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Re: 10 Things About Your Beliefs You Won't Believe

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--- In HumanityHe


> In changing our beliefs, we are actually reassigning energy from one

> belief to another. The beliefs themselves do not change. ALL beliefs are

> available to us, so we can choose, consciously, which beliefs we prefer

> to assign energy to. Beliefs are not our enemy – realize that from a

> broader perspective they are the way in which we express yourself and

> can be consciously chosen from moment to moment.


> Ø Acceptance of beliefs nullifies their power.


> Accept beliefs for what they are – a vast bank of concepts that we

> can move energy between as and when we choose. In order to accept

> beliefs, a suspension of judgment of them is required – remember

> that they are neither bad nor good, they are themselves neutral.


> Ø We can learn to use our beliefs more efficiently.


> Recognize that we always have the power to re-assign energy to our

> beliefs of preference. Preferences are merely preferred expressed





> t_Believe.html


> Living On Love Network:


> http://livingonlove.ning.com


I do work with kids at risk and with Bi Polar disease. When the brain

bio chemistry is off, how do we change beliefs. As we know living in

the pain body, we become our story and if we have a brain that is not

working at peak levels it is even more challenging to find the lies

and to handle the thoughts that are creating the beliefs. And many of

the thoughts are results of our stories, things that happened to us in

childhood and even in past lives that we created beliefs around these


Many people are not having good results with traditional drugs or talk

treatment. There are several new products out that can help, however,

the are expensive and insurance will not cover them- a separate


I know we are all connected, all One and whole at our core, so, how do

we move past these issues. I seem to be meeting more and more teens

that are truly lost. I am working on finding a program that works for

them and is affordable.

Any insights you have will be appreciated.

Peace and blessings


4 am so, I hope this is clear!

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I wrote a reply , not sure if anyone saw it. I am looking for some feedback. My pain - fear body is very strong at this moment in time. I feel very disconnected from source. I feel have have purpose, yet , I have fallen into the dark night of the soul and cannot seem to find my way out. So much loss these last two years, people say it is part of the ascension process. I do not know. I know I cannot even trust my intuition. I am coming to realization of ways I am not in integrity, my lessons are coming very strong and very painful. I am intending them to come in a gentler fashion. I am asking for prayer - to find peace, self love, the return of my connection to spirit- I mean that I can feel it, I know we are never truly disconnected , however, it feels that way. Able to live in the NOW, the past just keeps playing like an old record over and over in my

head, the need for acceptance from others, to forgive myself, and my dad once and for all, to accept I cannot change him, only my perception of what happened and is happening, my beloved soul mate leaving me 2 years ago and now he has thrown our step daughter of 17 out of the house and there is nothing I can do. My daughter is not well, her husband is deployed for the 3rd time in 5 years. Her 3 yr old is speech delayed over a year and he is showing signs of what they call OCD and autism spectrum syndrome, her other son was born 11 months preemie, he has lung damage- gets breathing treatments with 2 medications 3 times a day. Plus he needs surgery on male organ , and he has 29 % motor skill delay and he will be one on Sept 1 he was due Nove 10- and he is in the 8% in size and wt. My mom is in nursing home, has brain disease etc... I am allowing all of this, my being on disability with illness and other issues. I am not creating good at this time

only loss. My BF father killed himself and she has PTSD. I used to be one who inspires, now I am major bummer........and not feeling gratitude and therefore I guess I keep losing more and more. I agree with the Liana about many of the New Agers and light workers ... and I know we need money on this planet, and people have a right to make money ... however , may light workers charge 100-200 for session of work... 500-2,000 for weekend seminar. Is the healing work only for the wealthy. I guess I will continue to work on healing myself. And maybe someday I can help again others. And be for me in integrity... Looking in the mirror , not liking what I see right nowThis is what I wroteI was doing volunteer work with kids at risk and with Bi Polar disease. When the brain

bio chemistry is off, how do we change beliefs. As we know living in

the pain body, we become our story and if we have a brain that is not

working at peak levels it is even more challenging to find the lies

and to handle the thoughts that are creating the beliefs. And many of

the thoughts are results of our stories, things that happened to us in

childhood and even in past lives that we created beliefs around these


Many people are not having good results with traditional drugs or talk

treatment. There are several new products out that can help, however,

the are expensive and insurance will not cover them- a separate


I know we are all connected, all One and whole at our core, so, how do

we move past these issues. I seem to be meeting more and more teens

that are truly lost. I am working on finding a program that works for

them and is affordable. And I am trying to heal me now, for my wounds are up for healing, big time.

Any insights you have will be appreciated.

Peace and blessings


4 am so, I hope this is clear! Let the beauty we love be what we do." ~Rumi "Be the change you want to see in the world." ~Gandhi"

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Hello Angel, love. I did read your post. Everything you explained that is going on in your life and in the lives of the people you love is incredibly overwhelming. You have read quite a bit. I'm assuming you've read "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle because of your reference to the pain body and ect. Your logic is referring back to this knowledge but your heart seems too heavy and lost to truly put those techniques into practice. I have one very strong suggestion. I realize it may be easier said than done but what I'm seeing here is your attention spread out over all that is happening in your life. You have several things happening at once and it's way too overwhelming for your heart. It's in your perspective, if you take the time in your darkest moments and concentrate on how you're feeling instead of 'why' you're feeling it then you at that moment have the ability to transform yourself. You empower yourself to become aware of the source of your struggles. The source is your pain and fear. Once your perspective changes on that at the VERY moment of your grief then you have taken a bit of your power back. Staying conscious in your grief is the key. Once you gain control of your emotions again then you will have the strength and focus to concentrate again on the 'why'. It all starts from within love and you have to break it down bit by bit for your healing to take place. If your worries are scattered all over the place then you become way too overwhelmed, so concentrate on a bit at a time. Your intuition will guide you as well. I know you said you can't trust it, but believe me you can. Your higher intuition (or higher self) will try to get messages through to you so listen and don't ever doubt yourself. You already know everything you need to know, and you already have the strength. Trust in yourself wholly, and trust in the great Spirit. You are one in the same. I'm praying for you and your family Angel. Love always, Stefanie>> I wrote a reply , not sure if anyone saw it. I am looking for some feedback. My pain - fear body is very strong at this moment in time. I feel very disconnected from source. I feel have have purpose, yet , I have fallen into the dark night of the soul and cannot seem to find my way out. So much loss these last two years, people say it is part of the ascension process. I do not know. I know I cannot even trust my intuition. I am coming to realization of ways I am not in integrity, my lessons are coming very strong and very painful. I am intending them to come in a gentler fashion. > I am asking for prayer - to find peace, self love, the return of my connection to spirit- I mean that I can feel it, I know we are never truly disconnected , however, it feels that way. Able to live in the NOW, the past just keeps playing like an old record over and over in my head, the need for acceptance from others, to forgive myself, and my dad once and for all, to accept I cannot change him, only my perception of what happened and is happening, my beloved soul mate leaving me 2 years ago and now he has thrown our step daughter of 17 out of the house and there is nothing I can do. My daughter is not well, her husband is deployed for the 3rd time in 5 years. Her 3 yr old is speech delayed over a year and he is showing signs of what they call OCD and autism spectrum syndrome, her other son was born 11 months preemie, he has lung damage- gets breathing treatments with 2 medications 3 times a day. Plus he needs surgery on male organ , and he has 29 %> motor skill delay and he will be one on Sept 1 he was due Nove 10- and he is in the 8% in size and wt. My mom is in nursing home, has brain disease etc... I am allowing all of this, my being on disability with illness and other issues. I am not creating good at this time only loss. My BF father killed himself and she has PTSD. I used to be one who inspires, now I am major bummer........and not feeling gratitude and therefore I guess I keep losing more and more. > > I agree with the Liana about many of the New Agers and light workers ... and I know we need money on this planet, and people have a right to make money ... however , may light workers charge 100-200 for session of work... 500-2,000 for weekend seminar. Is the healing work only for the wealthy. I guess I will continue to work on healing myself. And maybe someday I can help again others. And be for me in integrity... > Looking in the mirror , not liking what I see right now> > This is what I wrote> I was doing volunteer work with kids at risk and with Bi Polar disease. When the brain> > bio chemistry is off, how do we change beliefs. As we know living in> > the pain body, we become our story and if we have a brain that is not> > working at peak levels it is even more challenging to find the lies> > and to handle the thoughts that are creating the beliefs. And many of> > the thoughts are results of our stories, things that happened to us in> > childhood and even in past lives that we created beliefs around these> > event. > > > > Many people are not having good results with traditional drugs or talk> > treatment. There are several new products out that can help, however,> > the are expensive and insurance will not cover them- a separate> > discussion. > > > > I know we are all connected, all One and whole at our core, so, how do> > we move past these issues. I seem to be meeting more and more teens> > that are truly lost. I am working on finding a program that works for> > them and is affordable. > And I am trying to heal me now, for my wounds are up for healing, big time. > > > > Any insights you have will be appreciated.> > Peace and blessings> > angel> > 4 am so, I hope this is clear! > > Let the beauty we love be what we do." ~Rumi "Be the change you want to see in the world." ~Gandhi" > > >

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Dear Angel your story touched me and I like what I see in the mirror a warm loving heart a beautiful person that has been overwhelmed with heavy heartache . there are messages of growth in all of our pain I could outweigh you but as far as any child that is born with autism they are this way because they are whole in themselves they respond to music and colors this awakens them there are many now they are extremely gifted children when a child is born with disabilities it is a sign from god that this child has nothing to prove to society except how to love unconditionally we as a society have lost this all of it everything that carries any true meaning we have lost so we have to go back and than we can go forward as along with bipolar bipolar is running rampant right now. there are so many old ways being shaken loose right now for all not just you but

for all in reading s words she is very correct with at the moment you feel in despair to sit with the acknowledgment and it s meaning and true feelings than use your feelings like a file box to keep them neat and what exactly is making you feel the way it is ..let go and give to god what you should which is all he will see to it your are ok and you need no man to complete you though it is nice to be loved back in the capacity you know how I understand this I have not dated for 10 years I am just here for my work (lightwork) and I would like to be hugged also but realize the picture is much bigger we do need money still currently but this will all eventually change in our future as of now money truly has no meaning never has we are suppose to learn to trade this hopefully will be in our new world once again I think if we have the basics and I

mean true basics and nothing more except a few comforts for our hearts we need nothing more just realizing you are not the only one that is going through deep extremes will also help you know it is our worlds order trying to shake up and toss the old setting away for a new so I think if you lean more and stop being the solid back bone and let yourself heal with all of your emotions than you will feel and see that you are not being singled out creator wants us to go back to basics and that means learning to live off the land in harmony so when we experience disharmony and we again feel harmony we see it in a different light ....the new harmony smells like the forest tress .<3 my love as always truly Stefanie <diddiejar@...> wrote: Hello Angel, love. I did read your post. Everything you explained that is going on in your life and in the lives of the people you love is incredibly overwhelming. You have read quite a bit. I'm assuming you've read "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle because of your reference to the pain body and ect. Your logic is referring back to this knowledge but your heart seems too heavy and lost to truly put those techniques into practice. I have one very strong suggestion. I realize it may be easier said than done but what I'm seeing here is your attention spread out over all that is happening in your life. You have several things

happening at once and it's way too overwhelming for your heart. It's in your perspective, if you take the time in your darkest moments and concentrate on how you're feeling instead of 'why' you're feeling it then you at that moment have the ability to transform yourself. You empower yourself to become aware of the source of your struggles. The source is your pain and fear. Once your perspective changes on that at the VERY moment of your grief then you have taken a bit of your power back. Staying conscious in your grief is the key. Once you gain control of your emotions again then you will have the strength and focus to concentrate again on the 'why'. It all starts from within love and you have to break it down bit by bit for your healing to take place. If your worries are scattered all over the place then you become way too overwhelmed, so concentrate on a bit at a time. Your intuition will guide you as well. I know you said you can't trust it, but believe me

you can. Your higher intuition (or higher self) will try to get messages through to you so listen and don't ever doubt yourself. You already know everything you need to know, and you already have the strength. Trust in yourself wholly, and trust in the great Spirit. You are one in the same. I'm praying for you and your family Angel. Love always, Stefanie>> I wrote a reply , not sure if anyone saw it. I am looking for some feedback. My pain - fear body is very strong at this moment in time. I feel very disconnected from source. I feel have have purpose, yet , I have fallen into the dark night of the soul and cannot seem to find my way out. So much loss these last two years, people say it is part of the ascension process. I do not know. I know I cannot even trust my intuition. I am coming to realization of ways I am not in

integrity, my lessons are coming very strong and very painful. I am intending them to come in a gentler fashion. > I am asking for prayer - to find peace, self love, the return of my connection to spirit- I mean that I can feel it, I know we are never truly disconnected , however, it feels that way. Able to live in the NOW, the past just keeps playing like an old record over and over in my head, the need for acceptance from others, to forgive myself, and my dad once and for all, to accept I cannot change him, only my perception of what happened and is happening, my beloved soul mate leaving me 2 years ago and now he has thrown our step daughter of 17 out of the house and there is nothing I can do. My daughter is not well, her husband is deployed for the 3rd time in 5 years. Her 3 yr old is speech delayed over a year and he is showing signs of what they call OCD and autism spectrum syndrome, her other son was born 11 months preemie, he has lung damage- gets

breathing treatments with 2 medications 3 times a day. Plus he needs surgery on male organ , and he has 29 %> motor skill delay and he will be one on Sept 1 he was due Nove 10- and he is in the 8% in size and wt. My mom is in nursing home, has brain disease etc... I am allowing all of this, my being on disability with illness and other issues. I am not creating good at this time only loss. My BF father killed himself and she has PTSD. I used to be one who inspires, now I am major bummer........and not feeling gratitude and therefore I guess I keep losing more and more. > > I agree with the Liana about many of the New Agers and light workers ... and I know we need money on this planet, and people have a right to make money ... however , may light workers charge 100-200 for session of work... 500-2,000 for weekend seminar. Is the healing work only for the wealthy. I guess I will continue to work on healing myself. And maybe someday I can help

again others. And be for me in integrity... > Looking in the mirror , not liking what I see right now> > This is what I wrote> I was doing volunteer work with kids at risk and with Bi Polar disease. When the brain> > bio chemistry is off, how do we change beliefs. As we know living in> > the pain body, we become our story and if we have a brain that is not> > working at peak levels it is even more challenging to find the lies> > and to handle the thoughts that are creating the beliefs. And many of> > the thoughts are results of our stories, things that happened to us in> > childhood and even in past lives that we created beliefs around these> > event. > > > > Many people are not having good results with traditional drugs or talk> > treatment. There are several new products out that can help,

however,> > the are expensive and insurance will not cover them- a separate> > discussion. > > > > I know we are all connected, all One and whole at our core, so, how do> > we move past these issues. I seem to be meeting more and more teens> > that are truly lost. I am working on finding a program that works for> > them and is affordable. > And I am trying to heal me now, for my wounds are up for healing, big time. > > > > Any insights you have will be appreciated.> > Peace and blessings> > angel> > 4 am so, I hope this is clear! > > Let the beauty we love be what we do." ~Rumi "Be the change you want to see in the world." ~Gandhi" > > > Tell me and I'll forget Show me and I may remember Involve me and I'll understandsending healing and soulful messages from the angels of mystic I'm following the rainbow of love

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Dear Angel,

I will try to answer this, and these as best I can. Don't think for

one minute that any post here, or in other places goes un-noticed. It

doesn't, nor can it.

While some posts to get immediate replies, or quick, but heart felt

answers, if nothing more than to say we are here, hear you, and

sending prayer, love, inspiration, it is not what happens entirely. We

don't just fire off a statement and off we go to the next thing.

You see, we've seen the prior post, and this one, and I've even seen

the email to . She sent it to me wanting to know how I would

handle, or reply to it. It's still sitting in an open window with only

a start towards replying to it.

Sometimes I can reply to an email or post easily, in that, I've had

the same experience or very much like it, and can personally

relate...or that the energy, empathy and spirit of the connection was

very strong at the time.

Many of these post, especially when their not replied to quickly, more

in depth, is because, IT IS US.

We are experience some of the very same things, posing some of the

same questions within ourselves, and usually have not come to the

answer that fits, or works yet. So, saying to go do three hail 's

or one thing are the other is not being true to those who write and

ask or to ourselves. This in itself is a key. A mirroring of our own

thoughts, ailments, spirit, situations, etc... We are being asked to

take a closer look, to heal.

I have said, as many others have, that NOTHING comes to us that isn't

there for healing...and because we are ONE, it is our healing that is

being addressed.

The thing with the example I've been using of us pouring clean, clear

water into a muddy glass, which is us, our thoughts, our being, all of

this " crud " begins to rise to the top, come to our attention more and

more. While much of this does float over the top and out of the glass,

out of our lives and awareness, it still has to come before us, be

seen, and experienced, or re-experienced, or maybe even experienced

for the first time, because we buried it, hid it, ran from it.

What appears before us NOW is not what is happening in the NOW. Right

NOW, you are perfect, healthy, happy, at peace, content and beautiful.

It is the crud from " the past " coming up into the awareness that we

are seeing as our current problem, ailment, or situation.

If I didn't pay my rent for months, getting evicted NOW is not the

problem The problem, as we're calling it, was in the " past " with not

paying the rent. The result now coming into our awareness and

experienced. If we have this thing some call cancer, it is not

something that just happened to start now, it was from " past " times of

one thing or another coming to the surface to be addressed, and healed.

While I speak of sending Love...understand, I have NEVER sent love to

the NOW. What is Love but forgiveness and seeing the truth of what is

already so? Right NOW, you are already perfect and there is nothing

that needs to be done. The actual energy of the Love is addressing

what is already past tense. It's forgiving those thoughts and beliefs

we held at various points in our lives from time to time, and in

living, connected one thing to another along the way.

There was a story of a man who could not swim, and was deathly afraid

of water in this lifetime. He didn't know where it came from, or why

he had this fear...ad it affected all he did.

Through some understanding from someone, he was able to go back

several lifetimes to find he had almost drown during a shipwreck and

was the only survivor.

With this understanding, along with the help of the healer or

counselor that was helping, he sent love and forgiveness back to this

self. This released all of the connected issues with this thought,

experience and belief. He became am avid swimmer and competes. You

can't keep him out of the water.

We can start by sending love and forgiveness back to our selves, our

experiences, and even former lifetimes. We don't even have to know

what those times and places were to do this, and it changes what is

happening now.

It may seem at first that we are still dealing with the things before

us this day, this moment, yet, if we pay attention, we begin to grasp

that we are doing this...we are changing right now by addressing the

past issues with merely the thoughts of love sent back. And the thing

is...it's not " back there " anyway...think across from you. In a side

dimension, happening right now is the past and the future. NOW exist

only now, regardless of the times we think things happened. We change

things NOW, across the board.

Forget ascension. Think more of " becoming " . Your becoming who and what

you really are. Your letting the pieces that no longer fit fall away.

In meditation, this happens much faster. We allow our truer selves to

emerge from within. In this, we discover, there is nothing we have to

do. And what it is it seems we are doing becomes easier, second

nature, natural...because it is.

Don't fight the bodies pains, understand them. Even ask them what it

is you should become aware of. That's all the pain is...you have a

thought or belief here that you need to address. This is where it is

stored. his is where you can also send love and awareness, forgiveness

to. Be thankful that it is surfacing to point the way.

We tend sometimes to try to cover the pain, which just leads to more

problems, in the body or our situations. We medicate to hide and

cover, saying to ourselves, " I am not strong enough to deal with this

yet " . Just like using antiperspirant may cover a " problem " , it

actually seals off the natural ports of wastes detoxing outlets

[sweat]...and this leads to breast cancers, lung problems, and even

problems for the heart.

When I say " deal with it " , the pain, I do not mean lay there in agony

and try to fight a way through. It means, welcome the awareness, and

change thoughts to sending healing, love, forgiveness, and seeking

understanding for what it's trying to say.

To stop an old record from playing, you reach a out and grab hold of

the thing that causes this...the needle...the thinking, or reliving of

something, which is never really true of what really happened, or not.

Reach out and scratch the record every time it begins to play. In

other words, when you sense this is what your doing, change the

thought..and if the only thing you can do is keep repeating and saying

" Love " , " I Am Love " ...do that. Do it till your sick of it, and do it

anyway. These mere thoughts attract many more like them.

This is what I had to do...and did it ALOT, because I would replay

things, imagine even more, get angry, or feel defeated. I fed those

thoughts and they became deeper, and darker. I HAD TO change what I

was thinking and feeding on, what I was attracting...and, therefore, I

KNOW it works.

And when you get to where you hear the record begin to play you

realize the dam thing is so scratched up now, you trash it and put on

a new one, one you love hearing, and experiencing.

If you look at the other things going on with this one and that,

remember, pay attention...these are your mirrors. By addressing in

yourself what these are reflecting to you, there just like the body

pains. Become aware of those messages and the others take care of

themselves. Meanwhile, you can imagine a bubble of light and love

coming from you and going to each of them, and to the situations. See

an explosion of light as it hits each. Even if you think your reserves

are too low to send love to others, they aren't. LOVE must pass

through you first and foremost. Then it gathers more and more of it,

light and love, and it continues always...it doesn't just run out or stop.

I know in our " right now today " living experience we can be

overwhelmed. The problem could be that they are turning off the power

tomorrow. We become discouraged, realizing we have no money, no one to

call, no way around it, so we feed that, as real as it seems, and we

attract to it a headache, body aches, depletion of energy,

hopelessness, despair, and we tend to give up. If anyone else brings

their drama to bare, we shatter...we're dying so to speak...it has

become dark. Yet...

We allow one possibility to emerge, from " somewhere " ...and we have " a

thought " to call an agency, or a church, or even our employer...and we

express our dire situation...at the last minute, the bill is paid, and

the power company has agreed to payments. Even with all the odds that

seemed to stack up, we found daylight.

Do we now see the space created as a place to breath a little till the

next time, or do we see it as we now have to re-think our position,

our possibilities?

Besides the messages that are brought forth to our awareness, what can

we find loving and positive about any of these situations? Awareness

brings possibilities.

When we deal with things in the present, we forgo looking to the past,

because we see failures, and that defeats us. We do not look in the

future, because it seems too overwhelming, or scary, unknown. But

right here in the NOW, nothing has do be done in truth, but in the

living IT, we simply address what comes first.

You can't clean your home by starting, especially a very messy one,

lol. You don't start it by first overwhelming yourself with all that

must be done. You already are aware of that, don't feed it...it's too

" fat " now. You go to the first thing in front of you...the shoes

beside you. Put those away. Go ahead and sit down, you deserve a break.

In putting the shoes away, you discovered the socks beside your bed.

Ok, take them to the hamper. " There " , you discover a load of laundry,

ok, drop them in the washer. You see, by addressing the " thing " or the

" thought " before us, in the present, it will lead to the " very next

thing " . Your not scattered in all kinds of different places, and

depleting yourself before you do the first thing.

Even if you only do the one thing...the next time, do the next thing.

Eventually, sooner or later, you will find all the other stuff has

" taken care of itself " . In the doing of the one thing, followed by the

next, you discover there is energy being attracted. Both the

" released " energy from things that were stagnant because of where they

were, to energy flowing from " somewhere else " . You become empowered.

I undertook cleaning the house one time in a way I was looking to find

the " messages " being revealed to me. Everything you now see, you

attracted to you, and they ALL have a message to offer.

I understood that these things I've created returned to me [my

awareness] to be blessed by me [understood]. As I let this sink in,

allowing any message come through, I discovered I had cleared a whole

room. I hadn't started cleaning but that's what happened.

And I mean I cleaned. I put stuff back one by one, carefully cleaning

each piece. I even thanked it for being there. I found that i only put

about half of the stuff back, yet, I seemed to be asking each thing

where it wanted to be in this room...and it answered.

No, it didn't talk but I felt where it wanted to be, where it

belonged, where it empowered me, and discovered that removing the

stuff freed the energy locked in it all, and by placing it where i

thought it should be allowed the energy to flow freely and naturally.

If you walked from one room to the next you'd feel it completely. I

ended up doing this in each room. What was left over I blessed others

with as it no longer fit, no longer needed it's message to me, i had

grown, or changed...changing the way I looked at things too.

I ended up taking 3 days to do it, and never slept. The energy was

just too strong. But it felt incredible. Even as my body was racked

with aches and pains, I didn't care. I did finally finish and went to

bed, and awake to energy that was healing and natural...all the other

things that had seemed to be problems then just vanished.

When we address those things that come to our NOW awareness, it

releases energy...it heals.

We are going to have our moments of " being human " in the way we

understand it, dealing with life's little things that we make huge.

And our moments of extreme clarity and understanding. If I have found

out anything, it's that's these are like a rubber band. They will

become closer and closer together...like a guitar string

played...balancing, becoming " tuned " ..or ONE. It can be a ride from

time to time as we feel ourselves seeming to just be able to hold on

to those strums to the one side or the other...like a bucking bronco,

yet, we always do discover that somehow, we never fall off...nor can we.

We are here for you, and all, and for ourselves too. It has been said

that none of us are perfect but I say, yes you are...completely

perfect. All of this other stuff is just so we can figure that out for

ourselves. Our experiences may not seem perfect, but then, that is the

truth isn't it......the what and how and why are we experiencing these


Look at the bright side....you could be dead, and have to start fresh

in a whole new body, put up with over bearing parents shoving bottles

in your mouth, till you can walk and run away from them, only to

discover you then have to pick up where you left off and start

learning new stuff, wait for a drivers license, meet a new

love...yaddayaddayadda....better still, just LIVE NOW, you've earned

it....and it's fun....and it's possibilities are so astounding that we

will never ride all the rides....so just enjoy this one.

Everyone who shows up is our teacher...even " soul mates " . When it is

time, people disappear from our experience and perhaps our awareness.

This is good for them, and for us, in the long view of things. It

opens the way to what is to come, allowing for the energy to flow to

us. Allow, and you may discover the new energy beings to you even

better than what you imagined. Just like taking the shoes to the

bedroom you discover the socks, by addressing only NOW and what

appears, pretty soon, you discover what was not seen before, and

brings with it energy that changes everything as it does.

With Love


> I wrote a reply , not sure if anyone saw it. I am looking for some

feedback. My pain - fear body is very strong at this moment in time. I

feel very disconnected from source. I feel have have purpose, yet , I

have fallen into the dark night of the soul and cannot seem to find my

way out. So much loss these last two years, people say it is part of

the ascension process. I do not know. I know I cannot even trust my

intuition. I am coming to realization of ways I am not in integrity,

my lessons are coming very strong and very painful. I am intending

them to come in a gentler fashion.

> I am asking for prayer - to find peace, self love, the return of my

connection to spirit- I mean that I can feel it, I know we are never

truly disconnected , however, it feels that way. Able to live in the

NOW, the past just keeps playing like an old record over and over in

my head, the need for acceptance from others, to forgive myself, and

my dad once and for all, to accept I cannot change him, only my

perception of what happened and is happening, my beloved soul mate

leaving me 2 years ago and now he has thrown our step daughter of 17

out of the house and there is nothing I can do. My daughter is not

well, her husband is deployed for the 3rd time in 5 years. Her 3 yr

old is speech delayed over a year and he is showing signs of what

they call OCD and autism spectrum syndrome, her other son was born 11

months preemie, he has lung damage- gets breathing treatments with 2

medications 3 times a day. Plus he needs surgery on male organ , and

he has 29 %

> motor skill delay and he will be one on Sept 1 he was due Nove 10-

and he is in the 8% in size and wt. My mom is in nursing home, has

brain disease etc... I am allowing all of this, my being on disability

with illness and other issues. I am not creating good at this time

only loss. My BF father killed himself and she has PTSD. I used to be

one who inspires, now I am major bummer........and not feeling

gratitude and therefore I guess I keep losing more and more.


> I agree with the Liana about many of the New Agers and light workers

.... and I know we need money on this planet, and people have a right

to make money ... however , may light workers charge 100-200 for

session of work... 500-2,000 for weekend seminar. Is the healing work

only for the wealthy. I guess I will continue to work on healing

myself. And maybe someday I can help again others. And be for me in


> Looking in the mirror , not liking what I see right now


> This is what I wrote

> I was doing volunteer work with kids at risk and with Bi Polar

disease. When the brain


> bio chemistry is off, how do we change beliefs. As we know living in


> the pain body, we become our story and if we have a brain that is not


> working at peak levels it is even more challenging to find the lies


> and to handle the thoughts that are creating the beliefs. And many of


> the thoughts are results of our stories, things that happened to us in


> childhood and even in past lives that we created beliefs around these


> event.




> Many people are not having good results with traditional drugs or talk


> treatment. There are several new products out that can help, however,


> the are expensive and insurance will not cover them- a separate


> discussion.




> I know we are all connected, all One and whole at our core, so, how do


> we move past these issues. I seem to be meeting more and more teens


> that are truly lost. I am working on finding a program that works for


> them and is affordable.

> And I am trying to heal me now, for my wounds are up for healing,

big time.




> Any insights you have will be appreciated.


> Peace and blessings


> angel


> 4 am so, I hope this is clear!


> Let the beauty we love be what

we do. " ~Rumi " Be the change you want to see in the world. " ~Gandhi "




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Oh my gosh....the book I am reading just addressed this yesterday. Have you read "Dancing the Dream, the 7 sacred paths of human transformation," by Sams. This is what happens, according to the author, on the 6th and 7th paths....its a test of sorts from what I gather. Anyway, the book is wonderful and perhaps it can be of some help to you.blessings,Traci----- Original Message ----From: Angel <whiteangel1853@...> Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2008 7:44:46

AMSubject: [] Re: 10 Things About Your Beliefs You Won't Believe

I wrote a reply , not sure if anyone saw it. I am looking for some feedback. My pain - fear body is very strong at this moment in time. I feel very disconnected from source. I feel have have purpose, yet , I have fallen into the dark night of the soul and cannot seem to find my way out. So much loss these last two years, people say it is part of the ascension process. I do not know. I know I cannot even trust my intuition. I am coming to realization of ways I am not in integrity, my lessons are coming very strong and very painful. I am intending them to come in a gentler fashion. I am asking for prayer - to find peace, self love, the return of my connection to spirit- I mean

that I can feel it, I know we are never truly disconnected , however, it feels that way. Able to live in the NOW, the past just keeps playing like an old record over and over in my

head, the need for acceptance from others, to forgive myself, and my dad once and for all, to accept I cannot change him, only my perception of what happened and is happening, my beloved soul mate leaving me 2 years ago and now he has thrown our step daughter of 17 out of the house and there is nothing I can do. My daughter is not well, her husband is deployed for the 3rd time in 5 years. Her 3 yr old is speech delayed over a year and he is showing signs of what they call OCD and autism spectrum syndrome, her other son was born 11 months preemie, he has lung damage- gets breathing treatments with 2 medications 3 times a day. Plus he needs surgery on male organ , and he has 29 % motor skill delay and he will be one on Sept 1 he was due Nove 10- and he is in the 8% in size and wt. My mom is in nursing home, has brain disease etc... I am allowing all of this, my being on disability with illness and other issues. I am not creating good at this time

only loss. My BF father killed himself and she has PTSD. I used to be one who inspires, now I am major bummer...... ..and not feeling gratitude and therefore I guess I keep losing more and more. I agree with the Liana about many of the New Agers and light workers ... and I know we need money on this planet, and people have a right to make money ... however , may light workers charge 100-200 for session of work... 500-2,000 for weekend seminar. Is the healing work only for the wealthy. I guess I will continue to work on healing myself. And maybe someday I can help again others. And be for me in integrity... Looking in the mirror , not liking what I see right nowThis is what I wroteI was doing volunteer work with kids at risk and with Bi Polar disease. When the brain

bio chemistry is off, how do we change beliefs. As we know living in

the pain body, we become our story and if we have a brain that is not

working at peak levels it is even more challenging to find the lies

and to handle the thoughts that are creating the beliefs. And many of

the thoughts are results of our stories, things that happened to us in

childhood and even in past lives that we created beliefs around these


Many people are not having good results with traditional drugs or talk

treatment. There are several new products out that can help, however,

the are expensive and insurance will not cover them- a separate


I know we are all connected, all One and whole at our core, so, how do

we move past these issues. I seem to be meeting more and more teens

that are truly lost. I am working on finding a program that works for

them and is affordable. And I am trying to heal me now, for my wounds are up for healing, big time.

Any insights you have will be appreciated.

Peace and blessings


4 am so, I hope this is clear! Let the beauty we love be what we do." ~Rumi "Be the change you want to see in the world." ~Gandhi"

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Hi Angel,

Pardon me for jumping right in, but I just joined today, and yours was the first post I read, and I'm being guided to post the blog I wrote today. Again, sorry for just "crashing the party"... I usually wait, introduce myself, etc., but guess what: life is fired at us point blank, and this is not a dress rehersal. Perhaps something here might apply in a positive way... that is my intention.


Zany Mystic

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Hot Air Balloon

August 2008: Physical Energy Systems and ShiftsAs of August 1st, our internal “energy systems” were reset to a higher frequency. The usual “ascension symptoms” are likely to be felt by lightworkers, in addition to an inability to adjust one’s own personal chemistry. We may be accustomed to taking various natural, chemical and “other” substances to create balance day to day. As of the first, many began noticing that “nothing is working”. Try as we may, adjusting a bit up or down of this and that substance, we are unable to go back to the comfort zones that were previously allowing us to be in our bodies. In addition, there might be a new “clumsiness” that has, or will, lead to small accidents which injure the body. Or, we may simply notice aches, pains and other bodily messages that we were

unaware of before. This is part of the current tide we’re riding, and those who are not consciously aware of these processes, will find it increasingly difficult and negative “out there”. This is a new direction of anchoring within. Those who are unable or unwilling or just don’t know about it, will find problems increasing exponentially. Learn how to “be okay” with the way physical realms are manifesting, no matter what happens.Another symptom of this period might be an impatience with world events, an intolerance for deception, manipulation and lies, anger and increased ability to intuitively penetrate to the core. It’s been suggested through Pleiadian channeling decades ago, to turn off and unplug the television set and microwave. We didn’t have cell phones or WIFI then, but you can add those devices too. Right now, at this juncture, it’s vital that we eliminate as much “outer static” as possible, and get our news from within. Soon, we must learn how to “read” the vast ethereal and non-corporeal fields which inform us personally and as a collective. This is an effective way to develop the inner psychic senses; by listening within and following our own promptings. Mainstream news uses sophisticated methods of brainwashing, which goes directly to the subconscious mind, and continues to do its work there, “in the cover of darkness”. This is how darkworkers operate; they are

Masters of Manipulation. As we move towards heart-centered living, the normal barriers that would filter and remove the intensely negative and distorted messages is not in place. We are directly immersed into lower density duality with all its distortions.When we “receive” in this manner, the switch to discover or tap into our own higher information gets turned “off”, as we are told we have what we “need to know“. But those who are awakening need to know truth in its entirety.Few who are attempting to master Self resonate at a high enough frequency to block the enormous amount of dark energies embedded in simple messages. It is the egoic mind which believes itself to be “able to distinguish”, but it too is part of the distortion. If the mind says, “Oh, I can handle that, I know what I’m doing and what

the truth is…”, then know that you are not in your own mastery, but are at the effect of ego. The Master knows that it doesn’t know, and it also knows the value of protecting the Self and its higher bodies. Granted, we cannot wear blinders and bags over our heads, attempting to avoid all input! But to the extent possible, in our own private sanctuaries, we must create a safe space to just be. If you don’t have a special place where you can meditate, be alone or do nothing, it’s a good idea to carve one out as soon as possible. Some enjoy making altars with crystals, statuary and the like, but it can be as simple as a spot in your own back yard that is enclosed and private. The secret is to have space to yourself. Ingesting anything that is disturbing, even if the mind says that it’s valuable information, it’s wise to reply,

“This can wait until later. I’m fine right now.” Put all fearful or “questionable” information on the back burner. The focus now is on spiritual balance, and maintaining equilibrium.For those having difficulty with diet, guilt over what kind of food is ingested, or other “shoulds”, it’s more important to be able to move to a place of SELF ACCEPTANCE and NON JUDGMENT. Though it’s advisable to begin weaning oneself off of red meat for a mountain of reasons, it’s more important to live without guilt, worry, criticism or fear. It’s possible some will revisit substance abuse, with its attendant problems, and that’s fine too, as long as one knows the reason old patterns return is to review their lessons, let go and move onward. More important is learning how to forgive and love yourself NO MATTER WHAT. We chose

the lessons we came in with, and picked up quite a few along the way. Don’t get stuck in the small stuff, because it’s ALL small stuff! We are in and on the verge of so many shifts and major alterations in realities that, like the toy which is shaped like a beach ball at the bottom, we simply don’t have time to be toppled, and must instantly bounce back UP. The swing of the pendulum, with all its dramas, is best left outside one’s doorstep, literally and figuratively.The subject of relationships is huge, but at this time it’s crucial to distance ourselves from all toxic relationships, be they familial, work, intimate or friends. Continue removing anyone and everything that doesn’t serve you, or which causes distractions or grief, unless it is within the context of a loving, committed soul relationship where open

communication already exists. Allow and permit as much “down time” as possible. Try something “foolish” like running around naked while fixing breakfast. By continuing to peel away the layers, we will discover that old beliefs and attitudes are like wearing cement shoes. In any moment, we can hop in the basket of our own hot air balloon, and feel ourselves rising to any occasion. It’s a matter of dropping the sand bags that hold us down. That’s why it’s called ascension; letting go of illusion allows what‘s Real to rise, and the awesome vista from a higher perspective is truly breathtaking!Enjoy the process, the ride, every moment of now as now IS our final destination.Zany Mystic


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May the Light of Creation, fill every fiber of Angels being, and bring her Healing, Comfort and Peace of Mind. We Thank You for this.

in Gratitude and Love


From: Angel <whiteangel1853@...>Subject: [] Re: 10 Things About Your Beliefs You Won't Believe Date: Tuesday, August 19, 2008, 8:44 AM

I wrote a reply , not sure if anyone saw it. I am looking for some feedback. My pain - fear body is very strong at this moment in time. I feel very disconnected from source. I feel have have purpose, yet , I have fallen into the dark night of the soul and cannot seem to find my way out. So much loss these last two years, people say it is part of the ascension process. I do not know. I know I cannot even trust my intuition. I am coming to realization of ways I am not in integrity, my lessons are coming very strong and very painful. I am intending them to come in a gentler fashion. I am asking for prayer - to find peace, self love, the return of my connection to spirit- I mean that I can feel it, I know we are never truly disconnected , however, it feels that way. Able to live in the NOW, the past just keeps playing like an old record over and over in my head, the need for acceptance from others, to forgive myself, and my dad once and

for all, to accept I cannot change him, only my perception of what happened and is happening, my beloved soul mate leaving me 2 years ago and now he has thrown our step daughter of 17 out of the house and there is nothing I can do. My daughter is not well, her husband is deployed for the 3rd time in 5 years. Her 3 yr old is speech delayed over a year and he is showing signs of what they call OCD and autism spectrum syndrome, her other son was born 11 months preemie, he has lung damage- gets breathing treatments with 2 medications 3 times a day. Plus he needs surgery on male organ , and he has 29 % motor skill delay and he will be one on Sept 1 he was due Nove 10- and he is in the 8% in size and wt. My mom is in nursing home, has brain disease etc... I am allowing all of this, my being on disability with illness and other issues. I am not creating good at this time only loss. My BF father killed himself and she has PTSD. I used to be one who

inspires, now I am major bummer...... ..and not feeling gratitude and therefore I guess I keep losing more and more. I agree with the Liana about many of the New Agers and light workers ... and I know we need money on this planet, and people have a right to make money ... however , may light workers charge 100-200 for session of work... 500-2,000 for weekend seminar. Is the healing work only for the wealthy. I guess I will continue to work on healing myself. And maybe someday I can help again others. And be for me in integrity... Looking in the mirror , not liking what I see right nowThis is what I wroteI was doing volunteer work with kids at risk and with Bi Polar disease. When the brainbio chemistry is off, how do we change beliefs. As we know living inthe pain body, we become our story and if we have a brain that is notworking at peak levels it is even more challenging to find the liesand to handle

the thoughts that are creating the beliefs. And many ofthe thoughts are results of our stories, things that happened to us inchildhood and even in past lives that we created beliefs around theseevent. Many people are not having good results with traditional drugs or talktreatment. There are several new products out that can help, however,the are expensive and insurance will not cover them- a separatediscussion. I know we are all connected, all One and whole at our core, so, how dowe move past these issues. I seem to be meeting more and more teensthat are truly lost. I am working on finding a program that works forthem and is affordable. And I am trying to heal me now, for my wounds are up for healing, big time. Any insights you have will be appreciated.Peace and blessingsangel4 am so, I hope this is clear!

Let the beauty we love be what we do." ~Rumi "Be the change you want to see in the world." ~Gandhi"

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