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Get Grounded ~Tips for Sensitive Souls

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~~~~~~~~~~~Tips for Sensitive SoulsGet "Grounded" Jenna Avery~~~~~~~~~~~ Getting "grounded" is one of the most useful skills in a Sensitive Soul survival tool kit.To me, being grounded means being in a calm, centered state in which you have a clear sense of who you are and who you are not. It helps establish a sense of boundaries.It also means you are less likely to pick up any excess energy, whether from someone else or by getting over stimulated, and if we do, we can more easily release it.This is an important skill for Sensitive Souls to master.Getting grounded is easy!There are many simple, practical techniques for grounding, such as touching earth with your hands or feet, being outside in nature, or being around or in water.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~One of my favorite methods is to bathe with Epsom salts, which grounds me and clears away any excess energy.Other ways to ground yourself include tangible chores like cooking or folding laundry, and getting exercise.These "real life" activities bring you back to yourself, and help get you "out of your head" – a place that Sensitive Souls often end up, ruminating over issues and ideas.I also use energy techniques to ground myself.I imagine extending a "grounding cord" from the base of my spine to the center of the earth where it's anchored securely.I use this cord to discharge any excess energy or negativity down to the core of the earth where it is recycled into pure life-giving energy.Then I imagine that I can draw this cleansed energy up into my body through the soles of my feet, where it fills my legs and then my abdomen with stable, supportive, earth energy.It creates a solid foundation for my life.Sometimes I also work with bringing my energy out of my head by imagining that I can draw it down into my toes.I slowly work my way up my body, imagining that my "essence" is gradually filling my entire body.I find all of these techniques to be supportive, and hope you'll find something of benefit for yourself as well! Love~All~Ways~Karma

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