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Open letter to Ken Re: Thoth

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Hi Ken

Tx for this reply. I note that you dont refer to him harrassing you

later, nor does he appear to have cloned himself back on, so he doesnt

seem to cut up abt it.

As Ive said before, he was a very embarrassing ally. When I joked abt

disrupting AA meetings with propane, grouper lurkers picked it up and

quoted it out of context. They would have a field day with his " spray

bullets in a meeting " and cursing.

" Shoudnt we sacrifice this one for the sake of the many? "

" What we're really concerned about is our reputations. "

" What would the Master do if he were here? "

Say, " how did I get here off the Dr Who set? " of course! <g>



> Sorry about not responding sooner. I've been trying to keep

focused on

> getting the database up and running so haven't been reading much on


> list, and responding even less.


> To be honest, I don't know quite what prompted me to boot Nate.

I did

> have a lot of complaints about him but it wasn't just that. I

usually try

> to let things work themselves out, which they usually do.


> The thing about him was that I saw him as being motivated by


> It wasn't just a matter of his " stirring things up " or " pissing


> off " (which can often be a good thing, and certainly counteracts any

> tendency toward stagnation) but something really deeply rooted and


> much more than simple " trolling. " Sanctimonious self-righteousness

is one

> thing, but justified acting out of rage against anyone who is


> simply for the " just cause " that they are vulnerable is an entirely

> different matter. There used to be, don't know if there still is, a


> of Satan website which flat out gave me the creeps. If AA is " cult

light, "

> these people are cult Manson.


> Under other circumstances, I would have enjoyed provoking him

into a

> frenzy of spell casting but this just didn't seem the place for it.


> responded to him once and got half the list pissed at me.


> The only thing I can say is that my intuition told me that it

was the

> right thing to do. No lengthy internal polemics, just a strong

sense that

> that was the right thing. Do I have problems with the free speech


> and limiting of " the market place of ideas " with my action? Of



> Ken Ragge

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