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RE: I have a question...NOT YET ! ! !

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I was diagnosised 10mo. ago after years of suffering and have Dr. after Dr. even

Fibro specialist who gave me trigger point injections yet I continue to suffer.

Back in May I recieved Oxycodone for a fracture that didn't hurt as much as my

FM but 10mg. Oxycodone did take the edge off my pain for about 4 hours. In your

case after having,I think you've said 75mg. Duragiesec not even 10mg Oxy would

touch your pain as I have in the past,many years ago had one 50mg patch someone

gave me, and WOW was I a ZOMBIE for 3 days.

Drs. seem to say SUFFER WE MUST!!! Can you feel my discontent now? GRRR..not at

you please!!!

Bless YOU ! ! ! . . . . ............................................... . . .

GOD grant me the serenityto accept the things I

cannot change the courage to change the things I canand the wisdom to know the

difference. Amen ! ! !

To: Fibromyalgia_Support_Group@...: tubelover2u@...:

Mon, 4 Feb 2008 01:12:05 -0500Subject: I have a question...

I've had pain for more than 8 years. Now the doctor's couldn't figure outwhy,

but my family doctor helped me the best she could...the only thing thathas

worked is a duragesic patch...I finally had relief from the burning,numbness,

pin prinks, the searing pain, the heaviness in my legs and arms..it didn't take

it away, but I was able to function. To make the story short..has anyone out

there used the patch for Fibro? (btw...I was taken off ofit a month ago...cold

turkey...my doctor had heart surgery and the doctorthat I had to see said I was

nothing but a drug addict and refused to helpme...I have NO pain meds right

now...and to be honest, I can't lay stilllong enough to get any sleep). Anyone

out there get relief from the pain..and how...Thanks for listeningAnita[Non-text

portions of this message have been removed]


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Hi ! I have talked to many people...and they all say the same thing...

how was I able to walk around, and do the things I needed to do....since I

was on so many meds...I not only had the patch..but I also had vicodin

(which I only used when I couldn't handle it....like for instance if I

cleaned the house, the next day I can't move...at all....the pain is just

too great)...Okay..I also am on Elavil which helps my RLS. I have neurontin

and baclofen. No one can understand why I'm not a zombie...and my doctor

put it this way...if I didn't need the medicine for pain...I would be

sleeping constantly...btw...I can't sleep at all now...I have been up since

7 AM yesterday....and I STILL can't sleep. Well, time to get off my soap


Sorry if I rambled...


PS...you are correct, it was 75 mg...I told my husband after going through

hell for almost a week when I was taken off of it (I have since found out

that taking me off of it cold turkey could have killed me...you're suppose

to be weaned off of it.) Anyway...I swore I would never use it again....but

you know what? I would .... In a heart beat...I was able to function ya

know??? When this doctor told me I was nothing but a drug addict...I cried..

I begged her...telling her I don't want to get high...I want to be able to

do the things I am suppose to do...she refused to help in any way...so here

I sit, unable to sleep....and in pain....all the symptoms I had before I

went on the patch are back much stronger than they were to begin with...the

patch didn't take the pain away, but it did ease it....

Okay time to stop rambling...

You have a great day !

-- I have a question...

I've had pain for more than 8 years. Now the doctor's couldn't figure outwhy

but my family doctor helped me the best she could...the only thing thathas

worked is a duragesic patch...I finally had relief from the burning,numbness

pin prinks, the searing pain, the heaviness in my legs and arms..it didn't

take it away, but I was able to function. To make the story short..has

anyone out there used the patch for Fibro? (btw...I was taken off ofit a

month ago...cold turkey...my doctor had heart surgery and the doctorthat I

had to see said I was nothing but a drug addict and refused to helpme...I

have NO pain meds right now...and to be honest, I can't lay stilllong enough

to get any sleep). Anyone out there get relief from the pain..and how..

Thanks for listeningAnita[Non-text portions of this message have been



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