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Re: Pain in lower front legs

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There was a time when I thought I was going insane also...and I am so glad I

was finally diagnosed.

I was on Ultram, and went to Tramadol and I actually prefer the tramadol

over the Ultram. I got more relief from it. And it being cheaper, that was a

huge plus also.

The leg deal...so many nights I have laid in bed, and kicked, trashed around

jerked, rubbed, moved, rolled...you get the picture. The only thing that

would give me some relief, was to get out of bed and walk around...and as

soon as I laid back down, the battle began again.

The achey feet...one of the ladies here suggested I wear Crocs or some cushy

type shoes...and I cant remember who it was...but THANK YOU!! I slip my

Crocs on everytime I walk around the house, and let me tell you, the

stabbing in my heels hasnt stopped, but its bareable, and I can do things I

need to do.

I am so glad I found this group...of caring, loving, nurturing people. They

have made a difference in my life, whether they know it or not. By my coming

on here, and talking--venting--conversing....my life feels much " fuller " .

Blessings to one and all...


-- Pain in lower front legs

I have been having a time of it trying to get through all the posts

here, so patience please. I don't know how you all do it.

Anyhow, I am so relieved to read of the various types of pain others

with FM suffer from. I too have episodes where the muscles/tendons of

my lower legs just scream for relief. I never told a soul, as I have so

much wrong with me already that I don't get any understanding from a

soul for the pain I suffer. Wow, I feel validated, here at least.

I do not currently have a rheumy, and just get ultram from my primary

care doc for the pain. As we all know, it sometimes helps and sometimes

does not help. Doc gave me the extended release form in a few samples

and it works better than the regular for me, but my insurance copay is

$50 for it, while I can get the tramadol for $5 copay at KMart. With

all my meds, I can't afford very many of the $50 scripts, and some of

mine don't have a generic form as yet, or my insurance won't cover it.

It helps just knowing that I'm not crazy, that this pain is real and

not imagined. I mean, how could all these people have the same aches

and pains in the same places. It's been tough recently with my feet

feeling so painful. Now I know my complaints aren't in my head. They're

real, as real as the pain in my degenerating hip and knees.


1. While it is wonderful to share our experiences with everyone on the list

as to what treatments do and don't work for us, pls always check with your

dr. Some treatments are dangerous when given along with other meds as well

as to certain health conditions or just dangerous in general.

2. If you are in a difficult situation (doesn't matter what it is) pls don't

be afraid to ask for help. It is the first step to trying to make that

situation better.

3. To unsubscribe the e-mail is:


4. Also, it is not uncommon for more than one member to be feeling bad at

the same time when it comes to flares and b/c of that potentially take

something another member says the wrong way. And that includes the things

that one member may find funny (even if it's laughing at fibro itself) even

though we who deal with illness whether one such as fibro or multiple

illnesses try to keep a sense of humor.

5. Pls let's be gentle with each other, and if you are having a bad day pls

let us know so that we can do our best to offer our support.

Have a nice day everyone.

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Ultram and Tramadol are one in the same. I believe Tranadol is the generic for



Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Pain in lower front legs

I have been having a time of it trying to get through all the posts

here, so patience please. I don't know how you all do it.

Anyhow, I am so relieved to read of the various types of pain others

with FM suffer from. I too have episodes where the muscles/tendons of

my lower legs just scream for relief. I never told a soul, as I have so

much wrong with me already that I don't get any understanding from a

soul for the pain I suffer. Wow, I feel validated, here at least.

I do not currently have a rheumy, and just get ultram from my primary

care doc for the pain. As we all know, it sometimes helps and sometimes

does not help. Doc gave me the extended release form in a few samples

and it works better than the regular for me, but my insurance copay is

$50 for it, while I can get the tramadol for $5 copay at KMart. With

all my meds, I can't afford very many of the $50 scripts, and some of

mine don't have a generic form as yet, or my insurance won't cover it.

It helps just knowing that I'm not crazy, that this pain is real and

not imagined. I mean, how could all these people have the same aches

and pains in the same places. It's been tough recently with my feet

feeling so painful. Now I know my complaints aren't in my head. They're

real, as real as the pain in my degenerating hip and knees.


1. While it is wonderful to share our experiences with everyone on the list

as to what treatments do and don't work for us, pls always check with your

dr. Some treatments are dangerous when given along with other meds as well

as to certain health conditions or just dangerous in general.

2. If you are in a difficult situation (doesn't matter what it is) pls don't

be afraid to ask for help. It is the first step to trying to make that

situation better.

3. To unsubscribe the e-mail is:

Fibromyalgia_ <mailto:Fibromyalgia_Support_Group-unsubscribe%40yahoogroups.com>


4. Also, it is not uncommon for more than one member to be feeling bad at

the same time when it comes to flares and b/c of that potentially take

something another member says the wrong way. And that includes the things

that one member may find funny (even if it's laughing at fibro itself) even

though we who deal with illness whether one such as fibro or multiple

illnesses try to keep a sense of humor.

5. Pls let's be gentle with each other, and if you are having a bad day pls

let us know so that we can do our best to offer our support.

Have a nice day everyone.

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I wore my Crocs out today LOL I have black ones, and I wore them with these

fuzzy hairy looking thick black socks I have lol was too fun, but they sure

were comfy!

My hubby has a bright blue pair, and he wont wear them out anywhere, but he

loves wearing them around the house.

We actually got ours for free when we signed on with Charter...I thought

that was a nice welcome gift to the neighborhood :)


-- Re: Pain in lower front legs

Glad the Crocs are working for you, . I love mine and will probably get

some more in different colors to match my jammies. LOL!

I wear them everywhere. I got some crazy print fleece socks to wear with

them in the winter. On days the feet hurt, you can't beat Crocs. My eye

doctor wears them every day and especially on his operating days. So comfy.

I got my DH a dark blue pair and he at first acted like they were weird, but

after he wore them for a few minutes, he changed his mind fast.


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I love my crocs too! I have NEVER worn flip flops (at least not in adulthood

and I am 37). But, this summer, I bought a pair of croc flip flops...I can wear

them all day and still have comfy feet. By summer's end, I owned 3 pairs of

flip flops.

I bought a pair of the Mammoth Crocs (with the fuzzy lining) last month so

that I could wear crocs all winter. :)



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Ohhhh I didn't know about the Mammoth Crocs, those sound comfy!!!

I wear flip flops and such all the time...easiest kind of shoes on my feet.


-- Re: Pain in lower front legs

I love my crocs too! I have NEVER worn flip flops (at least not in

adulthood and I am 37). But, this summer, I bought a pair of croc flip

flops...I can wear them all day and still have comfy feet. By summer's end,

I owned 3 pairs of flip flops.

I bought a pair of the Mammoth Crocs (with the fuzzy lining) last month so

that I could wear crocs all winter. :)



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I know it's much easier to take only one pill a day, but the price

difference would make that a moot point for me. Have you tried taking

a regular tramadol along with 2 tylenols? They seem to

work 'synergistically' together, or so I was told. They never worked

for me at all, regardless of what I did. But, since they do for you,

you might consider adding the Tylenol.

Peace and Love


> Right-o. But there's no generic (tramadol) version yet of the


> release version (one per day).


> girlsaylor

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Good suggestion,Caroline. Now, if only I wasn,t allergic to tylenol.



> I know it's much easier to take only one pill a day, but the price

> difference would make that a moot point for me. Have you tried taking

> a regular tramadol along with 2 tylenols? They seem to

> work 'synergistically' together, or so I was told. They never worked

> for me at all, regardless of what I did. But, since they do for you,

> you might consider adding the Tylenol.


> Peace and Love

> Caroline

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Tylenol is the only one I am not allergic to with OTC pain meds. I cannot take

aspirin or nsaids. Perhaps you can use aleve or Ibuprofen with the tramamdol?

Heat works wonders too. Feel better.

jeribelle2000 wrote:

Good suggestion,Caroline. Now, if only I wasn,t allergic to tylenol.



> I know it's much easier to take only one pill a day, but the price

> difference would make that a moot point for me. Have you tried taking

> a regular tramadol along with 2 tylenols? They seem to

> work 'synergistically' together, or so I was told. They never worked

> for me at all, regardless of what I did. But, since they do for you,

> you might consider adding the Tylenol.


> Peace and Love

> Caroline

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The base of Tramadol is acetaminophen just like Tylenol, but with a " kicker "

added to it. So if you are allergic to Tylenol you may be allergic to Tramadol

as well. Be careful.


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Sorry. I know how it sucks to be allergic to so many things. Luckily

for me the only pain med I'm allergic to is Aleve (naproxen). I

didn't do too well on methadone either, but don't think it was an

allergic reaction, it just left me feeling kinda 'icky'. I am blessed

that I CAN take oxycodone and oxycontin with no side effects at all.

Of course, they don't take away all of the pain, either, but except

for flare days they help enough to make a difference. They also don't

leave me feeling tired or nervous, side effects many other people do

have from them. I do hope you can find something that helps without

breaking the bank.

Peace and Love


> Good suggestion,Caroline. Now, if only I wasn,t allergic to tylenol.


> girlsaylor



> >

> > I know it's much easier to take only one pill a day, but the


> > difference would make that a moot point for me. Have you tried


> > a regular tramadol along with 2 tylenols? They seem to

> > work 'synergistically' together, or so I was told. They never


> > for me at all, regardless of what I did. But, since they do for


> > you might consider adding the Tylenol.

> >

> > Peace and Love

> > Caroline


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Plain tramadol does not contain Tylenol. The name brand drug that did/does

is called Ultracet. It was Ultram plus Tylenol. It's much less expensive

to get the generic tramadol and add our own generic acetaminophen to it. I

made the same assumption recently about hydrocodone, believing that it

always contained Tylenol, and have learned that this isn't the case. The

prescription bottle usually says /apap somewhere in the name if it contains

Tylenol. Take care.

Jeanne in WI

> The base of Tramadol is acetaminophen just like Tylenol, but with a

> " kicker " added to it. So if you are allergic to Tylenol you may be

> allergic to Tramadol as well. Be careful.


> Ruthie

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I'm way behind; but I had to ask: who has pain in their front legs??? How are

the back legs doing??

Angie Harley Mama Double-D

Carson City, NV; Single, five children (3 at home), 2 dogs, 5 cats, snow skiing,

camping, Harley Rider, Lone Wolf, Blue Thong Society/High Sierra Thong Snappers

member, LFA Advocate, independent, opinionated, outspoken, and open minded.

" It's always something. " ~~~Gilda Radner









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My back ones are hurting too, thanks for asking. (LOL)

Peace and Love


> I'm way behind; but I had to ask: who has pain in their front

legs??? How are the back legs doing??


> Angie Harley Mama Double-D

> Carson City, NV; Single, five children (3 at home), 2 dogs, 5 cats,

snow skiing, camping, Harley Rider, Lone Wolf, Blue Thong

Society/High Sierra Thong Snappers member, LFA Advocate, independent,

opinionated, outspoken, and open minded.


> " It's always something. " ~~~Gilda Radner


> http://360.yahoo.com/lovinglifeinnv

> http://www.myspace.com/amkg

> http://doripost.agrato.info/

> http://www.xanga.com/PurplePassionate

> http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=592316375

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/LupusSurvivorsU/









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> http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs



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I have actually have entire leftleg pain on and off since I woke up

with my whole lege in spasm on December 22. Sometimes it comes just

in the lower, sometimes just the upper, it is mind blowing pain.


> I'm way behind; but I had to ask: who has pain in their front

legs??? How are the back legs doing??


> Angie Harley Mama Double-D

> Carson City, NV; Single, five children (3 at home), 2 dogs, 5 cats,

snow skiing, camping, Harley Rider, Lone Wolf, Blue Thong

Society/High Sierra Thong Snappers member, LFA Advocate, independent,

opinionated, outspoken, and open minded.


> " It's always something. " ~~~Gilda Radner


> http://360.yahoo.com/lovinglifeinnv

> http://www.myspace.com/amkg

> http://doripost.agrato.info/

> http://www.xanga.com/PurplePassionate

> http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=592316375

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/LupusSurvivorsU/









> Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your home page.

> http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs



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Front legs? Back legs? LOL! I always make my friend laugh when I ask her how her

" hind legs " are doing. We are both involved in pet rescue so it is funny to us.


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