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Re: Healing needed

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Dearest Emerald Fae, May the Light of Creation fill your Heart and every fiber of your being and bring healing, comfort and peace of mind. Thank You, Creation. Much Love MarkEmerald Fae <emeraldfae@...> wrote: Well I woke this morning with a sharp pain in my neck and shoulders, I could not move my head. I could use some healing prayers right now. Some of it has gotten better but my neck is still stiff and shoulders too. Thank you for the

positive energy to heal.

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A very good before bedtime meditation

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QD9TdI4CxHcIn Lak'ech Ala K'in, Cheryl(translation: In Lak'ech Ala K'in -You Are My Other Self)In Lak'ech Ala K'in - the Living Code of the Heart | Spirit Libraryvisit me at: www.myspace.com/senegaladyMay we learn to benefit the life of Earth with peace, humble in our needs,

and generous in our giving.Joanne Sunshower

In a message dated 5/8/2008 9:15:16 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, emeraldfae@... writes:

Well I woke this morning with a sharp pain in my neck and shoulders, I could not move my head.

I could use some healing prayers right now.

Some of it has gotten better but my neck is still stiff and shoulders too.

Thank you for the positive energy to heal. Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family favorites at AOL Food.

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  • 1 year later...
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Dear Tonya, welcome back my dear! You know you have a family here, and I will put together a file for natural treatment and detox for hep C, I know I promised to do it before, but I got seriously side tracked. I am glad you made your transition from one space to another. It will be ok. We will go with you through this together, you are not alone, you know this in your heart! Hep c is controllable and can be monitored. Do not lose hope or perspective. With some supplements and healthy diet, you can keep this in a level of manageability . The reason I say this is because I too have a chronic illness, and even though it is not curable, it can be managed. We will be here with you, all the way!Bless you.Love and respect to all,Liane >> My name is Tonya and I used to be on here all the time. I miss it so much. I have had alot of things change over the last year. The biggest thing was moving out of a small travel trailor I had been in for eight years into a three bedroom home. Let me tell you, the eight years in the travel trailor was like a jail cell. I did not work at that time and was very clostrophobic. The only way I made it through those times was by reading and writing others on this site. Now I have not had internet for a long time since I moved. I moved to where it is not offered yet. Anyway, I work now and love my job, and am blessed for so much. My home is like heaven with the space I never knew in the other travel trailor. My marriage is awsome. The thing I'm trully writing to you today about is to ask for healing energy from all of you today. I have recently found out I have Chronic Hep C and Liver Disease. So my spiritual journey has begun. I would love for you all to send me light, love, and healing energies. Everything happens for a reason, and I know this. My life is perfect and then I was thrown a loop with all of this illness. I worry about losing my job now and my home because I am very fatigued. Have no medical insurance and the blood tests and medicines are very expensive. I must work as long as I can to pay for my home and medical but it is hard. It is also hard to go to work each day and leave my worries at the door and pretend that every thing is great. I know that I have the power and the will to heal myself, but to have all of you sending me light and energy would do me a world of good. It's been a long time since I have been on here. I have a long road ahead with the medical part and the spiritual journey I have now embarked upon. Something good will come of this. I feel it. I feel the angels are with me. I'm in school shal we say. Anyway, thanks to all of you, I missed you. Please send all the love and light you can my way.> > Your Friend and> Lightworker> Tonya>

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