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Project UMPE (Ultimate Mirror Peace Event)

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Project UMPE (Ultimate Mirror Peace Event)Today is a most important and critical day for Planet Earth. Themessage that we wish to address to you is one that can change theplanet, if you let it. A plan has recently been created, which canheal this planet of the corrupt, deceitful shadow governments who doand care solely about what benefits them; individualism over unity ofthe populous. We are at a critical moment in Planet Earths history;one in which you, who is reading this now, can participate in andhelp change the planet. The time has come for humanity to putthemselves back in charge of this planet. It's time to create worldpeace. It's time to create the world in which you were all destinedto be a part of. And it already has started by you reading this rightnow at this exact time; whenever and wherever that may be. So whatare we speaking about? We will go over everything in detail in thismessage. So let's begin.1) The Ultimate Mirror and its History through time.The Ultimate Mirror is a highly inter dimensional divine piece oftechnology. Its name, the Ultimate Mirror, is what we decided to callit when bringing it to public attention. This name explains how itoperates and functions when activated.Upon this planet, it was first discovered during the time ofAtlantis, but the technology predates even Atlantean society. Thereare a total of ten Ultimate Mirror's throughout creation. What istheir purpose? Their purpose is simple. When an experimentalcivilization is birthed onto a planet to help educate itsinhabitants, this technology is placed upon it by that planet'sSpiritual Hierarchy. Why? That is easily answered. Since the futureis never "set in stone"; certain events may occur, whether they bepositive or negative. If there is an event in which it disrupts theevolutionary cycles of physicality and consciousness for thatspecific planet, then the Ultimate Mirror, when activated, willcorrect that fault or roadblock and place that civilizationsevolutionary cycles of all, back on track so to speak.Planet Earth is one such planet mentioned above in the example. Butfor a civilization to activate it, it must be found and uncoveredfirst. This coincides with the Universal Law of Free Will. It wasoriginally discovered on this planet as we have said already, duringthe time of Atlantis. But after its destruction, thirteen millenniaago, it was lost, or so we thought. Thoth, the ruler during the timeof Atlantis was the being who uncovered it first. A mass educationalprocess then ensued to try and discover what it was and what it cando. Through a span of several decades, the Atlanteans fully disclosedall of the information they could from this piece of technology. Theyknew what it was for, what it does, and more importantly, why. Sowhen the fall of Atlantis was clearly seen by all, Thoth ordered thistechnology to be relocated to one of its outposts which, in today'stimes, was moved to what is known as North America. Since then, ithas been relocated once again to the Inner Earth where it is overseenby the Agarthans and representatives of the Galactic Federation ofLight, Ashtar Command, and Spiritual Hierarchy. It is stored within atemple, where two Atlantean guardians monitor it at all times. Why?In case a time came where it would be activated by the surfacecivilization; us.2) The Ultimate Mirror's Functionality.So what does the Ultimate Mirror do? What will happen if it getsactivated? And more importantly, how does one activate it? These areall important and necessary questions.What does the Ultimate Mirror do, in detail? First, let's uncoverwhat exactly this technology is. It is a sentient being. It is anorange colored orb that is 5th dimensional and semi physical. It wasdesigned that way for many specific reasons. Based on the currentstate of affairs of the experimental civilization, the UltimateMirror will function in different ways. The Ultimate Mirror canactually tell what the current state of affairs of the planetscivilization is. It's a telepath. But since its activation is onlyallowable if the evolutionary cycles of the civilization aredisrupted, it will always counter what is currently seen as aroadblock which is what is causing the disruption. But let's talkabout what will happen to our planet if it is activated relativelysoon.Many things would occur. First, it will dramatically boost andelevate the civilizations energies, vibrations, perceptions,awareness, spirituality, and most importantly, their consciousness,as a whole. All of these factors will be elevated to a level wheretruths about the world will be easily seen and spotted by everybodyexperiencing it. Examples of these truths are the following:Government corruption, terrorism, September 11th 2001, New WorldOrder, etc. See, the Ultimate Mirror emits energies of awareness andchange which will sweep the entire planet and affect everyone andeverything, which in turn, will eradicate the truths that aredetrimental to the evolutionary cycles of our civilization.Secondly, it will tear down completely the veil of deceit, that theIlluminati created which hides the true operations of planetarycontrol from the people, which will utterly destroy the dark cabal bythe public's heightened levels of perception. Public exploration fortruth. And yes, any other truths that have not been released willeventually come out such as the UFO cover up, truth about religions,etc. Since the Illuminati is the source of the problem on our planet,the Ultimate Mirror will aim to dismantle it, as they have beenseverely and purposely disrupting our evolutionary cycles for theirown selfish endeavors. Dismantling the Illuminati. To do this, theUltimate Mirror will orchestrate times where certain events willoccur that will manifest this conclusion."Ok, this sounds fantastic. But how is it activated?"The activation of this technology is very complex. First, a massmeditation needs to take place. Since the Ultimate Mirror will affectthe whole planet, the Universal Law of Free Will comes into play. Inorder for its activation to be successful, critical mass, or half, ofthe civilization must participate to activate it. "But there arebillions of people on the planet and not everybody knows or cares toknow about the truths of the world." This is correct. But this is whythere are star seeds or light workers present. Light Workers make upabout 20% of the planets population. We are all here to help theother 80% understand what is happening when things such as FirstContact and ascension take place. We are basically representatives ofHumanity of Planet Earth. Since this is fact, these are the peoplewho can decide what can happen to the collective. For the UltimateMirror to be activated, we need between 5,000 and 10,000 lightworkers to participate. What needs to happen, is these light workersneed to do two things.1) Meditation for activation. Each light worker needs to emit theirintent, thoughts, emotions, images, and energies towards the UltimateMirror. It is important that what I just stated is focused to helphumanity overcome the disturbances in their evolutionary cycles ofthe civilization. Examples are thinking about First Contact,ascension, the Golden Age, change to help humanity, NESARA,prosperity funds, your perfect world, etc. This will be explainedmore shortly.2) The Consciousness Grid of Humanity. Each light worker also needsto tap into the consciousness grid of humanity and spread theinformation and knowledge from step 1 throughout the entire grid.This will tap into the subconscious of humanity and can allow them tohelp and participate in activating the Ultimate Mirror. It willbecome something humanity wants, opposed to what 5,000 – 10,000 wantwith their help.As we have said, a mass meditation needs to occur to activate thistechnology. This will occur after the eight week worldwideeducational program. Starting on April 30th, the first release ofthis message will be sent out all across the internet. Once a week,for eight weeks, this message will be released on the internetrepeatedly so the maximum amount of people can obtain and read it.This will end on July 3rd. Also, on every Tuesday and Saturday ofthese eight weeks, an Educational Conference Call on the UltimateMirror and the event which will follow its possible activation willoccur. Anybody can attend. The purpose of this educational program isto educate people and spread this information to the planet as wideas possible before the July 5th mass meditation for activation."So, what will happen? What should people do during this massmeditation?"The mass meditation will take place on July 5th. Activating theUltimate Mirror is going to be a 24 hour day. "So what should we doto participate?" During this day, you need to do the following. Youneed to meditate and focus all of your energies of love, peace, andjoy into activating the Ultimate Mirror. Visualize the planettransforming from war to peace. See the realization of the planetthat we are all connected. Set the intent on activating the UltimateMirror to change reality to one that is meant to be. One in whichLove encompasses everything and peace thrives. Imagine your dreamworld, and send out all of the thoughts, feelings, and emotions withit. Visualize yourself being within the temple the Ultimate Mirror iskept in within the Inner Earth. Sit inside the temple and focus allof your energies and intent towards it. The most important thing todo during meditation is to know that what you are doing is going tochange the planet. The Ultimate Mirror, which is telepathic, reviewsall positive thoughts and energies, and attracts them within thetechnology. When critical mass has been achieved (and it can tell),then it activates automatically and sends energies across the entireplanet. These energies will counter the roadblocks that disrupt thecivilizations evolutionary cycles. This will last for approximatelyfour to six months. When its job is done, it deactivates itself. Ifcritical mass is achieved, the beings of the Inner Earth will addtheir energies to the mix which will boost everything even moreprofoundly.Many light workers wonder what they can do to help bring things suchas First Contact into manifestation. How can a light worker helpcreate peace? Create Love within all? Create Joy? Planet wide? Well,this event is something everybody can finally participate in toachieve Love, Peace, and Joy…planet wide!3) Uncovering the Truth of You.Other than boosting energies and consciousness and eradicatingdisruptions from the civilizations evolution, the Ultimate Mirrorwill uncover the biggest truth of all. This is the truth of One. Thegod like spark of creation will be lit in every single person on theplanet. Realizations of the fact that everything in creation; inphysicality, is connected will occur. The truth that God is you willbecome fact and not fiction. Your true origins will start to berecalled by humanity. The truth that the human civilizationoriginated from the stars will shed light on the biggest realizationthat all of us, from Planet Earth, originated off planet. Our home isthe stars. We are all spiritual beings. We will all start uncoveringthe truth of ourselves in a direct intimate manner, which will bedifferent for everybody. Truth is everything, and those who know it,shall thrive in love, peace, and joy. The knowing of this will be thegreatest realization of humanity in history upon your planet.4) Spread The Word."Wow. All of this seems fantastic. I am inspired and am ready toparticipate. What else can I do?" The easiest thing anybody can do isspread the word! Take this message and send it to everybody you know.And have them send it to everybody they know. And so on and so forth.Spread the word! This can be one of the greatest events in humanhistory. This can be a time where humanity solves the issues thathave plagued our civilization and planet for thirteen millennia. Solet's get to work, there's much to do!Let's create a Project Ultimate Mirror Peace Event movement planetwide! You can make a change. Together, we can perfect it.

5) Contacting Project UMPE/Details on Educational Conference CallsFor those who have questions or have skills they wish to contribute,then you can email us at:ProjectUMPE@...


The Galactic Federation of Light will be the headquarters for newinformation on Project UMPE. Anybody can join at:http://tech./group/TheGalacticFederationofLight/

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