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Re: To tired and hurting to go on

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It so saddens me to hear anyone of our group members to be in this state of

mind. You speak of your granddaughers and it seems they also have a great deal

of pain, maybe different pain, but just as devastating as your own. What would

you tell them if they told you they thought of taking their own life. Please

know, even if we are unaware of the impact we have on others, we all do. Maybe

just a smile, or a kind word, or by example. Take all the strength you can

muster, to count your blessings, even when we are at the end of our ropes, we

all have things to be grateful for. Just the gift of breath is enough to get us

through to the next moment. I will pray that your heart be lighten.

bless you, Judy

lilbit_sunnygirl wrote:

I have had some serious thoughts of taking my own life lately. The

pain has been so bad the last 2 days that I can hardly move and I am

in such a horrid state of mind I even take it out on my beloved yorki.

Were are these thoughts coming from? I think of all the ways but want

to make sure it works. I don't want to hurt my kids but I don't want

to hurt anymore.

So many things have been happening in my life that are sad. My

granddaughter that lost her mom (my daughter) asked for my help

getting her off crank, I didn't even know she was on it. I can't take

her in as I live with my aunt. Another granddaughter was taken to

another city and made to do prostition until the police picked her up.

We had no idea where she was as she wouldn't tell the police who she

was for 2 weeks. Now she's home again but so out of control that she

just does what she wants. She's just 15.

I used to think I could handle any situation but now I can't even help

myself. I don't have alot of family left to help me thru this. My

aunt has the perfect son and grandkids so she can't relate.

I am just so unhappy and I don't know where I belong anymore.

I'm working on it.

Thanks for listening.

Little from Las Vegas

1. While it is wonderful to share our experiences with everyone on the list as

to what treatments do and don't work for us, pls always check with your dr. Some

treatments are dangerous when given along with other meds as well as to certain

health conditions or just dangerous in general.

2. If you are in a difficult situation (doesn't matter what it is) pls don't be

afraid to ask for help. It is the first step to trying to make that situation


3. To unsubscribe the e-mail is:


4. Also, it is not uncommon for more than one member to be feeling bad at the

same time when it comes to flares and b/c of that potentially take something

another member says the wrong way. And that includes the things that one member

may find funny (even if it's laughing at fibro itself) even though we who deal

with illness whether one such as fibro or multiple illnesses try to keep a sense

of humor.

5. Pls let's be gentle with each other, and if you are having a bad day pls let

us know so that we can do our best to offer our support.

Have a nice day everyone.

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I know you don't want to hear that tomorrow maybe better for you because

things are so bad. Just have faith that No more is put on us than we care

carry. Please take one step at a time and one day at a time. I have been

living hour to hour for a long time now and it can be done.

For me to sit here and tell you not to worry is crazy because you will


but what I will say is If you don't take care of yourself you can't help with

anyone else. I guess that what I have said has been said to you a million


but I am saying it as an outsider and a friend.

God Grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change and the


to change the things that I can and the wisdom to know the difference.


lilbit_sunnygirl wrote:

I have had some serious thoughts of taking my own life lately. The

pain has been so bad the last 2 days that I can hardly move and I am

in such a horrid state of mind I even take it out on my beloved yorki.

Were are these thoughts coming from? I think of all the ways but want

to make sure it works. I don't want to hurt my kids but I don't want

to hurt anymore.

So many things have been happening in my life that are sad. My

granddaughter that lost her mom (my daughter) asked for my help

getting her off crank, I didn't even know she was on it. I can't take

her in as I live with my aunt. Another granddaughter was taken to

another city and made to do prostition until the police picked her up.

We had no idea where she was as she wouldn't tell the police who she

was for 2 weeks. Now she's home again but so out of control that she

just does what she wants. She's just 15.

I used to think I could handle any situation but now I can't even help

myself. I don't have alot of family left to help me thru this. My

aunt has the perfect son and grandkids so she can't relate.

I am just so unhappy and I don't know where I belong anymore.

I'm working on it.

Thanks for listening.

Little from Las Vegas


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I think you are taking on too many of other people's problems and neglecting

your own.

I've been just as depressed as you are. I have an appointment Friday to talk

with a counselor.

It's the first time I have ever gone to one. I'll let you know how it goes.

If you are suicidal you probably need to get some help.

However, I know its hard to do anything when you are that depressed.

I had to rise out of my depression to find a counselor. I'm actually going to

see 2 different ones and decide which one to stick with.

I think as for your granddaughters; the most you can do is find them a place to

go to get treatment.

Those drug addictions are something for professionals to deal with. You can

probably do the research online and with a telephone. I'm guessing if their

mother died they are entitled to social security benefits. Maybe they are

eligible for a public assistance program.

I think you need to let yourself off the hook and take care of you.

Get more rest; take care of yourself. Don't feel guilty about it. Do what you

need to do to feel better.

Don't beat yourself up about what you can't do. Some days are better than

others. Some days you just get going and on a roll and get a lot done. Other

days you are lucky to get out of bed. That's just the way it is.

You also have people here to talk to. Alot of us have been suicidal. We

understand what you are feeling.

If you think you need it; find a counselor.

Feel free to contact me privately anytime.

Angie Harley Mama Double-D

Carson City, NV; Single, five children (3 at home), 2 dogs, 5 cats, snow skiing,

camping, Harley Rider, Lone Wolf, Blue Thong Society/High Sierra Thong Snappers

member, LFA Advocate, independent, opinionated, outspoken, and open minded.

" It's always something. " ~~~Gilda Radner

" While we have the gift of life, it seems to me theonly tragedy is to allow part

of us to die - whether it is our spirit,our creativity or our glorious

uniqueness. " ~~~Gilda Radner







To tired and hurting to go on

I have had some serious thoughts of taking my own life lately. The

pain has been so bad the last 2 days that I can hardly move and I am

in such a horrid state of mind I even take it out on my beloved yorki.

Were are these thoughts coming from? I think of all the ways but want

to make sure it works. I don't want to hurt my kids but I don't want

to hurt anymore.

So many things have been happening in my life that are sad. My

granddaughter that lost her mom (my daughter) asked for my help

getting her off crank, I didn't even know she was on it. I can't take

her in as I live with my aunt. Another granddaughter was taken to

another city and made to do prostition until the police picked her up.

We had no idea where she was as she wouldn't tell the police who she

was for 2 weeks. Now she's home again but so out of control that she

just does what she wants. She's just 15.

I used to think I could handle any situation but now I can't even help

myself. I don't have alot of family left to help me thru this. My

aunt has the perfect son and grandkids so she can't relate.

I am just so unhappy and I don't know where I belong anymore.

I'm working on it.

Thanks for listening.

Little from Las Vegas



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Amen. A counselor can also help you find resources for those girls.

Give them the numbers and then just worry about yourself and getting

healthy. I know it is hard but those girls have made a lot of their

own choices and they need to deal with it not you. Neda

> LilBit,

> I think you are taking on too many of other people's problems and

> neglecting your own.

> I've been just as depressed as you are. I have an appointment

> Friday to talk with a counselor.

> It's the first time I have ever gone to one. I'll let you know how

> it goes.


> If you are suicidal you probably need to get some help.

> However, I know its hard to do anything when you are that depressed.

> I had to rise out of my depression to find a counselor. I'm

> actually going to see 2 different ones and decide which one to

> stick with.


> I think as for your granddaughters; the most you can do is find

> them a place to go to get treatment.

> Those drug addictions are something for professionals to deal with.

> You can probably do the research online and with a telephone. I'm

> guessing if their mother died they are entitled to social security

> benefits. Maybe they are eligible for a public assistance program.


> I think you need to let yourself off the hook and take care of you.

> Get more rest; take care of yourself. Don't feel guilty about it.

> Do what you need to do to feel better.

> Don't beat yourself up about what you can't do. Some days are

> better than others. Some days you just get going and on a roll and

> get a lot done. Other days you are lucky to get out of bed. That's

> just the way it is.

> You also have people here to talk to. Alot of us have been

> suicidal. We understand what you are feeling.

> If you think you need it; find a counselor.

> Feel free to contact me privately anytime.


> Angie Harley Mama Double-D

> Carson City, NV; Single, five children (3 at home), 2 dogs, 5 cats,

> snow skiing, camping, Harley Rider, Lone Wolf, Blue Thong Society/

> High Sierra Thong Snappers member, LFA Advocate, independent,

> opinionated, outspoken, and open minded.


> " It's always something. " ~~~Gilda Radner


> " While we have the gift of life, it seems to me theonly tragedy is

> to allow part of us to die - whether it is our spirit,our

> creativity or our glorious uniqueness. " ~~~Gilda Radner


> http://360.yahoo.com/lovinglifeinnv

> http://www.myspace.com/amkg

> http://doripost.agrato.info/

> http://www.xanga.com/PurplePassionate

> http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=592316375

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/LupusSurvivorsU/



> To tired and hurting to go on


> I have had some serious thoughts of taking my own life lately. The


> pain has been so bad the last 2 days that I can hardly move and I am


> in such a horrid state of mind I even take it out on my beloved yorki.


> Were are these thoughts coming from? I think of all the ways but want


> to make sure it works. I don't want to hurt my kids but I don't want


> to hurt anymore.


> So many things have been happening in my life that are sad. My


> granddaughter that lost her mom (my daughter) asked for my help


> getting her off crank, I didn't even know she was on it. I can't take


> her in as I live with my aunt. Another granddaughter was taken to


> another city and made to do prostition until the police picked her up.


> We had no idea where she was as she wouldn't tell the police who she


> was for 2 weeks. Now she's home again but so out of control that she


> just does what she wants. She's just 15.


> I used to think I could handle any situation but now I can't even help


> myself. I don't have alot of family left to help me thru this. My


> aunt has the perfect son and grandkids so she can't relate.


> I am just so unhappy and I don't know where I belong anymore.


> I'm working on it.


> Thanks for listening.


> Little from Las Vegas


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> __________________________________________________________

> Be a better friend, newshound, and

> know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now. http://

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Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. Taking one hour at a time is a

lot easier than trying to take on the world. I have been praying that the right

answers come. I really appreciate this group.

God bless




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> Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. Taking one hour at

a time is a lot easier than trying to take on the world. I have been

praying that the right answers come. I really appreciate this group.

> God bless

> Little




> Dear :

I feel your pain. I know how I try to be there for my children and

grandchildren. I have had to draw some limits on what I do and to try

to stick to the boundaries that I have set.

Your granddaughters really need professional help to get them through

this. I know that as a grandmother myself it is easier said than

done. I need to remind myself from time to time to " Let go and let God " .

Could you promise us that you will make a call to talk with someone

about how you are feeling? We who have fibro know that stress is a

BIG contributor to our pain. I have found that a good antidepressant

has helped me tremendously! Please consider doing this for all of us

who care! Just make a call! And remember we care.










> ---------------------------------

> Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo!




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Think of a large plastic trash bag or two without holes, handcuffs behind

yourself, strong duct tape to wrap the bag over your head using the duct tape

around your neck to prevent air from coming in. That should get you there!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

To tired and hurting to go on

I have had some serious thoughts of taking my own life lately. The

pain has been so bad the last 2 days that I can hardly move and I am

in such a horrid state of mind I even take it out on my beloved yorki.

Were are these thoughts coming from? I think of all the ways but want

to make sure it works. I don't want to hurt my kids but I don't want

to hurt anymore.

So many things have been happening in my life that are sad. My

granddaughter that lost her mom (my daughter) asked for my help

getting her off crank, I didn't even know she was on it. I can't take

her in as I live with my aunt. Another granddaughter was taken to

another city and made to do prostition until the police picked her up.

We had no idea where she was as she wouldn't tell the police who she

was for 2 weeks. Now she's home again but so out of control that she

just does what she wants. She's just 15.

I used to think I could handle any situation but now I can't even help

myself. I don't have alot of family left to help me thru this. My

aunt has the perfect son and grandkids so she can't relate.

I am just so unhappy and I don't know where I belong anymore.

I'm working on it.

Thanks for listening.

Little from Las Vegas

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I hurt all the time toon but somehow, somewhere there is a higher purpose for

our lives. I am certain there are many ways you can help your granddaughters

directly or indirectly. Your instincts will take over!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

To tired and hurting to go on

I have had some serious thoughts of taking my own life lately. The

pain has been so bad the last 2 days that I can hardly move and I am

in such a horrid state of mind I even take it out on my beloved yorki.

Were are these thoughts coming from? I think of all the ways but want

to make sure it works. I don't want to hurt my kids but I don't want

to hurt anymore.

So many things have been happening in my life that are sad. My

granddaughter that lost her mom (my daughter) asked for my help

getting her off crank, I didn't even know she was on it. I can't take

her in as I live with my aunt. Another granddaughter was taken to

another city and made to do prostition until the police picked her up.

We had no idea where she was as she wouldn't tell the police who she

was for 2 weeks. Now she's home again but so out of control that she

just does what she wants. She's just 15.

I used to think I could handle any situation but now I can't even help

myself. I don't have alot of family left to help me thru this. My

aunt has the perfect son and grandkids so she can't relate.

I am just so unhappy and I don't know where I belong anymore.

I'm working on it.

Thanks for listening.

Little from Las Vegas

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Huh? Is this spose to be a joke? I'm sorry I don't find any humor in it.

raburtongdyr@... wrote: Think of a large plastic trash bag or two without

holes, handcuffs behind yourself, strong duct tape to wrap the bag over your

head using the duct tape around your neck to prevent air from coming in. That

should get you there!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

To tired and hurting to go on

I have had some serious thoughts of taking my own life lately. The

pain has been so bad the last 2 days that I can hardly move and I am

in such a horrid state of mind I even take it out on my beloved yorki.

Were are these thoughts coming from? I think of all the ways but want

to make sure it works. I don't want to hurt my kids but I don't want

to hurt anymore.

So many things have been happening in my life that are sad. My

granddaughter that lost her mom (my daughter) asked for my help

getting her off crank, I didn't even know she was on it. I can't take

her in as I live with my aunt. Another granddaughter was taken to

another city and made to do prostition until the police picked her up.

We had no idea where she was as she wouldn't tell the police who she

was for 2 weeks. Now she's home again but so out of control that she

just does what she wants. She's just 15.

I used to think I could handle any situation but now I can't even help

myself. I don't have alot of family left to help me thru this. My

aunt has the perfect son and grandkids so she can't relate.

I am just so unhappy and I don't know where I belong anymore.

I'm working on it.

Thanks for listening.

Little from Las Vegas

1. While it is wonderful to share our experiences with everyone on the list as

to what treatments do and don't work for us, pls always check with your dr. Some

treatments are dangerous when given along with other meds as well as to certain

health conditions or just dangerous in general.

2. If you are in a difficult situation (doesn't matter what it is) pls don't be

afraid to ask for help. It is the first step to trying to make that situation


3. To unsubscribe the e-mail is:


4. Also, it is not uncommon for more than one member to be feeling bad at the

same time when it comes to flares and b/c of that potentially take something

another member says the wrong way. And that includes the things that one member

may find funny (even if it's laughing at fibro itself) even though we who deal

with illness whether one such as fibro or multiple illnesses try to keep a sense

of humor.

5. Pls let's be gentle with each other, and if you are having a bad day pls let

us know so that we can do our best to offer our support.

Have a nice day everyone.

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This is sick, you must have more than fibro.

raburtongdyr@... wrote: Think of a large plastic trash bag or two without

holes, handcuffs behind yourself, strong duct tape to wrap the bag over your

head using the duct tape around your neck to prevent air from coming in. That

should get you there!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

To tired and hurting to go on

I have had some serious thoughts of taking my own life lately. The

pain has been so bad the last 2 days that I can hardly move and I am

in such a horrid state of mind I even take it out on my beloved yorki.

Were are these thoughts coming from? I think of all the ways but want

to make sure it works. I don't want to hurt my kids but I don't want

to hurt anymore.

So many things have been happening in my life that are sad. My

granddaughter that lost her mom (my daughter) asked for my help

getting her off crank, I didn't even know she was on it. I can't take

her in as I live with my aunt. Another granddaughter was taken to

another city and made to do prostition until the police picked her up.

We had no idea where she was as she wouldn't tell the police who she

was for 2 weeks. Now she's home again but so out of control that she

just does what she wants. She's just 15.

I used to think I could handle any situation but now I can't even help

myself. I don't have alot of family left to help me thru this. My

aunt has the perfect son and grandkids so she can't relate.

I am just so unhappy and I don't know where I belong anymore.

I'm working on it.

Thanks for listening.

Little from Las Vegas

1. While it is wonderful to share our experiences with everyone on the list as

to what treatments do and don't work for us, pls always check with your dr. Some

treatments are dangerous when given along with other meds as well as to certain

health conditions or just dangerous in general.

2. If you are in a difficult situation (doesn't matter what it is) pls don't be

afraid to ask for help. It is the first step to trying to make that situation


3. To unsubscribe the e-mail is:


4. Also, it is not uncommon for more than one member to be feeling bad at the

same time when it comes to flares and b/c of that potentially take something

another member says the wrong way. And that includes the things that one member

may find funny (even if it's laughing at fibro itself) even though we who deal

with illness whether one such as fibro or multiple illnesses try to keep a sense

of humor.

5. Pls let's be gentle with each other, and if you are having a bad day pls let

us know so that we can do our best to offer our support.

Have a nice day everyone.

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Stop it. Please don't think that way. I think most of us have been in that

frame of mind at some point. If you are serious, please get help. I mean it.

I have been suicidal. DONT DO IT.

People in this world do care about you. You have me worried.

Debra V.

raburtongdyr@... wrote:

Think of a large plastic trash bag or two without holes, handcuffs behind

yourself, strong duct tape to wrap the bag over your head using the duct tape

around your neck to prevent air from coming in. That should get you there!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

To tired and hurting to go on

I have had some serious thoughts of taking my own life lately. The

pain has been so bad the last 2 days that I can hardly move and I am

in such a horrid state of mind I even take it out on my beloved yorki.

Were are these thoughts coming from? I think of all the ways but want

to make sure it works. I don't want to hurt my kids but I don't want

to hurt anymore.

So many things have been happening in my life that are sad. My

granddaughter that lost her mom (my daughter) asked for my help

getting her off crank, I didn't even know she was on it. I can't take

her in as I live with my aunt. Another granddaughter was taken to

another city and made to do prostition until the police picked her up.

We had no idea where she was as she wouldn't tell the police who she

was for 2 weeks. Now she's home again but so out of control that she

just does what she wants. She's just 15.

I used to think I could handle any situation but now I can't even help

myself. I don't have alot of family left to help me thru this. My

aunt has the perfect son and grandkids so she can't relate.

I am just so unhappy and I don't know where I belong anymore.

I'm working on it.

Thanks for listening.

Little from Las Vegas

1. While it is wonderful to share our experiences with everyone on the list as

to what treatments do and don't work for us, pls always check with your dr. Some

treatments are dangerous when given along with other meds as well as to certain

health conditions or just dangerous in general.

2. If you are in a difficult situation (doesn't matter what it is) pls don't be

afraid to ask for help. It is the first step to trying to make that situation


3. To unsubscribe the e-mail is:


4. Also, it is not uncommon for more than one member to be feeling bad at the

same time when it comes to flares and b/c of that potentially take something

another member says the wrong way. And that includes the things that one member

may find funny (even if it's laughing at fibro itself) even though we who deal

with illness whether one such as fibro or multiple illnesses try to keep a sense

of humor.

5. Pls let's be gentle with each other, and if you are having a bad day pls let

us know so that we can do our best to offer our support.

Have a nice day everyone.

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Very well said, Angie. I was trying to come up with a good response, and

now I don't have to, because you said it perfectly. Little , you are a

valued person on this list and in the world. Please don't end your life

before your time.

Jeanne in WI

> LilBit,

> I think you are taking on too many of other people's problems and

> neglecting your own. I've been just as depressed as you are. I have an

> appointment Friday to talk with a counselor. It's the first time I have

> ever gone to one. I'll let you know how it goes.


> If you are suicidal you probably need to get some help.

> However, I know its hard to do anything when you are that depressed. I had

> to rise out of my depression to find a counselor. I'm actually going to

> see 2 different ones and decide which one to stick with.


> I think as for your granddaughters; the most you can do is find them a

> place to go to get treatment. Those drug addictions are something for

> professionals to deal with. You can probably do the research online and

> with a telephone. I'm guessing if their mother died they are entitled to

> social security benefits. Maybe they are eligible for a public assistance

> program.


> I think you need to let yourself off the hook and take care of you. Get

> more rest; take care of yourself. Don't feel guilty about it. Do what

> you need to do to feel better.

> Don't beat yourself up about what you can't do. Some days are better than

> others. Some days you just get going and on a roll and get a lot done.

> Other days you are lucky to get out of bed. That's just the way it is.

You also have people here to talk to. Alot of us have been suicidal. We

understand what you are feeling.

> If you think you need it; find a counselor.

> Feel free to contact me privately anytime.


> Angie Harley Mama Double-D

> Carson City, NV; Single, five children (3 at home), 2 dogs, 5 cats, snow

> skiing, camping, Harley Rider, Lone Wolf, Blue Thong Society/High Sierra

> Thong Snappers member, LFA Advocate, independent, opinionated, outspoken,

> and open minded.


> " It's always something. " ~~~Gilda Radner


> " While we have the gift of life, it seems to me theonly tragedy is to

> allow part of us to die - whether it is our spirit,our creativity or our

> glorious uniqueness. " ~~~Gilda Radner


> http://360.yahoo.com/lovinglifeinnv

> http://www.myspace.com/amkg

> http://doripost.agrato.info/

> http://www.xanga.com/PurplePassionate

> http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=592316375

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/LupusSurvivorsU/




> To tired and hurting to go on















> I have had some serious thoughts of taking my own life lately.

> The


> pain has been so bad the last 2 days that I can hardly move and I am


> in such a horrid state of mind I even take it out on my beloved yorki.


> Were are these thoughts coming from? I think of all the ways but want


> to make sure it works. I don't want to hurt my kids but I don't want


> to hurt anymore.


> So many things have been happening in my life that are sad. My


> granddaughter that lost her mom (my daughter) asked for my help


> getting her off crank, I didn't even know she was on it. I can't take


> her in as I live with my aunt. Another granddaughter was taken to


> another city and made to do prostition until the police picked her up.


> We had no idea where she was as she wouldn't tell the police who she


> was for 2 weeks. Now she's home again but so out of control that she


> just does what she wants. She's just 15.


> I used to think I could handle any situation but now I can't even help


> myself. I don't have alot of family left to help me thru this. My


> aunt has the perfect son and grandkids so she can't relate.


> I am just so unhappy and I don't know where I belong anymore.


> I'm working on it.


> Thanks for listening.


> Little from Las Vegas















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Yep. It is.

Debra V.

Judy Thurow wrote:

This is sick, you must have more than fibro.

raburtongdyr@... wrote: Think of a large plastic trash bag or two without

holes, handcuffs behind yourself, strong duct tape to wrap the bag over your

head using the duct tape around your neck to prevent air from coming in. That

should get you there!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

To tired and hurting to go on

I have had some serious thoughts of taking my own life lately. The

pain has been so bad the last 2 days that I can hardly move and I am

in such a horrid state of mind I even take it out on my beloved yorki.

Were are these thoughts coming from? I think of all the ways but want

to make sure it works. I don't want to hurt my kids but I don't want

to hurt anymore.

So many things have been happening in my life that are sad. My

granddaughter that lost her mom (my daughter) asked for my help

getting her off crank, I didn't even know she was on it. I can't take

her in as I live with my aunt. Another granddaughter was taken to

another city and made to do prostition until the police picked her up.

We had no idea where she was as she wouldn't tell the police who she

was for 2 weeks. Now she's home again but so out of control that she

just does what she wants. She's just 15.

I used to think I could handle any situation but now I can't even help

myself. I don't have alot of family left to help me thru this. My

aunt has the perfect son and grandkids so she can't relate.

I am just so unhappy and I don't know where I belong anymore.

I'm working on it.

Thanks for listening.

Little from Las Vegas

1. While it is wonderful to share our experiences with everyone on the list as

to what treatments do and don't work for us, pls always check with your dr. Some

treatments are dangerous when given along with other meds as well as to certain

health conditions or just dangerous in general.

2. If you are in a difficult situation (doesn't matter what it is) pls don't be

afraid to ask for help. It is the first step to trying to make that situation


3. To unsubscribe the e-mail is:


4. Also, it is not uncommon for more than one member to be feeling bad at the

same time when it comes to flares and b/c of that potentially take something

another member says the wrong way. And that includes the things that one member

may find funny (even if it's laughing at fibro itself) even though we who deal

with illness whether one such as fibro or multiple illnesses try to keep a sense

of humor.

5. Pls let's be gentle with each other, and if you are having a bad day pls let

us know so that we can do our best to offer our support.

Have a nice day everyone.

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Yes I promise to call a counsler today. this can't keep going on. I

want part of my life back.

And as for my grandkids, well they can seek help too because I am not

qualifed to help them in that area.

Thank you for the out pour of help.


> >

> > Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. Taking one hour at

> a time is a lot easier than trying to take on the world. I have been

> praying that the right answers come. I really appreciate this group.

> > God bless

> > Little

> >

> >


> > Dear :

> I feel your pain. I know how I try to be there for my children and

> grandchildren. I have had to draw some limits on what I do and to try

> to stick to the boundaries that I have set.


> Your granddaughters really need professional help to get them through

> this. I know that as a grandmother myself it is easier said than

> done. I need to remind myself from time to time to " Let go and let

God " .


> Could you promise us that you will make a call to talk with someone

> about how you are feeling? We who have fibro know that stress is a

> BIG contributor to our pain. I have found that a good antidepressant

> has helped me tremendously! Please consider doing this for all of us

> who care! Just make a call! And remember we care.

> Vicki

> MN

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo!

> Search.

> >

> >

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I can't handle reading this kind of hurtful stuff. Who ever thinks it is funny

should stick the wireless blackberry where the sun don't shine....I am out of


Judy Thurow wrote: This is sick, you must have more

than fibro.

raburtongdyr@... wrote: Think of a large plastic trash bag or two without

holes, handcuffs behind yourself, strong duct tape to wrap the bag over your

head using the duct tape around your neck to prevent air from coming in. That

should get you there!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

To tired and hurting to go on

I have had some serious thoughts of taking my own life lately. The

pain has been so bad the last 2 days that I can hardly move and I am

in such a horrid state of mind I even take it out on my beloved yorki.

Were are these thoughts coming from? I think of all the ways but want

to make sure it works. I don't want to hurt my kids but I don't want

to hurt anymore.

So many things have been happening in my life that are sad. My

granddaughter that lost her mom (my daughter) asked for my help

getting her off crank, I didn't even know she was on it. I can't take

her in as I live with my aunt. Another granddaughter was taken to

another city and made to do prostition until the police picked her up.

We had no idea where she was as she wouldn't tell the police who she

was for 2 weeks. Now she's home again but so out of control that she

just does what she wants. She's just 15.

I used to think I could handle any situation but now I can't even help

myself. I don't have alot of family left to help me thru this. My

aunt has the perfect son and grandkids so she can't relate.

I am just so unhappy and I don't know where I belong anymore.

I'm working on it.

Thanks for listening.

Little from Las Vegas

1. While it is wonderful to share our experiences with everyone on the list as

to what treatments do and don't work for us, pls always check with your dr. Some

treatments are dangerous when given along with other meds as well as to certain

health conditions or just dangerous in general.

2. If you are in a difficult situation (doesn't matter what it is) pls don't be

afraid to ask for help. It is the first step to trying to make that situation


3. To unsubscribe the e-mail is:


4. Also, it is not uncommon for more than one member to be feeling bad at the

same time when it comes to flares and b/c of that potentially take something

another member says the wrong way. And that includes the things that one member

may find funny (even if it's laughing at fibro itself) even though we who deal

with illness whether one such as fibro or multiple illnesses try to keep a sense

of humor.

5. Pls let's be gentle with each other, and if you are having a bad day pls let

us know so that we can do our best to offer our support.

Have a nice day everyone.

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> I have had some serious thoughts of taking my own life lately. The

> pain has been so bad the last 2 days that I can hardly move and I am

> in such a horrid state of mind I even take it out on my beloved yorki.

> Were are these thoughts coming from? I think of all the ways but want

> to make sure it works. I don't want to hurt my kids but I don't want

> to hurt anymore.


Have you called anyone? A hotline, your doctor, anyone? You need

some real help immediately, for the pain situation, as well as the

suicidal thoughts. Please let us know that you've contacted someone.

You are facing some really hard things in your life. It's hard to

see now but there is hope. There is help for your granddaughter, and

help for you. You are in no state at this point to be much help to

her, and you'll be none at all to her if you take your own life. And

what will happen to your little yorkie if you do that, let alone your


Even if nothing else were happening in your life, that level of pain

is enough to sap your will to live. But flares will pass. I hope

that your doc can help you get your pain under control. But taking

care of the issues in your life must begin with you taking good care

of yourself. Without that, there's nothing there to give anyone else.


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Must be a very happy person sending that huh?

Well...they obviously want to read our responses so

.....Im done.

--- Deborah Younce wrote:

> I can't handle reading this kind of hurtful stuff.

> Who ever thinks it is funny should stick the

> wireless blackberry where the sun don't shine....I

> am out of here.


> Judy Thurow wrote: This

> is sick, you must have more than fibro.


> raburtongdyr@... wrote: Think of a large

> plastic trash bag or two without holes, handcuffs

> behind yourself, strong duct tape to wrap the bag

> over your head using the duct tape around your neck

> to prevent air from coming in. That should get you

> there!

> Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


> To tired and hurting to go on


> I have had some serious thoughts of taking my own

> life lately. The

> pain has been so bad the last 2 days that I can

> hardly move and I am

> in such a horrid state of mind I even take it out on

> my beloved yorki.

> Were are these thoughts coming from? I think of all

> the ways but want

> to make sure it works. I don't want to hurt my kids

> but I don't want

> to hurt anymore.

> So many things have been happening in my life that

> are sad. My

> granddaughter that lost her mom (my daughter) asked

> for my help

> getting her off crank, I didn't even know she was on

> it. I can't take

> her in as I live with my aunt. Another granddaughter

> was taken to

> another city and made to do prostition until the

> police picked her up.

> We had no idea where she was as she wouldn't tell

> the police who she

> was for 2 weeks. Now she's home again but so out of

> control that she

> just does what she wants. She's just 15.

> I used to think I could handle any situation but now

> I can't even help

> myself. I don't have alot of family left to help me

> thru this. My

> aunt has the perfect son and grandkids so she can't

> relate.

> I am just so unhappy and I don't know where I belong

> anymore.

> I'm working on it.

> Thanks for listening.

> Little from Las Vegas


> 1. While it is wonderful to share our experiences

> with everyone on the list as to what treatments do

> and don't work for us, pls always check with your

> dr. Some treatments are dangerous when given along

> with other meds as well as to certain health

> conditions or just dangerous in general.


> 2. If you are in a difficult situation (doesn't

> matter what it is) pls don't be afraid to ask for

> help. It is the first step to trying to make that

> situation better.


> 3. To unsubscribe the e-mail is:




> 4. Also, it is not uncommon for more than one member

> to be feeling bad at the same time when it comes to

> flares and b/c of that potentially take something

> another member says the wrong way. And that includes

> the things that one member may find funny (even if

> it's laughing at fibro itself) even though we who

> deal with illness whether one such as fibro or

> multiple illnesses try to keep a sense of humor.


> 5. Pls let's be gentle with each other, and if you

> are having a bad day pls let us know so that we can

> do our best to offer our support.


> Have a nice day everyone.



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I know I'm not the only one glad to hear from you Little ! Thank

you very much for at least taking a second to think hard about the

situation. Bless you. Remember, we're always here.

> > >

> > > Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. Taking one

hour at

> > a time is a lot easier than trying to take on the world. I have


> > praying that the right answers come. I really appreciate this


> > > God bless

> > > Little

> > >

> > >

> > > LINDA

> > > Dear :

> > I feel your pain. I know how I try to be there for my children


> > grandchildren. I have had to draw some limits on what I do and

to try

> > to stick to the boundaries that I have set.

> >

> > Your granddaughters really need professional help to get them


> > this. I know that as a grandmother myself it is easier said than

> > done. I need to remind myself from time to time to " Let go and


> God " .

> >

> > Could you promise us that you will make a call to talk with


> > about how you are feeling? We who have fibro know that stress is


> > BIG contributor to our pain. I have found that a good


> > has helped me tremendously! Please consider doing this for all

of us

> > who care! Just make a call! And remember we care.

> > Vicki

> > MN

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ---------------------------------

> > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with


> > Search.

> > >

> > >

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Again, thank you . I love this group of people.

Help is on the way and if I get a relapse I know who to call on.

god bless.


> > > >

> > > > Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. Taking one

> hour at

> > > a time is a lot easier than trying to take on the world. I have

> been

> > > praying that the right answers come. I really appreciate this

> group.

> > > > God bless

> > > > Little

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > LINDA

> > > > Dear :

> > > I feel your pain. I know how I try to be there for my children

> and

> > > grandchildren. I have had to draw some limits on what I do and

> to try

> > > to stick to the boundaries that I have set.

> > >

> > > Your granddaughters really need professional help to get them

> through

> > > this. I know that as a grandmother myself it is easier said than

> > > done. I need to remind myself from time to time to " Let go and

> let

> > God " .

> > >

> > > Could you promise us that you will make a call to talk with

> someone

> > > about how you are feeling? We who have fibro know that stress is

> a

> > > BIG contributor to our pain. I have found that a good

> antidepressant

> > > has helped me tremendously! Please consider doing this for all

> of us

> > > who care! Just make a call! And remember we care.

> > > Vicki

> > > MN

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ---------------------------------

> > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with

> Yahoo!

> > > Search.

> > > >

> > > >

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Remember we are a " living with FM group " you can't be a member unless you stay

with us. LOL


To tired and hurting to go on

I have had some serious thoughts of taking my own life lately. The

pain has been so bad the last 2 days that I can hardly move and I am

in such a horrid state of mind I even take it out on my beloved yorki.

Were are these thoughts coming from? I think of all the ways but want

to make sure it works. I don't want to hurt my kids but I don't want

to hurt anymore.

So many things have been happening in my life that are sad. My

granddaughter that lost her mom (my daughter) asked for my help

getting her off crank, I didn't even know she was on it. I can't take

her in as I live with my aunt. Another granddaughter was taken to

another city and made to do prostition until the police picked her up.

We had no idea where she was as she wouldn't tell the police who she

was for 2 weeks. Now she's home again but so out of control that she

just does what she wants. She's just 15.

I used to think I could handle any situation but now I can't even help

myself. I don't have alot of family left to help me thru this. My

aunt has the perfect son and grandkids so she can't relate.

I am just so unhappy and I don't know where I belong anymore.

I'm working on it.

Thanks for listening.

Little from Las Vegas

1. While it is wonderful to share our experiences with everyone on the list as

to what treatments do and don't work for us, pls always check with your dr. Some

treatments are dangerous when given along with other meds as well as to certain

health conditions or just dangerous in general.

2. If you are in a difficult situation (doesn't matter what it is) pls don't be

afraid to ask for help. It is the first step to trying to make that situation


3. To unsubscribe the e-mail is:


4. Also, it is not uncommon for more than one member to be feeling bad at the

same time when it comes to flares and b/c of that potentially take something

another member says the wrong way. And that includes the things that one member

may find funny (even if it's laughing at fibro itself) even though we who deal

with illness whether one such as fibro or multiple illnesses try to keep a sense

of humor.

5. Pls let's be gentle with each other, and if you are having a bad day pls let

us know so that we can do our best to offer our support.

Have a nice day everyone..

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