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Fwd: Anthrax Vax Letter Campaign - kick it up a notch!

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Let's kick the letter writing campaign up a notch!

I've taken Kathy's letter, changed all the " I's " / " Me's " , to " We's/Us " ,

signed it: (See attached), and have made a sheet for people to sign,

address, phone, etc...

(email Randice for that attachment of the Petition

Randice " <randice@m...>)

I'm off to take a generic letter, and a couple signature forms to our


American Legion and Eagles here in Lansing and Charlotte. I dated the

letter for 1-8-04, and will go back to these places to pick up at that


I also have my grandma/mother taking one to church with them on

Sunday to

get signatures. They will bring back to me, then, I'll mail out to


Senator. This is another awesome way of getting people involved and



I've also gotten ahold of the Nationals' for the American Legion and


getting them the information on the judge's order to get their

support. If

you're a member of a Legion/VFW, you may want to consider doing the


In addition, the only enclosure I'm including is the product leaflet

for the

" bulk petitions " . I've mailed out already the judge's order with my

personal letter to my Senator. I've attached the letter(generic),

sign up

sheet, and product label (beneath letter) in case anyone else wants

to do

the same.



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January 8, 2004

Senator Debbie Stabenow

280 E. Saginaw Hwy.

East Lansing, MI 48823

Subject: Supporting Judge Sullivan's position on the Illegal Mandate

of the

AVIP and help to Overturn the Feres Doctrine for our Military if you


my Vote!

Dear Senator Stabenow:

They're on the cover of Time Magazine as " Person of the

Year. " They put

their lives on the line for the rest of us on a daily basis; they face

conditions around the world that sometimes we can only imagine. In a


unknown since World War II, our country has rallied around our troops


the armed services with massive support and caring.

We're asking you to take this support and caring one step

further, a step

which only our members of Congress can take. As you know, Judge

Emmet G.

Sullivan, from the United States District Court for the District of

Columbia, has ordered a preliminary injunction regarding the


mandatory anthrax vaccine. He wrote, " In the absence of a


waiver, defendants are enjoined from inoculating service members


their consent. "

At the end of his Opinion preceding this Order, the judge

wrote, " Absent

an informed consent or presidential waiver, the United States cannot


that members of the armed forces serve as guinea pigs for

experimental drugs. "

We have waited and hoped these many long years for one judge,


military or civilian, to show the integrity, the courage to tell the


about the anthrax vaccine, and the concern for our troops displayed by

Judge Sullivan. We now ask you to display the same integrity by


legislation to stop the mandatory anthrax vaccine program

completely. The

anthrax vaccine is a highly reactive, dangerous drug, produced under

questionable conditions, and used without regard for its consequences


our troops. Consider just a few relevant points:

· Where the vaccine's original label claimed a low systemic adverse

reaction rate of just 0.2% that has jumped to over 35% on the new


and a 2003 GAO report says the total adverse reaction rate may be as


as 85%.

· Adverse reactions include not just dizziness, severe bone and joint


and migraine headaches, but also brain lesions, tumors and cysts,

autoimmune illnesses, severe skin lesions and infections, memory loss,

disorientation - and death. When we need the men and women of our


services so greatly, do we really want to risk losing a percentage of


fighting forces to the effects of an unproven, unsafe vaccine?

· A 2001 GAO report found that out of the Air Reserve Component units

required to take the vaccine, a full 25% of the pilots either left the

service or transferred out of their units in order to avoid taking the

shots. They did not want the side effects of dizziness, for example,


in the cockpit; nor did they want to jeopardize their civilian flying

careers. Where are those pilots now? Certainly not able to help us

in our

war against terrorism.

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· Anthrax Vaccine Absorbed is, indeed, licensed - but it is not


for inhalation anthrax, resulting in a 1996 Investigational New Drug

application with the FDA. Had the FDA followed its own rules, it


have told the Dept. of Defense that its use of the vaccine was


· The United States claims to have lost less than 500 troops to


during this second Gulf War. Yet nearly 11,000 troops have been sent


and/or released from duty due to non-combat reasons such as illness.


cocktail of vaccines our troops our required to take - which are often

administered contrary to normal vaccine protocol, sometimes all at

once, in

the absence of any data that this practice is safe - is at least as

threatening to them as enemy gunfire. Why must our troops fear the


of their own government as much as they fear an enemy attack?

We're not normally persons who vote for our Congressional delegation

or our

President based on a single issue. We'd like to think that we

consider a

person's overall track record and his or her stand on a number of


issues before we make our choice in the voting booth. However, this

election year, this one issue is so critically important, we can see

it is

going to affect every vote we cast. It is unconscionable to us that


would treat our troops and veterans as medical guinea pigs, no matter


severe the threat is made out to be. To add insult to injury, we

then give

them no recourse - the Feres Doctrine, a body of law initiated by a


Supreme Court decision, prevents our troops from seeking any redress

due to

medical malpractice or malfeasance despite the fact, as Congress


wrote in 1996, that the Dept. of Defense has long been known to


medical experiments on the troops.

Yet our troops are the people who are on the front lines of our


both militarily and diplomatically; these are the people who should


our best efforts. They should never face an attitude of callous

indifference; should never be subjected to vaccines or any other

experimental substances against their will; should be the first to


top-notch medical care when they are ill or wounded, and should be


a legal remedy to redress injuries due to experimental drugs and


How we came to such a sorry state in our treatment of the troops

remains a

mystery to us. But we do know that you can help to rectify it before

anyone else comes down with life-long illnesses that cannot be cured;


before anyone else is forced to abandon a loved military career. We

ask -

no, we demand - that you support legislation to stop the Anthrax


Immunization Program completely, and that you do your job in taking


civilian control over our military. We demand that you resist any


at a presidential waiver, and that you work consistently, to the

utmost of

your ability, to provide adequate and immediate medical care for

those who

are ill and to clear the names of those who have refused the vaccine

in the

past. We also demand that you help overturn the Feres Doctrine,

which was

clearly never meant to provide the Dept. of Defense with an excuse to

conduct medical experiments without accountability.

You will be in good company. Senator Bingaman from

NM has also

voiced his concerns about the anthrax vaccine, submitting a Sense of


Senate Resolution calling for the correction of military records and


the vaccine program voluntary. Additionally, Senator Dodd from

CT has

also inquired of the FBI as to their ongoing investigation of the


status of the anthrax vaccine, to include illegal manufacturing


confirmed by the GAO and false statements allegedly made to Congress

by DoD

officials concerning the vaccine's investigational status.

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This is as much a life-and-death issue as the war itself. This is as


a constitutional issue as free speech. This is as much about


integrity, and the courage to tell the truth as any issue you will


face in your lifetime. Help us regain our legally guaranteed


help our troops. Stop the Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program - and

in so

doing, make us proud to support you with our vote.


See Attached

Enclosure: Product Leaflet for Biothrax (aka: Anthrax Vaccine


revised January 2002

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SEE: http://www.fda.gov/cber/label/biopava0131022LB.pdf

Excerpted QUOTES from FDA-approved label: January 2002


Preliminary results of a recent unpublished retrospective study of


born to women in the U.S. military service worldwide in 1998 and 1999

suggest that the vaccine may be linked with an increase in the number


birth defects when given during pregnancy (unpublished data,

Department of

Defense). Although these data are unconfirmed, pregnant women should

not be

vaccinated against anthrax unless the potential benefits of


have been determined to outweigh the potential

risk to the fetus.

Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with BioThrax.


Pregnant women should not be vaccinated against anthrax unless the

potential benefits of vaccination clearly outweigh the potential

risks to

the fetus. (later...)

Post Licensure Adverse Event Surveillance

Data regarding potential adverse events following anthrax vaccination


available from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).8


report of an adverse event to VAERS is not proof that a vaccine

caused the

event. Because of the limitations of spontaneous reporting systems,

determining causality for specific types of adverse events, with the

exception of injection-site reactions, is often not possible using


data alone. The following four paragraphs describe

spontaneous reports of adverse events, without regard to causality.

From 1990 to October 2001, over 2 million doses of BioThrax have been

administered in the United States. Through October 2001, VAERS


approximately 1850 spontaneous reports of adverse events. The most

frequently reported adverse events were erythema, headache,


fatigue, fever, peripheral swelling, pruritus, nausea, injection site

edema, pain/tenderness and dizziness.

Approximately 6% of the reported events were listed as serious.


adverse events include those that result in death, hospitalization,

permanent disability or are life-threatening. The serious adverse


most frequently reported were in the following body system categories:

general disorders and administration site conditions, nervous system

disorders, skin and subcutaneous tissue

disorders, and musculoskeletal, connective tissue and bone disorders.

Anaphylaxis and/or other generalized hypersensitivity reactions, as

well as

serious local reactions, were reported to occur occasionally following

administration of BioThrax. None of these hypersensitivity reactions


been fatal.

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Other infrequently reported serious adverse events that have occurred


persons who have received BioThrax have included: cellulitis, cysts,

pemphigus vulgaris, endocarditis, sepsis, angioedema and other

hypersensitivity reactions, asthma, aplastic anemia, neutropenia,

idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura, lymphoma, leukemia, collagen


disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis,


nodosa, inflammatory arthritis, transverse myelitis, Guillain-Barré

Syndrome, immune deficiency, seizure, mental status changes,


disorders, tremors, cerebrovascular accident (CVA), facial palsy,


and visual disorders, aseptic meningitis, encephalitis, myocarditis,

cardiomyopathy, atrial fibrillation, syncope, glomerulonephritis,


failure, spontaneous abortion and liver abscess. Infrequent reports


also received of multisystem disorders defined as chronic symptoms

involving at least two of the following three categories: fatigue,

mood-cognition, musculoskeletal system.

Reports of fatalities included sudden cardiac arrest (2), myocardial

infarction with polyarteritis nodosa (1), aplastic anemia (1),

suicide (1)

and central nervous system (CNS) lymphoma (1).



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