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Ancestral Mass Karma Clearing:

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Ancestral Mass Karma Clearing: [100] Ancestral mass karma clearing is a

particular meditation process to be done on the inner plane that, I

believe, everyone should do at least once.

My suggestion is to ask to be taken to Djwhal Khul's ashram on the inner

plane. With the help of Djwhal Khul and Vywamus, ask that all your

ancestral connections with all the people in this life, in past lives,

and in lives on other planets be called forth into a sort of stadium

connected with Djwhal Khul's ashram. Once they are all gathered, pray to

Djwhal Khul, Vywamus, Sanat Kumara, and Lenduce that all karma be

cleared and all imbalanced matrices and fear-based programming be

removed. Give permission that this work be done and ask that all

memories and karma be completely cleared from the soul records.

Give yourself at least twenty minutes for this process. While doing

this, state your forgiveness of and unconditional love for all present

and ask for their forgiveness. The most important part is your forgiving

them. While this process is going on, also call for the Violet Flame to

transmute all negativity into the purity and perfection of God. At the

end of the meditation, call forth the cosmic fire and pour down under

the guidance of Sanat Kumara to burn away all dross for all involved.

Also call in the MAP healing team for all involved to help balance out

the energies. Have a giant mass hug and love-fast at the end and ask the

masters to complete this work if need be, even after your meditation is


(from 'Beyond Ascension, How to Complete the Seven Levels of

Initiation, by Stone, Ph.D., 1995, ISBN 0-929385-73-X,

page 105).

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