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Hi Cheryl,

Thanks for the update and for the good news about the insurance coming

through - Yeah!!! More than likely you will get cast on your upcoming visit

and then before you know it you will be driving back to get fitted!! Hooray!!

is SOOOO lucky to have such a GREAT Mom-Mom. Let us know how it goes in


Marci (Mom to )


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We would have probably met you at CT if we hadn't been running so late; our

original appointmet was at 11:00! Wow, her exit casting, we just started.

That seems like eternity at this point! Our next appointmet there is on the

18th. Good luck and congratulations to .

, Corey's mom

Kathy wrote:

> We went to CT on Friday and should be graduating soon. We go

> back on the 17th for her exit casting and final adjustment. Vikki

> said that she could probably wera it for another 2 weeks. I may

> graduate her on the 24th whcih is her 1st birthday.


> Hope everyone had a great weekend.


> Kathy

> mom to

> l lamdoid cranio CVR 1/18/01

> DOC Band 2/26/01 - 5/??/01


> For more plagio info

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  • 5 months later...


Thank you for the udpate on . I am so happy to hear of your success!

Wow - you will be done before you know it - hooray!! Can't wait to see that

" Graduated " post!! :-)

As far as your friend goes, I doubt you will be able to convince her if she

is determined that it will correct itself. The only comfort is that you say

the baby has little to no facial assymetry - perhaps some of the medical

complications that can result from plagio will not occur. At this point I

would say you have done all you can do. I think you have done more then most

would have the courage to do - I know I find it almost impossible to

approach a mom whose baby has an obviously flat head!

Thanks again for the update - I am so happy for you, and your family.

Marci (Mom to )


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Thanks for the great update on ! I am so happy to hear you've

already seen such great improvement.

As for your friend, I really don't have a good way for you to

convince her to go for the helmet. You've already recommended it &

she turned it down, so from there I don't know what else you can do.

Maybe when she sees the great improvement on 's head that will

change her mind? Otherwise, I hope it will round out on it's own.

Please keep ups updated on 's future improvement!!!

Debbie Abby's mom DOCgrad 6/22/01


> I do not post here all that often, but everyone here was so helpful

> when I first asked a bunch of questions regarding my daughter's

> helmet. Thank you so much for being such a supportive group of

> parents.


> is turning 9 mos this week and just had an ortho apt last

> week. She has been in the helmet only 1 1/2 months and the ortho


> very pleased with her progress so far. He says she is at least 1/2

> way there (50% improvement so far). Originally I was told it would

> take at least 4 months to correct her moderate bracheo, but she is

> progressing even faster than anticipated. I am so happy. I do not

> regret my decision to put a helmet on her one bit.


> There is another little boy that I know who is now 10 mos old. He


> plagio. I would say moderate plagio with little to no facial

> assymetry. His head is definitely quite flat on one side. I told


> mom about my success with the helmet and urged her to go see a

> specialist, but she has an old school ped and he convinced her it

> will correct itself on its own. I hope it does, but in the last 3

> month her little boy has not corrected one bit. He did round out a

> little at 6 -7 months, but nothing lately. I know it is the parents

> choice to treat or not treat, but I really think the helmet would

> correct his little head right up easily. Any suggestions on trying


> convince her?



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Its so good to hear from you again. I'm really happy to hear that

is improving so quickly! The time really does go by quickly

and you'll be done before you know it.

I applaud you for bringing the plagio to your friends attention.

Unless it was a family member or my very best friend, I don't think I

would have the courage to approach someone about their babies head

shape. There really doesn't seem to be too much more you can do, if

you talk about it too much you run the risk of offending her. I

really don't know what else to say, you've done what you could and

its up to the mom now.


Kaylie & Danny (STAR grads)

Phila., PA

> I do not post here all that often, but everyone here was so helpful

> when I first asked a bunch of questions regarding my daughter's

> helmet. Thank you so much for being such a supportive group of

> parents.


> is turning 9 mos this week and just had an ortho apt last

> week. She has been in the helmet only 1 1/2 months and the ortho


> very pleased with her progress so far. He says she is at least 1/2

> way there (50% improvement so far). Originally I was told it would

> take at least 4 months to correct her moderate bracheo, but she is

> progressing even faster than anticipated. I am so happy. I do not

> regret my decision to put a helmet on her one bit.


> There is another little boy that I know who is now 10 mos old. He


> plagio. I would say moderate plagio with little to no facial

> assymetry. His head is definitely quite flat on one side. I told


> mom about my success with the helmet and urged her to go see a

> specialist, but she has an old school ped and he convinced her it

> will correct itself on its own. I hope it does, but in the last 3

> month her little boy has not corrected one bit. He did round out a

> little at 6 -7 months, but nothing lately. I know it is the parents

> choice to treat or not treat, but I really think the helmet would

> correct his little head right up easily. Any suggestions on trying


> convince her?



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  • 1 month later...


Wow!! What a story! You have been a busy girl. Sorry I can't help with the

referral, but I am positive that you will get good feedback from someone in

the group! You will definately want to get started immediately so that you

have the best chance of getting good correction. Sorry about the first helmet

- that must have been very, very infuriating! Glad to have you back and look

forward to hearing more from you.

Congrats on walking - next he'll be running, skipping, driving, dating

and getting married!! Sheesh - where does the time go???? LOL!

Marci (Mom to )


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Hi Kellie:

Good to hear from you again. That's such a shame you went thru all

that to get casted & he hasn't even been able to wear the

helmet - I can imagine how frustrated you are with the whole

situation. I hope someone in our group can help you and will

finally be in a helmet/band and soon!!

is an early walker - that's great! Look out!

Debbie Abby's mom DOCGrad 6/22/01


> Hi everybody! I haven't posted in a while because we just got

through with

> moving and things have been kind of crazy with my job. For those

who knew

> about my problems with the military letting us on base to get

's helmet

> adjustments done, and for those who don't, to make a long story

short, my son

> got his helmet about one week before my husband's discharge from

the Air

> Force. I spent two weeks arguing with people and getting the run-

around on

> how to get a temporary pass to get on the Army post to get 's


> adjustments done. No luck, no help. I even went and talked to the

lady who

> made the helmet...her words: " If you can find a way to get on

base, I'll

> make the adjustments. " But basically I, a totally clueless

civilian, was

> left to my own devices to find a way to get on base since my

husband was

> working 12-hour shifts at Boeing at the time. Anyway, basically,

we gave up,

> because the only way I'd be able to get on base would be to sit in

a line of

> a hundred people to get a pass, every time I needed to go! So

has not

> been wearing the helmet, because he needed an adjustment about a

week after

> he got it, and since I can't get the adjustments, he can't wear



> So....my husband's insurance with Boeing has just gone into effect,

and I was

> wondering if there is anyone out there in the Tacoma/Seattle area

who could

> refer me to a specialist in my area. I know a lot of you have gone

to the

> Children's Hospital in Seattle, but is there a specific doctor I

can call? I

> would appreciate any leads, as my is almost 11 months old and

I need to

> get this rolling...who knows how long it can take from here?


> Also, started walking at 10 months old! He took about two

steps on

> his 10-month birthday, and a week later he was cruising around like

a champ.

> Pretty scary how fast it happened, but we're excited! He thinks

it's funny

> when he falls. He even falls with grace. It's almost like he

knows he's

> going to fall, so he kind of just leans into it and just falls very

> easily....almost like me when I ski...haha


> Kellie,mom of , 10 1/2 months Tacoma, Washington

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Hi Kellie,

Sheesh, you would think the military would try to be more helpful to

the families of those who help protect our country! Oh well, sorry

to hear that you had to stop with the band for awhile, but you'll

soon be back on track!! Let us know how it goes getting a new helmet!

YAY for walking! They grow up so fast don't they?! And

congrats to your hubby on the new job!!


Kaylie & Danny (STAR grads)

Phila., PA

> Hi everybody! I haven't posted in a while because we just got

through with

> moving and things have been kind of crazy with my job. For those

who knew

> about my problems with the military letting us on base to get

's helmet

> adjustments done, and for those who don't, to make a long story

short, my son

> got his helmet about one week before my husband's discharge from

the Air

> Force. I spent two weeks arguing with people and getting the run-

around on

> how to get a temporary pass to get on the Army post to get 's


> adjustments done. No luck, no help. I even went and talked to the

lady who

> made the helmet...her words: " If you can find a way to get on

base, I'll

> make the adjustments. " But basically I, a totally clueless

civilian, was

> left to my own devices to find a way to get on base since my

husband was

> working 12-hour shifts at Boeing at the time. Anyway, basically,

we gave up,

> because the only way I'd be able to get on base would be to sit in

a line of

> a hundred people to get a pass, every time I needed to go! So

has not

> been wearing the helmet, because he needed an adjustment about a

week after

> he got it, and since I can't get the adjustments, he can't wear



> So....my husband's insurance with Boeing has just gone into effect,

and I was

> wondering if there is anyone out there in the Tacoma/Seattle area

who could

> refer me to a specialist in my area. I know a lot of you have gone

to the

> Children's Hospital in Seattle, but is there a specific doctor I

can call? I

> would appreciate any leads, as my is almost 11 months old and

I need to

> get this rolling...who knows how long it can take from here?


> Also, started walking at 10 months old! He took about two

steps on

> his 10-month birthday, and a week later he was cruising around like

a champ.

> Pretty scary how fast it happened, but we're excited! He thinks

it's funny

> when he falls. He even falls with grace. It's almost like he

knows he's

> going to fall, so he kind of just leans into it and just falls very

> easily....almost like me when I ski...haha


> Kellie,mom of , 10 1/2 months Tacoma, Washington

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  • 1 month later...


Sounds like a good plan to me! I really hope you see some more

improvement with the repositioning. You'll probably have more luck

with it especially seems how 's plagio is mild.

Keep us updated on her progress. Thanks for the update!

Debbie Abby's mom DOCgrad


> Thank you so much for all of your input over the past week. I just

> wanted to let you all know that we have decided to wait two more

> months and then make a final decision about whether we should go

> with helmet therapy or not. 's plagio appears to be mild

> (most don't notice it) and it has rounded out a bit already on its

> own. This will also give us some time to deal with the insurance

> company. I will let you all know if we decide to do the helmet

> later or if we see more improvement. Thanks again!


> Karyn

> Mom to

> Duvall, WA

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Congratulations on beating that dreaded tort!! YEAH! With that resolved, his head shape will most definitely improve as he won't be so concentrated on being on one side. What a relief to have no more therapy, eh? I think I can hear a big sigh of relief out there (or is that me?)- I felt that way when our was finally done with pt also! Good luck at your appt. with the neuro and keep us posted on 's progress!

' Mom

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In a message dated 01/29/2002 11:12:26 AM Central Standard Time,

dsmith001@... writes:




Great news about the tort - hooray!! Also good to hear that the head shape

and ears are improving - every little bit helps.

Good luck with the specialist appointment.

Marci (Mom to )


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Thanks for the good update. That's terrific news his tort is gone.

That will probably improve his headshape on it's own also. Also good

news that his head has rounded on it's own some. Do you have an appt

scheduled with the neuro. already? They are always so backlogged it

takes forever to get in to see them.

Debbie Abby's mom DOCgrad


> Good news..'s torticollis is gone. His therapist said that he

> has full range of movement and doesn't require follow up from her

> anymore. Yippee. She also noticed that his ears are more in

> alignment (she hasn't seen him in a month) and believes this is

> probably due to the fact that he is sleeping on his belly now. I

> was glad to hear this b/c I was afraid it was only wishful thinking

> on my part. His OT still believes that his head will round out


> as he grows but I am still waiting for an appt. with a nuero-


> to get a second opinion.

> Even though I have seen some improvement with , I am still not

> happy with the overall shape of his head.

> Have a great day everyone.


> Dana

> 's mom

> Ont. Canada

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  • 2 months later...
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Michele -

I hope you get good news from the surgeon. I think we as parents

are the most critical of our babies heads, so I hope you are right

about it being pretty mild! You are the one who looks at it more

than anyone! You still have a month and can hopefully see even more

improvement with repositioning.

Dane's helmet has saved him many bruises from his 2 year old

sister. She hasn't quite figured out the idea of " personal space. "

When it comes off, I am not probably going to be as worried about

regression as I am going to be worried about the mishaps he has been

protected from the past 2 months.

Dane's mom (DOC band 2/14)

> Well as most of you know I'm new to this group and I'm so very

glad I

> found each of you. Your support has already helped me greatly.


> I received a phone call from our pediatrician today in regards to

> 's first appt. with the surgeon. He goes May 17th. We've

> already started the reposition techniques so hopefully we'll get


> results. To me 's condition looks very mild. I'm hoping


> the Dr. thinks the same. But if not, I'm preparing myself for


> will be the best treatment for my son.


> Every night our daughter who is 3 years old says a little prayer

> especially for . If he does have to wear a helmet it might


> for his protection from his sister! :-)


> Thanks again to each of you. This website is truly a blessing.


> Michele & Marc

> ~6 months & Kayla~3 years

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In a message dated 4/22/2002 10:05:20 PM Eastern Daylight Time, michelem@... writes:

Every night our daughter who is 3 years old says a little prayer

especially for . If he does have to wear a helmet it might be

for his protection from his sister! :-)

That is too sweet!!! What a great big sister!!!! Sending prayers your way from my 'lil St. Nick that won't need the helmet either!

' Mom

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Thanks for the update! I'm glad you were able to get an appt with

the specialist in a few wks. Good luck with repositioning in the

mean time. I loved Abby wearing her band when she was learning to

crawl & walk.....it prevented numerous bumps & bruises!

Keep us updated.

Debbie Abby's mom DOCgrad


> Well as most of you know I'm new to this group and I'm so very glad


> found each of you. Your support has already helped me greatly.


> I received a phone call from our pediatrician today in regards to

> 's first appt. with the surgeon. He goes May 17th. We've

> already started the reposition techniques so hopefully we'll get


> results. To me 's condition looks very mild. I'm hoping


> the Dr. thinks the same. But if not, I'm preparing myself for what

> will be the best treatment for my son.


> Every night our daughter who is 3 years old says a little prayer

> especially for . If he does have to wear a helmet it might


> for his protection from his sister! :-)


> Thanks again to each of you. This website is truly a blessing.


> Michele & Marc

> ~6 months & Kayla~3 years

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If you can aggressively reposition and his case his mild then you

really may not need a helmet!! That's sweet that your daughter prays for him

every night - what a good big sis.

Keep us posted!

Marci (Mom to )


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  • 5 years later...
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Trish, Thank you, we do know feel like good parents most of the times. We have 3 adult children and I remember the things we did with them and the childhood they had. has not had that. He cannot handle many ofthe things we did. But on the other side of door we do try to link him to as much typical activites as we can. This vacation wil be a hoot! They longest has every traveled in a car is from Ohio to Paris Island to see our one son graduate form boot camp 8 years ago. He did that one well. This of course is a much larger trip. We are taking is Leapster and have bought a couple surprise games for him, his DVD player and some surprise movies. We have a fidgit box made up and have made travel games with boardmaker. He has a traveling USA Passport with stickers. He will have things to look for and take pictures of in each state, 3 stories for each state with 3 questions to answers, than he gets his sticker. The

hotels all have pools and if he is polite and respectful he gets to go to the pool before bed. has been collecting cans for 2 years and spare change for the past 5 months for his travel mad money. The whole can thing touches me because he will not keep the tabs on the cans. They HAVE to come off and go into a jar he bought at a yard sell. The tabes HAVE to go to school because the one teachers class collects them to help pay for new movies and therapy items. He crushed the can in the garage and tells you off if you touch his can crusher, "My responsibility, my job, my pocket money! " He has saved just under 500.00 for this trip! As for the dog, to meet our fundraising requirement we need to raise 12000.00. We have raised 5000.00 so far. Once we raise the rest of the money gets his training class date. We are now looking at sometime in 2008 before he gets his dog. It takes 6 months to train the dog

secificly for . Our next fundraiser will not be until Aug due to the big vacation. We have talked about the varies bio medical routes, we just would feel better with many health issues and meds to be able to work with a professional to guide us. The probelms is we can not find one that takes medicade. Bob has been on disability for going on 2 years and I took a break from my job in March in order to focus on . SO money is even tighter right now. BeckyTrish <minniemimi1@...> wrote: Hi Becky, Your trip sounds like fun! You are such good parents...not just because you are planning this vacation around family visits, but because you are including so many interesting places and things to do. The fact that you have been carefully including in the planning and giving him a good idea as to what to expect (hard work that it is) should help things run smoothly and create some wonderful memories. I am looking forward to checking in on your travel log!!!! ...AND OMG! is soooo cute!!!!! I do hope that he gets a therapy dog... how much $$$ do you have to raise, or is it just a matter of how much the organization raises????We never had Noah tested for Celiacs, and he would most likely test negative for it anyway. We do know that he has an intolerance to wheat and dairy. Before we went gf/cf, his entire system was a mess. His

tummy was round and bloated, he had either constipation or diarrhea. In his case, as a toddler, he craved only the things that made him sick. The diet helped his ability to focus better and to calm down, a lot. He will be 6 soon and has been gf/cf for almost 2 years. Have you ever thought about using enzymes? Living in a household of 6 people, Noah being the only one on the diet, he has had many infractions. He inevitably reacts in some way, usually in the GI dept. We went through more than a year of episodes of encopresis. It was impossible to toilet train him for BMs because of this. About 6 months ago, we started him on enzymes for infractions, both planned and accidental. He began to do so well on them, that we've begun to increase their usage. He is so happy to be able to eat some "forbidden" foods now, that he has actually learned to swallow pills... and he needs 2, each time. We are using Houston AFP

Peptizyde (multiple protease) and HN-Zyme Prime (multiple enzymes). Since we began using them, he started to gain weight and have normal bowel movements. Within 2 months, he became totally potty trained. He is not totally off the diet, as we feel that it is healthier for him, and he has gotten used to many of the foods. But he has been using the enzymes more and more. When he takes them, we see none of the "expected" problems that gluten and casein would cause. They offer capsuls, chewables and powders. We use the capsuls, although we started out opening them and mixing them in juice. He is now able to swallow them.I met Devin Houston, who is a biochemist and the owner of this particular company. He makes himself available to speak to people to discuss the particular needs of individuals with digestive disorders. He helped me to determine which enzymes would be best for Noah. We had previously used other

brands and were never happy with the results. We hit it right this time. If you are at all interested in doing some research on enzymes, the web address is www.houstonni.com. Just a little something to think about, if you haven't already. Good luck with your travel plans. I am so excited for you...Now go hunt down those bears and HIDE them!!!! -Trish>> It has bee a while since I have posted an update on eating issues and weight loss. > > has been seeing doctors at Akron Children's hospital. The feeding team there have taken him on, and we are waiting for an appointment with a development peds to review his med history. > > remains in the 3 percentile for weight and 10th percentile for height. Breakfast continues

to be the only meal that is without issues. Lunch has gotten better and dinner, well I really just want to go take a walk at this time of night! > > By keeping the food journal we have noticed he only wants soft foods. The feeding team and GI doc are talking about doing a swallow test. We also found out the his bowels are back all the way through the larger intestine and into the the small intestine. They tested him for Celtic disease and it cam back negative.> > On the positive side he has not lost any weight in 33 days. > > He just had another round of botox last week on his legs. He has become so spastic we are hoping this works as well as the last time he had it done. If so we avoid another surgery.> > He has been placed back into OT and PT at the hospital. He now uses hand weights when doing hand owrk, writing eating working on puzzles or small task, to help reduce the hand

tremors. The doctors have also suggested he start using weighted silverware, we just order it told. > > We will be leaving for vaction May 31st. We are driving cross country and seeing the sites on our way to attend our nieces graduation. We will be going to mt rushmore, yellowstone, custards last stand, crazy horse, devils tower on our way to Washington. Than dropping down to Utah to see Bobs brother, from there we will be taking the old Rt 66 to Chicago than home.> > We have been planning this vacation for 2 years and have been working with on the sites we are going ot see for the last year. He is so excited. He want to see a bear, yogi bear! LOL> > We are praying we will not see any bears, if we do we will hear about nothing else but the bear for 5000! We have set up a travel blog so friends and family can follow our trip. > > http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog/traveltheusa/roadtrip2006/tpod.html> > We are hoping to be able to post nightly if internet is available. Feel free to check it out.> > Becky> > > Becky > Mother to , 16, Autism, Epilepsy, Cerebal Palsy, MR, ADHD> > Check Out Make a Dream Come True Entry> > http://www.4pawsforability.org/dream.htm> > Everybody has barriers and obstacles. If you look at them as containing fences that don't allow you to advance, then you're going to be a failure. If you look at them as hurdles that strengthen you each time you go over one, then you're going to be a success. > Carson > Surgeon> > > --------------------------------->

oneSearch: Finally, mobile search that gives answers, not web links.>Becky Mother to , 16, Autism, Epilepsy, Cerebal Palsy, MR, ADHD Check Out Make a Dream Come True Entry http://www.4pawsforability.org/dream.htm Everybody has barriers and obstacles. If you look at them as containing fences that don't allow you to advance, then you're going to be a failure. If you look at them as hurdles that strengthen you each time you go over one, then you're going to be a success. Carson Surgeon

Get your own web address. Have a HUGE year through Small Business.

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  • 10 months later...
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---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Liane Legey <liane@...>Date: Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 4:00 PM

Subject: Fwd: Update on butterflygris@...From Tammi!my cousin April's son. Please add him to your and your church's prayer lists... he's a sick pup. mom and dad need prayer too. thanks. - t

Note: forwarded message attached.


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  • 2 years later...
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Poor , I'll be sending him some healing energy.


From: Suzanne

Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 1:46 PM


Subject: Update on

From boy:::: Finished my finals for the semester, but don't think I got above a "C". This damned shoulder, and the "doctor" put me on percocet, which gave me hideous night terrors. Couldn't get rid of the pain or lessen it with anything I tried... . So now I'm on vicoden for the pain, but only at night. I'm still waiting for being scheduled for surgery, and that's kind of distracting too.


List Owner


What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.

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Hope you get well soon . I can't imagine finals while in pain.

When I am in pain, don't even ask me anything, don't touch me, don't

talk to me, don't come anywhere near me. Grrrrrrr.

If it is joint pain, turmeric, 1/2 tsp in a juice glass of water 3 times

a day. This winter my knuckles hurt so bad I couldn't use my hands.

Taking the turmeric, in a couple days the horrible pain in my knuckles

was totally gone.


No sig line is too small.

Facebook is evil.

Rent this space.

[ ]<--write your complaint in the complaint box.-<<

On Wed, 2010-05-26 at 10:46 -0700, Suzanne wrote:




> From boy:::: Finished my finals for the semester, but don't think

> I got above a " C " . This damned shoulder, and the " doctor " put me on

> percocet, which gave me hideous night terrors. Couldn't get rid of the

> pain or lessen it with anything I tried... . So now I'm on vicoden for

> the pain, but only at night. I'm still waiting for being scheduled for

> surgery, and that's kind of distracting too.



> Suzi

> List Owner

> health

> What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.


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Oh, shoot. What a drag. I know I am looking at another rotator cuff repair, myself, but fortunately, if I don't actually DO anything, I don't experience much pain.Healing energy to ....Ev"A hundred million miracles are happening every day!"

From boy:::: Finished my finals for the semester, but don't think I got above a "C". This damned shoulder, and the "doctor" put me on percocet, which gave me hideous night terrors. Couldn't get rid of the pain or lessen it with anything I tried... . So now I'm on vicoden for the pain, but only at night. I'm still waiting for being scheduled for surgery, and that's kind of distracting too.


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Not moving is not an option for me. My brain won't handle that, and I live with animals who must have food and exercise.Good thing, really; it gets me up when alone I might just choose to languish. Fibromyalgia can be insidious in its persuasion....but I've already lived the discovery of that lie, and while some movement might be difficult, NOT moving is ~very quickly~ much worse.So -"I like to move it, move it! I like to move it, move it!..."And speaking of fibromyalgia - anyone out there with the issue should seriously look into malic acid. Seriously.Ev"A hundred million miracles are happening every day!"> > Reminds me of the guy who told the doctor "It hurts when I hold my arm> up like this". Doctor replies "Well then don't do that".> > It's the catch 22 of a body. It hurts so you don't move, you gain> weight, you need exercise but it hurts to move... and on and on.

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