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Re: Tension and pain/Marti

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Hi Marti,

I live south of Atlanta, in (kind of close to the racetrack

for Nascar fans). I also hope I get above the pain quickly; I know

from raising my sons with all their bumps and bruises that if I

could " get ahead " of the pain, well, life was easier. Bronchitis

cannot be helping you right now, it puts so much stress on the body

just to breathe without coughing! I am in the midst of a recurrence

of mono - I don't remember hurting the first time, just being tired

all the time; this time I hurt plus am tired.....lol....what a

helluva combination, huh? We've been doing easy stuff this week

while the kids are home. They play in their rooms, we may watch a

movie or two, if I feel a nap coming on, I will feed them their next

meal and then send them to take a nap. It's worked so far. On DH's

early days, I'll just go in the bedroom and lay down and leave the

kids, etc. to him.

I think the thing I detest the most (and I'm probably NOT the only

one) is I used to be " superwoman " . I could get my whole house clean

in a few hours, laundry done, shopping done and put up and dinner

cooking in a crockpot and STILL have time to watch something or read

or crochet. Now? I see the toilet needs cleaning and do

it...lol...the sheets get changed every week because of my asthma and

allergies. My laundry gets done when I feel like it. We both do the

kids' laundry. If I'm in no pain, I will do the vacuuming, but often,

even that simple movement will bring it on.

And until I saw the phrase brain fog, I honestly thought I was losing

it. I don't remember things as well any more and I know it frustrates

my DH to no end. I've taken to writing pretty much everything down

and not that I ever did, but I don't bother to lie because I won't


Thanks for the welcome; I am enjoying this group.



> Hi Darlene,

> I hope you get above the pain quickly and hope those pain meds

work for you. I think tension/stress is what triggers most of my

flares. I can't seem to get over the one I'm in now, but I have

bronchitis and am achy all over too.

> I moved to CT from GA in 1982. I had lived there most of my

life. Where do you live in GA.

> Take care,

> Marti



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Oh that is me to a " T " . I sometimes just look at what needs to be done and have

to go sit down. Vacuuming puts me into violent back spasms. My DH has taken over

that chore. He seems to like doing it. On shopping day I do it and put it all

away and then get dinner and the next day I am pooped. I have all of the animals

to feed and some need meds so by the time my day is over it is pretty late. Last

night I went to bed at 2 AM. And I look around and see more that needs doing but

I just can't. Housework reeks. LOL!


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