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Chakra Awakening

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Chakra Awakening

Chakra AwakeningChakras are energy vortexes that exist within the subtle body. Thechakras represent different aspects of our experience as humanbeings. By working with the energies of the chakras, it is possibleto balance and clear away the aspects of ourselves that prevent usfrom being healed whole beings in alignment with our highest nature.Through working with the chakras we gain self knowledge directlythrough the vehicles of sensation, visualization and listening. Wewill be working with breath, color, energy, and sound. These chakrateachings will give you experiences and tools to understand and healyourself more fully. I encourage participants to wear white or brightcolors.(2-6 hours)IntroductionThe musical note on this page are the notes for the first elevenchakras these note will help align and open the chakra's on thephysical body to the higher powers.First Chakra : BaseThe First Chakra, or Root Chakra, enables us to attune to MotherEarth and anchor the higher frequencies of the Universe to her. Whenthis Center is fully activated, the fear of death is transcended.Ruby - Red - Root ChakraRuby keeps the lower chakras open so energy can move up. It mayactivate kundalini (in a balanced manner). Mother has infusedher energy into this essence which has a profound affect on theheart, strengthening the spiritual heart. Ruby is about mastery andlove of self. Ruby teaches you and opens you to the infinite sourceof divine love. It raises the vibration of the physical body. Rubygives us courage to express our highest potential. It energizes thephysical being and emancipates creative energy devoted to our highestaspects. Ruby is the soul and heart connected - expressing love inaction.Second Chakra : SacralThe Second Center or Navel Chakra, allows the attunement of theentire Etheric Body, especially the First Chakra. As this Center isfully activated, an inner emotion of bliss is experienced.Carnelian - Orange - Sacral ChakraThe carnelian increases access to prana by clearing energy paths. Itgives us motivation and vitality. Shakti and Sai Baba came to infusetheir energy to this essence, which stimulates and awakens thecreative force and helps us focus on our goals. It magnetizesharmonious thoughts. Orange Carnelian enhances attunement with theinner self. It grounds energy into the physical, and awakens thecreative force.Third Chakra : Solar PlexusThe Third Chakra, or Solar Plexus Chakra, governs protection. As thisCenter begins to activate, all need for manipulation or control ofone's reality is transmuted. An inner sense of safety isexperienced.Natural Citrine - Yellow - Solar Plexus ChakraJesus came to overlight this essence, to help us prepare for greaterspirituality as the citrine helps open our inner sight and hearing.The citrine essence enhances concentration, clears old thoughtpatterns, and is a bridge to access the divine. It is useful forintellectual communication and balances the rational mind. It isabout sovereignty, courage, confidence, self esteem. The sunlight itrepresents is uplifting and helps us recognize beauty and joy.Soul star / Halo Chakra : Lower Dan TeinThe Fourth Chakra, the newly formed Diaphragm Center, stores strongnegative emotions. As this Chakra activates, fear and doubtdissolve. This Center, which sits over the diaphragm, governs full-conscious breathing,which is the ability to draw in the necessaryprana or life energy through the breath.Yellow Sapphire - Gold - Halo ChakraThe yellow Sapphire that brings in the gold light from the halo abovethe head is about Cosmic Truth and love for others. For the wisecounselor who brings warmth, nourishment, empathy and inspiration foroneâs brothers and sisters. The instinctive nature is of service. Itis beautiful to share. Gold of a master teacher, teaching throughgrace so you can express your soulâs beauty in words, thoughts andcommunications. Love radiates from Gold. The band of Kumara Angelsinfused this yellow sapphire essence. There is wisdom, exultation,illumination and Christ like qualitiesFifth Chakra : HeartThe Fifth Chakra, or Heart Chakra, remains in its original position.When fully activated, it is the Center of Pure Thought andUnconditional Love.Emerald - Green - Heart ChakraThe emerald activates our heart chakra teaching us empathy andunconditional love, allowing us to experience an expansion of loveenergy. This essence, overlit by Archangel - the angel ofhealing- works very strongly in the physical field. Emerald helps usunderstand rhythms and patterns and cycles in nature. It is alsoabout fertility and prosperity. The emerald assists all forms ofcommunication through the heart, and healing with love.Thymus Chakra : Middle Tan TienThe newly formed Sixth Chakra or Thymus Center, assists us inadjusting to our thought-form body. When fully activated, ourphysical body will respond to our thoughts in a direct fashion. Thisis when we will 'think it and be it', and where 'instant karma' ismanifested - that is to say, 'what we think is what we get', whetherit is for our highest good or not. You may be seeing the effects ofthis new Center now, as manifestation is occurring at a much morerapid rate on the Earth plane.Aquamarine - Blue-Green - Thymus ChakraAquamarine opens the spiritual high heart, the thymus chakra, andquiets the mental body to become receptive to transmissions fromhigher realms. It has humanitarian qualities as well as serenity,peacefulness, balanced emotions and patience. There is a strongconnection to the dolphins. Aquariel, the Archangel of clarity, hasinfused this Aquamarine essence.Seventh Chakra : ThoatThe Seventh Chakra has taken its place as the Throat Center andgoverns communication and creativity. This Center helps collect thepranic energy needed to purify and invigorate the physical body.Blue Sapphire - Blue - Throat ChakraArchangel âs energy comes into the blue sapphire with his blueshield of protection and blue sword of truth. Blue Sapphire addressesthe throat chakra and is abut communication and self expression. Itis about listening as well as speaking. There is mentaldiscrimination, enlightened intuition. We choose the thoughts wethink. Blue Sapphire aligns our energy with our purpose and opens usto our spiritual nature.Zeal Point ChakraThe new Eighth Chakra, also known as The Well of Dreams, is, at thepresent time, vestigial. It sits just at the occipital at the backof the head. When fully activated, this Center will regulate multi-dimensional telepathic communication. When the Well of Dreams isfully awakened, the veil between the third dimension will dissolveand we will ascend to the 4th and 5th dimensions.Pink Tourmaline - Magenta - Zeal Point ChakraThe Zeal point chakra, the ascension chakra is opened. This chakra,located in the back of the head, at the base of the skull (themedulla oblongata) is also called the Mouth of God. The kundalini isassisted and is gentle and graceful. There is very strong protectionassociated with this essence. It also strengthens the heart andhormones are addressed. It is good to have this chakra open whenleaving the earth plane.Now, when the 8th chakra opens up, so too does some spiritualabilities. How many of these abilities and to what degree will varyfrom individual to individual. Clairvoyance, out of body travel,advanced dream-recall capabilities, healing gifts, telepathy, evenempathy are all abilities that this center is responsible foractivating. Naturally, the programming for this stuff sits in the 7thcenter. So, if there is a problem with any one of these abilities butnot the others, then you may have to look at the 7th chakra for thecause. However, keep in mind that when a person's 8th center beginsto open, they may only see a glimmer of these abilities. They may notbecome full blown until the 9th, 10th, 11th, and even the 12thchakras are open. In other words, when the individual's 8th chakraawakens, they will only experience these abilities but not have anygreat control over them, and their surfacing may be sporadic at best.Tenth Chakra : AnjaThe Tenth Chakra, or Pineal Center is now known as the Vision Centeror the Third Eye Center. This Center draws in and helps store theHigher Light frequencies.Indigo - 3rd eye/Pineal ChakraIndigo addresses the inner vision, paranormal vision. As light comesthrough the 3rd eye dream your dream and have it come true. There iskeenness of perception, enriched experiences of synchronicity.Ascended Master Serapis Bey infuses his energy into this essence.Indigo enhances intent, focus, telepathy, deep thought and clearingof the mind. There is clarity of purposePituitary Chakra : Upper Dan TienThe Ninth Chakra, or Pituitary Chakra, is newly located in the areaof the pituitary gland. This Center regulates Light and radiation andwhen fully activated, will rejuvenate the entire physical body.Eleventh Chakra : CrownThe Eleventh Chakra, or Crown Center, connects with energies from theUniversal Source. This Center enables us to interpret our akashicrecords and our truth.Amethyst - Purple - Crown ChakraMy good buddy St. Germaine graces the Amethyst essence with hisessence. He brings to us the violet ray of transmutation, alchemy,and transformation. There is mastery of thought. The crown chakra isopened to receive energy from higher chakras and to receive spiritualinsight into highly refined aspects of higher potentials. There isdivine love and inspiration. Useful in leadership positions. See thedivine perfection in all things. It is a visionary essence.Twelfth ChakraThe new Twelfth Chakra sits outside of the right side of the head andabove the Crown Center. It represents what is left of the Ego. Itcontrols the left side of the physical body and regulates creativetalents. It is the Center where love and compassion originate.White Topaz - Silver/White - Light Body ChakraTap into the source of universal energy. The etheric body isrejuvenated and aligned with the physical body. White Topaz feeds thelight body. It is a source of strength and great to use on themeridians. Kuan Yin infused her energy into this magnificent WhiteTopaz essence. Conscious connection and manifestation of wisdom: turnvision into realities. White Topaz is also about the reversal ofaging.There are tones for the upper chakras. Initially everyone will hearsomething different untilmore of the integration takes place. He is recommending you workwith the upper chakras andhear the tones on your own for the time being. There will be a timehe will work with people onthose tones. Also, in the first session he did he had us hold 12 raywater. This will speed up theanchoring process in the body but not a necessity at this point andit may be initially easier tojust hook up the light and sound rather than doing it down to thealchemy level.One of the things that came into my realization is that we have beenprimarily working off theseven main chakras which are primarily the male vibration. The oddchakra numbers have amale orientation, and the even numbers have a female orientation.The next five chakras arebringing back our higher knowing are balanced towards the female, andthus it would feel likemore female energies are coming back in. But if you take all 12chakras, they are evenly spiltbetween male and female, and thus the balance we are obtaining.The Thirteenth ChakraThe Thirteenth Chakra sits outside of the left side of the head,above the Crown Center, and represents what is left of the negativeEgo. It controls the right side of the physical body. This Centeris the source of desire for harmony.Earth ChakrasChakra Point Location Corresponding Ray Color Governing AspectPlanetRelation1st ChakraRoot HimalayasANDMt. Sinai in the Middle East 8th Ray Magenta Loveand Education Jupiter2nd ChakraSacral HawaiiANDthe Brazilian Amazon Area 9th Ray Gold and SilverHonour and Leadership Venus3rdSolarPlexus LuxorANDKilimanjaro in Africa 10th Ray Blue and Green Hopeand Records Saturn4th ChakraHeart Egypt & Haleakala (volcano in Maui, Hawaii) 11th Ray Pink andGold Balance and Relations Niburi5th Chakra Throat/Thyroid AntarcticaANDMt. Shasta in NorthernCalifornia 12th Ray Pale Violet Planetary Evolution Pluto6th ChakraThird Eye ChinaANDthe Himalayas 13th Ray Pale Turqoise Harmony andCollaboration Mercury7th ChakraCrown Alberta Canada ANDMt. Fujiyama in Japan 14th Ray Opal White Co-Creation Uranus8th Chakra Baja Mexico 15th Ray Gold and White Visions Neptune9th Chakra Earth Center 16th Ray Orange Human Evolution Mars10th Chakra Earth Center 17th Ray Silver and White SpiritualLeadership Sun11th Chakra Earth Center 18th Ray White Truth Maldek12th Chakra Earth Center 19th Ray White Solar Bridge SunEarth Chakras Written by Star StuffsChakra Scale & Musical NotesEach one of these musical notes aligns to one of the twelve majorchakras on the physical body and playing the note will help open thechakra and if you hold a pendulum over the aligned chakra and listento the notes of this scale you will notice that the chakra will spinfaster and the energy body and the physical body will recieve moreenergy from the flow of the higher powers and it is also a greathealing technique as well.http://home. xtra.co.nz/ hosts/Wingmakers /Chakra%20Tones% 20and%20Notes.html

-- " Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark. " Rabindranath Tagore

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