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Entering the Portal of Self-Worth By DL Zeta

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Entering the Portal of Self-Worth

In your world, there are names assigned to different frequencies that

occur within human bodies. Some of these frequencies destroy life

force. These frequencies have names such as cancer and diabetes. You

are very familiar with the names of these frequencies, but you may not

be as well versed in the spiritual origins beyond these physical

manifestations. There are many spiritual reasons for the

manifestation of disease, but one of the most common in your world is

the lack of self-worth.

One of the greatest spiritual challenges on your planet surrounds

issues of self-worth. Lack of self-worth stems from a series of

misconceptions. One misconception derives from doctrines teaching

that humans are separate from all-that-is, that they are " sinners " not

worthy of the blessings of higher consciousness. This teaching is

reinforced by thoughtforms that assign worth in terms of wealth,

physical appearance and other hierarchies.

Detecting the Vibrational Frequency of Unworthiness

This message that humans are " unworthy " is broadcast throughout your

world as a vibration or frequency. We are not speaking of this

vibration as " bad. " It is, like everything else in your world, an

energy that is either internalized " as is " or transformed. For

instance, a person who encounters a frequency that is " lack of

self-worth " may use it to gain awareness of this frequency of

unworthiness that permeates the airwaves of human consciousness. The

person who faces their own fears that they are unworthy then has the

opportunity to " see-through " this frequency. Once this frequency is

examined with the conscious mind and viewed with the light of spirit,

it is seen for what it is – an opportunity to renew and reaffirm your

inherent self-worth as a Divine being. As part of the Divine love of

the universe, each being has great value and is worthy of

unconditional love.

Lack of Self-Worth Is the Number One Killer

Unfortunately, there are many in your world who have not yet

transformed the frequency of unworthiness. The great misunderstanding

of unworthiness resides within a person as a belief. This belief sets

up a vibration or frequency that permeates every cell in the body.

The person who believes they are unworthy allows every decision and

every second of their existence to be entrained to the frequency of

unworthiness. As a result, they make dietary choices, choose

companions and define their possibilities in terms of low self-worth.

In the background music of their lives, subliminal messages tell them

they do not deserve love, success, health or abundance. It is this

frequency of unworthiness that results in the unconscious decision to

end the life. We're not talking about suicide in the sense that a

conscious decision is made and directly acted upon. This is instead an

unconscious decision that spins out consequences over time. These

consequences manifest themselves in the frequencies of accidents and

disease. The person may also attract an act of violence that results

in physical death. Unworthiness, or lack of self-worth, is the

greatest " killer " of life.

Forms of Disease Symbolize the Need for Specific Understandings

The form of physical challenge created from the frequency of

unworthiness is determined by the individual. In the case of disease,

the frequency of unworthiness manifests in some as heart disease; in

others as lung cancer. The particular organs that are impacted

symbolize a specific need for understanding within the individual. If

the person has not learned to " take in life, " for example, they may

suffer lung diseases. It is the lungs that " take in " oxygen, which

physically symbolizes life force. Most always the organs affected are

within a chakra region that is most energetically " closed down, " and

therefore weakest within the physical system.

This does not have to be the case. As long as there is life, there is

the opportunity to transform all frequencies. Even a person who is

suffering from a so-called " terminal " disease can go within to find

frequencies of unworthiness within themselves and heal them. By

bringing this misunderstanding into awareness, it is possible to

transform feelings of unworthiness into the worthiness that is the

birthright of a Divine being. By entering the Portal of Self-Worth,

you are able to claim your Divinity and plant your feet firmly on the

path of spirit. On this path, each step carries you further down the

path toward healing.

For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org



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