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Re: Causes of FM... just some stuff I read

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OMG!! I just made a connection that I'd been exposed to too much mercury and

that I believed it was contributing to my fibro earlier this month! I''m now

currently working with a homeopath to try to remove it from my system.

For the first 6 months of my life I was terribly sick and no doctors could

figure out why. My parents finally found a doctor that told them to not give

me tap water. Once they quite giving me tap water I was no longer sick. My

parents then moved shortly after that. Years later the area's water and land

where I had first lived was found to be contaminated with mercury. My

parents never gave it any thought because we had hardly lived there any

length of time. Additionally I have 4 metal fillings.

While this may certainly not be the " one " cause or even one of the causes,

it is for me a serious contributing factor.

> I have read alot of stuff with the theory which is similar to fluoride

> poisoning. I have read alot about toxicity with heavy metals. That is almost

> strictly an " alternative " medicine theory. However, my doctor believes this

> himself. He is a D.O.


> I read symptoms of poisoning from mercury. (just an example). I read in

> the same article that the amalgam fillings that are silver type fillings....

> had alot of mercury in them. I have a mouth full of those kind of fillings

> that have been there since childhood.










If you doubt yourself, then indeed you stand on shaky ground. - Ibsen

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I have no idea what causes this and I don't think I have ever really

searched much for a possible cause. But I do have a theory that what

we now call fibromyalgia is perhaps what in the past people called

Rheumatism --- I have in front of me my Great, great grandfather

copies of his Certificate of disbility for Discharge from the Army of

the United States following the Civil War. I also have copies the

company muster rolls for most if not all of the Civil War and if he

was in the hospital in Cairo, Illinois, then he was in Jefferson

Barrack Hospital in St. Louis. His discharge paper states " chronic

rheumatism " , also among the papers are the petitions for my Great,

great grandmother's widow's benefits following 's death. In

those documents it states that following the war he was never able to

work --- and I know that the work he more than likely would have been

doing, if he could have was farming. I think lived about 15

or 20 years after he was either discharged or mustered out because

the war ended. Now, my reason for this thinking is that without a

doubt, I know that NONE of my mother's family would NOT have worked

unless they were so physically disabled that they couldn't. Both

and had to have been proud people who raised their

family to be hard working, caring people and were not individuals who

would have been looking for a handout. They were among the first

settlers in Southern Illinois, having moved from Tennessee to

Kentucky and then across the Ohio in to Illinois where they were

among some of the early settlers in southern Illinois. And when I

think of their many, many descendents who are now scattered across

the US, I can think of many examples of the work ethic that they

passed down! I have one cousin who is an electrician in California --

we lost track of him for about 13 months because he is working in

the San Francisco area 6 - 7 days a week, doing all the overtime he

can. Another member of the family started his own business and I

have no idea what he was worth when he died, but it wasn't a shabby

amount --- and even after he got so he could no longer work in that

business and he and his wife retired to their summer home, he had a

shop on the property where he continued to work. Another of my

cousins also owned his own business and he did not stop working until

the colon cancer he had denied having forced him to just a few months

before his death. His work was known all over the area --- he was a

commercial artist; one time one of his classmates happened to be

driving through the town on his way to Arizona saw a window with a

beautiful sign and knew that no one but my cousin could have done

that sign!!

So, my theory is that what we have is very much the same as what

previous generations called " rheumatism " and I am pretty sure each of

you have heard someone say " My rheumatism is really bothering me

today! " --- We never hear anyone or at least, I seldom if ever hear

that expression any more. I do hear one of my aunts say " I am tired!

today. "

That's my $10 theory!


> I have read alot of stuff with the theory which is similar to

fluoride poisoning. I have read alot about toxicity with heavy

metals. That is almost strictly an " alternative " medicine theory.

However, my doctor believes this himself. He is a D.O.


> I read symptoms of poisoning from mercury. (just an example). I

read in the same article that the amalgam fillings that are silver

type fillings.... had alot of mercury in them. I have a mouth full

of those kind of fillings that have been there since childhood. (I

don't believe this is the ONE cause of fibro... don't get me wrong).

Alot of people with fibro have never had a filling in their lives.

However, I thought about it and it sure would make sense in my case

being that I have a large crown on one tooth that is silver.

(inserted at the age of about 8 or 9 years old).


> I think that actually fibro has many causes. I think the

fluoride theory is possible and I also think it can be heavy metals.

Of course... thousands of other theories cannot be discounted. (dont

want to sound dumb.... is fluoride a metal?).


> love and hugs,

> Debra V.





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Interesting although if I understand right (and will have to

research it too) is that rheumatism is an older name for what we

now know to be osteoarthritis also sometimes called degenerative


Kristy :)




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> ,


> Interesting although if I understand right (and will have to

> research it too) is that rheumatism is an older name for what we

> now know to be osteoarthritis also sometimes called degenerative

> arthritis.


> Kristy :)

> (Co-Owner)


> That is interesting -- especially as I do have osteoarthritis in

both my lumbar and cervical spine --- now I can understand why

Grandfather was not able to work after his time in army! I

know when he was in Cairo he had disentry (sp -- I can't find my

dictionary!), but then he was in battles under Illinois's famous

General A Logan' 31st Regiment Infintry Volunteers(the person

who started the very first Memorial Day) but was in some

battles along the eastern side of the Mississppi and I can imagine

sleeping outdoors and getting wet, cold, etc. might have caused his

problems. I am sure that he was not the only one to return home in

that condition, if they had survived the battles.







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has anyone noticed a link in genetics? becuase my aunt also has FMS

and i have read that genetics may also be a factor. i know it is in

my case, but what triggered it is the question...



> I have read alot of stuff with the theory which is similar to

fluoride poisoning. I have read alot about toxicity with heavy

metals. That is almost strictly an " alternative " medicine theory.

However, my doctor believes this himself. He is a D.O.


> I read symptoms of poisoning from mercury. (just an example). I

read in the same article that the amalgam fillings that are silver

type fillings.... had alot of mercury in them. I have a mouth full

of those kind of fillings that have been there since childhood. (I

don't believe this is the ONE cause of fibro... don't get me wrong).

Alot of people with fibro have never had a filling in their lives.

However, I thought about it and it sure would make sense in my case

being that I have a large crown on one tooth that is silver.

(inserted at the age of about 8 or 9 years old).


> I think that actually fibro has many causes. I think the

fluoride theory is possible and I also think it can be heavy metals.

Of course... thousands of other theories cannot be discounted. (dont

want to sound dumb.... is fluoride a metal?).


> love and hugs,

> Debra V.





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I am so tired of having something that few believe exists. I think I am gonna

go to my new doctor and ask him to please prove I do not have this. I don't

want it.

What a sad statment that today if you have cancer you get syumpathy and help.

Fibro and all you get are raised eyebrows. Debi

Kate Court wrote:



Now if you really want to get mad read this article, she needs a shot gun.

Re: Re: Causes of FM... just some stuff I read


Here's an interesting article that I just looked at on



Funny thing is that according to what scientists are saying this

article is wrong in listing fibromyalgia as an example. After

reading this I see that we are both right in the way the word is

used. That's why it's good to talk to others and see what we

come up with in the way of researching.

But I have to tell you that what happened with your great

grandfather (if I missed a great I'm sorry) helped me to answer

a question I have always had. What if there were people in that

time that had illnesses that would make it hard for them to

work. Thanks for sharing that.

Thanks for sharing all this so that I could go back and read

some more because as our understanding of arthritis and

fibromyalgia for example gets better and clearer we can then

help others.

Kristy :)



Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your home page.


1. While it is wonderful to share our experiences with everyone on the list as

to what treatments do and don't work for us, pls always check with your dr. Some

treatments are dangerous when given along with other meds as well as to certain

health conditions or just dangerous in general.

2. If you are in a difficult situation (doesn't matter what it is) pls don't be

afraid to ask for help. It is the first step to trying to make that situation


3. To unsubscribe the e-mail is:


4. Also, it is not uncommon for more than one member to be feeling bad at the

same time when it comes to flares and b/c of that potentially take something

another member says the wrong way. And that includes the things that one member

may find funny (even if it's laughing at fibro itself) even though we who deal

with illness whether one such as fibro or multiple illnesses try to keep a sense

of humor.

5. Pls let's be gentle with each other, and if you are having a bad day pls let

us know so that we can do our best to offer our support.

Have a nice day everyone.

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" I was taught way back in medical school that if it smells like a duck,

and walks like a duck, it's probably a duck. "

Please, what doctor is making that an argument for the proof that fibro

isn't real. Let's toss out the medical evidence with the brain scans

and tests of low seratonin. Forget the fact that many previous

illnesses wouldn't show on tests. What did this guy do throw out all

those classes where you learn how to present a paper? Let's just go

and bash all those hundreds of people that have fibro because it must

be a pyche problem because we can't test for anything that absolutely

shows us existence. Goodness, I get tired of being treated like an



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Mom, sister and I all have fibro. Mom's first cousin does too.

Jerilyn wrote:

> has anyone noticed a link in genetics? becuase my aunt also has FMS

> and i have read that genetics may also be a factor. i know it is in

> my case, but what triggered it is the question...

> Jerilyn




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Same here. My mom, my sister and I. I'm quite sure my grandmother did.

Everyone used to snicker behind her back that " Ooh, she swept and mopped her

kitchen -- she's going to be in bed for 2 weeks. " She had a night case full

of pain pills and muscle relaxers. I remember a big deal about her getting

her heart checked because of severe palpitations and chest pain and everyone

rolling eyes because the cardiologist said her heart was great. She was

labelled by family and doctors as a hypochondriac. I wish she was still

around now to get at least a little satisfaction out of having a diagnosis

and having her pain validated. Maybe not, since there's still not a lot of

validation out there to be had.

in Louisiana

> Mom, sister and I all have fibro. Mom's first cousin does too.


> Jerilyn wrote:

> > has anyone noticed a link in genetics? becuase my aunt also has FMS

> > and i have read that genetics may also be a factor. i know it is in

> > my case, but what triggered it is the question...

> > Jerilyn

> >

> >

> >



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> http://fibromyalgia-no-more.com/Fibromyalgia-Wastebasket-Diagnosis-



> Now if you really want to get mad read this article, she needs a

shot gun.



> Re: Re: Causes of FM... just some stuff I read


> ,


> Here's an interesting article that I just looked at on

> rheumatism:

> http://arthritis.about.com/od/diseasesandconditions/a/rheumatism.htm


> Funny thing is that according to what scientists are saying this

> article is wrong in listing fibromyalgia as an example. After

> reading this I see that we are both right in the way the word is

> used. That's why it's good to talk to others and see what we

> come up with in the way of researching.


> But I have to tell you that what happened with your great

> grandfather (if I missed a great I'm sorry) helped me to answer

> a question I have always had. What if there were people in that

> time that had illnesses that would make it hard for them to

> work. Thanks for sharing that.


> Thanks for sharing all this so that I could go back and read

> some more because as our understanding of arthritis and

> fibromyalgia for example gets better and clearer we can then

> help others.


> Kristy :)

> (Co-Owner)



> Kate, one of those centers that is listed is the Fibro and Fatigue

centers --- which I fell for back in 2004 --- after spending $$$ the

first visit, numerous vials of blood taken at Quest Diagnosistic, a

vitamin B shot! I returned in 3 weeks for the 2nd follow-up

appointment, I was practically crawling to get from the car to their

office! Then they gave me another B shot and put in a room full of

other people get an IV of God only knows what --- that was another

lenghty period! And not long after that I discovered that the first

doctor I saw when we moved to Pittsburgh in 1999 had opened a new

office 4 miles from us. Much closer than the primary care doctors I

had been going to and certainly easier to get to. I took in my

shopping bag of supplements, drugs, etc. Well, she had to chuckle

when she read the name of the doctor in charge of the Pittsburgh

center as they had both been students at the Unversity of

Pennsylvania Medical school in Philly at the same time. Dr. K said

he was several years behind her but he was, apparently, someone she

and her friends, fellow students must have thought was a nut!

Now, I will say, if I knew how to use one, I might have easy access

to that shot gun someone mentioned (husband has two safes locked in

the basement --- I don't even want to know where he keeps the keys!)

But all of these fools are lucky as I don't like guns and the one

time dh tried to teach me, I did not like the sore shoulder.

And (if I mispelled your name, sorry), I know that my

grandparents, and other older members of both sides of my family had

what they called rheumatism and the diagnosis on Grandfather 's

disability discharge was signed by a gentleman who was the President

of Board of Medical Inspectors, so despite what we have read about

the doctors of past centuries and their training, this was a doctor

who did apparently represent the government in determining who was

entitled to a pension from the government/military during the Civil

War. I guess it would also be interesting to see if my husband has

seen any records from the American Revoluntionary war about what the

medics may have determined what soldiers may have had.

But rheumatism is an expression that I have heard for years and

unlike one of the earlier posters, we never really snickered behind

anyone's back --- there was only one member of the family who I ever

heard make disparging remarks about my great grandmother and that was

her oldest granddaughter who said her grandfather often carried

Grandma Lizzie. I know she was frail but she did died at the age of

80 + --- I have been told that she was determined to live until one

of her sons who vanished in the 1920's, returned home. And in

writing that I am reminded that her son's only surviving son, was by

that time a member of the LAPD and had done enough research through

his sources across the country that he knew he would not find his

father, so it could be that he told his Grandma Lizzie that his

father was not coming home. That's a whole different story for

another place!






> Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your home page.

> http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs



> 1. While it is wonderful to share our experiences with everyone on

the list as to what treatments do and don't work for us, pls always

check with your dr. Some treatments are dangerous when given along

with other meds as well as to certain health conditions or just

dangerous in general.


> 2. If you are in a difficult situation (doesn't matter what it is)

pls don't be afraid to ask for help. It is the first step to trying

to make that situation better.


> 3. To unsubscribe the e-mail is: Fibromyalgia_Support_Group-



> 4. Also, it is not uncommon for more than one member to be feeling

bad at the same time when it comes to flares and b/c of that

potentially take something another member says the wrong way. And

that includes the things that one member may find funny (even if it's

laughing at fibro itself) even though we who deal with illness

whether one such as fibro or multiple illnesses try to keep a sense

of humor.


> 5. Pls let's be gentle with each other, and if you are having a bad

day pls let us know so that we can do our best to offer our support.


> Have a nice day everyone.



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Hello all and Debra V!

Though I am behind in the posts and haven't read about this theory, it

sounds very interesting to me. I was 26 when I was dxed with the

fibro. At that time I was working testing microchips at a wafer fab.

Anyway, we worked around a lot of dangerous chemicals, metals and

gases. One day as I was transporting a wafer it broke and a piece of

a microchip went into my finger. It was so small that i forgot about

it. I didnt report it. Then later I got sick with the fibro and soon

lost my job due to my new physical inabilities. WIerd huh?


ps. i have those fillings in my teeth too


> I have read alot of stuff with the theory which is similar to

fluoride poisoning. I have read alot about toxicity with heavy

metals. That is almost strictly an " alternative " medicine theory.

However, my doctor believes this himself. He is a D.O.


> I read symptoms of poisoning from mercury. (just an example). I

read in the same article that the amalgam fillings that are silver

type fillings.... had alot of mercury in them. I have a mouth full of

those kind of fillings that have been there since childhood. (I don't

believe this is the ONE cause of fibro... don't get me wrong). Alot

of people with fibro have never had a filling in their lives.

However, I thought about it and it sure would make sense in my case

being that I have a large crown on one tooth that is silver.

(inserted at the age of about 8 or 9 years old).


> I think that actually fibro has many causes. I think the fluoride

theory is possible and I also think it can be heavy metals. Of

course... thousands of other theories cannot be discounted. (dont

want to sound dumb.... is fluoride a metal?).


> love and hugs,

> Debra V.





> ---------------------------------

> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.

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> http://fibromyalgia-no-more.com/Fibromyalgia-Wastebasket-Diagnosis-



wow, what a d*****bag. but it was ever thus w/scientists: if they had

no recognized hard data at hand, then they claimed it just couldn't

be so. velikovsky, an astrophysicist (i think) made several

assumptions about the planet venus in a book he wrote in the 50s; he

was drummed out of the scientific community as a quack. but guess

what? w/newer methods of checking out the planet, he was proved right

on just about all the points he'd made... but that didn't happen

until 20 or 30 years later.

perhaps some day some genius *will* come up w/a diagnostic method

that will prove we are suffering real, quantifiable pain. until that

day i guess we'll be considered to be " somatizing' (talk about an

unquantifiable dx!!!)

by the way, i did try acupuncture twice when i was really desperate,

but both treatments nearly crippled me for a week, so acupuncture

isn't the miracle placebo cure the author of this article proclaims

it to be.

nin, who doesn't believe the exception proves the rule.

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> > has anyone noticed a link in genetics? becuase my aunt also has FMS

> > Jerilyn

> >

> > Hi Jerilyn Fibro also runs in my family I am 1 of 9 children and 3

of us have it 2 girls and 1 boy and we believe my mother had it but she

died in 1968 before there was a name for it




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