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Re: Digest Number 1115

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2 hours if he has actually drank from it. Breastmilk has this amazing ability to

fight off

bacteria. Some studies have said that it can kill some bacteria. I think someone

posted that study

here a while back...I can't remember. Maybe I read it at the LLL web site.

You can leave express bm that hasn't been touched out for 8-10 hours.

I think both of these are in the Womanly Art of Breastfeeding that the La Leche

League wrote. Love

that book! Paid for my membership Monday night!

> Message: 3

> Date: Tue, 21 Dec 1999 10:12:30 -0600


> Subject: Re: Re: Cory has pneumonia...


> thanks so much! now, if he is walking around with a sipper cup of expressed

> milk...how long will that stay safe to drink?



> tracy




> At 05:44 AM 12/21/1999 -0800, you wrote:

> >

> >

> >> How long is expressed milk good for if I let him have it that way? How

> >> often should I dump the old and give him fresh?

> >

> >You can store milk in the fridge for up to 8 days. If you know you won't

> be able to use it in that

> >time, you can put it in bags (for storing breastmilk) and put them in the

> freezer. They can stay

> >in the freezer of your fridge (if the door is separate) for 2-3 months.

> They can stay in the deep

> >freeze for 6 months.

> >Always give him the oldest first. But it sounds like you can pump not to

> long before you feed him

> >and then not worry about it (if he will take it all).

> >

> >>

> >> Now, another great question. Cory has gotten diarrhea from the antibiotics.

> >> Not explosive masses but little squirts. Now his little groin area is

> >> getting red and chapped looking. Is this due to the stuff in his system or

> >> is he getting (can boys get it?) a yeast infection? And how do I determine

> >> whether or not he's got one? And besides changing him often (cotton cloth

> >> dipes) what would be best to do?- Leave it alone or apply talc or yeast

> >> infection meds or what?

> >

> >Could he be having an allergic reaction to the antibiotics? I don't know

> about them getting yeast

> >infections. I would call the ped and ask them. Would it hurt to put

> Desitin on his bottom for a

> >while?

> >

> >Hope Cory gets better soon.

> >Patty

> >

> >

> >=====

> >Merry Christmas Everyone!

> >Our URL:

> >http://www2.ticz.com/~vphouse/

> >Other email addresses for me:

> >PHouse@... - My account at work

> >vphouse@... - Our account at home

> Message: 5

> Date: Tue, 21 Dec 1999 09:49:09 -0800


> Subject: milk at room temp


> ,


> The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding states that human milk can be safely

> stored at room temperature for up to 10 hours. I would guess that if you

> change his cup every couple of hours that would be MORE than adequate. The

> antibacterial properties of breastmilk help to keep it safe for longer

> periods. :D


> Wendi

> http://www.lactivist.com

> breastfeeding info & resources


Merry Christmas Everyone!

Our URL:


Other email addresses for me:

PHouse@... - My account at work

vphouse@... - Our account at home


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In a message dated 12/22/99 2:58:11 AM Central Standard Time,

breastfeedingonelist writes:

<< thanks so much! now, if he is walking around with a sipper cup of expressed

milk...how long will that stay safe to drink? >>

freshly expressed milk will last 10 hours in the room air.


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