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Messages from the Future, Part 9 By DL Zeta

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Future Selves and a Vision for Upcoming Changes on the New Earth

One dominant theme in the information now flowing from the future to

the present has to do with upcoming changes in the templates for

existence on the Earth plane. Many " future selves " are contacting

their selves within the present time frame and highlighting steps they

can take down to help usher in this new time on Earth.

Some of the changes have to do with the stewardship ethic on the

planet, while others have to do with ways to minimize the effects of

those events already set into motion and ways to prepare for them.

Still others have to do with upcoming changes in the collective human

consciousness that will open new pathways of experience and awareness.

New fields of possibility will lead to increased awareness of how

people exist within themselves -- their internal climate, the way they

express this to others, the way people treat themselves, and their

attitudes toward all other kingdoms of life. All that we have

described here derives from a greater alignment with states of inner

peace and unconditional love. This will be the primary harmonic of the

New Earth.

The steps your future selves reveal to you are specific to your life

purpose and the unique gifts and spiritual understandings you hold.

For example, if you are an engineer, you might receive guidance to

develop a new environmental process that helps produce energy in a

clean and efficient manner that is holistic to the planet and all life.

Many are receiving the awareness now that success and prosperity in

coming times will be directly related to the degree that thoughts,

intentions and efforts are aligned with a vision that is holistic to

the planet and to all life. This has always been the case, but the

illusory nature of physical existence has allowed it to seem

otherwise. As veils are pulled away from all those on Earth, all the

remaining aspects of illusion will dissolve like fog in bright sunlight.

Those whose hearts and minds are aligned with the highest good of all

will become the leaders of the New Earth, lighting the path ahead.

That which is not aligned will be will quickly seen for what it and

phased out. The intentions behind actions will be obvious to all as

gifts of telepathy, clear-seeing, and discernment awaken in many.

One's true motivations will stand naked and fully revealed. In this

way, only that which is holistic and humane will thrive on the New Earth.

Accessing Future Vision to Perceive the New Earth

In the present moment on Earth, those with open minds and hearts are

able to receive downloads of information from their higher selves.

These individuals are now perceiving new ideas and ways of being.

While each individual receives visions through the lens of their life

purpose, some of the information being received reveals the shape of

changes now crystallizing in Earth's future history. We will share

with you here the nature of some areas where great transformation will

occur in the future of Earth.

One) All life will be valued and honored. This will naturally come

about as those remaining on Earth develop advanced skills of

clairvoyance, telepathy, compassion, empathy and clear-seeing. When

one awakens to the reality of their actions and the impact of those

actions, it will be impossible to act in a way that is not holistic.

Two) The first step in this transformation will be the honoring and

cultivation of the unique gifts and abilities of each child from

birth. As those on Earth develop gifts of heightened perception, there

will be a knowing of each soul prior to its arrival in physical

reality. As life purpose and gifts are nurtured, cultivated and

supported from birth (and before), the world will see a new generation

of unveiled, spiritually aligned beings who will in time become the

visionaries and architects of the New Earth.

Three) This clear-seeing and vibration of love will usher in a new

time where illusion falls away and each individual understands that

what they do to another they do to themselves. As each being comes to

honor and love themselves, they will choose a path of love and

compassion that naturally extends to all who exist in the universe.

Four) As each individual unites heart, soul and mind, they will begin

to remember and reconnect with the true essence of their being. As

this reconnection takes place, they will recall who they have been

across time and at the same time they will open to the vision for

their future.

Five) As each individual remembers who they truly are, their vision

will expand for their present life. So many presently on Earth hold a

limited vision for who they are and their purpose. Even many gifted

and advanced beings have areas of their essence they have not yet come

to know and experience. As each being awakens to the vast nature of

their true being and embraces their advanced capabilities, they will

usher in a new time on the Earth.

This concludes the " Messages from the Future " series. Next week we

will discuss further the workings and sources of future vision, linear

vs. non-linear time and channeled consciousness.

For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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