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Re: The Return of the Light

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Thanks for the post. Exactly when did the Light leave? I hadn't noticed it. Must have sneaked out for a smoke. My understanding of OMNIPRESENCE is ALL. No other place to go, ya know. ;>)

Much Love


From: Larry <cobaalt@...>Subject: [] The Return of the Light Date: Saturday, June 14, 2008, 12:52 AM

I found the information in the following linked book very fascinating, inspirational and supportive.

Especially the newer incoming "omniversal" energy available to all of us and the Light Warriors upon which we can call for assistance and protection ands potentially a great support in activating the UMPE Project.

http://www.thenewea rth.org/returnof light.html

Best to All,


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Dear Larry & all,

Yes, this book is quite interesting! I thought I'd mention, tho, that the source of it came into question by the author herself, who has dissociated herself from the entire volume of material. It's available in book form at Amazon, and following is what the author posted about The Return AT the Amazon comments page for the book. She says that the 'dictater' of the material, Heru (or Horus), who 'came through' 's (deceased) friend Elora, turned out to be a fraudulent entity. I personally don't know what to make of this whole thing, because what I've scanned of the book today (in Word file) seems feasible to me. This is the problem with channeled messages-- we really have no way of verifying their validity or truth. Moreover, is 's assessment correct? Just because "Heru" never returned after the channel died is not proof to me that he was a fake. Some entities require a "blend" of frequencies among humand who bring info through, as was the case with the original (and high-level) RA material in the '80s. And moreover STILL (so many questions ;-) ... the information may still have been valid (I haven't read but a few pages, so am neither endorsing nor dissing it) even if the "label" of the guide was not the great Horus. Maybe it was a fragment of Horus or something??

Also, while looking into this today, and seeing 's message about it, I realized I saw all of this before -- when it initially "shook out" so to speak. At any rate... ALL for everyone's discernment! obviously went through hell around this whole ordeal.

Love, Whitehawk (see below)

Latest News (September 21, 2007) from Kirschbaum writing why she ended The Return of the Light Project. http://www.returnoflight.com/ [NOTE ALSO -- THIS WEBSITE HAS BEEN TAKEN DOWN... the following was taken from Amazon.com.]

Extracted from the site "..The purpose of this communication at this time is to conclude The Return Of Light. I have been a long time in coming to this conclusion, but this venture was deeply flawed from its start and inevitably ended in failure.

I cannot speak for Elora other than to say that both of us met in a wounded place, and created this teaching from a lack of wholeness. I can tell you of my part in this. Trauma created in me a deep need to give away my own power. I don't know when this happened as Spirit hasn't shown me the specifics, but it was long before I came to Earth. This need to not own my power left a gaping hole in me that allowed distortion to enter.

The bottom line is that we got hold of the wrong Heru - an impostor. He disappeared the day Elora died and hasn't been seen since. I have had a little contact with the real Heru, and believe me when I tell you that I am not all that welcoming to him. That he was so ineffectual in not stopping something in his name has made me question the benefit of working with any of the "gods." I certainly won't be channeling any time in the near future."...

"I recommended that you discard the books and do whatever it takes to deprogram your self from all of this....."

>> > I found the information in the following linked book very fascinating,> inspirational and supportive.> > Especially the newer incoming "omniversal" energy available to all of us> and the Light Warriors upon which we can call for assistance and> protection ands potentially a great support in activating the UMPE> Project.> > > > http://www.thenewearth.org/returnoflight.html> <http://www.thenewearth.org/returnoflight.html>> > > > Best to All,> > > > Larry >

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Hi shivernshakti and All:

I just read into the first part of the work however, I and my wife invoked the added help and protection of the Light Warriors spoken of in the book. My wife had previously come down with shingles and had moment of intense pain and I believe I had possibly been the target of psychic attack from the lower realms.

After invoking these Light Warriors mentioned in the book, I have to say the energy around me and my wife has lifted and the painful incidents associated with her shingles seemed to have left almost instantaneously following her having invoked their protection on her behalf.

Regarding the work Return of the Light and the controversy caused by:

Latest News (September 21, 2007) from Kirschbaum writing why she ended The Return of the Light Project. http://www.returnoflight.com/ [NOTE ALSO -- THIS WEBSITE HAS BEEN TAKEN DOWN... the following was taken from Amazon.com.]

If the Light Warriors have indeed been cleaning up the higher dimensions as we are told in Return of the Light, it seems that we could be having a lot more of these dense ‘unevolved” entities from the “higher realms” being pushed more into our world.

With this in mind, when I rans across [ http://desteni.co.za/ ] Desteni – at first it seemed she was making a lot of sense. Then after following things further, I concluded that it appeared to me that the energies and the “truth” that she proclaimed were simply a telling to keep mankind busy in their own little world. From this perspective as we see the during this present cleansing all of the crude being pushed to the surface: I was left to wonder if Kirschbaum was overtaken and attacked by these lower level “unevolved” entities [ of which it seems to me Desteni’s energies and messages appears to be in service of ] , now pushed out of the higher realms.

I don’t recommend that anyone take anything literally or form a religon around this, but using the material in the manner of simply another mirror from which to consider or evaluate things seems to be helpful.

Channels can have particular issues that need to be dealt with anytime they are dealing with any entities where there are integrity issues.

Jesus never directed the people to worship him, nor has any other enlightened being. Yet people seem all to willing to give their power away. This is another issue that has to be addressed – as stated she was personally dealing with this. Those who do not own their power as a rule will attract a parasitic relationship either in the physical and or possible for some they will attract other dimensional parasitic entities.

This is simply the law of attraction at work in magnifying and building the out-picturing of previously placed subconscious programming.



----- Original Message -----

From: shivernshakti

Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 2:51 PM

Subject: [] Re: The Return of the Light

Dear Larry & all,

Yes, this book is quite interesting! I thought I'd mention, tho, that the source of it came into question by the author herself, who has dissociated herself from the entire volume of material. It's available in book form at Amazon, and following is what the author posted about The Return AT the Amazon comments page for the book. She says that the 'dictater' of the material, Heru (or Horus), who 'came through' 's (deceased) friend Elora, turned out to be a fraudulent entity. I personally don't know what to make of this whole thing, because what I've scanned of the book today (in Word file) seems feasible to me. This is the problem with channeled messages-- we really have no way of verifying their validity or truth. Moreover, is 's assessment correct? Just because "Heru" never returned after the channel died is not proof to me that he was a fake. Some entities require a "blend" of frequencies among humand who bring info through, as was the case with the original (and high-level) RA material in the '80s. And moreover STILL (so many questions ;-) ... the information may still have been valid (I haven't read but a few pages, so am neither endorsing nor dissing it) even if the "label" of the guide was not the great Horus. Maybe it was a fragment of Horus or something??

Also, while looking into this today, and seeing 's message about it, I realized I saw all of this before -- when it initially "shook out" so to speak. At any rate... ALL for everyone's discernment! obviously went through hell around this whole ordeal.

Love, Whitehawk (see below)

Latest News (September 21, 2007) from Kirschbaum writing why she ended The Return of the Light Project. http://www.returnoflight.com/ [NOTE ALSO -- THIS WEBSITE HAS BEEN TAKEN DOWN... the following was taken from Amazon.com.]

Extracted from the site "..The purpose of this communication at this time is to conclude The Return Of Light. I have been a long time in coming to this conclusion, but this venture was deeply flawed from its start and inevitably ended in failure.

I cannot speak for Elora other than to say that both of us met in a wounded place, and created this teaching from a lack of wholeness. I can tell you of my part in this. Trauma created in me a deep need to give away my own power. I don't know when this happened as Spirit hasn't shown me the specifics, but it was long before I came to Earth. This need to not own my power left a gaping hole in me that allowed distortion to enter.

The bottom line is that we got hold of the wrong Heru - an impostor. He disappeared the day Elora died and hasn't been seen since. I have had a little contact with the real Heru, and believe me when I tell you that I am not all that welcoming to him. That he was so ineffectual in not stopping something in his name has made me question the benefit of working with any of the "gods." I certainly won't be channeling any time in the near future."...

"I recommended that you discard the books and do whatever it takes to deprogram your self from all of this....."

>> > I found the information in the following linked book very fascinating,> inspirational and supportive.> > Especially the newer incoming "omniversal" energy available to all of us> and the Light Warriors upon which we can call for assistance and> protection ands potentially a great support in activating the UMPE> Project.> > > > http://www.thenewearth.org/returnoflight.html> <http://www.thenewearth.org/returnoflight.html>> > > > Best to All,> > > > Larry >

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