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Re: Relationships with Fibro -- When to tell -- a question?

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My opinion - I say " tell " and you get it out of the way and also tell what the

guy is made of. Why date for months, tell, and maybe have him leave and maybe

you are already emotionally attached. Wouldn't you want to know straight up if

your prospective new guy had medical issues? It might not change anything, but

maybe it would and knowing sooner the better, I say.

Ruthie (2 cents again)

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Tell AFTER you have told him you leave your dirty socks on the floor and

everything you eat has to fit in the microwave. Seriously its a matter of

perspective, on your list of important things how important is it ? does it

define who you are or is it something you live with. Do You know his medical

history ? DO you knwo about his gammy foot that plays up in footy season ? Is it

important for you to know that. Or is his personality and the way he views his

gammy foot more important. This is not a " you " question its an " us " question.

What do you need to know about him ? Where are his priorities ?

Re: Relationships with Fibro -- When to tell -- a question?

This is interesting... b/c I just sorta met someone. We are having

our first date/meeting on Sunday. I have mentioned some other things

about me (i.e. that I'm therapy) but not the FMS. I'm afraid to

mention it b/c I don't want the person to be turned off by me thinking

I'm a sickly person. I don't really know what to do. I'm pretty open

about it with everyone else. Well, the people I trust and like. That

way if I am having a bad day... I can just say, I'm having a bad day.

I know relationships with FMS aren't easy. In hindsight, I think I

probably had it when I was married and while a lot of things

contributed to that marriage failing, that is one I think about and

wish I had known sooner. Of course now... ironically enough, he is

with someone with FMS. *shakes head* Don't get me started. :P

So... to tell or not to tell? That is the question?


1. While it is wonderful to share our experiences with everyone on the list as

to what treatments do and don't work for us, pls always check with your dr.

Some treatments are dangerous when given along with other meds as well as to

certain health conditions or just dangerous in general.

2. If you are in a difficult situation (doesn't matter what it is) pls don't be

afraid to ask for help. It is the first step to trying to make that situation


3. To unsubscribe the e-mail is:


4. Also, it is not uncommon for more than one member to be feeling bad at the

same time when it comes to flares and b/c of that potentially take something

another member says the wrong way. And that includes the things that one member

may find funny (even if it's laughing at fibro itself) even though we who deal

with illness whether one such as fibro or multiple illnesses try to keep a sense

of humor.

5. Pls let's be gentle with each other, and if you are having a bad day pls let

us know so that we can do our best to offer our support.

Have a nice day everyone.

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