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Re: bright light, noise, smell~~Amy~~

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The current research on this says that it is directly connected to PTSD. PTSD by

definition is a traumatic event in which your senses are hyper aroused for your

own protention. If you consider that our brain is like a car, and your life is

in danger then you are in effect blow all your gaskets to escape to a calmer

world. Once gaskets are blown you have to get them replaced, in our brain we

cant do that, so the next time a virus comes along our body can't fight it and

our immune system is broken, or alternatively our immune system is broken and we

cant fight even the most basics of infection. Since it is 30% genetic it would

be interesting to see in future research if the gaskets were already broken

prior to the virus, or whether the children of PTSD sufferer's are actual

witnesses to the abusive event and thus are victims of PTSD not by proxy but by

proximity. A bit like, is it the chicken or the egg that comes first.

RE: Re: bright light, noise, smell~~Amy~~

I haven't been able to drive at nights for years now, for exactly those reasons.

I just can't see anything but the lights, I lose track of the road, can't see

the lines and can't see the exit signs on the highway. I realised it was

downright dangerous for me to be driving at nightime. I still occasionally will

drive to a nearby store or something, if I know the route by heart, and know

there will be little traffic. Of course, this made it very difficult when I was

working, I always had to arrange rides with other people, and a few times when I

couldn't would drive TO work, then call a taxi to get home. I would then have to

find someone willing to take me to pick up my car early the next day. It was a

huge 'hassle'. Even when I had a 'day job', during the winter months it would

still be dark by the time I would get off, so that really didn't solve anything.

Oh well, I managed despite it all.

It is strange that we can 'taste' smells. I always thought I would have made an

excellent 'professional taster', like those who make their living tasting things

like wines or coffees for quality assurance. It really helped as a chef, as I

was able to recreate somebody else's recipes after having had it once. Actually,

I can still do that, and do!! My latest one was for a 'couscous' salad at a

really nice restaurant here. Of course, one thing was obvious by sight alone,

they didn't use couscous at all, but the tiny pasta shaped like little balls. I

made it for my daughter a few weeks after we had eaten there, as she fell in

love with it. It turned out perfectly. Funny how my brain fog will let me

remember the little details when it comes to food!! Luckily I find very few food

aromas offensive. In fact, I love 'smelly' foods like garlic and bleu cheeses. I

adore liver and onions with bacon as well. In fact...I just love food!! LOL!

Peace and Love


> Wow...I never knew those were symptoms of FM. I have noticed lately

> that I have a very hard time driving at night. The lights really

> bother me, and some people have those stupid halogen lights or drive

> with their brights on. I can't see at all when that happens. I have

> always been sensitive to flourescent lighting. It makes my eyes feel

> like their crossing & I fall asleep.


> My hearing is not sensitive, but that is probably because I am a

> musician & have always been around very loud music. I am pretty hard

> of hearing. But...I do have a nose like a Bloodhound. I can taste the

> smells too...no one else can understand that. I have a farm...and

> most animal smells do not bother me...but we went to the zoo to see

> the elephants & it really got to me. There are also some foods I

> cannot make or eat simply because of the smells.




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1. While it is wonderful to share our experiences with everyone on the list as

to what treatments do and don't work for us, pls always check with your dr.

Some treatments are dangerous when given along with other meds as well as to

certain health conditions or just dangerous in general.

2. If you are in a difficult situation (doesn't matter what it is) pls don't be

afraid to ask for help. It is the first step to trying to make that situation


3. To unsubscribe the e-mail is:


4.. Also, it is not uncommon for more than one member to be feeling bad at the

same time when it comes to flares and b/c of that potentially take something

another member says the wrong way. And that includes the things that one member

may find funny (even if it's laughing at fibro itself) even though we who deal

with illness whether one such as fibro or multiple illnesses try to keep a sense

of humor.

5. Pls let's be gentle with each other, and if you are having a bad day pls let

us know so that we can do our best to offer our support.

Have a nice day everyone.

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PTSD? Well the lights just went on! During my early childhood, til the age of

about 7, I really just looked behind me all the time. No details yet, but it was

dangerous. We moved and I could finally relax...but still....


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I was in a horrible car accident 3 years ago which nearly killed

me...and should have. Took a tumble off the side of a mountain. That

is also what has caused the onset of my Fibro. It took me a year to

even get in a car & drive after that accident. :(


> Depending on the study its between 40-70% of us have had a

traumatic event in our past, and we are not talking little stuff

either. People with PTSD have changes in their alpha waves in their

brain which alters you capacity to heal and recover when sleeping,

its why so many of us can't sleep. FM and CFS and Gulf War Syndrome

have alpha waves as one of many overlapping symptoms.



> Re: bright light, noise, smell~~Amy~~


> PTSD? Well the lights just went on! During my early childhood, til

the age of about 7, I really just looked behind me all the time. No

details yet, but it was dangerous. We moved and I could finally

relax...but still....


> Ruthie



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TG you are still alive. I have been in a bad accident too years ago. Very

frightening and I drive like a granny now, lol.

Amy Brand wrote: I was in a horrible car

accident 3 years ago which nearly killed

me...and should have. Took a tumble off the side of a mountain. That

is also what has caused the onset of my Fibro. It took me a year to

even get in a car & drive after that accident. :(


> Depending on the study its between 40-70% of us have had a

traumatic event in our past, and we are not talking little stuff

either. People with PTSD have changes in their alpha waves in their

brain which alters you capacity to heal and recover when sleeping,

its why so many of us can't sleep. FM and CFS and Gulf War Syndrome

have alpha waves as one of many overlapping symptoms.



> Re: bright light, noise, smell~~Amy~~


> PTSD? Well the lights just went on! During my early childhood, til

the age of about 7, I really just looked behind me all the time. No

details yet, but it was dangerous. We moved and I could finally

relax...but still....


> Ruthie



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