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Use The Back Door

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Have you ever just wanted the benefit of being able to lay down and go

to sleep, to sleep? Evidently, I don't have such a luxury, or at least

I haven't in a long time.

Generally, when I do go to bed...and there's no set time, just when it

happens. I take awhile to relax and start to go into meditation. Not

really my regular way of meditation, but a clearing of the mind, of the

chatter - all the tons of thoughts streaming in. Once I get to a point

of near stillness, almost projecting I become so light...as in astral

projecting...I can feel myself hover and vibrate.

This is where more times than not, as I become more centered within that

I sometimes, well, a lot of the time...receive what I can only call

" downloads " of information. But then, I'm not so sure it's just that, or

even that, so much as it's a " knowing " that comes.

At times, it's as if I'm giving a speech about some topic, in such fine

detail, and so powerful, some part of me looks on with my mouth hanging

open in total surprise. I understand fully something that I had only had

pieces of before, or been guessing at based on other data. If I could

just take one of these times and put the entire thing into a book, it

would no doubt be thousands of volumes in length. I'd settle for just

consciously being able to remember it all. Before, I would have jumped

up and scribbled notes that I wouldn't be able to read, just trying to

catch pieces to recall later, and missing other parts because of it.

The one last night, this morning rather was too incredible to just know

I had the information, now the knowing, within, and could draw off of it

as needed. So I wanted to share some of the pieces as I recall them, and

in that context, I'm sure that within yourself, that central place we

share, will fill in the knowing.

I was going to call this: " How To Raise The Dead & Heal The Sick " -

" The Complete Guide To Incredible Backyard Parties To Impress Everyone " .

However, that seems out of place, and to some, inappropriate.

For those of you who grew up in the various aspects of the Christian

religion, and have only used the short version of the book called the

Bible to refer to what the Christ [teacher] said or did, are missing 99%

of the information. In fact, the part that is covered is not complete,

and sometimes twisted around. You should venture into further

information and research should you like.

Let's get one point out of the way...he was a man, who became a teacher,

by learning, and then doing, applying what he had learned. He didn't

learn so much from books, although he read what he found...he traveled,

much of the near and far east. He studied everything...and by study, I

mean, he applied what he practiced, much like any of us who move into a

path of learning, coming to understand, by applying and seeing that it

works, or in some cases, it doesn't.

Right now, you have learned and experienced many things, yet you do not

stay with those things that lead off a certain path...not because they

be uncomfortable, but because you have applied the information, and it

does not fit with results. Captains of ships have to ever apply

correction to their paths because of the curve of the earth, currents,

and other factors. You must do the same on your path, and you do.

The " teacher " simply applied what was working, and he found results. He

kept refining this process as he learned more. He was " living " what he

had been learning, not talking about it...not telling others about it,

not even writing a book about it...he simply went out and did it.

I use humor when and where I can. it is a key that unlocks the shields

and blocks sometimes found in us all. I go through the back door. We

interact with people all the time but we knock on the front door. If we

are lucky, or we spend some time, we can get closer and closer to

another. You can not find what you are looking for " out there " . You've

heard that a lot. The only way to know another is to go within, and

there is where your both the same...THE SAME ENERGY. There are layers of

this of course, but the further you get to the most central point, there

is no difference in who one is, and who the other is.

You have only to go within yourself, and once there, to simply think of

the other person, and your conscious awareness will expand to this area.

You're inside looking out. You can now experience the other person. You

can know their thoughts, their concerns...even their fears. And no, from

this vantage point...you don't peek into bedrooms and dramas...that is

in the outer layers of the personality. There is no connection to that

because it is not static.

You see, consciousness is everywhere...it is all things. Because you

choose to create yourself a body and download " some " of yourself into it

so you could experience, and learn...you became unconscious to

everything else...yet it's still there, just waiting for you to remember


When you go within, you access the bigger part of your consciousness,

which is also part and parcel to other beings around you. Space, time,

and distance have no impact here. When it is said we are all connected,

this is the place it is so. We are really looking at ourselves

everywhere. Just like it goes over in the " Conversations With God "

series of books...God could not experience himself/herself/itself

without a reference point. You can not look in the mirror without a

point of reference from which to see/experience. So we/God, created for

ourselves " bodies of experience " . Now we have a reference point for a

purpose...to learn more about ourselves and what we are all about. In

that, we discover that we are the pure essence of Love.

You are experiencing that, right? Right?? The only way you would not be

doing so is that you've let what we call the ego, or personality be in

charge. And since these were only created to interface experience, they

have no power to do anything else...yet we allow it to be so.

We send Love, and energy, and prayers, and a host of other things we do

to heal, and offer good will and thoughts. They do work, yet, allow me

to introduce that there is an easier, more direct way here. Just go

within. Now go, by thought, to someone needing healing, expand your

awareness...in this you will even be able to see and feel, or observe

what the true nature of the affliction is...you will " Know The Truth " .

Didn't the " teacher " , when he healed, or drove out thoughts of lack

[demons], see the truth? Even the thoughts saw that he knew them...he

saw right through, and could call it by name...he saw the reason, and

gave another thought. You dissolve negative thoughts by replacing them

or flooding them with more powerful/positive ones. This too is how you

change the world, by flooding the negative thoughts you encounter or

hear about with a flood of Loving ones directly into them.

This is how you heal...and you can also read the book about the Sylvan

method that used to be able to enter into another's body, locate

the illness and not only report back to what it was, and where, but

could change it...heal it.

Now, how much more could you do once you understand these things? By

going within, where your awareness and full consciousness resides, you

could " raise the dead " , IF you decide to do so. You see, being within,

and expanding to include the consciousness of the one who has past [the

body], you can understand " their " experience. They rejoice, and so will

you, because you have " come again into yourself " ...[in heaven/the

fullness of your consciousness]. Should there be an agreement " with

yourself " that it would be good/loving to do so, you would raise the

dead...nothing to it.

The ego can raise nothing...and as much as someone would want to or

desire to raise a loved one, for themselves or another, it could not be

so. The ego has no such power. The power is in the agreement with

yourself in that greater expanse within, with now includes the " being "

who has merged back with the whole. It may well be that the experience

of their life/body is done, and rejoicing takes place....there is no

loss...only Love. If taken from this place...any loss can be understood

in it's greater context. If you only knew....if only you knew...

So, in your healing and Loving efforts....use the " back door " . It's

always open and it is spring.


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--- In , " " <knightsintention@...>



> Have you ever just wanted the benefit of being able to lay down and go

> to sleep, to sleep? Evidently, I don't have such a luxury, or at least

> I haven't in a long time.


> Generally, when I do go to bed...and there's no set time, just when it

> happens. I take awhile to relax and start to go into meditation. Not

> really my regular way of meditation, but a clearing of the mind, of the

> chatter - all the tons of thoughts streaming in. Once I get to a point

> of near stillness, almost projecting I become so light...as in astral

> projecting...I can feel myself hover and vibrate.


> This is where more times than not, as I become more centered within that

> I sometimes, well, a lot of the time...receive what I can only call

> " downloads " of information. But then, I'm not so sure it's just that, or

> even that, so much as it's a " knowing " that comes.


> At times, it's as if I'm giving a speech about some topic, in such fine

> detail, and so powerful, some part of me looks on with my mouth hanging

> open in total surprise. I understand fully something that I had only had

> pieces of before, or been guessing at based on other data. If I could

> just take one of these times and put the entire thing into a book, it

> would no doubt be thousands of volumes in length. I'd settle for just

> consciously being able to remember it all. Before, I would have jumped

> up and scribbled notes that I wouldn't be able to read, just trying to

> catch pieces to recall later, and missing other parts because of it.


> The one last night, this morning rather was too incredible to just know

> I had the information, now the knowing, within, and could draw off of it

> as needed. So I wanted to share some of the pieces as I recall them, and

> in that context, I'm sure that within yourself, that central place we

> share, will fill in the knowing.




> I was going to call this: " How To Raise The Dead & Heal The Sick " -

> " The Complete Guide To Incredible Backyard Parties To Impress Everyone " .

> However, that seems out of place, and to some, inappropriate.


> For those of you who grew up in the various aspects of the Christian

> religion, and have only used the short version of the book called the

> Bible to refer to what the Christ [teacher] said or did, are missing 99%

> of the information. In fact, the part that is covered is not complete,

> and sometimes twisted around. You should venture into further

> information and research should you like.


> Let's get one point out of the way...he was a man, who became a teacher,

> by learning, and then doing, applying what he had learned. He didn't

> learn so much from books, although he read what he found...he traveled,

> much of the near and far east. He studied everything...and by study, I

> mean, he applied what he practiced, much like any of us who move into a

> path of learning, coming to understand, by applying and seeing that it

> works, or in some cases, it doesn't.


> Right now, you have learned and experienced many things, yet you do not

> stay with those things that lead off a certain path...not because they

> be uncomfortable, but because you have applied the information, and it

> does not fit with results. Captains of ships have to ever apply

> correction to their paths because of the curve of the earth, currents,

> and other factors. You must do the same on your path, and you do.


> The " teacher " simply applied what was working, and he found results. He

> kept refining this process as he learned more. He was " living " what he

> had been learning, not talking about it...not telling others about it,

> not even writing a book about it...he simply went out and did it.


> I use humor when and where I can. it is a key that unlocks the shields

> and blocks sometimes found in us all. I go through the back door. We

> interact with people all the time but we knock on the front door. If we

> are lucky, or we spend some time, we can get closer and closer to

> another. You can not find what you are looking for " out there " . You've

> heard that a lot. The only way to know another is to go within, and

> there is where your both the same...THE SAME ENERGY. There are layers of

> this of course, but the further you get to the most central point, there

> is no difference in who one is, and who the other is.


> You have only to go within yourself, and once there, to simply think of

> the other person, and your conscious awareness will expand to this area.

> You're inside looking out. You can now experience the other person. You

> can know their thoughts, their concerns...even their fears. And no, from

> this vantage point...you don't peek into bedrooms and dramas...that is

> in the outer layers of the personality. There is no connection to that

> because it is not static.


> You see, consciousness is everywhere...it is all things. Because you

> choose to create yourself a body and download " some " of yourself into it

> so you could experience, and learn...you became unconscious to

> everything else...yet it's still there, just waiting for you to remember

> it.


> When you go within, you access the bigger part of your consciousness,

> which is also part and parcel to other beings around you. Space, time,

> and distance have no impact here. When it is said we are all connected,

> this is the place it is so. We are really looking at ourselves

> everywhere. Just like it goes over in the " Conversations With God "

> series of books...God could not experience himself/herself/itself

> without a reference point. You can not look in the mirror without a

> point of reference from which to see/experience. So we/God, created for

> ourselves " bodies of experience " . Now we have a reference point for a

> purpose...to learn more about ourselves and what we are all about. In

> that, we discover that we are the pure essence of Love.


> You are experiencing that, right? Right?? The only way you would not be

> doing so is that you've let what we call the ego, or personality be in

> charge. And since these were only created to interface experience, they

> have no power to do anything else...yet we allow it to be so.


> We send Love, and energy, and prayers, and a host of other things we do

> to heal, and offer good will and thoughts. They do work, yet, allow me

> to introduce that there is an easier, more direct way here. Just go

> within. Now go, by thought, to someone needing healing, expand your

> awareness...in this you will even be able to see and feel, or observe

> what the true nature of the affliction is...you will " Know The Truth " .

> Didn't the " teacher " , when he healed, or drove out thoughts of lack

> [demons], see the truth? Even the thoughts saw that he knew them...he

> saw right through, and could call it by name...he saw the reason, and

> gave another thought. You dissolve negative thoughts by replacing them

> or flooding them with more powerful/positive ones. This too is how you

> change the world, by flooding the negative thoughts you encounter or

> hear about with a flood of Loving ones directly into them.


> This is how you heal...and you can also read the book about the Sylvan

> method that used to be able to enter into another's body, locate

> the illness and not only report back to what it was, and where, but

> could change it...heal it.


> Now, how much more could you do once you understand these things? By

> going within, where your awareness and full consciousness resides, you

> could " raise the dead " , IF you decide to do so. You see, being within,

> and expanding to include the consciousness of the one who has past [the

> body], you can understand " their " experience. They rejoice, and so will

> you, because you have " come again into yourself " ...[in heaven/the

> fullness of your consciousness]. Should there be an agreement " with

> yourself " that it would be good/loving to do so, you would raise the

> dead...nothing to it.


> The ego can raise nothing...and as much as someone would want to or

> desire to raise a loved one, for themselves or another, it could not be

> so. The ego has no such power. The power is in the agreement with

> yourself in that greater expanse within, with now includes the " being "

> who has merged back with the whole. It may well be that the experience

> of their life/body is done, and rejoicing takes place....there is no

> loss...only Love. If taken from this place...any loss can be understood

> in it's greater context. If you only knew....if only you knew...


> So, in your healing and Loving efforts....use the " back door " . It's

> always open and it is spring.


> D~


Absolutely beautiful D~ and yes we have all reached here only noticing

some have not felt it.....we will power in strength and strength in

power it all lies within....!

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Yes, INDEED! Thanks for putting it so well.



From: <knightsintention@...>Subject: [] Use The Back Door Date: Sunday, June 22, 2008, 12:16 PM

Have you ever just wanted the benefit of being able to lay down and goto sleep, to sleep? Evidently, I don't have such a luxury, or at leastI haven't in a long time.Generally, when I do go to bed...and there's no set time, just when ithappens. I take awhile to relax and start to go into meditation. Notreally my regular way of meditation, but a clearing of the mind, of thechatter - all the tons of thoughts streaming in. Once I get to a pointof near stillness, almost projecting I become so light...as in astralprojecting.. .I can feel myself hover and vibrate.This is where more times than not, as I become more centered within thatI sometimes, well, a lot of the time...receive what I can only call"downloads" of information. But then, I'm not so sure it's just that, oreven that, so much as it's a "knowing" that comes.At times, it's as if I'm giving a speech about some topic, in such

finedetail, and so powerful, some part of me looks on with my mouth hangingopen in total surprise. I understand fully something that I had only hadpieces of before, or been guessing at based on other data. If I couldjust take one of these times and put the entire thing into a book, itwould no doubt be thousands of volumes in length. I'd settle for justconsciously being able to remember it all. Before, I would have jumpedup and scribbled notes that I wouldn't be able to read, just trying tocatch pieces to recall later, and missing other parts because of it.The one last night, this morning rather was too incredible to just knowI had the information, now the knowing, within, and could draw off of itas needed. So I wanted to share some of the pieces as I recall them, andin that context, I'm sure that within yourself, that central place weshare, will fill in the knowing.I was going to call this:

" How To Raise The Dead & Heal The Sick" -"The Complete Guide To Incredible Backyard Parties To Impress Everyone".However, that seems out of place, and to some, inappropriate.For those of you who grew up in the various aspects of the Christianreligion, and have only used the short version of the book called theBible to refer to what the Christ [teacher] said or did, are missing 99%of the information. In fact, the part that is covered is not complete,and sometimes twisted around. You should venture into furtherinformation and research should you like.Let's get one point out of the way...he was a man, who became a teacher,by learning, and then doing, applying what he had learned. He didn'tlearn so much from books, although he read what he found...he traveled,much of the near and far east. He studied everything.. .and by study, Imean, he applied what he practiced, much like any of us who move

into apath of learning, coming to understand, by applying and seeing that itworks, or in some cases, it doesn't.Right now, you have learned and experienced many things, yet you do notstay with those things that lead off a certain path...not because theybe uncomfortable, but because you have applied the information, and itdoes not fit with results. Captains of ships have to ever applycorrection to their paths because of the curve of the earth, currents,and other factors. You must do the same on your path, and you do.The "teacher" simply applied what was working, and he found results. Hekept refining this process as he learned more. He was "living" what hehad been learning, not talking about it...not telling others about it,not even writing a book about it...he simply went out and did it.I use humor when and where I can. it is a key that unlocks the shieldsand blocks sometimes found in us

all. I go through the back door. Weinteract with people all the time but we knock on the front door. If weare lucky, or we spend some time, we can get closer and closer toanother. You can not find what you are looking for "out there". You'veheard that a lot. The only way to know another is to go within, andthere is where your both the same...THE SAME ENERGY. There are layers ofthis of course, but the further you get to the most central point, thereis no difference in who one is, and who the other is.You have only to go within yourself, and once there, to simply think ofthe other person, and your conscious awareness will expand to this area.You're inside looking out. You can now experience the other person. Youcan know their thoughts, their concerns...even their fears. And no, fromthis vantage point...you don't peek into bedrooms and dramas...that isin the outer layers of the personality. There is

no connection to thatbecause it is not static.You see, consciousness is everywhere.. .it is all things. Because youchoose to create yourself a body and download "some" of yourself into itso you could experience, and learn...you became unconscious toeverything else...yet it's still there, just waiting for you to rememberit.When you go within, you access the bigger part of your consciousness,which is also part and parcel to other beings around you. Space, time,and distance have no impact here. When it is said we are all connected,this is the place it is so. We are really looking at ourselveseverywhere. Just like it goes over in the "Conversations With God"series of books...God could not experience himself/herself/ itselfwithout a reference point. You can not look in the mirror without apoint of reference from which to see/experience. So we/God, created forourselves "bodies of experience".

Now we have a reference point for apurpose...to learn more about ourselves and what we are all about. Inthat, we discover that we are the pure essence of Love.You are experiencing that, right? Right?? The only way you would not bedoing so is that you've let what we call the ego, or personality be incharge. And since these were only created to interface experience, theyhave no power to do anything else...yet we allow it to be so.We send Love, and energy, and prayers, and a host of other things we doto heal, and offer good will and thoughts. They do work, yet, allow meto introduce that there is an easier, more direct way here. Just gowithin. Now go, by thought, to someone needing healing, expand yourawareness... in this you will even be able to see and feel, or observewhat the true nature of the affliction is...you will "Know The Truth".Didn't the "teacher", when he healed, or drove out thoughts

of lack[demons], see the truth? Even the thoughts saw that he knew them...hesaw right through, and could call it by name...he saw the reason, andgave another thought. You dissolve negative thoughts by replacing themor flooding them with more powerful/positive ones. This too is how youchange the world, by flooding the negative thoughts you encounter orhear about with a flood of Loving ones directly into them.This is how you heal...and you can also read the book about the Sylvanmethod that used to be able to enter into another's body, locatethe illness and not only report back to what it was, and where, butcould change it...heal it.Now, how much more could you do once you understand these things? Bygoing within, where your awareness and full consciousness resides, youcould "raise the dead", IF you decide to do so. You see, being within,and expanding to include the consciousness of the

one who has past [thebody], you can understand "their" experience. They rejoice, and so willyou, because you have "come again into yourself"... [in heaven/thefullness of your consciousness] . Should there be an agreement "withyourself" that it would be good/loving to do so, you would raise thedead...nothing to it.The ego can raise nothing...and as much as someone would want to ordesire to raise a loved one, for themselves or another, it could not beso. The ego has no such power. The power is in the agreement withyourself in that greater expanse within, with now includes the "being"who has merged back with the whole. It may well be that the experienceof their life/body is done, and rejoicing takes place....there is noloss...only Love. If taken from this place...any loss can be understoodin it's greater context. If you only knew....if only you knew...So, in your healing and Loving

efforts....use the "back door". It'salways open and it is spring.D~

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