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Dear Humanity Healing Family,When Liane (RaK) and I first "met" over the internet on MySpace, she was using her page to offer inspiration and spiritual direction/counseling, and I was using my page to bring together energetic healers (I am a Reiki Jin Kei Do practitioner) to help with cancer patients and hospice care. We started sending back and forth those patients who needed the healing the other practiced. We realized that a multi-faced approach to Healing combining different healing modalities with spiritual counseling and growth resulted in a much greater success rate for the patient.This Group was born from that understanding.We wanted this Group to be a place where those in need of healing could meet healers, where those in search of spiritual guidance could meet teachers. It is our hope that those who receive in this Group will share their understanding and healing with new members coming in search.We are all connected. It is only by healing others can we truly heal ourselves.Humanity Healing has grown from this Group in so many exciting ways and there are plenty of opportunities to help "Heal the Heart of Humanity" if you are moved to.But this Group is about sharing ourselves with each other and recognizing the Connection, the Healing and the Divine that exists within each human soul.My love and Blessing to each of you.Much Metta,Chris

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