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Welcome to the list na!!!! I am B. -- a stay-at-home mommy to

(4) and Madeline (almost 9 months). Both were/are breastfed babies.

weaned at about 18 months and Mae is still nursing strong. I am

happily married to Tom .. who is in commercial construction. You'll find a

lot of helpful advice here! HAPPY NURSING!! :)

<3 B

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That is so great to hear! We had the follow up appointment this morning and

the doctor did say he looked a little better. They took more blood

<<cringe>> and hopefully his bilirubin levels are down... we'll find out

tomorrow! Thankfully today is a sunny day, so I think I will nurse him by

the window. He's been incredibly sleepy lately, so much to the point I have

to wake him up to feed him!


Becky wrote:



> na,

> I am also a first time mom and my ds had jaundice.

> They admitted him to the NICU and told me that since

> my milk hadn't come in I needed to supplement with

> formula. They said this would make him better faster

> so I did it. I would nurse him and then offer the

> bottle. We did this only a couple times and then my

> milk came in and I stopped supplementing. My ds did

> not have any problems with nipple confusion. He

> continued breastfeeding. He is now almost 6 months old

> and doing great.


> Becky & Cody 8-18

> --- joezmom wrote:

> > (S),

> >

> > Well with me being the first time mom, I

> > automatically did doctor says, patient

> > does! He said to do it for 48 hours, so what I am

> > doing is feeding him as I

> > normally would (about 10 minutes each breast) and

> > then offering him the bottle.

> > Sometimes he takes it, sometimes he doesn't. Either

> > way I don't force it. If he

> > won't drink it, I just pour it down the drain.

> >

> > na

> >

> > Jsachieve@... wrote:

> >

> > > From: Jsachieve@...

> > >

> > > Hi na-

> > >

> > > I want to welcome you to the list! I applaud

> > your decision to breastfeed!

> > > My name is and I'm a happily married SAHM

> > to 3 kids. 7,

> > > 5, and Katelyn 21 mo. I didn't nurse my

> > first, I nursed Josh for 10

> > > months, and I'm still nursing Katelyn.

> > Breastfeeding didn't come easy for

> > > me, just like many other moms who have faced

> > challenges, but the rewards have

> > > been abundant.

> > > I have to tell you though, your Doctor is wrong

> > about supplementing him

> > > with formula for jaundice. The list owner Wendi

> > will be better prepared to

> > > medically tell you why this is so, but breastmilk

> > is the best course of

> > > action for jaundice. My last 2 both had jaundice,

> > even had to be treated

> > > with phototherapy, but you produce the perfect

> > food for your baby, please

> > > don't supplement!! You might not even last just 6

> > wks if you start

> > > supplementing now. It's very important to have an

> > adequate milk supply to

> > > feed him every feeding from the breast! I know

> > some other women on this list

> > > have had major problems when it comes to

> > supplementing! I just want you and

> > > your little one to have the best chance of a

> > nursing relationship of whatever

> > > length. Keep in touch-

> > >

> > > S.

> > >

> > > ---------------------------

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  • 3 weeks later...

Welcome Sharon! I'm Michele 29 y/o SAHM of Arran (ds-6) and Keely (dd-27m) and

expecting #3 in less than two weeks...I hope. Arran didn't bf after I tried,

Keely still is bfing and I can't wait to bf the new one! I'm in Edmonton but

I'm originally from Richmond Hill Ontario :-)

Michele, mom of Arran 12-27-93 & Keely 12-5-97 #3 EDD 3-13-00 It's a Boy! ICQ#


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Hello, I am new to the list, so I thought I should introduce myself..

I am 18 year old single mom to is..She is 1 month old born on January

25,2000..She was 8lbs 10ozs and 20 inches long.She is my first child. I live

in Ontario,Canada.

If you would like to know more please feel free to send me an email at


From Sharon

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  • 1 year later...
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Welcome aboard Larry!

I've heard variations about swimming...some say 4 weeks, other Dr's say about

8...I wouldn't suggest diving or anything for a bit, but the doggy paddle,

backfloat, no biggy I'd imagine (although I think the doggy paddle thing is

harder than most!) :)

Good luck on your appt!


Open RNY 8/9/99

Dr. Sheldon Randall

Lawrence Memorial Hosp., Medford

Original Message:


From: Chenkin Chenkin@...

Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 15:55:02 -0400

To: OSSG-NewEngland

Subject: New Member

Hi. My name is Larry, I am new to this group. I've been a member of the main

OSSG list for some time now.

My surgery is going to be on May 31, at Newton Wellesley, by Dr. Reines.

My question: In one of the posts someone mentioned swimming... does anyone

know how long after an open RNY you can go into the water? I'll ask the Doc

when I see him for my Pre OP visit but am curious if anyone addressed this yet.



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I'm not from Longmeadow, but my cousins, the Gills, are. I had my

surgery a year ago at NWH with Dr. Thayer and have lost 85# and am

maintaining now. Welcome to the group!

- Alice A. (AA)


churchv@... wrote:


> Hi-I live in E. Longmeadow and just had my first consult at NWH.

> Will receive a surgery date in September. Seems a pretty long time

> but I waited this long I guess I can wait 3 more months. I am exited

> now that things are moving past the research and educating myself

> part. Hope to hear from some people who live in the area.

> Viola



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Thanks Jeanie...I slacked off on that one. :-)


New Member> > > Hey guys I have just a friend and old classmate join the list. She> lives is Derry, NH and is having surgery in June at Beth Isarel. Kathy,> come out, come out where ever you are and introduce yourself. Ask any> questions that you may have. It is a great group and everyone here is> so very supportive.> > Lea> moderator> > > >

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  • 1 year later...
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Hi there! I'm a brand new member to your list and look forward to all the support. My name is . I'm 34 years young. I've felt overweight my entire life but truly only been heavy the last 10 years or so, after I began having kids. I started WWOnline back in January and to date have lost 35 pounds. Man. It's such a tough battle for me. Why does it seem others seem to "melt" the pounds away when I seem to work so hard at it? But I'm really refining my thought processes about food and exercise and know I'm doing this the RIGHT way.

Look forward to meeting you all, M. AIM: lbird68http://www.tbcnet.com/~jl2watson/86 pages in 2002 160 days until WDW!WWOnline member since 01/02 [218/183/150]

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Hi ! Thought I would post and make you feel better. I started WW the end of Feb. and have only lost 8 lbs. ( I had lost 13 but gained back 5) See, did I make you feel better? :) It doesn't just melt off of me either. :(

Hope to get to know you better.


New member

Hi there! I'm a brand new member to your list and look forward to all the support. My name is . I'm 34 years young. I've felt overweight my entire life but truly only been heavy the last 10 years or so, after I began having kids. I started WWOnline back in January and to date have lost 35 pounds. Man. It's such a tough battle for me. Why does it seem others seem to "melt" the pounds away when I seem to work so hard at it? But I'm really refining my thought processes about food and exercise and know I'm doing this the RIGHT way.

Look forward to meeting you all,

M. AIM: lbird68http://www.tbcnet.com/~jl2watson/86 pages in 2002 160 days until WDW!WWOnline member since 01/02 [218/183/150]

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  • 8 years later...


Thanks! And I know what you mean - I am finally free. Best feeling ever not to have every waking moment occupied by what I can and cannot eat!

Subject: Re: New MemberTo: IntuitiveEating_Support Date: Thursday, October 28, 2010, 10:23 AM

welcome to the group Jami. I love it here because it is a very supportive environment. And I just LOVE IE. I feel FREE for the first time since I was 20.mj

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