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Re: Yvonne

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Not so unusual, most not born with autism. Some perhaps with a

predisposition to autism and something like the vaccines becomes the last

straw which puts them over the edge into autism.

Other vaccines? When did she get the DPT? Did she have ear infections

around the time she began to regress? Any dental work? Exposure to arsenic

(sprayed on golf courses, used on treated wood, etc), lead, other metals?

Any chemicals released by factories near where you lived at the time (into

the air or ground water)? Did she live in a house which got remodeled

around the time of regression? Have you checked for food allergies? An

NAET practitioner could help you determine if she has food or environmental

allergies and treat them.

Do you have amalgam dental fillings, thyroid problems? Just some questions

to think about which might give you some clues.

On Wed, 23 Aug 2000 15:34:51 EDT, egroups wrote:



> 1) Does anyone else have a child with similar history?

> 2) Has mercury been found to be a problem with late onset children more


> early onset?

> 3) What's the procedure if this is a possiblity? (i.e. what are the

steps, I

> would like to work with our neurologist who is very open-minded to new


> 4) Are there any " mainstream " labs that do whatever testing needs to be


> 5) How long does chelation take?

> 6) Does anyone have any fabulous success stories with this method?





Say Bye to Slow Internet!


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  • 1 year later...


It sounds like you are ready to get going with this and that you have

yourself prepared to deal with whatever may come. Good idea with the Q & A

sheet - that should help TONS!

I look forward to hearing how it goes on Tuesday - best wishes your way!!

Marci (Mom to )


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Thanks for your words of encouragement. Ynez pronounced (Enez) the name means "pure" gets her DOC band tomorrow so following one persons advice on the support group (thanks) We have typed up a sheet of common Q & A for all the other moms & dads at her nursery and to hand out to other people if interested. I'm sure I will get lots of stares because she has a great smile and a fantastic little personality so normally people stop and want to talk to her. I will cope it will just take abit of time to adjust. glad to hear it will also prevent her from cuts and bruises so she will be even more prefect !

Thanks again I will let you know how things go on Wednesday.

, Connecticut, (Ynez's mom),

Reid-Sissins, ] -----Original Message-----From: dj2kirby@... [mailto:dj2kirby@...]Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 2:47 PMPlagiocephaly Subject: Re:

:Yep, you will adjust over time to the stares & such. On Abby's & mine very 1st venture out in public to the mall w/her STARband, I met another mom with a banded beauty!!! We were both SO excited. Abby was the 1st other banded baby she had ever seen, so we chatted & chatted forever!!!!!!!! We were like 2 long lost friends catching up on gossip! It was soooo cool. I made a friend that day. Something positive came out of it - besides getting Abby a rounder head!!!!The others offered great advice on how to handle rude comments and/or stares. I also love Marci's response.Abby rec'd her 1st band just as she was learning to crawl, I was SO relieved to have that band on her head for protection. I can't tell you how many bad cuts, bumps & bruises it prevented. So besides a rounder head being a benefit, the protection truely is as well. Best of luck. Also, I'm curious how you pronounce Ynez's name - just like it is spelled??? Very cool name!!!Debbie Abby's mom 3/1/00 STARband 11/4/00-1/26/01 DOCgrad 2/16/01-6/22/01MI> > > > HI> > > > > > > > well...while the helmet isn't going good (it's been off for 8 > > > days now > > > > since we can't get in for an adjustment)....I just got a notice > > in > > > the > > > > mail...and even thought we never got an authorization....our > > > insurance picked > > > > up the helmet...FULL COST...not a problem..not a hassle....> > > > > > > > I LOVE MY INSURANCE ! They paid the orthodic bill of $ > > 2500 !!! > > > YAH Blue > > > > Cross.... and healthy families !> > > > > > > > ANY one need help getting approved for healthy > > families...contact > > > me. I"m > > > > authorized via the state of Calif to assist FREE OF CHARGE for > > > Calif > > > > residence !> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Karla> > > > Mommie to> > > > (Helmet on 9/01)> > > > and> > > > Kirsten Grace> > > > born 2/20/01> > > > California> > > > > > > > > > > >

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  • 6 months later...
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susan-sounds like you have a good system going for yourself. carol

On Thu, 2 May 2002 09:36:18 -0700 (PDT) son

<paulsons5@...> writes:


> Sorry I havent introduced myself yet, my name is . I have

> lupus, fibro, and some stuff that goes with it. I had 5 kids (just 2

> left at home),so I can totally relate to some of your problems. You

> have to take care of the kids, No 1. You feel guilty, maybe you cant

> do everything? Maybe the house isnt as clean as you'd like? I

> know.......... wish I could practice what I preach, but.........Just

> try to keep food in the house, your husband WILL go if you run out,

> btw. Try to just do 1 load of wash each day, and if they dont have a

> really good laundry lady they take better care of thier clothes, and

> make sure the dirty ones get in the laundry, even offer to help

> sometimes. If you can just wash dishes once a day, like after

> dinner, when there might be help- and this is a good job for kids,

> especially ones in trouble. (Oh, and if you dont leave something for

> the dish fairy she will shit in your sink) And get someone to take

> out the trash every day.........and the health dept wont come. You

> noticed I left out the bathroom...... thats a hard one, still

> working on that. I saw a flushable bathroom once, that this lady

> designed, perfect. Had a drain in the floor, tiled all around. Hey,

> a hand held shower would work. How about the yard sprayer, filled

> with bleach? Have to get that drain put in.........


> They'll survive, they'll even help. And they might turn out to be

> better people. I had to get my priorities in order years ago. Try

> not to sweat the small stuff. & hang in there,




> ---------------------------------


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Actually, the bathrooms in Saudi Arabia were like that, all tiled with a

drain and a telephone shower capable of reaching every corner. For us

" westerners " there was a toilet and a bidet (heaven knows why a bidet)

but the locals just squat on the floor, do their business and hose the

mess away.


songofjoy3@... wrote:

> susan-sounds like you have a good system going for yourself. carol

> On Thu, 2 May 2002 09:36:18 -0700 (PDT) son

> <paulsons5@...> writes:


>>Sorry I havent introduced myself yet, my name is . I have

>>lupus, fibro, and some stuff that goes with it. I had 5 kids (just 2

>>left at home),so I can totally relate to some of your problems. You

>>have to take care of the kids, No 1. You feel guilty, maybe you cant

>>do everything? Maybe the house isnt as clean as you'd like? I

>>know.......... wish I could practice what I preach, but.........Just

>>try to keep food in the house, your husband WILL go if you run out,

>>btw. Try to just do 1 load of wash each day, and if they dont have a

>>really good laundry lady they take better care of thier clothes, and

>>make sure the dirty ones get in the laundry, even offer to help

>>sometimes. If you can just wash dishes once a day, like after

>>dinner, when there might be help- and this is a good job for kids,

>>especially ones in trouble. (Oh, and if you dont leave something for

>>the dish fairy she will shit in your sink) And get someone to take

>>out the trash every day.........and the health dept wont come. You

>>noticed I left out the bathroom...... thats a hard one, still

>>working on that. I saw a flushable bathroom once, that this lady

>>designed, perfect. Had a drain in the floor, tiled all around. Hey,

>>a hand held shower would work. How about the yard sprayer, filled

>>with bleach? Have to get that drain put in.........


>>They'll survive, they'll even help. And they might turn out to be

>>better people. I had to get my priorities in order years ago. Try

>>not to sweat the small stuff. & hang in there,







> there is always hope!



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  • 3 years later...

On 9/17/2005 at 4:42:25 P.M. Central Standard Time Peggy wrote:

Finally, I feel part of a family with this group. Someone I know face to face said -- well, they aren't really friends if they are just online -- I begged to differ with her -- so many people on this site are friends, joined by a rare and common disease.

Peggy, I fully agree with you. There are people on this site

that I feel would do things for me that some people I know

personally who "claim" to be my friends would not do.

Love to all,


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I want to underscore some of what Diane just said -- I too, was sorry I delayed

so long, both because of the misery I felt in the months I waited and because

of the damage done in waiting.

My grown children, mostly my daughter, had some fears about my surgery -- it

is a growing experience for our children and they will be stronger for it.

I am only now just aware of how much effecitveness I had lost in the months

waiting for surgery -- in my work, in my relationships and in my health. Now

that surgery is behind me, I have so much more energy for important things.

Finally, I feel part of a family with this group. Someone I know face to face

said -- well, they aren't really friends if they are just online -- I begged to


with her -- so many people on this site are friends, joined by a rare and

common disease. I look forward to being supported and supporting others

every day I can in this group.

Best to you from breezy but sunny Central Coast of California!


> >

> > Hello Dianne.

> >

> > I am new to the group too. Like yourself I have been diagnosed in

> > August as well. I have had a barium swallow, dilation and

> manometry.

> > The dilation was great to start with I was eating much better.

> Things

> > are getting worse again now.

> >

> > My surgeon has left it as my call as to when I should go south

> again

> > for another manometry, to determine if I should get surgery yet. I

> > just don't know how far to let it go again. Before the dilation I

> was

> > loosing 1kg a day (2.2lbs to a kg I beleive)

> > and feeling so weak and sick.

> > Loosing so much weight was really scary. I am still holding the

> > weight I gained after the dilation now but I think it is going to

> be

> > short lived after the last few days.

> > I have 2 daughters 16 and 8yrs.and am 40yrs myself.

> >

> > The prospect of surgery is a concern, but tonight I have had so

> many

> > comforting stories.

> > My doctor has not recommended botox and I can't remember why.

> > This group is wonderful, even though no one else seems to be on my

> > side of the world.

> > in Australia

> >

> >

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Good morning Peggy and Dianne,

I have had a bad night and haven't eaten anything substancial since

yesterday breakfast. To open the email and read your letters of

encouragement was so good I just cried. I must say it is not

something I usually do.

I suppose I am really emotional still, I have just had friends stay

here for 2 weeks with us from Ohio and they left yesterday and have a

mammoth plane trip home today. I miss them already. I have been

holding out to not spoil our time together.

I will see my general doctor this week and check my bloods and look

to going south soon I think. My sister gets married on Oct 1st and

under no circumstances do I want to miss it.

When I go to Adelaide and get the manometry, it will take up to 2

weeks for my surgeon to get the reports. That is the main concern,

whether to go get it done and go back later again once he gets the

results. It all gets expensive flying.

Flying is also another risk for me. High platelets means sticky blood

and high risk to clots. To travel I use needles to thin the blood.

My surgeon is great, he says once he gets the results and is

confident it is time, he will get me in immediateluy.

Dianne, goodluck with surgery,

I will be thinking of you constantly until you come back on line to

let us know how you are going.

Our thought are with you.


> > >

> > > Hello Dianne.

> > >

> > > I am new to the group too. Like yourself I have been diagnosed


> > > August as well. I have had a barium swallow, dilation and

> > manometry.

> > > The dilation was great to start with I was eating much better.

> > Things

> > > are getting worse again now.

> > >

> > > My surgeon has left it as my call as to when I should go south

> > again

> > > for another manometry, to determine if I should get surgery

yet. I

> > > just don't know how far to let it go again. Before the dilation


> > was

> > > loosing 1kg a day (2.2lbs to a kg I beleive)

> > > and feeling so weak and sick.

> > > Loosing so much weight was really scary. I am still holding the

> > > weight I gained after the dilation now but I think it is going


> > be

> > > short lived after the last few days.

> > > I have 2 daughters 16 and 8yrs.and am 40yrs myself.

> > >

> > > The prospect of surgery is a concern, but tonight I have had so

> > many

> > > comforting stories.

> > > My doctor has not recommended botox and I can't remember why.

> > > This group is wonderful, even though no one else seems to be on


> > > side of the world.

> > > in Australia

> > >

> > >

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I got more actual support -- online, in person, by telephone and even a bag of

popcorn -- from my achalasia friends during surgery than people I had know

25 years!




> Finally, I feel part of a family with this group. Someone I know face to

> face said -- well, they aren't really friends if they are just online -- I

> begged to differ with her -- so many people on this site are friends, joined

by a

> rare and common disease.


> Peggy, I fully agree with you. There are people on this site

> that I feel would do things for me that some people I know

> personally who " claim " to be my friends would not do.


> Love to all,

> Maggie

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  • 2 weeks later...


I had surgery on both knees and my foot in Jan 05. All went well except

that due to a condition called Essential Thrombocythaemia which is an

over active bone marrow, causes sticky blood and high risk of clots. To

cut the story short, I was on a low dose of blood thinners after

surgery and the left knee bled causing it to seize from the scar

tissue. I will be getting the scar tissue broken up so I have full

movement back in my left knee.

I look forward to walking normal again, sitting in cars properly and

even riding a bicycle again. I used to be a competetive cyclist.

But with all these problems that will not happen again. I should be

happy to just ride again socially with the kids I think.

I had the surgery coz I fell catching my youngest daughter on the

velodrome racing and damaged my knee in Nov 04. The foot was giving me

real greif anyway and I was looking to get something done. I turned out

it was broken for 3 years and was not picked up. I felt just like I was

a winger for all that time. So the foot is great now.

If it is not one thing it's another.

Like the A, Thrombocythaemia is not going to go away so I also have to

learn to manage it. My husband looked to see if it has a chat group too

but no luck. It is also as rare as A.

So at least I am only into rare ones, eh?

Just got to try annd keep smiling.

This week is a little hard though.

Thankyou for listening and your kind thoughts.

-- In achalasia , " let45ride " <brendacoyle@c...> wrote:

> I'm sorry to hear that your daughter had to have surgery! It

> sounds like you've been under stress, lately, anyway, and I'm sure

> this didn't make things any easier. I don't have kids, but I know

> that it's harder to watch your loved one in pain than to endure the

> pain yourself! It sounds like you are starting to get the right care

> for you A, which is great! What are you having done to your knee?

> That does sound like a lot - 2 surgeries close together, but I'm

> hoping you get relief from both of them! Best of luck to you!


> in Michigan

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I hear you Cindi,

I really feel the same. As it sits, some days I tell myself I can

cope longer. You can wonder though by waiting also that maybe we

could do more damage. I feel lucky sometimes when I read these

stories when I feel OK. Could some of these extra problems stem from

late diagnosis and treatment or are they entirely different?

From what I have heard the biggest issue there is getting the right

person to help treat them. I have been blessed with that from the

start and a really fast diagnosis.

I read these emails and it helps me so much.I now think of each of

you every day and hope you are doing well. I have become stronger in

coping with A since discovery this group. Before, I did not cope with

it well. I only wish there was a chat group for my other amazingly

rare condition which also is low on the research list so far.

Maybe in doing so we could try and learn more about it.

Thankyou again, and have a good day.

> - I can't say when to get the surgery, but I can tell you

that I had

> the same " yo-yo " thing going on. I found that stress really

aggravated my

> symptoms.


> I do always think it is good to get something done that needs to be


> before it becomes an emergency. It is better to get faulty brakes


> before they go and you lose them. LOL.


> I told my husband that I'll go back to the surgeon when my day-to-

day life (sleeping and eating) are affected & I can't have a normal

life again. That's how it was before my surgery and what a

difference! Cindi in PA

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Thankyou ,

The two surgeries will be in different hospitals. We have booked a room

in the city with a small kitchenette so we can heat our own food,. I

think this is easier than dealing with restaurants and getting upset.

Because we are in the Northern Territory, we have a very different

system here for travel for medical reasons. If you can not get the

treatment locally, and you have a referral from your local doctor, then

the hospital will arrange travel for you to the nearest city that has

that treatment available. Luckily Adelaide has great technology and a

great surgeon who is familiar with A. My husband is coming as a

caregiver and we will be reimbursed a small portion of our accomodation

when we present the receipts when we get home. This will be a great

help, travel costs are really high here.

Thanks will definitely keep you posted on my progress.

I just got a phone call just now from my friend in Ohio to wish me well

for the trip. She was not long here and had to experience A while

staying with us. It really doesn't matter with really good freinds

though, they understand. She was with me when I first wrote to this

group and is happy I still am and wishes all well.

Bye for now.


> ,

> Here's wishing you TWO successful surgeries in the days ahead!!

> May your travels be easy on your body (going to the hospital and

> coming home)! Are they being done at the same hospital? Will you

> have a hotel or someplace for your husband and/or you to stay between

> surgeries? I'm hoping you'll be telling us soon how good your knee

> feels and how you're enjoying eating, again! Good luck!


> in Michigan, USA


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Hello :

Please be sure to say hello to Dr. Bessell for me. Sounds like you

are in good hands. I will continue to pray for you.

That is so interesting that the hospital arranges the travel. I am

in Pittsburgh, and Liver Transfers were begun her by Dr. Stargell.

When they received a viable liver to transplant, UPMC would make all

the arrangements to fly someone here because time was critical. They

had to be on call and fly out the same day. I never heard of that

for non emergency cases. I think it is terrific!!!

Any way your hubby could keep us advised of your progress. I

promise, we will be very kind to him. Best wishes and lots of

prayers. Kathie in Pittsburgh

-- In achalasia , " ykosworks " <ykosworks@y...> wrote:

We have booked a room

> in the city with a small kitchenette so we can heat our own food,.

I think this is easier than dealing with restaurants and getting


> Because we are in the Northern Territory, we have a very different

system here for travel for medical reasons. If you can not get the

treatment locally, and you have a referral from your local doctor,

then the hospital will arrange travel for you to the nearest city

that has that treatment available. My husband is coming as a

caregiver and we will be reimbursed a small portion of our

accomodation when we present the receipts when we get home. This

will be a great help, travel costs are really high here.


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Hi Anita,

I had my knee surgery on Friday and got out of hospital yesterday. I

can walk and am into the physio. The distance I can walk is limited,

so we borrowed a wheelchair to get to an internet cafe to chat. So far

so good. I had my appointment with Dr Bessell today and had many

questions answered. Time is ticking over and I will have my Myotomy on

Thursday which will be Friday for you. Am getting a little anxious.

It is such a big change but I know I got to get it.

-- In achalasia , " scent4u18 " <honey-les@m...> wrote:


> Thanks for your good wishes. It means alot to me.

> Hope both your surgeries are successful and you have a speedy


> Hugs,

> Anita


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  • 1 month later...

Dear Deborah,Others may have forgotten that you had an alleged insurance fraud accident earlier this year and only got your car back a few months ago. It isn't funny to you, but I so relate, because I would have been crying each time also, probably having spasms at the same time.Sandy in So Cal.>> Hi, ,> > I'm sorry about your physical pains and your grief over the loss of your Great Dane, too. I'm still suffering over the loss of my sweet little ish Terrier. I hope you and your family feel easier of spirit soon but I know it's difficult.> > I had a rip-snorting, un-fun afternoon: I was driving up Centinela when I saw a Korean woman with three other people, stepping into my lane...her friends pulled her back. I was relieved. Then, as I drove up towards Olympic, she stepped out again, and then ABSOLUTELY SUDDENLY dashed into my car. Unbelieveable! I parked and went up to her, she apologized for running into my car, we exchanged numbers. There was absolutely nothing I could have done about this lady making a hasty decision to run across the lanes of traffic. Nothing. Ugh! > But the stress is catching up with me: I cried when I called my insurance company, I cried when I took my car into the shop, I cried when I got the rental car. Everyone was very nice with me. I still felt awful. Then, I called the police tonight and said "Oh, gosh, I need to report this...." I spoke with the officer at the front desk, told him everything, and he said I'd done everything I needed to do. Then he added, 'Guess she'll look twice before she runs out into traffic again!"> > jeesh!> > Deborah, trying to relax at the beach>

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Thankyou Deborah,

We are doing OK. Our other dane is pretty mopey at the moment too,

she is missing him as well. Only time can heal this one a bit more I


Sorry about that silly woman. At least you didn't get hurt, wouldn't

it be great to add that to everything else.!!!

Isn't it amazing how easily we can be sent over the edge. I used to

be a pretty easy going person, but the past weeks it would take

nothing to get me crying too. Wish I was closer I would give you a

big hug. That would help a little.

All the best and try and relax a little, I know it is hard to do

feeling the way you do. Lets hope you get a date soon and will feel

much better after.



> Hi, ,


> I'm sorry about your physical pains and your grief over

the loss of your Great Dane, too. I'm still suffering over the loss

of my sweet little ish Terrier. I hope you and your family feel

easier of spirit soon but I know it's difficult.


> I had a rip-snorting, un-fun afternoon: I was driving up

Centinela when I saw a Korean woman with three other people, stepping

into my lane...her friends pulled her back. I was relieved. Then,

as I drove up towards Olympic, she stepped out again, and then

ABSOLUTELY SUDDENLY dashed into my car. Unbelieveable! I parked and

went up to her, she apologized for running into my car, we exchanged

numbers. There was absolutely nothing I could have done about this

lady making a hasty decision to run across the lanes of traffic.

Nothing. Ugh!

> But the stress is catching up with me: I cried when I

called my insurance company, I cried when I took my car into the

shop, I cried when I got the rental car. Everyone was very nice with

me. I still felt awful. Then, I called the police tonight and

said " Oh, gosh, I need to report this.... " I spoke with the officer

at the front desk, told him everything, and he said I'd done

everything I needed to do. Then he added, 'Guess she'll look twice

before she runs out into traffic again! "


> jeesh!



Deborah, trying to relax at the beach


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  • 1 month later...

- I am so sorry you are having such a difficult time. I can't

remember if your surgery was October or November. Make sure you

follow up and let us know what is happening. My procedure was

December 5, and I had to go back for a Barium study today due to

severe stomach pains. I need to figure this out, because I can't keep

missing work. I will be thinking of you, and waiting to hear what you

find out.


> Hello everyone.


> Firstly sorry , a and . I finally got into the chat

> room but then booted out and did not get back there.

> After our conversation about spasms I had the worst night last


> I think that my stomach and bowel may actually had been the cause


> the spasms. Instead of just working up the E, they were gripping my

> stomach as well. I was close to heading to the hospital. My dread


> that is that I get there and they really can't help anyway. Once I

> had a moxalon needle and my stomach settled, the spasms backed off

> but not enough to get a nights sleep though.

> The pain was so bad I was sweating and really nauseous. Haven't had

> it like that for a while.

> Boy I don't wish that to come back. My stomach and bowel area has

> been sore today.

> Have sent my doctor an email today to ask if it is worth having a

> follow up over Easter when I am there.


> I even had a phone call from the hospital in Adelaide. They sent me


> questionare re post surgery. The researcher rang to speak to me

> because she was concerned about the spasms. I was surprised to get

> some feedback. She also suggested to email my doctor. It is nice


> they care.


> Well going to sit back and read the messages here.

> Regards


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Hi ,

Mine was Oct 20th. I have had stomach pain but this week since

talking to you it was worse. I emailed my surgeon last night and he

suggested to get an appointment when I am down there for a follow up.

He is thinking of an endoscopy again if I am still having trouble.

So I will book an appointment on Monday for early April. I think I

will diarise what happens as I go. I tend to get pains often like

constipation and my stomach has a general off feeling of either

hungry or just uncomfortable feeling most of the time this week.

What is happening for you? Let me know what your results from the

barium was. Hoping it gets sorted out for you soon too.

I have too much responsibility right now too and I don't think I am

coping but can't seem to work out how to change things for that. Am

so tired.Just don't want to do too much.

Freinds ask to come out to tea (sorry dinner)often and I just don't

have the energy to care to sit in a restaurant at night when I would

rather be in bed. They don't get how bone weary I get.

I wish I could sort it out as well and get on with things.

Keep in touch.

> >

> > Hello everyone.

> >

> > Firstly sorry , a and . I finally got into the


> > room but then booted out and did not get back there.

> > After our conversation about spasms I had the worst night last

> night.

> > I think that my stomach and bowel may actually had been the cause

> for

> > the spasms. Instead of just working up the E, they were gripping


> > stomach as well. I was close to heading to the hospital. My dread

> for

> > that is that I get there and they really can't help anyway. Once


> > had a moxalon needle and my stomach settled, the spasms backed


> > but not enough to get a nights sleep though.

> > The pain was so bad I was sweating and really nauseous. Haven't


> > it like that for a while.

> > Boy I don't wish that to come back. My stomach and bowel area has

> > been sore today.

> > Have sent my doctor an email today to ask if it is worth having a

> > follow up over Easter when I am there.

> >

> > I even had a phone call from the hospital in Adelaide. They sent


> a

> > questionare re post surgery. The researcher rang to speak to me

> > because she was concerned about the spasms. I was surprised to


> > some feedback. She also suggested to email my doctor. It is nice

> that

> > they care.

> >

> > Well going to sit back and read the messages here.

> > Regards

> >


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, they didn't tell me the results. I expect a call from my

surgeon who ordered the test. I thought I was alone with this pain

and fatigue. If they don't find anything on this, they are sending

me back to my GI. In the meantime, I am paying off bills as quickly

as I can in order to reduce my working hours, or quit working

altogether. If you find out what is going on with your pain, let me



> > >

> > > Hello everyone.

> > >

> > > Firstly sorry , a and . I finally got into the

> chat

> > > room but then booted out and did not get back there.

> > > After our conversation about spasms I had the worst night last

> > night.

> > > I think that my stomach and bowel may actually had been the


> > for

> > > the spasms. Instead of just working up the E, they were


> my

> > > stomach as well. I was close to heading to the hospital. My


> > for

> > > that is that I get there and they really can't help anyway.


> I

> > > had a moxalon needle and my stomach settled, the spasms backed

> off

> > > but not enough to get a nights sleep though.

> > > The pain was so bad I was sweating and really nauseous.


> had

> > > it like that for a while.

> > > Boy I don't wish that to come back. My stomach and bowel area


> > > been sore today.

> > > Have sent my doctor an email today to ask if it is worth

having a

> > > follow up over Easter when I am there.

> > >

> > > I even had a phone call from the hospital in Adelaide. They


> me

> > a

> > > questionare re post surgery. The researcher rang to speak to


> > > because she was concerned about the spasms. I was surprised to

> get

> > > some feedback. She also suggested to email my doctor. It is


> > that

> > > they care.

> > >

> > > Well going to sit back and read the messages here.

> > > Regards

> > >

> >


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The hardest part for me is that I don't know when this will hit,and

I am just not used to having to alter my plans. What type of

business do you have? I have a passion for numbers, so I do the

accounting for a local business as the office manager. I am just not

sure that working full time is compatable with my current situation.


> > > > >

> > > > > Hello everyone.

> > > > >

> > > > > Firstly sorry , a and . I finally got into

> the

> > > chat

> > > > > room but then booted out and did not get back there.

> > > > > After our conversation about spasms I had the worst night

> last

> > > > night.

> > > > > I think that my stomach and bowel may actually had been


> > cause

> > > > for

> > > > > the spasms. Instead of just working up the E, they were

> > gripping

> > > my

> > > > > stomach as well. I was close to heading to the hospital.


> > dread

> > > > for

> > > > > that is that I get there and they really can't help


> > Once

> > > I

> > > > > had a moxalon needle and my stomach settled, the spasms

> backed

> > > off

> > > > > but not enough to get a nights sleep though.

> > > > > The pain was so bad I was sweating and really nauseous.

> > Haven't

> > > had

> > > > > it like that for a while.

> > > > > Boy I don't wish that to come back. My stomach and bowel


> > has

> > > > > been sore today.

> > > > > Have sent my doctor an email today to ask if it is worth

> > having a

> > > > > follow up over Easter when I am there.

> > > > >

> > > > > I even had a phone call from the hospital in Adelaide.


> > sent

> > > me

> > > > a

> > > > > questionare re post surgery. The researcher rang to speak


> > me

> > > > > because she was concerned about the spasms. I was


> to

> > > get

> > > > > some feedback. She also suggested to email my doctor. It


> > nice

> > > > that

> > > > > they care.

> > > > >

> > > > > Well going to sit back and read the messages here.

> > > > > Regards

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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I don't have the energy to work full time still. I only get sicker

when I try. I am a bicycle mechanic and own my shop. I still need to

supervise the boys work and train where needed so we have their work

based around when I can come in. I have a great manager handling the

shop besides for me. It is so frustrating not to get back into

things. I also do all my own bookwork.

Could you just imagine when I first started with A symptoms how I

went when I bent over a bike? Just didn't know why I couldn't keep it

all down.

- In achalasia , " Jo Blauer " <capmyjo@...> wrote:


> The hardest part for me is that I don't know when this will hit,and

> I am just not used to having to alter my plans. What type of

> business do you have? I have a passion for numbers, so I do the

> accounting for a local business as the office manager. I am just


> sure that working full time is compatable with my current situation.


> Jo



> > > > > >

> > > > > > Hello everyone.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Firstly sorry , a and . I finally got


> > the

> > > > chat

> > > > > > room but then booted out and did not get back there.

> > > > > > After our conversation about spasms I had the worst night

> > last

> > > > > night.

> > > > > > I think that my stomach and bowel may actually had been

> the

> > > cause

> > > > > for

> > > > > > the spasms. Instead of just working up the E, they were

> > > gripping

> > > > my

> > > > > > stomach as well. I was close to heading to the hospital.

> My

> > > dread

> > > > > for

> > > > > > that is that I get there and they really can't help

> anyway.

> > > Once

> > > > I

> > > > > > had a moxalon needle and my stomach settled, the spasms

> > backed

> > > > off

> > > > > > but not enough to get a nights sleep though.

> > > > > > The pain was so bad I was sweating and really nauseous.

> > > Haven't

> > > > had

> > > > > > it like that for a while.

> > > > > > Boy I don't wish that to come back. My stomach and bowel

> area

> > > has

> > > > > > been sore today.

> > > > > > Have sent my doctor an email today to ask if it is worth

> > > having a

> > > > > > follow up over Easter when I am there.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I even had a phone call from the hospital in Adelaide.

> They

> > > sent

> > > > me

> > > > > a

> > > > > > questionare re post surgery. The researcher rang to speak

> to

> > > me

> > > > > > because she was concerned about the spasms. I was

> surprised

> > to

> > > > get

> > > > > > some feedback. She also suggested to email my doctor. It

> is

> > > nice

> > > > > that

> > > > > > they care.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Well going to sit back and read the messages here.

> > > > > > Regards

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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You may be right about the toll free number... I hadn't thought of

that. Also, as a noted, our complete email addresses aren't

showing. What day will you be seeing your doctor? I am surprised

that my surgeon's office didn't contact me on Friday with the

results of Thursdays barium study. I don't expect that anything will

show on that test, but he wanted to rule out any problem related to

the surgery before sending me back to my GI. I am anxious to see if

you and I are having the same problem.


> > > > >

> > > > > Hey Everyone! I got kicked out of the chat room and I

> > couldn't log

> > > > > back in! Sorry, I didn't want to just leave like that.


> > > thoughts

> > > > > and prayers are will all of you tonight. Here is to a


> > nights

> > > > > sleep!

> > > > > a in St. Louis

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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I can just imagine, because bending was the pits for me too, along

with sleeping. I really admire you for the work you do. I always

thought I might like to have my own business, like a bookstore or

consignment shop. I think I have missed that opportunity, and plan

on leaving the workforce within the year. I can always volunteer or

take more classes if I get tired of staying home.


> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Hello everyone.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Firstly sorry , a and . I finally got

> into

> > > the

> > > > > chat

> > > > > > > room but then booted out and did not get back there.

> > > > > > > After our conversation about spasms I had the worst


> > > last

> > > > > > night.

> > > > > > > I think that my stomach and bowel may actually had


> > the

> > > > cause

> > > > > > for

> > > > > > > the spasms. Instead of just working up the E, they


> > > > gripping

> > > > > my

> > > > > > > stomach as well. I was close to heading to the


> > My

> > > > dread

> > > > > > for

> > > > > > > that is that I get there and they really can't help

> > anyway.

> > > > Once

> > > > > I

> > > > > > > had a moxalon needle and my stomach settled, the


> > > backed

> > > > > off

> > > > > > > but not enough to get a nights sleep though.

> > > > > > > The pain was so bad I was sweating and really


> > > > Haven't

> > > > > had

> > > > > > > it like that for a while.

> > > > > > > Boy I don't wish that to come back. My stomach and


> > area

> > > > has

> > > > > > > been sore today.

> > > > > > > Have sent my doctor an email today to ask if it is


> > > > having a

> > > > > > > follow up over Easter when I am there.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I even had a phone call from the hospital in Adelaide.

> > They

> > > > sent

> > > > > me

> > > > > > a

> > > > > > > questionare re post surgery. The researcher rang to


> > to

> > > > me

> > > > > > > because she was concerned about the spasms. I was

> > surprised

> > > to

> > > > > get

> > > > > > > some feedback. She also suggested to email my doctor.


> > is

> > > > nice

> > > > > > that

> > > > > > > they care.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Well going to sit back and read the messages here.

> > > > > > > Regards

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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I love it!!! Hi Tamara! We have Deanna who is 18 at home. She is

cognitively impaired, and participates in Special Olympics. She said

to tell you that she calls us Cubby Cakes (don't ask me why, I have

no answer) We also have 2 21 year olds, but they are on their own,

and one 3 year old grandson. I don't have enough time in the day,

and need to get ready for work.


> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Hello everyone.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Firstly sorry , a and . I finally


> > > into

> > > > > the

> > > > > > > chat

> > > > > > > > > room but then booted out and did not get back


> > > > > > > > > After our conversation about spasms I had the


> > night

> > > > > last

> > > > > > > > night.

> > > > > > > > > I think that my stomach and bowel may actually had

> > been

> > > > the

> > > > > > cause

> > > > > > > > for

> > > > > > > > > the spasms. Instead of just working up the E, they

> > were

> > > > > > gripping

> > > > > > > my

> > > > > > > > > stomach as well. I was close to heading to the

> > hospital.

> > > > My

> > > > > > dread

> > > > > > > > for

> > > > > > > > > that is that I get there and they really can't


> > > > anyway.

> > > > > > Once

> > > > > > > I

> > > > > > > > > had a moxalon needle and my stomach settled, the

> > spasms

> > > > > backed

> > > > > > > off

> > > > > > > > > but not enough to get a nights sleep though.

> > > > > > > > > The pain was so bad I was sweating and really

> > nauseous.

> > > > > > Haven't

> > > > > > > had

> > > > > > > > > it like that for a while.

> > > > > > > > > Boy I don't wish that to come back. My stomach and

> > bowel

> > > > area

> > > > > > has

> > > > > > > > > been sore today.

> > > > > > > > > Have sent my doctor an email today to ask if it is

> > worth

> > > > > > having a

> > > > > > > > > follow up over Easter when I am there.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > I even had a phone call from the hospital in

> Adelaide.

> > > > They

> > > > > > sent

> > > > > > > me

> > > > > > > > a

> > > > > > > > > questionare re post surgery. The researcher rang


> > speak

> > > > to

> > > > > > me

> > > > > > > > > because she was concerned about the spasms. I was

> > > > surprised

> > > > > to

> > > > > > > get

> > > > > > > > > some feedback. She also suggested to email my


> > It

> > > > is

> > > > > > nice

> > > > > > > > that

> > > > > > > > > they care.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Well going to sit back and read the messages here.

> > > > > > > > > Regards

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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-I also have a 8 year old daughter. Tonight I also had my neice here

so the girls were on a roller.

-- In achalasia , " Jo Blauer " <capmyjo@...>



> I love it!!! Hi Tamara! We have Deanna who is 18 at home. She is

> cognitively impaired, and participates in Special Olympics. She


> to tell you that she calls us Cubby Cakes (don't ask me why, I have

> no answer) We also have 2 21 year olds, but they are on their own,

> and one 3 year old grandson. I don't have enough time in the day,

> and need to get ready for work.


> Jo



> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > Hello everyone.

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > Firstly sorry , a and . I finally

> got

> > > > into

> > > > > > the

> > > > > > > > chat

> > > > > > > > > > room but then booted out and did not get back

> there.

> > > > > > > > > > After our conversation about spasms I had the

> worst

> > > night

> > > > > > last

> > > > > > > > > night.

> > > > > > > > > > I think that my stomach and bowel may actually


> > > been

> > > > > the

> > > > > > > cause

> > > > > > > > > for

> > > > > > > > > > the spasms. Instead of just working up the E,


> > > were

> > > > > > > gripping

> > > > > > > > my

> > > > > > > > > > stomach as well. I was close to heading to the

> > > hospital.

> > > > > My

> > > > > > > dread

> > > > > > > > > for

> > > > > > > > > > that is that I get there and they really can't

> help

> > > > > anyway.

> > > > > > > Once

> > > > > > > > I

> > > > > > > > > > had a moxalon needle and my stomach settled, the

> > > spasms

> > > > > > backed

> > > > > > > > off

> > > > > > > > > > but not enough to get a nights sleep though.

> > > > > > > > > > The pain was so bad I was sweating and really

> > > nauseous.

> > > > > > > Haven't

> > > > > > > > had

> > > > > > > > > > it like that for a while.

> > > > > > > > > > Boy I don't wish that to come back. My stomach


> > > bowel

> > > > > area

> > > > > > > has

> > > > > > > > > > been sore today.

> > > > > > > > > > Have sent my doctor an email today to ask if it


> > > worth

> > > > > > > having a

> > > > > > > > > > follow up over Easter when I am there.

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > I even had a phone call from the hospital in

> > Adelaide.

> > > > > They

> > > > > > > sent

> > > > > > > > me

> > > > > > > > > a

> > > > > > > > > > questionare re post surgery. The researcher rang

> to

> > > speak

> > > > > to

> > > > > > > me

> > > > > > > > > > because she was concerned about the spasms. I was

> > > > > surprised

> > > > > > to

> > > > > > > > get

> > > > > > > > > > some feedback. She also suggested to email my

> doctor.

> > > It

> > > > > is

> > > > > > > nice

> > > > > > > > > that

> > > > > > > > > > they care.

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > Well going to sit back and read the messages here.

> > > > > > > > > > Regards

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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