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Re: Urgent Healing and Prayer Request for Myself

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You have my prayers Lara love. Gastroenteritis is very painful. Have you tried drinking a peppermint tea, or peppermint water drink? Peppermint really helps to calm the tummy and bring some relief. Love,Stef>> > Beloved Soul Family:> Dear Hearts, my most beautiful and beloved soul family. For the last 4 or 5 months or so I've been really sick on and off. I'm really not doing so well lately, though I'm haning in there the best I can. I'm in the middle of some very severe mental tests, and have also been sick again, I'm in the middle of yet another bout of Gastroenteritis which started really late Wednesday night or really early Thursday morning. So I been home sick from work both yesterday and today. I'm also stuck in a really deep depression and just can't seem to get myself out of it no matter what I do. I'm suppose to be on meds. for depression though haven't really been able to take them since I've been sick so much on and off lately as I haven't been able to really keep much down including the meds. For quite sometime now I've been extremely exhausted both physically and emotionaly, I still am and I'm not quite sure exactly why. I don't know if it's because of the depression or because of the illn!> ess or maybe it's a combination of both, I just don't know. I called my doctor's office first thing this morning when they opened around 9am, and I got an appointment for this afternoon at 2pm.> > > > In the mean time I'm still very much in need of some extra healing and also some extra super heavy duty prayers. Thank you all so very much for all your loving support, thoughts,healing and prayers, etc. They are all most truly appreciated. I'm so truly blessed to have found you all and to have you all as dear friends and belove soul sisters and brothers !! I love you all so very much always with all my heart and soul !!> > > > Always In Love and Light> Namaste Much Metta,> Your Beloved Soul Sister Lara xoxo>

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Please forgive me for this additional posting.

I am sending along a channeling from a group in Sedona Az.

Permission has been given to make this public.

I feel it has to do with all the dis-ease that most are experiencing.

So without further chat here is the channeling.

It is from The Church Of Sanandas Eagle and the channeler is Rev Debbie .

By the way, if anyone wants a copy of the activation, write me personally,

I will get it off to you.

Blessings and Love,


Dear Family,As most of you know, we have a women's group [both online and locally] that has a channeling every other Tuesday. At the June 24th channeling the Madame asked me to post to the other lists part of her message. Also, because of the physical, mental and emotional condition most are finding themselves in recently, she also asked me to gift to everyone a booklet that the one known as Andromeda Rex urged me to put out. I have, therefore, uploaded it to the Files section of the lists' web pages. If you click on `Files' you'll find a document entitled `Activate NOW!' This is the little gem that can help you through these times. You have our permission to share the channeling and the booklet with any lists that you are on as long as it remains unchanged in its entirely and all copyright/website information is given. Love and

Blessing,JaniselMadame H.P. BlavatskyJune 24, 2008Through the body of Debbie http://sanandaseagles.com Madame Blavatsky: OK, this is the last thing I'm going to talk about today…just a little quickie to get you all excited. There are a lot of the Sisterhood that are going through times of extreme strife due to what they believe is the `over-abundance of physical being'. You were all warned that there's this period of time where there was going to be a lot of pain. DO NOT feel as if you have to deny your body what it needs right now, because you're body is hurting more than normal. OK? Be happy with your body and your body will do you well. When you are NOT happy with your body, is when you start developing bad habits and your body says, "OK, we're

going to try and drown it; I will accommodate and start getting bigger". But as you are right now, is perfect for what you need to be right now. There are some of you that, yes, you could get more active; there are some of you that could intake less. But now is not the time to do it. Wait this out, just like all the rest of the people that have been advised of this: just wait it out a little bit longer. Towards the end of summer things will be calming down and you won't feel as much of the pain. But the other thing you need to prepare yourselves for is…if it has not happened yet…[to Janisel] You know your little book you put together, `Activate Now!'? I would like for you to please gift that. Put it on the group page or email it or whatever, because right now there is so many people in strife, in pain, in fear, that have lost everything, and it is radiating out all across the planet.

Those of you that feel you do not believe in empathy or being empathic, or for those of you that feel you do not fit that category, guess again. Part of the strife that you yourself are going through right now is the echoes of what all those other people are going through right now, bombarding you. You have to take care of yourself! That means putting the tetrahedrons over your sleeping place. That means putting your tetrahedrons, if you spend a lot of time on your computer, over your computer. That means shielding yourself as often as you can even think of it. That means using those silly little terms such as "through me, not to me" a million times a day if need be. You have to protect yourself from picking up on other people's stuff, especially in this country where there are tens of thousands of people that are affected by this. You have got people that live nowhere near the flooding areas

that are stressing right now because they can't afford food as it is. And now they're being told that just basic food is going to skyrocket in price and, "How am I going to be able to feed my family and my children? How am I going to be able to even handle this at all?" Anytime you open up to activating your DNA, it makes you extremely sensitive, and if you have an empathic ilk in your makeup, it fine-tunes it. The other thing to look at is, anytime the wind blows, from wherever that wind is coming from, that's all the people you're picking it up from! So, therefore, protect thy self. Protect your space, protect your body, get out of your box and realize who and what you are because that's part of the Gifts that God activated…that sensitivity and the empathic. But if you shield yourself it will just bypass you. If you allow yourself to accept it in, say, "Through me, not to me". There's

also the Tri-Fold Flame, the Violet Flame, there are all kinds of things you can do to not only protect yourself but also protect your home and the people in your home, to protect your food before you eat it. I mean, who wants to get a weird disease off of eating tomatoes? There are tomatoes in almost everything. Therefore, you have to be able to protect yourself and those you love, which include protecting your home. So it's time to share the wealth. Say, "Guess what…you're being gifted! Here it is. If you haven't read it by now, it's high time you read it". Get some discussions going on how to protect yourself from being bombarded by all this emotional, physical and mental turmoil that's going on across the globe. Things are happening all over the place. There are earthquakes, typhoons, tsunamis, volcanoes, fire, flood, hurricanes, and tornados. So part of your job is to stay

out of fear, yet at the same time to be able to buffer yourself from everyone else's fear. If you do NOT protect yourself, their fear becomes your fear. [inaudible comments about corn] It isn't just corn. Every food source is being affected right now, especially in this country. And this country ships a lot of food to other countries that DEPEND on it for that, and those countries aren't going to get the food sources they've `contracted' for, and they're going to start getting a little bit angry. And fear feed on anger and anger feeds on fear. So, therefore, brace yourselves and protect yourselves. AND, if I may say so…we told you to start stocking up. How many of you listened? And this is only the beginning. I think you'd better stock up soon! OK?

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, u r in my prayers....Much loveLaueieLara Kearns <persian_rose9@...> wrote: Beloved Soul Family: Dear Hearts, my most beautiful and beloved soul family. For the last 4 or 5 months or so I've been really sick on and off. I'm really not doing so well lately, though I'm haning in there the best I can. I'm in the middle of some very severe mental tests, and have also been sick again, I'm

in the middle of yet another bout of Gastroenteritis which started really late Wednesday night or really early Thursday morning. So I been home sick from work both yesterday and today. I'm also stuck in a really deep depression and just can't seem to get myself out of it no matter what I do. I'm suppose to be on meds. for depression though haven't really been able to take them since I've been sick so much on and off lately as I haven't been able to really keep much down including the meds. For quite sometime now I've been extremely exhausted both physically and emotionaly, I still am and I'm not quite sure exactly why. I don't know if it's because of the depression or beca! use of the illness or maybe it's a combination of both, I just don't know. I called my doctor's office first thing this morning when they opened around 9am, and I got an appointment for this afternoon at 2pm. In the mean time I'm still very much in need of some extra

healing and also some extra super heavy duty prayers. Thank you all so very much for all your loving support, thoughts,healing and prayers, etc. They are all most truly appreciated. I'm so truly blessed to have found you all and to have you all as dear friends and belove soul sisters and brothers !! I love you all so very much always with all my heart and soul !! Always In Love and Light Namaste Much Metta, Your Beloved Soul Sister Lara xoxo To worry, is like wishing for something you don't want !

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In full measure running over, filling, surrounding, and emcompassing

you with utter completeness, Love is sent...and it is done.

With Intense Passion & Love

Your moment has become what you have willed it to be.




> Beloved Soul Family:

> Dear Hearts, my most beautiful and beloved soul family. For the

last 4 or 5 months or so I've been really sick on and off. I'm really

not doing so well lately, though I'm haning in there the best I can.

I'm in the middle of some very severe mental tests, and have also been

sick again, I'm in the middle of yet another bout of Gastroenteritis

which started really late Wednesday night or really early Thursday

morning. So I been home sick from work both yesterday and today. I'm

also stuck in a really deep depression and just can't seem to get

myself out of it no matter what I do. I'm suppose to be on meds. for

depression though haven't really been able to take them since I've

been sick so much on and off lately as I haven't been able to really

keep much down including the meds. For quite sometime now I've been

extremely exhausted both physically and emotionaly, I still am and I'm

not quite sure exactly why. I don't know if it's because of the

depression or because of the illn!

> ess or maybe it's a combination of both, I just don't know. I

called my doctor's office first thing this morning when they opened

around 9am, and I got an appointment for this afternoon at 2pm.




> In the mean time I'm still very much in need of some extra healing

and also some extra super heavy duty prayers. Thank you all so very

much for all your loving support, thoughts,healing and prayers, etc.

They are all most truly appreciated. I'm so truly blessed to have

found you all and to have you all as dear friends and belove soul

sisters and brothers !! I love you all so very much always with all my

heart and soul !!




> Always In Love and Light

> Namaste Much Metta,

> Your Beloved Soul Sister Lara xoxo


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God Bless you Lara... ..emotional challenges cause gastroenteritis

also the inability for your body to process certain foods any longer

if you have white breads or starch in your diet I believe there is

something that we are not able to tolerate for about 6 months now

with white breads pasta's from enriched flour... an insight and I mean

if you even have anything that is with enriched flour that you may

have never had a problem with before..

we are all feeling the effects of our solar system right now as far

as mental confusion ...my love to you and peppermint tea does calm

your intestines..but I think if your diet is off and you could

possibly have a reaction to something in your diet that is harming

your body along with the mental aggravation of stress and not feeling

good... also I would not take any form of ssri's they will cause a

disassociation between your mind body and true emotional

feelings....my love to you



> Beloved Soul Family:

> Dear Hearts, my most beautiful and beloved soul family. For the

last 4 or 5 months or so I've been really sick on and off. I'm really

not doing so well lately, though I'm haning in there the best I can.

I'm in the middle of some very severe mental tests, and have also been

sick again, I'm in the middle of yet another bout of Gastroenteritis

which started really late Wednesday night or really early Thursday

morning. So I been home sick from work both yesterday and today. I'm

also stuck in a really deep depression and just can't seem to get

myself out of it no matter what I do. I'm suppose to be on meds. for

depression though haven't really been able to take them since I've

been sick so much on and off lately as I haven't been able to really

keep much down including the meds. For quite sometime now I've been

extremely exhausted both physically and emotionaly, I still am and I'm

not quite sure exactly why. I don't know if it's because of the

depression or because of the illn!

> ess or maybe it's a combination of both, I just don't know. I

called my doctor's office first thing this morning when they opened

around 9am, and I got an appointment for this afternoon at 2pm.




> In the mean time I'm still very much in need of some extra healing

and also some extra super heavy duty prayers. Thank you all so very

much for all your loving support, thoughts,healing and prayers, etc.

They are all most truly appreciated. I'm so truly blessed to have

found you all and to have you all as dear friends and belove soul

sisters and brothers !! I love you all so very much always with all my

heart and soul !!




> Always In Love and Light

> Namaste Much Metta,

> Your Beloved Soul Sister Lara xoxo


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How wonderful for someone else to feel and know what I do

thankyou for the reassurance my love to you though I feel we will

have trouble ...calmness will start appearing in November..it is not a

disease our bodies are changing fact..DNA evolution my love


> Please forgive me for this additional posting.

> I am sending along a channeling from a group in Sedona Az.

> Permission has been given to make this public.

> I feel it has to do with all the dis-ease that most are experiencing.

> So without further chat here is the channeling.

> It is from The Church Of Sanandas Eagle and the channeler is Rev

Debbie .

> By the way, if anyone wants a copy of the activation, write me


> I will get it off to you.

> Blessings and Love,

> Peace


> Dear Family,

> As most of you know, we have a women's group [both online and

> locally] that has a channeling every other Tuesday. At the June 24th

> channeling the Madame asked me to post to the other lists part of her

> message. Also, because of the physical, mental and emotional

> condition most are finding themselves in recently, she also asked me

> to gift to everyone a booklet that the one known as Andromeda Rex

> urged me to put out. I have, therefore, uploaded it to the Files

> section of the lists' web pages. If you click on `Files' you'll find

> a document entitled `Activate NOW!' This is the little gem that can

> help you through these times. You have our permission to share the

> channeling and the booklet with any lists that you are on as long as

> it remains unchanged in its entirely and all copyright/website

> information is given.


> Love and Blessing,

> Janisel



> Madame H.P. Blavatsky

> June 24, 2008

> Through the body of Debbie

> http://sanandaseagles.com



> Madame Blavatsky: OK, this is the last thing I'm going to talk about

> today…just a little quickie to get you all excited. There are a lot

> of the Sisterhood that are going through times of extreme strife due

> to what they believe is the `over-abundance of physical being'. You

> were all warned that there's this period of time where there was

> going to be a lot of pain. DO NOT feel as if you have to deny your

> body what it needs right now, because you're body is hurting more

> than normal. OK? Be happy with your body and your body will do you

> well. When you are NOT happy with your body, is when you start

> developing bad habits and your body says, " OK, we're going to try and

> drown it; I will accommodate and start getting bigger " . But as you

> are right now, is perfect for what you need to be right now. There

> are some of you that, yes, you could get more active; there are some

> of you that could intake less. But now is not the time to do it. Wait

> this out, just like all the rest of the people that have been advised

> of this: just wait it out a little bit longer. Towards the end of

> summer things will be calming down and you won't feel as much of the

> pain. But the other thing you need to prepare yourselves for is…if it

> has not happened yet…[to Janisel] You know your little book you put

> together, `Activate Now!'? I would like for you to please gift that.

> Put it on the group page or email it or whatever, because right now

> there is so many people in strife, in pain, in fear, that have lost

> everything, and it is radiating out all across the planet.


> Those of you that feel you do not believe in empathy or being

> empathic, or for those of you that feel you do not fit that category,

> guess again. Part of the strife that you yourself are going through

> right now is the echoes of what all those other people are going

> through right now, bombarding you. You have to take care of yourself!

> That means putting the tetrahedrons over your sleeping place. That

> means putting your tetrahedrons, if you spend a lot of time on your

> computer, over your computer. That means shielding yourself as often

> as you can even think of it. That means using those silly little

> terms such as " through me, not to me " a million times a day if need

> be. You have to protect yourself from picking up on other people's

> stuff, especially in this country where there are tens of thousands

> of people that are affected by this. You have got people that live

> nowhere near the flooding areas that are stressing right now because

> they can't afford food as it is. And now they're being told that just

> basic food is going to skyrocket in price and, " How am I going to be

> able to feed my family and my children? How am I going to be able to

> even handle this at all? " Anytime you open up to activating your

> DNA, it makes you extremely sensitive, and if you have an empathic

> ilk in your makeup, it fine-tunes it. The other thing to look at is,

> anytime the wind blows, from wherever that wind is coming from,

> that's all the people you're picking it up from! So, therefore,

> protect thy self. Protect your space, protect your body, get out of

> your box and realize who and what you are because that's part of the

> Gifts that God activated…that sensitivity and the empathic.

> But if you shield yourself it will just bypass you. If you allow

> yourself to accept it in, say, " Through me, not to me " . There's also

> the Tri-Fold Flame, the Violet Flame, there are all kinds of things

> you can do to not only protect yourself but also protect your home

> and the people in your home, to protect your food before you eat it.

> I mean, who wants to get a weird disease off of eating tomatoes?

> There are tomatoes in almost everything. Therefore, you have to be

> able to protect yourself and those you love, which include protecting

> your home. So it's time to share the wealth. Say, " Guess what…you're

> being gifted! Here it is. If you haven't read it by now, it's high

> time you read it " . Get some discussions going on how to protect

> yourself from being bombarded by all this emotional, physical and

> mental turmoil that's going on across the globe. Things are

> happening all over the place. There are earthquakes, typhoons,

> tsunamis, volcanoes, fire, flood, hurricanes, and tornados.


> So part of your job is to stay out of fear, yet at the same time to

> be able to buffer yourself from everyone else's fear. If you do NOT

> protect yourself, their fear becomes your fear. [inaudible comments

> about corn] It isn't just corn. Every food source is being affected

> right now, especially in this country. And this country ships a lot

> of food to other countries that DEPEND on it for that, and those

> countries aren't going to get the food sources they've `contracted'

> for, and they're going to start getting a little bit angry. And fear

> feed on anger and anger feeds on fear.


> So, therefore, brace yourselves and protect yourselves. AND, if I may

> say so…we told you to start stocking up. How many of you listened?

> And this is only the beginning. I think you'd better stock up soon!

> OK?






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Lara Dearheart, May the Light of Creation, fill every fiber of your being, and bring Healing, Love and Peace of Mind to you, within you, and through you. We Thank You for this. Be Well.

Much Love


From: Lara Kearns <persian_rose9@...>Subject: [] Urgent Healing and Prayer Request for Myself , DS_ReikiCircle Date: Friday, June 27, 2008, 8:37 AMBeloved Soul Family:

Dear Hearts, my most beautiful and beloved soul family. For the last 4 or 5

months or so I've been really sick on and off. I'm really not doing so

well lately, though I'm haning in there the best I can. I'm in the

middle of some very severe mental tests, and have also been sick again, I'm

in the middle of yet another bout of Gastroenteritis which started really late

Wednesday night or really early Thursday morning. So I been home sick from work

both yesterday and today. I'm also stuck in a really deep depression and

just can't seem to get myself out of it no matter what I do. I'm

suppose to be on meds. for depression though haven't really been able to

take them since I've been sick so much on and off lately as I haven't

been able to really keep much down including the meds. For quite sometime now

I've been extremely exhausted both physically and emotionaly, I still am

and I'm not quite sure exactly why. I don't know if it's because of

the depression or because of the illn!

ess or maybe it's a combination of both, I just don't know. I called

my doctor's office first thing this morning when they opened around 9am,

and I got an appointment for this afternoon at 2pm.

In the mean time I'm still very much in need of some extra healing and also

some extra super heavy duty prayers. Thank you all so very much for all your

loving support, thoughts,healing and prayers, etc. They are all most truly

appreciated. I'm so truly blessed to have found you all and to have you all

as dear friends and belove soul sisters and brothers !! I love you all so very

much always with all my heart and soul !!

Always In Love and Light

Namaste Much Metta,

Your Beloved Soul Sister Lara xoxo

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