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Re: Immunity

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In a message dated 06/12/2000 7:47:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

barb450@... writes:

<< my mother let her hair

done a bit after that as far as letting me get dirty. I wonder if any of


has to do with what's happening know with my having rosacea. Makes me


Any thoughts? >>

Hi Barb. I'm the same age as you, but had a very different childhood. My

family stories are about how nobody could keep me *out* of dirt. Mom tells

the story of Dad being so exasperated with my tracking in mud that he once

took me outside and rolled me in a mud puddle. Homespun aversion therapy! I

screamed from anger and indignation, but it did not curtail my enjoyment of

dirt. Hey, I could make a really mean mud pie, and my mud and weed soup was

out of this world.


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Here's another saga to add to the stories about childhood memories and the

immune system.

I am the youngest of 5 kids and seemed to have (oddly enough) a super strong

immune system growing up. I avoided every single childhood ailment that

came down the pike: measles, chicken pox, mumps, etc. In fact I have been

exposed to the Chicken Pox multiple times and never came down with it. My

internist was so intrigued he tested my blood to see if I have an natural

antibody to it but it came back negative. Since I gave up dairy in November

I haven't had so much as a cold...I have avoided all the illnesses that make

the rounds at my office. So, go figure--a great immune system, but my

cea is alive and well!


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Like Carolyn, I can make a mean mud pie! As a child I wasn't really

sheltered from germs and such, but never failed to catch every

illness going around....this is still true for me. Exposure to all

of these bugs hasn't seemed to strengthen my resistance at all. In

contrast, my husband (who is a physician and around " sick " people

constantly) rarely catches anything! If he becomes sick, he is

really really sick with a particularly nasty infection. I sincerely

believe that I have an impaired immune system, and that this is a

genetic component of who I am. Just an opinion, nothing more.

in KC, MO

-- In rosacea-supportegroups, barb450@a... wrote:

> In a message dated 6/12/00 2:13:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> cowboots@n... writes:


> << It might be that we lack some

> vital nutrient, or that our immune systems are too weakened by some

> stressors to fight off the effects of invading organism >>




> You know, its funny that you should mention the immune system

because it has

> me thinking a lot about my childhood lately and I'm 46 years old.

When my Mom

> or relatives tell me stories about when I was a little girl they


> mention how meticulous my mother kept me. I was the proper and


> princess. My aunts always joke and say that if I fell I would run

over to my

> mother hands facing her like yuck please wipe this dirt off of me

because my

> Mom would do this and never let me get dirty. I had eventually


> strep throat that would not go away with antibiotics. The Dr. has

told my Mom

> that this problem developed because she as he called it " kept me in

a plastic

> bubble " and never let my body build up an immunity to germs

because she kept

> washing my hands every 5 minutes and kept me clean and sparkling


> belief. They finally were able to cure the strep and my mother let

her hair

> done a bit after that as far as letting me get dirty. I wonder if

any of this

> has to do with what's happening know with my having rosacea. Makes

me wonder?

> Any thoughts?



> Barb

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I know the feeling, Beth! Thanks to a bout with

rheumatoid arthritis as a kid, I ended up with such an

incredibly strong immune system by virtue of it's

being so hyperactive, I suppose! It turns on anything,

including itself, unfortunately. I almost never get

sick--my boyfriend had the flu twice this winter, even

after getting his annual flu shot. He kept chastising

me for not getting a flu shot myself, and I kept

telling him I'd never get sick, even with his having

been so sick twice in two months and my working in a

health clinic. And I never did. I also avoided

multiple outbreaks of chicken pox in my

childhood--even one that closed down my elementary

school b/c so many kids were out sick. It did finally

catch up with me in 7th grade, though. But yeah, got a

whopping immune system (don't even have seasonal

allergies), and still have rosacea. Go figure.

--- badams6663@... wrote:

> Here's another saga to add to the stories about

> childhood memories and the

> immune system.


> I am the youngest of 5 kids and seemed to have

> (oddly enough) a super strong

> immune system growing up. I avoided every single

> childhood ailment that

> came down the pike: measles, chicken pox, mumps,

> etc. In fact I have been

> exposed to the Chicken Pox multiple times and never

> came down with it. My

> internist was so intrigued he tested my blood to see

> if I have an natural

> antibody to it but it came back negative. Since I

> gave up dairy in November

> I haven't had so much as a cold...I have avoided all

> the illnesses that make

> the rounds at my office. So, go figure--a great

> immune system, but my

> cea is alive and well!


> Beth






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Barb: Your post below is EXACTLY what what my mom did to me and the

doctor said to her! I was sick a lot and the doctor actually told my

mom to let me play in the dirt-eat dirt-be dirty. She kept me spotless.

She says I used to come to her every time i got even a little dirty

because I was so used to being clean. My immune system is low now, my

testing at the naturopathic clinic clearly shows that. Its so wierd

how that can happen. Anyone else have this experience?



> You know, its funny that you should mention the immune system because it has

> me thinking a lot about my childhood lately and I'm 46 years old. When my Mom

> or relatives tell me stories about when I was a little girl they often

> mention how meticulous my mother kept me. I was the proper and clean

> princess. My aunts always joke and say that if I fell I would run over to my

> mother hands facing her like yuck please wipe this dirt off of me because my

> Mom would do this and never let me get dirty. I had eventually developed

> strep throat that would not go away with antibiotics. The Dr. has told my Mom

> that this problem developed because she as he called it " kept me in a plastic

> bubble " and never let my body build up an immunity to germs because she kept

> washing my hands every 5 minutes and kept me clean and sparkling beyond

> belief. They finally were able to cure the strep and my mother let her hair

> done a bit after that as far as letting me get dirty. I wonder if any of this

> has to do with what's happening know with my having rosacea. Makes me wonder?

> Any thoughts?


> Barb


> --------------------------------------------------------

> Please read the list highlights thoroughly before posting to the whole group.

see http://rosacea.ii.net/toc.html


> When replying, please delete all text at the end of your email that isn't

necessary for your message.


> To leave the list send an email to rosacea-support-unsubscribeegroups

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