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Re: [FSG]Debra Go Girl!!

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I am new here, but between u and Judy u are really getting me to love logging

on. I know your having it rough right now, but u both respond back and forth so

much with support. And good for you going without hiding what some of us do

look like without covering with make-up, tanning, fixing our hair. dressing in

clothes. I too got tired of people saying to me what is wrong with you, and Oh

sure, to my voicing I did not feel well. Or take some vitaman C FQ and or

whatever else they may think works for them. Most of the world out there think

us Fibro suffers are just throwing a thing out there like we have a ingrown

toenail and get over it. I hid behind it for many yrs, though they did not

diagnois me until 3 yrs ago, I had plenty of severe symptoms, but kept going

going going, work work work, and would not say a word to how bad I was hurting,

feeling, IBS days, etc. Now it has been named and as u say no one cares because

they think u look ok. I have heard others say

they have been accused of just being lazy, turned drug addict, must be high

because nothing got done. Luckily, except for 1 now EX friend believed me, and

worried about me, the EX we worked together in the health field and if I called

out she called me at as soon as she got to the facility at 5:30 a.m and would

call and wake me up! wondering why I called out. She did not care that I had

been up awake all night in pain, unable to sleep, or whatever else. She use to

say Oh get over it, your young, I have bone spurs and I am here. Now u know why

she is a Ex friend. She thought I was making up this disease and it could not

be that bad, as I looked alright. Over the yrs, I unfortunatley, hardened, and

sometimes the wrong people get the lashing from that, but I also am sick of

insensible people! No one knows what is real in a person and what is not. I

now am waiting for disability approval, because I pushed myself, and did not

listen to Dr. to slow down, not to work so

much, not to be so hyper in always having to paint, clean, mow the lawn etc.,

and I said I am alright, and I don't want to be a disabled person, as I loved my

work, at the end I did private duty, and my clients were great and I forgot

about my issues for awhile it was getting there and back without running into a

person who would cause me stress. I have been in this unforgettable painfull

state since Aug. and find myself wondering where will I go from here. Stand up

for yourself and if it gets to much at work, I would just excuse yourself for

the rest of the day, I have done that in my later yrs to. It is all about you

now and getting to a place where u can deal with your illnesses, and feel as

good about yourself as u can. And don't feel Guilty about anything. As far as

the comments all of us with this Fibro get the same thing. But I do get to the

point where u are still just not so often or at least before they get a piece of

my mind, and then come the tearfull


Judy Thurow wrote: Debra,

You can vent anytime you need too!!!! Remember how big your shoulders are, you

always seem to be the strong one in the group and support all of

us.........sometimes that's just to much to put on yourself. Venting and

relieving some of that weight is so good. I recently broke down and vented about

my hubby and his mean, mean words...........what a weight lifted. You hang in

there sweetie, and vent vent vent.

Luv ya, Judy in WI

debra van ness wrote:

I just have to vent today. I am just feeling do down. I am so tired of

pretending I am fine when I am not. Yesterday was like trying to run a marathon

just going to work. They could not see under the makeup and the " cheerful

attitude " that I felt like $hit. What is worse is they don't give a damn. I know

it too.

Things come back to me when I feel this bad. I remember the comments my

supervisor has made to me about a sister in law of hers with FM. She depicted

her to me as lazy. She said " she slept all day " .... what she does not understand

is that this damn crap comes with sleep disorders on top of it all. And she had

made a comment that " she did not work like you do " . And said " she is a

prescription drug addict " . Well, I am not able to freaken work. Damn it! Not a

person on earth gives a crap but the people here.

I also remember what the nurse that I work with said one day. When she told me

about her friend who has fibro. She said she does not talk to that friend

anymore because " she just wants people to feel sorry for her " .. and made

comments about her pain meds and how she can hardly stay awake. (It is probably

from the damn fibro fog and not her pain meds).

I am fed up with people just not believing this shit. It hurts me greatly. If I

have larnyngitis or a cold, I get " oh, I can tell you feel so bad " . Then they

acknowledge that I am sick. But not with the fibro. I know that any comment I

make about it probably makes them roll their eyes.

I am angry, pissed, and so fed up. I just don't know how much longer I can take

the " don't give a shit " attitude of these people. I don't expect any special

treatment, but I don't want to be considered an idiot either. And if I call in

and say " I am sick... It is the fibro " .... they will just talk about me then the

next time I come in NO ONE will even ask how I am.

I am just so angry. Thanks for listening. Guess what? They get me today without

makeup. I don't care. Let them see how I look and feel every day of my life

without me trying to hide it.

love ya all,

Debra V.


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