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Drawing Down the Moon

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Drawing Down the MoonThis technique is designed to draw upon Luna energy, or astral energy, withwhich to empower a spell or work Magick. It can also be used for psychic

development and meditation. In Strega practice, Drawing down the Moon is notthe same thing as invoking the goddess.When we invoke the Goddess upon theHigh Priestess, we refer to it as " Calling down the Goddess " .

The first actis connecting with the Moon, while the second act is connecting with theGoddess. The Moon and the Goddess are not the same thing, though admittedlythey are difficult to separate.Technique I: Drawing Down the Moon

Sit quietly and visualize the Full Moon above you. Mentally bring the Moondown to each of your body centers, visualizing each one glowing with theMoons light. Concentrate on each center for at least a min-ute

before movingon to the next.Technique II: Drawing and Raising PowerSit comfortably, close your eyes, and imagine a white sphere of light about5 inches above your head. Imagine it flowing down through your

head, neck,shoulders, chest, arms, and so on. Let this energy flow through every inchof you. Let it completely saturate the inside and cover the outside. Imagineyour entire being is glowing. At this point you are in touch

with power, andyou may proceed with healing or other works of Magick.Technique III: Grounding ExerciseThere are times when it is necessary to drain off excess energy from ritualor Magickal work, and to regain a sense of balance. Sit

directly upon thebare earth with you legs folded in front of you, and the palm of your handspressed down upon the ground. Imagine your arms to be hollow ( like twohoses) and mentally pour the excess/unwanted energy out into

the soil.Slow,deep breathing is helpful inthis technique. Once you feel the energy is drained, then quickly get up andleave the area. It is best not to return there for a few hours. The earthwill neutralize the energy, and the area will be as it was

before youemployed it.Technique IV: Raising an energy SphereThis is a basic exercise for raising personal power. It will be thefoundation for works of healing, charging, and Magick. To raise

a sphere ofpower place your hands in front of you, about 6 inches apart (palms facingeach other), and begin to move them slowly back and fourth in front of you(like playing the accordion). Experience the sensations of

warmth, pressure,and magnetism. Once a sphere of power has been established, you can pass amental sigil into it. Or project a thought form, thereby giving the sphereits purpose. Then mentally visualize the sphere entering the

object that youwish to charge. To increase this energy, use your concentration andimagination. You can visualize a glowing force of power. Do not allow yourhands to touch while performing this exercise. Once you have

accomplishedthis method,then begin putting your hand around various objects and feelingtheir energy fields. Soon you will discover many other uses for this basicability.--

" Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark. " Rabindranath Tagore

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