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Re: Re: For all the Please Reads

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Uh oh! Houston we may have a problem.........If, I am you, and you are me, and they are we, and we are all together, who the heck is the walrus? oh yeah, the ONE with the buck teeth, now I remember.......

never mind. ;>)

From: <knightsintention@...>Subject: [] Re: For all the "Please Reads" Date: Thursday, August 21, 2008, 2:37 PM

The "Me"s and "I"s are really just "you"s, or maybe better said..."youare just me inside out". Did that come out right? I mean....me is youis me. It's all the same...except when it's not.Let's see..."Me". "I be Me". Yes, that's it...I be me, and Me is nottoo bad, except on Friday's after full moons but before eclipses. "Me"is the forward of the self...or personality. Wait, now "I" havepersonality? lolololololol"I" is the inner self. I would say highest self but "I" would bewrong. "I is the Inner", but not the personality."My" and "Me" just does and doesn't, while "I" just watch "Me" and"My" do....and do....and do.It's ok to be "You" and use "Me" and "I". You and Me connect at theI...the inner.Did "I" describe that right, or was that just "Me"?There is no teacher and student. One is the "Me", and one is the"I"...and the both are "You".They say that the answer

[or healing] is always in the question [orrequest]. By writing out [thinking in bytes], we pose the question [orproblem]. If the healer or teacher does anything at all it's pointingto, or allowing you to see the answer in the question you've presented.If the "Me" [student] is experiencing therefore learning, or wantinghealing...the [teacher], or healer, or "I" is merely having youremember you already have the answer, have been healed, already know.Think of the show Kung Fu from the 70's. Think of the master/teacheras the "I". Kwai Chang Caine, was the student. The master only pointedout what Caine already knew, and reminded him of it. The student"experiences" as "Me", while he/she listens to the "I", the teacherfrom within.Lots of quotes and lessons from the Kung Fu series can be found here...http://kungfu-

guide.com/ addendum/ addendum. html"Me" is only a reflection of the "I" of which "You" are.[oh no, if my "personality" is who you are inside, run, run hard, runfast, keep running..... .lololololol]Ok, I have had my say...I mean "Me".....ah, You.Just post...how bad can it be...there can only be one nut job on thisgroup and this post verifies it. So, there."Me"> > From: <cbaldwinbuck@ ...>> Subject: [] For all the "Please Reads"> > Date: Thursday, August 21, 2008, 9:22 AM> > > > > > > Dear Humanity Healing Family,> > When Liane (RaK) and I first "met" over the internet on MySpace, shewas using her page to offer inspiration and spiritualdirection/counselin g, and I was using my page to bring togetherenergetic healers (I am a Reiki Jin Kei Do practitioner) to help withcancer patients and hospice care. We started sending back and forththose patients who needed the healing the other practiced. Werealized that a multi-faced approach to Healing combining differenthealing modalities with spiritual counseling and growth resulted in amuch greater success rate for the patient.> > This Group was born from that understanding.> > We wanted this

Group to be a place where those in need of healingcould meet healers, where those in search of spiritual guidance couldmeet teachers. It is our hope that those who receive in this Groupwill share their understanding and healing with new members coming insearch.> > We are all connected. It is only by healing others can we trulyheal ourselves.> > Humanity Healing has grown from this Group in so many exciting waysand there are plenty of opportunities to help "Heal the Heart ofHumanity" if you are moved to.> > But this Group is about sharing ourselves with each other andrecognizing the Connection, the Healing and the Divine that existswithin each human soul.> > My love and Blessing to each of you.> > Much Metta,> Chris>

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coo coo kachoo...lol

Well I tried to get the cookies out to you all.

I hitched up my trailer to my golf cart loaded my chocolate fountain and tried to get to the list...but dang it...here comes Tropical Storm Fay

Unless someone really wants cookie soup.

I will try to deliver cookies after the rain.

Thank You Mark and for the humor.

All it has done here in Lady Lake Florida today is rain and rain.

We at about 5pm tonight saw the breeze quit and high winds came in their place.

Where Lady Lake is...we have been very safe and no flooding to report.

Other areas got 30 inches of rain and are now under water.

I live at probably the highest peak of Florida about 200 foot elevation and live at the top of the biggest hill around.

While others bail out, our house becomes a refuge...most lose their electric..we have always been the house where we still have lights and can help.

Parking my golf cart, battening down the hatches...waiting for Fay to Fizzle.

Love Blessings and HUMOR!!

Your Twisted Sister,


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To dear Peacewalker.............I'll wait here patiently in New Jersey for the cookie soup.  Sound delicious!Thanks for your humor.Hope Fay passes through without a problem and safety for all.Love to you, twisted sister..........On Aug 21, 2008, at 7:37 PM, Peace wrote:coo coo kachoo...lolWell I tried to get the cookies out to you all.I hitched up my trailer to my golf cart loaded my chocolate fountain and tried to get to the list...but dang it...here comes Tropical Storm FayUnless someone really wants cookie soup.I will try to deliver cookies after the rain.Thank You Mark and for the humor.All it has done here in Lady Lake Florida today is rain and rain.We at about 5pm tonight saw the breeze quit and high winds came in their place.Where Lady Lake is...we have been very safe and no flooding to report.Other areas got 30 inches of rain and are now under water.I live at probably the highest peak of Florida about 200 foot elevation and live at the top of the biggest hill around.While others bail out, our house becomes a refuge...most lose their electric..we have always been the house where we still have lights and can help.Parking my golf cart, battening down the hatches...waiting for Fay to Fizzle.Love Blessings and HUMOR!!Your Twisted Sister,Peacie May I become at all times,Both now and for ever,A protector for the helpless,A guide for the lost ones,A ship for those to cross oceans,And a bridge to cross rivers,A sanctuary for those in danger,A lamp for those in darkness,A refuge for those who need shelter,A servant to all in need.--Dalai Lama

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