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Coming Full ‘ircle

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Coming Full `ircle, An Excerpt from

Being Here, Modern Day Tales of Enlightenment

By Ariel & Shya Kane, the Official Guides to Self Realization

What if you are doing your life perfectly? What if the things that

you think are failings on your part are not really failings at all?

Has it ever occurred to you that as a child you perfectly absorbed

information from your environment, learning wholeheartedly when your

brain was not yet able to discern truth from fiction nor to apply

reason and thought?

Our friends Amy and Andy have a beautiful little boy, . We were

privileged to be at the hospital when he was born and have watched him

on his journey from infancy to early childhood.

At the ripe old age of 22 months, you could see that had learned

many things, demonstrating that he clearly knew the difference between

hard and soft. When wanted to express his displeasure at not

getting his way (like being asked to eat the Cheerios from a small

baggie rather than from the big box he wanted to hold) he would throw

himself on the floor in an impressive display of histrionics. The

velocity of 's descent to the floor depended on which room of the

house he was in during his meltdown. In the family room, he did a

full-fledged flop since the floor has thick carpeting. But was

more cautious on the wood floors and avoided landing on stone if he

could help it. One time, he got upset while he was on the brick

walkway leading to the front door. He prepared himself for a full tilt

fit but managed to stop the action before hitting brick. He actually

picked himself up and walked the few feet to the cushy welcome mat

before " spontaneously " throwing himself down to cry.

Yes, had learned well and his little boy mind had collected all

sorts of useful information, causing him to feel passionately about

many things. When was 15 months old he discovered circles. For

some time, was like an investigative reporter, on the hunt for

anything round that he could point out with glee to his parents, and

to anyone who would listen. " `ircle! " would shout. It seems that

while his brain was able to identify the shape, his mouth could not

yet form the " S " sound at the beginning of the word. So instead of

being surrounded by circular shapes, 's world was inhabited by

" `ircles. "

could find `ircles anywhere – the balloon motif around the

ceiling at the doctor's office, a clock face, a ball. The MasterCardTM

logo once sent into a frenzy when he realized it had two

overlapping `ircles. It often surprised his parents that round shapes,

even if they were simply a part of the background environment, could

be spotlighted by 's nimble mind. Amy and Andy found the passion

their son had for `ircles endearing. They did however, from

time-to-time, feel concerned that couldn't pronounce the word

correctly. They could only hope that sooner or later would be

able to fix his earlier mistake in pronunciation when his ability to

speak caught up with his powers of observation.

One day, while casually leaning on the doorframe watching his son

play, Andy had a stunning revelation. was on all fours, rolling a

big yellow school bus back and forth, one of his favorite toys. On the

side of the bus were four shapes: a triangle, a square, a heart and a

circle. Plopping on his behind, pushed the triangle and when the

button was depressed, the electronic voice exclaimed, " Triangle! " When

hit the square, the voice called out, " Square! " and then he

pushed the big round button and the machine hollered, " `ircle! "

Astounded, Andy came into the room, knelt by his son and pushed the

button. Again the toy faithfully repeated, " `ircle! " could make

the " S " sound. It was not his mistake. He had learned perfectly, and

with passion, to say `ircle instead of circle from a defective toy.

All of us have learned how to behave and relate from things we put

together as youngsters or by things we absorbed from our environment.

But that was before we had the benefit of discerning whether or not we

were getting complete or accurate information.

As you go through life, it's very easy to blame one's parents or

teachers or environment and say they were bad role models or deficient

in some way. But stop and think. Those people you may seek to blame

also learned and absorbed from their environments without their young

minds being able to discern truth from fiction or apply reason and


Just the way Andy discovered the defective audio in the toy while

watching his son, you can also discover how you function. Casually

lean on the doorframe of your life and observe how you operate without

judging what you discover. You will be instantaneously empowered to

include small details that were omitted. If you can treat yourself

with humor, love and respect, much like you would a young child who is

learning from his or her environment, you will reclaim your

wholehearted nature and passion for living. When you allow yourself to

come full `ircle, and rediscover the art of self-observation without

self-reproach, it will have a profound impact on your well-being.

Author's Bio

The above is an excerpt from Ariel and Shya Kane's book, Being Here,

Modern Day Tales of Enlightenment. Internationally acclaimed seminar

leaders and award-winning authors, the Kanes lead evening and weekend

groups in Manhattan dedicated to supporting people in living in the

moment and having extraordinary, fulfilling lives. Their books and

audios are available at local and online bookstores and via their

website. For more information, including workshop dates and locations,

call 908-479-6034, or visit their website: wwwww.ask-inc.com.

Additional Resources covering Self Realization can be found at:

Website Directory for Self Realization

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Ariel and Shya Kane the Official Guides To Self Realization

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