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Not Just Any Feeling Will Do

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Recent translations of ancient prayers recorded in Aramaic, the language of the Essenes (the scribes of the Dead Sea Scrolls) seem to support precisely what the monk was sharing as the secrets of reality making. These new interpretations also offer fresh clues as to why such instructions often appear to be so vague. By retranslating the original New Testament documents, it's clear that tremendous liberties were taken over the centuries with the ancient authors' words and intent. As the saying goes, a lot was "lost in the translation." (I described this-and other examples that I share in these pages-in my last book, Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer, but they're so relevant that I decided to include them here, too.)

Relating to our ability to participate in the events of life, health, and family, a comparison of the modern biblical version of "Ask and you shall receive," for example, with its original text gives us an idea of just how much can be lost! The modern and condensed King Version of the Bible reads:

"Whatsoever ye ask the Father in my name,

he will give it to you. Hitherto have ye asked

nothing in my name: Ask and ye shall

receive, that your joy may be full."

When we compare this with the original text, we see the key that's left out. In the following paragraph, I've emphasized the missing part by underlining it.

"All things that you ask strightly, directly…

from inside My name-

you will be given. So far you haven't done this….

So ask without hidden motive and

Be surrounded by your answer

Be enveloped by what you desire, that your gladness be full."

With these words, we're reminded of the quantum principle telling us that feeling is a language to direct and focus our consciousness. It's a state of being that we're in, rather than something that we do at a certain time of day.

While it's clear that emotion is the language that the Divine Matrix recognizes, it's also apparent that not just any feeling will do. If it did, then the world would be a very confusing place, with one person's idea of what should be overlapping with someone else's very different conception. The monk stated that compassion is both a force of creation and the experience that accesses it. The deepest elements of teaching suggest that in order to achieve compassion, we must approach a circumstance without a strong expectation of the rightness or wrongness of that situation's outcome. In other words, we must perceive it without judgment or ego. And it appears to be precisely this quality of emotion that's the key to speaking to the Divine Matrix in a way that's meaningful and effective.

As the physicist Amit Goswami suggests, it takes more than a regular state of consciousness to make a quantum possibility a present reality. In fact, to do so he indicates that we must be in what he describes as a "non-ordinary state of consciousness."

To get to this point, the Aramaic translation states that we must "ask without hidden motive." Another way of clarifying this very important part of the instruction is to say in modern terms that we must make our decisions from a desire that's not based in our ego. The great secret to bringing the focus of our imagination, beliefs, healing, and peace into a present reality is that we must do so without a strong attachment to the outcome of our choice. In other words, we're invited to pray without our judgments of what should or shouldn't be happening.

Key 10: Not just any feeling will do. The ones that create

must be without ego and judgment.

Perhaps one of the best descriptions of how we experience this neutral place is found in the work of the great Sufi poet Rumi. With words that are simple and powerful, he states, "Out beyond ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing there is a field. I'll meet you there." How often can we truly say that we're in Rumi's field of non-judgment at any time in our lives-especially when the fate of our loved ones is hanging in the balance? Yet this appears to be precisely the greatest lesson of our pwer, the biggest challenge of our lives, and the enormous iron of our abilty to create in a participatory universe.

It seems that the stronger our desire is to change our world, the more elusive our power to do so becomes. This is because what we want is so often ego based. If it weren't, the change wouldn't hold such significance for us. As we mature into the state of consciousness where we know that we can alter our reality, however, it also seems that it becomes less important for us to do so.

Similar to the way our desire to drive a car, for example, wanes after we actually begin to do so, in having the ability to work miracles of healing and peace, the urgency to make them happen seems to disappear. This may be because along with knowing that we can change things comes an acceptance of the world just the way it is.

It's this freedom of possessing power without attaching so much importance to it that allows us to be even more effective in our prayers. And herein may lie the answer to the question asked by those who meditated, chanted, omed, danced, and prayed for the recovery of their loved ones.

Although every act was undoubtedly well intentioned, it often involved a strong attachment to having or making the healing of our loved ones happen. It entailed a belief that a miraculous recovery was necessary. And if the healing still needed to occur, the implication was that it hadn't taken place yet-if it had, we wouldn't be asking for it in our prayers. It's as if by wanting the outcome of healing, the efforts to create it actually reinforced the reality that the disease was present! This leads to the second part of the ancient instruction, something that's often overlooked in our attempts to bring miracles into our lives.

The next part of the translation invites us to "be surrounded" by our answer and "be enveloped" by what we desire so that our joy may come to pass. This passage reminds us in words of precisely what the experiments and the ancient traditions suggest in their shared wisdom. We must first have the feeling of healing, abundance, peace, and the answers to our prayers of well-being in our hearts as if they've already happened before they become the reality of our lives.

In the passage, Jesus suggests that those he's speaking with haven't done that. Just like my friends with the powerful medicine of prayer and good intentions, while they may have believed that they asked for their prayers to be answered, if their request was simply the words Please let this healing happen, then he says that this isn't a language that the universal field of the Divine matrix recognizes. Jesus reminds his disciples that they must "speak" to the universe in a way that's meaningful. When we feel as though we're surrounded by healing in our loved ones and enveloped by peace in our world, that's both the language and the code that opens the door to all possibilities.

In this feeling, we move from the viewpoint that suspects we're simply experiencing whatever comes our way to the perspective that knows we're part of all that is. Thus, we create a shift of energy that may be described as the classic "quantum leap." In much the same way that an atom's electron jumps from one energy level to another without moving through the space between, when we really know that we're speaking the quantum language of choice and not simply thinking that we might be, we're in another state of consciousness. It's this state that becomes the pure space where dreams, prayers, and miracles begin.http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view & friendID=114034976 & blogID=224540072http://livingonlove.ning.com

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