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Re: The Ascension Symptoms - I thought I was just getting old! lol

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you dear!

Restless leg and everything else I imagine - your descriptions are

always so cute and vivid like a little Chinese man! Yep, I can

relate to the lightening bolts -

and as for powering the intentional community...

you go bro!




> " Oh, another symptom is here, " you may

> think or " here comes another energy surge! " As the ascension

> process is so on-going, you will eventually become so familiar

> with all its' aspects that it is really no big deal anymore. As

> you hobble around half dead, you get used to it (smile)! And

> you will come to learn that it will not kill you. You may be

> dying while you are alive and may feel downright strange and

> uncomfortable at times, but these feelings always pass. And

> as we are so gradually moving into all the feel good energy

> and feel good states of being, things get better and better. In

> the beginning, our density and the density of the planet is

> being broken up and moving out. "


> I think I'm half way through the " half dead " part...walking around

> like I'm 1000 years old, like a little Chinese man with a walking

> stick but thinking like Kwa Chang Kane {sp- Kung Fu/ Caridene]

> inside. But the latest is the biggy...think " restless leg syndrome "

> but make it " whole body and soul syndrome " . Energy so fierce you


> to jump out of your skin. Like you could throw lighten bolts out


> hands if you had a mind to.


> H*ll, ya could plug a vacuum cleaner up my *** and clean the whole

> house, or maybe, I could power a whole intentional community. lol



> D~





> --- In , " Liane Legey " <liane@>


> >

> > <Elliemiser@>

> > *Subject:* The Ascension Symptoms - I thought I was just getting

> old! lol

> >

> > *The Ascension Symptoms

> >

> > *HAVE YOU EVER been in the middle of a compelling

> > conversation and suddenly you could not remember or access

> > the simplest of words or names? Do you find yourself eating

> > several times a day, as your blood sugar levels feel as though

> > they are plummeting? Have you had periods where you could

> > not sleep all night or maybe awakened regularly between 2 and

> > 4 a.m...or also had periods where you slept like a log all night

> > and during the day could not keep your eyelids open?

> >

> > Or perhaps you intermittently experience overwhelming

> > feelings of no sense of place. Ever looked in the mirror and

> > not know who in the world you are looking at? Have you had

> > periods of time where you have lost all your passion, felt

> > deflated and lethargic, could not muster up the energy to do a

> > thing, and simply did not care anymore?

> >

> > If you have experienced any of these scenarios, you are most

> > certainly not alone. For most of us, the ascension symptoms

> > are perhaps the most universal, yet at the same time, the most

> > baffling and frightening as well. With no frame of reference for

> > what we are experiencing, we may even feel that we are

> > developing some kind of mental disorder, or really losing it. In

> > fact, this is basically true, as we are losing it! We are losing


> > the denser and lower vibrating aspects of ourselves.

> >

> > Many times going to a doctor can prove futile as the

> > mainstream medical community has not seen and has no

> > reference for most of these symptoms. The majority of the

> > time, the symptoms eventually go away on their own without

> > any kind of treatment. But there are also times when seeing a

> > doctor can be beneficial as well. And always remember, that

> > not all our strange and uncomfortable physical, mental, and

> > spiritual maladies can be attributed to ascension symptoms.

> > Sometimes a cigar is simply just a cigar.

> >

> > Although the ascension symptoms vary from individual to

> > individual, many of them are fairly universal. If you are having

> > a strange symptom or experience that is not listed here, you

> > are not alone. Each of us is wired differently and will

> > experience this rapid and intense process according to who we

> > are, how we view things, what we believe, and how connected

> > and open we are to Source and the higher dimensions.

> >

> > What we believe determines how we run our energy. The filter

> > that we run our energy through, or what we are about, will

> > greatly affect and determine our ascension process. One of

> > the greatest and easiest things we can do to promote a gentler

> > ascension process is to not take things personally. This

> > process cannot be avoided. We agreed to it because we knew

> > we could handle it, and we are all in this together. Nothing is

> > attacking you personally. You are not being abandoned,

> > stomped on, ignored, or punished. You have not done anything

> > wrong. You are not a bad person. On the contrary, you are

> > having this experience because of the grand and exquisite

> > person that you are! Your bravery, strength, and dedication

> > are very highly revered by every living thing in the universe.

> >

> > This monumental experience of ascension is a unique,

> > powerful, and amazing experience that is paving the way for all

> > others to follow. By breaking the new ground, you are making

> > things much easier for all who come after you. Bless you...as

> > you are truly divine.

> >

> > And know that as you progress through your ascension

> > process, your inner child and your ego begin to diminish. In

> > this way, the process becomes much, much easier as time goes

> > on. You will arrive at a place, if you haven't already, where

> > you will be able to simply observe what is going on within you

> > from the outside. " Oh, another symptom is here, " you may

> > think or " here comes another energy surge! " As the ascension

> > process is so on-going, you will eventually become so familiar

> > with all its' aspects that it is really no big deal anymore. As

> > you hobble around half dead, you get used to it (smile)! And

> > you will come to learn that it will not kill you. You may be

> > dying while you are alive and may feel downright strange and

> > uncomfortable at times, but these feelings always pass. And

> > as we are so gradually moving into all the feel good energy

> > and feel good states of being, things get better and better. In

> > the beginning, our density and the density of the planet is

> > being broken up and moving out. Because it is up and around

> > us, this is all we see and experience for awhile. But it gets

> > better and better... and we have made so much progress

> > already! In the end you will find that it is all worth it.

> >

> > Generally speaking, our bodies, minds, and spirits are going to

> > higher levels. They are losing their density. In order to " die "

> > or go to a higher dimension where the frequencies are much

> > higher, one has to " fit " . You can't put a square peg into a

> > round hole. And you can't squeeze a dense blob of energy

> > through a delicate screen. While making this amazing

> > transition into the higher realms while in a physical body, much

> > is taking place as we are transmuting, so to speak. And as we

> > raise our frequencies higher and higher (lighter matter vibrates

> > at a higher rate), we are at times here in this old 3D reality and

> > at times in a higher dimension.

> >

> > In the higher dimensions, things are very different. We aren't

> > used to being there while we are still inhabiting our old 3D

> > vehicle, with an old 3D mind and way of thinking. And the

> > physical level is always the last to be affected and to change

> > when any kind of change occurs. And much change is

> > occurring!

> >

> > So then, our bodies are transmuting and becoming lighter and

> > lighter and purer and purer. This can cause many various

> > physical aches and pains as anything vibrating lower (especially

> > old traumas and injuries or even unbalanced health situations)

> > feel it the most. When the higher energy moves in, and we are

> > receiving higher and higher energy every day, it affects

> > anything that is of a lower vibration. And the lower the

> > vibration, the more it is felt.

> >

> > Our minds are beginning to see new realities and higher ways

> > of being and living through this process. As the layer of

> > density that has clouded our thinking becomes thinner and

> > thinner, it is as if we gain great clarity and insights and can

> > finally see what really is...and at times, we may not know

> > where we are! Through this process, our emotions are also

> > affected. When we suddenly begin to open, it can be quite

> > dramatic and quite unfamiliar to us. And our spirits are

> > becoming closer and closer to Source as we begin to remember

> > what it is all about. Heightened levels of love, compassion,

> > and gratitude are some of the aspects of the ascension process

> > that I enjoy the most.

> >

> > Because we are returning to Source and the original purified

> > version of our souls, much is involved in the undoing process.

> > What an exciting adventure and wild ride it is! "

> >

> > www.whatsuponplanetearth.com

> >

> >

> >

> >

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> >

> >

> > --

> > " Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still

dark. "

> > Rabindranath Tagore

> >

> > Download Our Toolbar:

> > http://.OurOrganizationToolbar.com

> >


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