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Solarlotus: Gardening is a Silent Guru

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Solarlotus: Gardening is a Silent Guru11 August 2008Gardening is a silent Guru. Gardening is wonderful because "something" will always grow (whether you get in the way or not). And like loving your kids, you love whatever comes... and love the garden no matter how it grows. Gardening teaches you to nurture in a consistent manner. You are watering life - interesting term...this watering life. You are richly rewarded for your nurturing with a harvest that forces one to "allow" abundance. Then you are given choices to share your abundance. This over abundance from the garden makes one wonder if the garden knew all along you were planning to share, so it boosted growth to provide even more? Watching the grace and blessings upon the garden as it expands and grows uncontrolled, grants creation a wondrous presence in your daily life. Watching the morning light dance through the leaves of the arching cucumber vines as they reach up the lovingly tied strings whispering "ah here is the stairway to heaven". So many lessons from such a simple and basic grounding experience - ah the silent guru at work. There is a silent bliss that occurs for gardeners, in the planning, planting, weeding, watering and more weeding...bliss of the human, in harmonic motion with creation. There is a profound silence as gardeners are weeding...you either get it, or not. Gandhi said that the world would be more peaceful if everyone learned to spin - weeding is like spinning. Perhaps weeding metaphorically gifts us easy progress and reminds us that we play a part in the role in our lives. We may not control what is grown, etc...but we can add our part by weeding, fertilizing or watering. The gardener is humbled to be present to help nature gift us wonderful flowers and veggies. Allowing some plants to go to seed, to collect seed for the next year teaches us being in the present while still allowing for the potential of future. Our future is the gift of what we do in the present and gardening brings that lesson home. It reminds us that how we tend life in the present, is what we shall reap in the future. How we prepare the land, composting, allowing some plants to create beyond the veggie/flower to allow future seeds. When you visit a zoo you are observing the animals, but in gardening you are one with what you are doing. Ever watching the honey bees dancing among the flowering plants...or watching the local birds play in the party pools left by morning watering. Gardening is like pregnancy without the diapers! Gardening is a divine dance of beingness with life. Gardeners have the best seat in God's house of play. So Zen to be IN the art of a heavenly gallery. Watching gardens AND the gardeners is a life lesson of great proportions - eye opening. Some people water with expectation, with need. Some water as they are determined to control and that their garden be the best-best. They judge others quickly and keep their garden immaculate not realizing their need to control is vastly exposed in this scheme of doing. Some judge their garden harshly and then abandon it and let the weeds run rampant. It is sad when their inner rage grows too much to nurture this symbol of themselves - when they give up. Some say, "next year I will fix this but this year, nah, I have too many other things on the go" (to tend myself). The garden is just a garden but it could heal those ones...if they allowed. Then there are those gardeners who do exactly the same thing every year...most likely they always have sex the same way too...safe right? Safe from failure - is there such a thing? And because they do the same way each time then the blame is surely not them, but is mother nature or the other person ...always someone or something else. That is the point, right, for their ego to lie to them telling that they are eliminated from being the one at fault. Gardening is surely a silent guru, and if you allow, you will grow like your garden. And there are those miracles...when weather and late planting produce, despite all odds, a bounty that is fit for any garden guru. There are days when something new pops up that must have blown in from another garden. Or days when the flower of the squash or zucchini is literally singing with colour. There are days when strawberry stains on lips are like a child at Christmas sucking on candy. There are days in the garden when swiss chard is thigh high and corn is gaining its royal tassels. Some gardening days, you stop, sit on your bench and with dirt stained hands pull a few fresh pea pods, examine them...smell the green prana and pop open the precious pod to release those sweet and crisp green balls onto the tongue. Sampling the bounty is part of the fun! Gardening days give you green memories! There are days you try to remember what variety of tomatoes you planted. Or how you pray that the garden center did get those sticks in your bedding plants that named the squash correct because what you are seeing growing does not resemble the marker...and yet, it really doesn't matter. The garden is a simply a marvel from every side. The gardener has the feel of being in love every day...loving creation. What Guru can give you this? Like art, if you stay out of the way, and yet, still put your whole self into it...something great emerges. And then you get to visit neighbors, mechanics, and friends and hand them a bundle of fresh blessings. Remembering back when I worked so much that I thought I did not have the luxury of time to to garden and sooo appreciated when people gave me treasures from their gardens. Energy, not just from the garden was present in that pranic gift, but energy from the merging of human and nature in harmony - giving it an energy unlike anything else. In these moments, gifting is done without pride, but with the wisdom of a gardener who knows that we ALL share in the bounty of Gaia. By sharing our blessings, be it veggies from the garden, donations to those need it...sharing is divine. Sharing is the gardening of humanity. Share without expectation, without judging, without controls. Funny thing about harvesting - it is a "now" or present event. Harvest too your garden of humanity - share what you have...gifting your blessings is best way to pull the weeds of darkness and to increase the lovelight on earth. Sharing, harvesting - is peace making. Wishing you eternal abundance, an eternal harvest, that you may share always and all ways. lovelove, solarlotus Copyright Solarlotus 2008Share freely if copyright honoured.

http://www.hi5.com/friend/profile/displayJournal.do?viewother=true & ownerId=7991394With love, ~ who now wants to do some gardeninghttp://livingonlove.ning.comhttp://myspace.com/rarebreezehttp://myspace.com/asundayinjune

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