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Re: A Must Read On Intentional Communities...

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Haley House...another experience into intentional communities story...


--- In , " " <knightsintention@...>



> An Absolute Must read...for any who want to know more about


> community concepts and what it is. It is a brief short 8 page report

> about some who visited several different communities to report on them

> and what they were up to.


> http://www.helium.com/items/748850-essays-sustainable-communities




> you can also join up on the my/our group at:

> homeineden


> either way, this would be a great thread for answering questions you


> have.


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Another Take On Intentional Community

Creating intentional family within intentional community

Date: 97-09-17 11:59:40 EDT

From: lammas@... ( )

Reply-to: lammas@...


Creating a family

What is family, anyway? Like motherhood and apple pie, we regard family as an

absolute good, something we would literally die to protect. The

is a universal symbol of pity. We would probably rather be homeless than

family-less, for we know how to create a home, but how do we go about creating

a family?

When we think of family, we usually think of our parents, children, relatives,

spouses, and very close friends. When we say, "he's family to me", we mean it

as a very special compliment. By family, we generally mean those people who

are related to us by bloodline, marriage, or friendship, who have participated

significantly in our development, and who give us unconditional social,

psychological, spiritual, and financial support. In short, we love our family, and they love us.

Another way of saying this is that by we mean those people with whom

we have a long-term relationship. The following relationships are generally

considered to be long-term: mother, brother, aunt, daughter, husband, wife.

The following relationships are generally not considered to be long-term:

teacher, boss, partner, baby sitter, roommate, neighbor.

Within a long-term relationship, we can make long-range plans. One of the

most important of these is , especially the

propagation of a specific bloodline within a species, such as . Parents, children, and spouses all cooperate to perpetuate their

blood line. Let's call this the . Thus the basis for the

biological family is genetic or sexual.

Long-term relationships can form the base for other long-range plans as well, such as building a house, changing careers, relocating, and saving up for old

age. If we were to make a career move to another state, we would probably expect

our children to move with us, but would probably not expect our neighbors to

do so. Some of the following family expectations might seem familiar to you:

Who raises your children?

Who would raise your children if both parents died?

Where do you spend your important holidays?

Who would you call to post bail?

Where would you go if your life fell apart, leaving you helpless, homeless, or


Who would you consider supporting financially?

Who would you consider taking care of in their old age?

In the past, these have been matters of the , that is, the biological family, plus neighbors, clergy, nannys, and anyone else

participating in the family support network. In an old-fashioned extended

family, you might ask your clergy for moral support, invite your neighbors to

a holiday celebration, care for an aged nanny, or ask your local godfather to

post bail. Those were the days of live-in uncles, too many relatives, and the front porch.

The Great Experiment

As our country grew, we expanded Westward in search of homesteads and new

economic opportunites. At the end of World War II, we began a new experiment,

called the . Parents and children left their extended family

far behind, pursuing the American dream of a house with a white picket fence,

far removed from any meddlesome neighbors. Disenchanted with organized religion, but

attracted by the promise of the Partridge family and the Brady bunch, we

attempted to go it alone, just you, me, and the kids.

In retrospect, the nuclear family has been an unmitigated disaster. We have a

national divorce rate approaching 50%, and an abundance of broken families and

absentee parents, not to mention higher crime rates, lowered educational

standards, and increased drug abuse. Our philosophy of rugged individualism

has led us to a national feeling of loneliness, distance, and alienation.

For many of us, our family may be distant, nonexistant, or otherwise

unavailable. This is especially true for those of us who have no

brothers or sisters, or

who grew up in broken homes or dysfunctional families. Some of us may

have chosen

to have no children of our own. As we age, we will become

empty-nesters, and

begin losing our aunts and uncles, parents, and eventually our siblings


lifetime friends, through the attrition of disease and death. So for

many of us who

choose to share our lives with others, family will be something we

build, rather than

something we inherit.

Intentional communities

Intentional communities vary greatly in the degree to which they can function as a family. Some share income and expenses, and can offer most of the

financial support of a family, assisting career changes, furthering education, and even providing retirement facilities. Others are centered on interpersonal growth,

and can provide much needed psychological and moral support. However, the

answer to the question "How do intentional communities rate as a family?" is

probably "Not very well".

Our intentional community, Sharingwood, is a cohousing community.

Cohousing communities are made of individual households, and a

household is

most often a nuclear family or a single adult with children. Some


have renters, but they are generally not considered part of the


family. While some resources, such as canoes, hot tubs, and video

cameras, may be

shared, significant expenses, such as houses, cars, and college


are generally not shared, and income is not shared at all, except

within a

household. Any household which suddenly finds itself without income

would probably be

forced to leave the community. .

Ask yourself what happens to your community during Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Do people celebrate these holidays together?

Or do they have a pre-holiday celebration, and then scatter to join their families?

Is it difficult to hold common meals or general meetings during these times?

How about summer vacation? Does the community have one together, or do people scatter to take

separate ? When people leave the community, is it a shared decision, or do they just

announce one day that they are going?

Who do they offer to take with them?

If both parents die, who takes care of their children?

Do most parents find godparents within the community?

Very few intentional communities are real families. Most of them, however,

work well as a , that is, a cooperative but heterogenous collection of

families. When you hear the lament "I wish we had more community around

here", you may be hearing "I wish we were more of a family around here than a

tribe." This leads us to the question "How do we create a family an intentional community?"

Creating a family

One powerful shortcut to creating a family is to marry into an existing

family. By attaching ourselves to a specific bloodline, we become de facto members of

a new family. For example, If our son brings a total stranger home and

announces "We're going to have a baby!", this stranger will likely become part of our

family very quickly. A new lover is likely to make the transition to family more

quickly than a new friend. In general, we recognize that the intimacy of a sexual

relationship can lead quickly to family.

What about friends? Like the word community, the word friendship covers a lot

of diverse territory. Some friendships can outlast marriages, and we are usually

careful to distinguish between just friends, good friends, and best friends.

Like good lovers, good friends can also make the transition to family. Unlike

lovers, however, few of them ever become live-in family. Before we look at

live-in relationships, however, let's take a brief look at intimacy and


Intimacy and intention

Instead of looking at the depth of a relationship, let's consider its volume,

that is, its length, breadth, and depth. Relationships grow stronger as experiences

are shared, and the strength of a relationship can be roughly measured by the

length of time we have shared, the breadth of experiences we have shared, and

how deeply we have shared them. A weekend seminar, the group equivalent of a

one-night stand, has some breadth, and some depth, but not much length.

Growing up in a small town can mean sharing a great many experiences with

other residents, at some length, but generally without much depth.

Living together with another person provides an opportunity for sharing a

great many experiences. In addition to birthdays, personal crises, life

transitions, and the rest, we can share breakfast dishes, daily newspapers, and spectacular

sunsets. This breadth of experiences is generally not available to long-

distance friends or lovers. However, just because we can share a great many

experiences does not mean we will share them, or that these shared experiences

will have any significant depth.

Many of us have had the experience of living with an absentee roommate.

Roommates are generally not family, nor do they wish to be so, and a beautiful

sunset may not be able to compete with a bowling night. What separates live-

in friends or lovers from mere roommates or housemates is the intention to be

family. Without this intention, experiences are not shared, and the co-

habitants fail to become family.

From this point on, we will call a group of friends or lovers living together

with the intention of forming a family an intentional family.

The intention to form a family requires the commitment to do so. Not all

shared experiences will be pleasant. Washing the breakfast dishes is one experience;

not washing them is another. Commitment means hanging in there through the

unpleasant experiences so that we are available to share the pleasant ones.

It is the commitment of friends and lovers within an intentional family that

enables it to strengthen and grow, and thereby to support long-range plans.


Living together as an intentional family also makes good economic sense. Some

of the same factors that reduce the cost of living in intentional community

apply in miniature to intentional family. Friends and lovers living in an intentional

family can share food, clothing, cars, magazines, the washing machine, the bathroom

scale, and, quite literally, the kitchen sink. Because living together in the

same house greatly increases opportunities for communication, it is probably

easier to share some resources, such as cars, in an intentional family than in

an intentional community.

There is another economic reason for creating intentional family. At the end

of World War II, one adult could afford the mortgage on a home. Typically, the

father worked and the mother stayed at home and raised the children. Nowadays, it

takes two working adults to afford a home, and in most nuclear families, both

parents have jobs. Presently, it will take three working adults to afford a

home. We are already seeing adult children returning home to live with their

parents, and more households than ever are taking on renters.

While the relationship of adult children to their parents can vary, the

relationship of landlord to tenant is seldom a pleasant one. There is no commitment to

share experiences, and no intention to form a family. Problems arise whenever the landlord sets policies, telling the tenant what to do or not to do. The

landlord is generally empowered to evict the tenant with only thirty days notice. This is hardly the basis for a long term relationship.

When landlords and tenants live together, the situation is even worst. Having

no intention to share experiences, they live mostly separate lives, relating only

through conflict and control issues. As for owning a home, the shared income, talents, and resources of an

intentional family can give it an economic edge over the nuclear family. Cohousing has

often been criticized as being unavailable to low-income families and people who are

living simply. Rather than looking for government subsidies, cohousing groups

can encourage singles and couples to come together by designing and building group houses. Intentional family is an ideal way to share the ownership of

and to live within these group houses.

Why lovers?

We have defined intentional family as friends and lovers living together with the intention of being family. Why lovers? We have already seen that a

sexual relationship is a shortcut to intimacy. This, however, is not the primary

reason why loving sexual relationships should exist within an intentional family.

One of the more destructive forces in intentional community is the need


its members who have not found a loving sexual relationship inside the


to seek this relationship outside the community. A community may

suddenly find

itself with members whose time, attention, and energy are being spent

primarily outside of the community. Or the community might find itself


with the lovers of its members, who may or may not participate in the

community, and who do not necessarily share its values.

Some intentional communities may choose to confront members who are no longer actively contributing to the community, or who have taken live-in lovers whose

values differ substantially from those held by the community. Unfortunately, the result of this confrontation is all too often that the community loses a valued member. And while a community of forty adults can probably survive the

loss of a member, an intentional family of four would be severely disrupted.

Some of us may have had the experience of living platonically with a roommate

who subsequently fell in love with someone else. Perhaps we didn't see our

roommate for weeks at a time, or perhaps we suddenly found ourselves sharing our non-

smoking household with a smoker. In either case, we might have been tempted

to find a new roommate or household to live in, if our roommate didn't move

out first.

To prevent an intentional family from being pulled apart by external

relationships, it is preferable that loving sexual relationships be available within the

family. Note that this is a preference, not a requirement. For example, two intimate couples could join together in friendship to create a very stable intentional


In Summary

We have seen that intentional families are formed by friends and lovers who

are committed to living together with the intention of making long term plans and sharing a lifetime of experiences. There are many challenges to be met in

forming an intentional family in a society which legally and socially recognizes only

the two-adult nuclear family. How do we find others to create our family? How do we make decisions and handle conflicts? Where do we go for advice and support? How do we create houses that are especially comfortable for intentional families? What existing legal structures might we use for ownership? How do

we become socially acceptable?

Our next generation will probably live in households of three or more adults, many of whom will be renters. Instead, we have a chance to pioneer a new

social order which emphasizes family above household. This will take courage,

persistance, and a sincere desire to share our lives with others.

[ and are thinking about extending their family to three or four

adults. If you are about 50, and would like to talk to them about intentional family, please write them at 22116 East Lost Lake Rd., Snohomish, WA 98290, or call

them at 360 668-1931, or send e-mail to lammas@....]


Submitted on 2/26/98 to the SeaPoly list by at SensSuzy@...

>> An Absolute Must read...for any who want to know more about intentional> community concepts and what it is. It is a brief short 8 page report> about some who visited several different communities to report on them> and what they were up to.> > http://www.helium.com/items/748850-essays-sustainable-communities> > > > you can also join up on the my/our group at:> homeineden> > either way, this would be a great thread for answering questions you may> have.>http://wuzzle.org/~spin/intent.html

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