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You Are A Fountain

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I know so many of us are familiar with the wonderful work of

Hart and Quado....However..I thought this was just such a beautiful

piece in her latest updates and it also shares so many of the

sentiments that Humanity Healing shares..Once we begin to fill

ourselves with Love and Joy it overflows and there is Joy and Love and

healing for the rest of Humanity...So I thought I would post it here

...I feel it is a beautiful and inspiring message..I hope others here

feel that too!




You are a fountain overflowing. Overflowing with love, with heart.

Overflowing with talent. Overflowing with vision.

You have within you all that is needed, not only to live a life that

is fulfilling and joyful, but a life full to overflowing with meaning

and purpose, a life that changes life for others, a life so full of

bountiful, unending wisdom, love and wonder, that it overflows,

reaches out and touches the world.

See yourself now, this fountain, tapping into the great source of love

from deep inside, the unending source of beauty, light and beingness,

of presence and wonder. See yourself reaching into this deep and

endless well, pulling it up and into yourself so that you are

completely full, completely full with a joy that makes you laugh out

loud, simply because you are alive. And then, let it overflow,

overflow because it is simply too much to contain, this unending flow

of joy and love.

And then, the smile, the laughter and tenderness, the gentle peace,

the shining joy, this all overflows and reaches out and out, so that

people begin to feel it flowing around their feet, just a few inches

of joy. It laps around their toes, then rises up to their ankles, and

then this little bit of joy that you have let loose upon the world

begins to clear new pathways and people begin to turn their steps

toward love and joy, then to splash and play, then to run and dance.

And as they dance and the joy fills them, they find their own way to

the endless deep well within themselves. They fill completely, fuller

and fuller, until they too are overflowing, their laughter ringing

out, their dance steps higher and higher in the ever-rising, unending,

unbounded waters of joy, laughter and love.

And it all begins now, right here, with you, as you set aside your

worries and fears, your regrets and so-called problems, as you look up

into the sky and see and know the vastness of it all, as you then look

deep down into the heart of peace that surely lies within you and

sense there the unending well of truth, love and peace, and then, as

you begin to pull from that well and let it fill you with joy, joy

unbounded and unreasoning, joy that relies only upon this inner

source, joy that is because it is, as you are because you are.

This is how it begins, the transformation of the entire world. It

begins with you.


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