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Re: Progression....bad subject

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Hi ,

I agree with you and like how you said what you did. I know you have done

everything you can, just like most of the rest of us, to fight this disease.

Any progress anyone makes should be applauded and I applaud you. It is an

upsetting topic and is causing stress for many people. Stress makes us worse.

And worse we don't need.

I too believe in supporting everyone in whatever they are doing to help

themselves, no matter how small because even small is hard. I feel like I try

hard too and don't want anyone telling me I don't try hard enough. That's not


Feel Better!

Blessed be,



I think it's hard for those of us that have lost so many things and

keep losing. That people saying this disease is not progressive somehow

diminishes what we are going through. I am happy for people that are

able to keep working and have some kind of a life outside of this

disease. But please understand I don't like to feel like I have not

done everything I can to try and fight this. I don't want to think of

the piddly progress I make as piddly. This subject is upsetting to many

people that can't afford to be upset so can we all just agree that this

monster is different for everyone, and try to boost everyone up for

what they are doing?


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I dont know to much about FM as I was just diagnosed. Why do you have to stop

working and not have much of a life??? I had my 1st class of water areobics and

its ALREADY helping the pain.I have not been in pain alllllllll day! So help me

to understand more of what FM can do to you please.

wrote: I

think it's hard for those of us that have lost so many things and

keep losing. That people saying this disease is not progressive somehow

diminishes what we are going through. I am happy for people that are

able to keep working and have some kind of a life outside of this

disease. But please understand I don't like to feel like I have not

done everything I can to try and fight this. I don't want to think of

the piddly progress I make as piddly. This subject is upsetting to many

people that can't afford to be upset so can we all just agree that this

monster is different for everyone, and try to boost everyone up for

what they are doing?


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It is different for everyone. I'm glad you found found someone to

diagnose you early in, they've been testing me for over 2 years now

and they are still telling me " they think " I have fibromyalgia. This

is some of how my pain progressed.

Originally I was having a little pain in my lower back, when I

would stand in one place for to long but I ignored that because I had

had back pain sence early childhood as early as 6 I was going to


The pain Started shooting down the backs of my legs, then my wrists

and hands started hurting some days I lost use of one hand or another

because they hurt so bad. Then my feet and knees in the morning were

so stiff in the morning I felt like they would break when I would

walk, and when I would get out of the car after driving home from

work it was the same again at the same time places on my skin felt

like they were bruised or sometimes like they were on fire when they

were touched.

I started talking to my Dr. about it because I not able to put in

as many hours as I was before, my boss could see I was in pain on

some days I was in tears, so he would send me home early. the Dr did

some exrays and an MRI they all came out normal he said he suspected

I had a condition called fibromyalgia but he wanted tio run more

tests, but as I went back to him for different problems he grew less

and less patient with me. I got so depressed I was afraid to go to

the dr. I thought I was going crazy. I had been told all my life that

my various aches and pains were in my head or a cry for attention,

and here I was again. I went to our Mental Health Board and they

found me a Case Manager, Therapist, and Psychiatrist that worked on a

sliding scale fee so I only had to pay what I could afford which has

worked out well.

I got to the point where the only way i could get somewhat

comfortable was laying down, so my boss got me a cot so I could take

breaks. Sitting hurt just as much as standing. My boss also took

special small jobs just for me. Jobs where the steps could be done in

20 min. or so. I know he had to be losing money that way but he

promised me a job for life. I start working for him when I was 17 my

1rst job I was a furniture finisher. He saw me through 2 pregnancies

when I couldn't work at all due to chemicals he through me my 1rst

baby shower and gave me away at my wedding hell he even paid for my

honey moon. I was well taken care of, but when I couldn't make it

through a four hour day without have to lay down for half of it, I

had to go.

2 years and 2 dr.s later I still have not been officially

diagnosed. My life was my work, and that's gone. It's hard to be

around friends because they don't understand and even when they try I

feel like I'm being a burden. I can't afford to go out anywhere and

even if I could I'd end up having to leave to go lay down somewhere.

I hope it never gets this bad for you who are still able to

function. Take very good care of your bodies and I hope they will

take care of you.

You are all in my prayers

I think it's hard for those

of us that have lost so many things and

> keep losing. That people saying this disease is not progressive


> diminishes what we are going through. I am happy for people that


> able to keep working and have some kind of a life outside of this

> disease. But please understand I don't like to feel like I have


> done everything I can to try and fight this. I don't want to think


> the piddly progress I make as piddly. This subject is upsetting to


> people that can't afford to be upset so can we all just agree that


> monster is different for everyone, and try to boost everyone up


> what they are doing?







> ---------------------------------

> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.

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_ My pain also started in my lower back, and no matter what just would

not heal. I worked as a CNA both at a hosp. and private, so I half blamed on

that is why it would not get better. I also had prior back trouble, yrs earlier

from horse fall and stairs so thought re-injury. Finally I to was sent for MRI

and xray= nothing show why such pain, could not stand mostly still for long

period, and my walking was now a problem, but with back issues it is very hard

to find problem unless done with dye unless a disc, I would never consent to

this. I did have some type of injection into back not Corto. and was suppose to

be series of 3, I would not go back for other 2 as the proceedure was Torture,

and it seemed to aggrevate it more. Anyway to make a long story short, I had

some new symptoms developing, skin pain, tendernitis in forarm, bruised feeling

all over my body, head sore to touch, neck pain, feet tingling when getting up

in a.m., nausea, headaches, and to much

else. I was also accused by someone who was suppose to be a GOOD friend, to

cut it out, your not that old, you are a hypercondriac! I finally was sent to a

Rhemo who was excellent a few blood test and other muscle testing and the

diagnois was Fibromyalgia, and some calcium type of arthritis. My pain is real

as my Dr. never doubted me, I have great doc's, and though suffer am glad a name

has been put to it, I know it is discouraging, painfull, and sometimes seem

never ending. I do know on the bright side, with Fibromyalgia, it is a life

time deal but with taking care of ourselves, don't over do even the little tasks

at times I can no longer do, and avoid surgery if possible, and STRESS I am told

and have found is a big feeder for this disease, and that must be why I am in

such a mess as I have had such a stressfull surrounding last few months, and can

not seem to illiminate it! I also have gone from insomnia to lucky if I sleep

2-3 hrs a week. Oh I also was diagnoised

with sleep apnea, why did I have to have that, I am not over weight, I went to

sleep center, x2 that was fun, all those wires they super glue in your hair, for

anyone that is told to go I recommend if you have longer hair, cut it! I

stopped breathing 25 times an hour!, no wonder I was lathargic, and found myself

driving past my own home on my way home from work. And now recently when taking

PT for possible help with symptoms they had to stop because they found when they

attempted to use the electrode tx I had no feeling on my left side, and after

testing could not feel hot and cold. If u haven't seen a Rhumo go. Take



It is different for everyone. I'm glad you found found someone to

diagnose you early in, they've been testing me for over 2 years now

and they are still telling me " they think " I have fibromyalgia. This

is some of how my pain progressed.

Originally I was having a little pain in my lower back, when I

would stand in one place for to long but I ignored that because I had

had back pain sence early childhood as early as 6 I was going to


The pain Started shooting down the backs of my legs, then my wrists

and hands started hurting some days I lost use of one hand or another

because they hurt so bad. Then my feet and knees in the morning were

so stiff in the morning I felt like they would break when I would

walk, and when I would get out of the car after driving home from

work it was the same again at the same time places on my skin felt

like they were bruised or sometimes like they were on fire when they

were touched.

I started talking to my Dr. about it because I not able to put in

as many hours as I was before, my boss could see I was in pain on

some days I was in tears, so he would send me home early. the Dr did

some exrays and an MRI they all came out normal he said he suspected

I had a condition called fibromyalgia but he wanted tio run more

tests, but as I went back to him for different problems he grew less

and less patient with me. I got so depressed I was afraid to go to

the dr. I thought I was going crazy. I had been told all my life that

my various aches and pains were in my head or a cry for attention,

and here I was again. I went to our Mental Health Board and they

found me a Case Manager, Therapist, and Psychiatrist that worked on a

sliding scale fee so I only had to pay what I could afford which has

worked out well.

I got to the point where the only way i could get somewhat

comfortable was laying down, so my boss got me a cot so I could take

breaks. Sitting hurt just as much as standing. My boss also took

special small jobs just for me. Jobs where the steps could be done in

20 min. or so. I know he had to be losing money that way but he

promised me a job for life. I start working for him when I was 17 my

1rst job I was a furniture finisher. He saw me through 2 pregnancies

when I couldn't work at all due to chemicals he through me my 1rst

baby shower and gave me away at my wedding hell he even paid for my

honey moon. I was well taken care of, but when I couldn't make it

through a four hour day without have to lay down for half of it, I

had to go.

2 years and 2 dr.s later I still have not been officially

diagnosed. My life was my work, and that's gone. It's hard to be

around friends because they don't understand and even when they try I

feel like I'm being a burden. I can't afford to go out anywhere and

even if I could I'd end up having to leave to go lay down somewhere.

I hope it never gets this bad for you who are still able to

function. Take very good care of your bodies and I hope they will

take care of you.

You are all in my prayers

I think it's hard for those

of us that have lost so many things and

> keep losing. That people saying this disease is not progressive


> diminishes what we are going through. I am happy for people that


> able to keep working and have some kind of a life outside of this

> disease. But please understand I don't like to feel like I have


> done everything I can to try and fight this. I don't want to think


> the piddly progress I make as piddly. This subject is upsetting to


> people that can't afford to be upset so can we all just agree that


> monster is different for everyone, and try to boost everyone up


> what they are doing?







> ---------------------------------

> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.

Try it now.



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