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Re: hi Tess

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I am quite new myself, but have found this site and not let go of it

since. I to finally almost 2 yrs ago was diagnoised with Fibro., I am lucky

enough to have a excellent Dr. who believed my symptoms as there where so many

different ones bouncing around in different areas of my body at different times.

But She did not give up. and mentioned this disease she referred my out to a

Rhumo. who I was lucky enough to already know as her mom was my Drl as a child,

and my mom uses her, and is her God mother. People travel from all over to see

her and have all had wonderfull things to say about her, except the wait at our

appt. time, but it is worth it. I had been put on that for pain med at one

time, and my Mom uses it with total success, she actually swears by it!, but my

pain is way to deep now and unfortunatley have had to go on a strong Med.

vicodin, I know it is not good to be on, but I am one that believes in no one

should have to be in the pain we can get into

wth these diseases! I also know that when u go day after day with pain it does

a number on your whole well being, and then no sleep on top of it all. Lucky my

dr's know and believe this is true I should be on something as it has been h-ll

and back, I actually beleive I have had the Fibro for 20 yrs, but lived out in

Ca, and 1 Dr. thought it was my thyroid disease, and when I saw gastro for that

area, diagnoised my IBS which can go hand in hand with Fibro. I have to look at

it this way, I had a good 10 yrs of feeling pretty well, I had a weird syptom

crop up here and there, and they would find nothing. Now the past few yrs., I

have had to have a couple surgeries, and in a big flare-up and just having a

stupid cavity filled set things going AGAIN. I did finally give in as my dr.

tried to get me to do slow done, listen to my body. But MY FAULT totally I

should of done it 9 yrs ago, because I forced my body to keep going past points

it didn't want to, my beleif was I'd

throw myself into more and more work, 60 hrs plus wk, no sleep, and come home

and clean crazily at home, this i thought was my therapy! Now I have not been

able to work since Aug. and filed for disability in Nov! I hope the best to

you, and I believe keep moving in smaller steps though, take time for yourself,

and if that pain med doesn't work alot of us use vicodin, I would use

accupuncture If my insurance would pay for it regular, I did get the best relief

with the small needle thearapy. Also if u have access to a pool, I would try

water exercise she does it every day and feels the difference when she skips

she has R/A and POLY something. Good Luck with finding relief and welcome

kittensbluerose wrote: Hey everyone,

My name is Tess and I am new to this group. I was first diagnosed with

Fibromyalgia a few months ago. I was glad to hear some dr figure out

what it is I have rather than being tossed around from 1 doc to the next.

Yesterday was a really bad day for me as I had been up all night long

because of being in so much pain in my knees and legs. Can anyone tell

me what they use to help ease the pain? The doc put me on Ultram but I

am not sure that is what is best.

I have quite a long list of other medical problems as well.

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