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Entering the Portal of Spiritual Destiny By DL Zeta

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Entering the Portal of Spiritual Destiny

One of the great challenges of life on the earth plane is the

existence of a seemingly fixed reality. This is an illusion

perpetuated by identifying solely with the physical world, which is by

definition a fixed (already manifest) reality. Because of this, many

in your world feel limitations pressing in on every front. They feel

pressed by the boundaries of inherited traits, the circumstances of

their lives, the difficulty of making significant change, and a

general failure to manifest their dreams. This is what happens when

you try to create change and transformation by purely physical means.

There is another way to experience reality. It is possible to go

" behind the scenes " of your physical life to create change. It is

inside the world of spirit where you step free of physical limitations

and discover your spiritual destiny. Your spiritual destiny is not

" fixed " in terms of physical limitations. The only given in spiritual

" predestination " is the infinite and unlimited nature of your being.

Once you discover your spiritual destiny, you can begin to make the

life you were born to live a part of your present moment. Whatever

exists within your present moment naturally extends into both your

past and your future.

When you become who you truly are beneath the crusty scabs of the pain

and suffering of a limited reality, you are able to heal physical,

emotional, psychological and spiritual conditions by gaining awareness

of the thoughts that created them and transforming those thoughts by

holding them in the bright light of that awareness.

Stepping Outside Time and Space

This is all possible by removing your conscious focus from the

space/time continuum to effectively " step outside of time " into the

world of no-time. This is the timeless dimension of spirit where you

become a time traveler visiting your past and future to discover your

spiritual destiny. By traveling through time to your past, you are

able to bring about healing and release for the parts of your spirit

trapped in time by emotional traumas and other misunderstandings.

Releasing your past frees trapped energy that becomes available to

empower your present moment. An empowered present-moment self is able

to travel to your future to commune with your future self and discover

who you are becoming and what you came here to do. By merging with

your future " self, " you are able to view the fruits of your present

creations and make course corrections if you don't like what you see.

For example, if you are writing a book in the present moment, you can

travel to the future to learn the steps of the book's creation.

Time travel may seem beyond the capabilities of an earth-bound

consciousness. When the awareness is completely contained within the

physical existence, this is a barrier to perceiving one's spiritual

destiny and the contracts you signed onto before this life began. The

only way to discover your spiritual contracts while on earth is to

attune your consciousness to the world of spirit rather than the noise

of the world.

Releasing Energetic Bookmarks

Other barriers to experiencing one's spiritual destiny are trauma and

suffering experienced in an earlier part of this life, or in past

lives. A great deal of energy holds these " energetic bookmarks. " To

release these bookmarks, you must at some point return to complete the

understanding you were seeking to gain by creating the experience in

the first place. This frees the energy that is trapped there. Another

way to look at this is since spirit exists in all-time, all lifetimes

- including all parts of the current lifetime - exist simultaneously.

This means that parts of your soul, (your past lives as well as your

past in this lifetime), still exist in moments of trauma and

suffering. The fact that you are reading this says you are now ready

to release these moments throughout time. It is this process of

retrieving your soul in all the places where it is held that frees

your consciousness and allows your complete focus in the present

moment. It is this complete focus that allows you to discover and

fulfill your spiritual destiny.

By learning to step outside time, you can travel to the past to view

everything that has been your life up to this point. By viewing the

past with the light of a higher consciousness, you are able to gain

awareness of the lessons you intended to learn by creating each

situation and release any residual emotions that still linger in

connection with them. These residual emotions draw your

present-moment consciousness constantly to the past, scattering your

attention and focus. A scattered consciousness is unable to create

significant change in the present moment. It takes a laser beam of

conscious, clear intent to transport you into a future of joy and


Meeting Your Future Self

It is this laser beam of focus that allows you to travel into the

future to learn about your spiritual destiny and who you are becoming.

By stepping outside time and traveling to your future to meet with

your future self, you are effectively changing your own genetics. By

meeting with your future self, you are able to discover the contracts

you came here to fulfill. You are able to receive a vision for your

present and your future. Your future self and your guides are able to

help you download the template of your higher self. This template

contains information that is capable of re-creating your body and

transforming your life. This template carries with it the guidance

and knowledge for the subtle energetic field surrounding your body.

This knowledge allows you to re-organize your physical body. It can

change the circumstances of your life and the people you draw to you,

as well as the opportunities and challenges you are able to access.

In the current course of your earth life, you have forgotten that you

are capable of stepping outside time, of creating spontaneous healing,

of creating great works of art and beauty, and of living a life that

is filled with love and amazing synchronicities. When you learn to

journey outside time and space, you are able to reconnect with your

higher self that is untouched by any trauma and suffering you have

endured on the earth plane.

Activating and Cultivating the Imagination

You may ask how it is possible to step outside time and space, to time

travel and receive this vision for your spiritual destiny. The key to

all of what we have described here is the imagination. Activating and

cultivating the imagination with the intent of realizing your highest

good is your ticket to the magic carpet ride of achieving higher

consciousness. There is a thoughtform on earth that whatever resides

in the realm of the imagination is " not real " or " made up. " These are

physical-based ways of thinking that have enslaved humans to earthly,

fixed reality for thousands of years.

The imagination is the doorway to true spiritual liberation. It is

the imagination that expands the consciousness into new realms and

thoughtforms that effectively create new pathways in the mind and

spirit. When enough pathways are ignited, the structure of DNA is

altered and the consciousness is able to unite with all the universe.

This is where you see a being able to create what might be considered

" miracles " in your world. This is the person who heals their body of

a terminal illness, halting and reversing the deterioration of cells

in the body. Here is the person who travels into their own past to

release their spirit from traumas that hold parts of their soul

captive. Here is the person who is able to join hands with their past

and future to bring their point of power (the present moment) to a

laser focus for creating the highest good for themselves and all

others. Here is the person who walks the earth silently blessing and

assisting others in a state of constant inner celebration for the

privilege of helping unite the heaven and earth of inner and outer


It is by entering the Portal of Spiritual Destiny that you are able to

take great leaps in your present-moment consciousness that allow you

to step outside time and space into the world of spirit - the no-time

dimension where your soul resides. Inside no-time, you are able to

take evolutionary steps for yourself and all others by discovering and

fulfilling your spiritual destiny.

We offer here some steps to moving beyond the physical to the place of


12 Steps to Transcending Time and Space.

1) Create sacred space somewhere in your house or on your property.

Saturate the space with the energy of your higher self. Build an

altar, place candles and crystals here, or anything that lifts your

spirit. Spend time here as often as possible.

2) Still your mind through concentration exercises such as focusing on

a candle flame for 10 minutes each day.

3) Meditate. Spend time communing with spirit each day.

4) Practice daily pranayama breathing exercises to help oxygenate your


5) Enliven your body with life force exercises, yoga and tai chi.

6) Lighten your body by eating a diet high in living foods.

7) Begin a journal quest; keep an intuitive journal.

8) Take regular vision quests in nature.

9) Work with dreams, both waking and sleeping, and decode their symbols.

10. Study and cultivate peak experiences.

11. Practice visualization, develop the imagination, enhance creativity.

12. Develop intuition and psychic awareness.

For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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