planes of existence

> that we've never crossed into before.


> And so, we have been dropping the dead weight of duality so that our

> Souls can rise up and merge into the Unified Field of reflecting

> timelines. Without this, we would continue to battle it out with the

> opposing forces of light and dark. Our minds, bodies and hearts


> stay locked in the internal prison of struggle and defeat. We would

> remain stuck in a world reality of ego-gratification and escapist

> addictions...separate from our beautiful god-self. Feeling alone in

> the world!


> I invite you to join the growing movement of unity consciousness and

> actively, progressively break free of the grip of duality. Allow the

> painful memory of the Holocaust to inspire you to rise out of

> complacency and reject the oppression of divisive programming.


> union with all that you are! And connect into the cosmic maize of

> flashing timelines, like a sparkling multi-faceted crystal. Our


> reality can shift in a flash!


> Copyright © 2008 Meg Benedicte ·




> I will be gathering in a small goddess circle to celebrate our


> activation! If you would like to join remotely, send hearts


> of intent.

> Warmest wishes of expansion,



> Meg Benedicte

> Founder of Unified Field Therapy®

> www.megbenedicte.com






> " Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still

dark. "

> Rabindranath Tagore


> Download Our Toolbar:

> http://.OurOrganizationToolbar.com


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