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Re: Re: Personal perspective on the opening of the gates of 08-08-08

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Hi Liane...

Let me say that I would have to agree with you 100% too. I, too, see so many fanatics... that I simply just don't get involved... and often find myself wondering " WHERE " all these strange, new beliefs are coming from? I find that I often will weight a new belief or " claim " being said with ancient teachings from the past and the Physical and Spiritual LAWS of Nature that have always existed and governed us (and of course LOVE for all... and good ol' common sense). I think many of these new beliefs are really (honestly) stemming from or coming out of a state of total FEAR... the mind searching for ways OUT of the global troubles and mess we are so obviously in.... because somewhere deep inside we ALL know the Law of Justice is coming around. And this Law of Justice has within it and behind it... all the Physical and Spiritual Laws of Nature that cannot be ignored anymore! We can all clearly see it... and feel it.

Again, it's like trying to run away from the problems via the mind's run-away fantasies... when in reality, REALITY and the consequences of that reality... just need to be faced honestly and directly. Acknowledge the lessons learned. I don't think we can " FIX " our way out of this one... nor do I think we should try... we will simply drive ourselves crazy. (Has everyone read " The Insanity of Humanity? " - very good online book - and free to read!) Nor do I believe that just because you meditate, visualize or pray harder and harder... that it will change the physical facts nor the Laws of Nature. It never has in the past... and what would make us think we are better or more " special " than those human beings of the past. We may " know " a bit more now scientifically... but we still have to deal with the same Physical and Spiritual LAWS of Nature that those of the past did.

However, I do think that humanity as a WHOLE will LEARN a great deal from what is headed our way... after all the dust settles. And THAT is what is really important here. Will humanity LEARN from the consequences of it's past mistakes and unconscious actions? I BELIEVE we will.... with the help from Spirit, Source, Light, Angels, Guides, Jesus, Buddha, God (whatever you want to call it!) and the continued opening of our consciousness on a global scale! And I believe out of that Great Lesson.... will come new and better things for ALL of humanity.... and our species continued survival.

Like the continued understanding of how precious and vital Earth is to us.... and the quick implementing of CLEAN energy on a massive, global scale for reasons of LOVE vs GREED. And the recognizing of our FEARS and dealing with all of our problems head on... instead of ignoring, covering-up and/or denying they even exist. Knowing now that these actions create balls of negative energy and even more negative actions that have far - far reaching consequences. And most importantly... maybe... just maybe.... FEAR, HATRED and GREED - that power struggle that exists between the people and their need to control each other.... will become a thing of the past (or at least be greatly lessened)! And together, having learned the Great Lesson... people will learn to live in harmony and share the load of living L.I.F.E. Earth, in turn, will become a classroom for even " higher " learning!

And it makes perfect sense to me that on the Tarot card.... Justice, is blindfolded. Because you are right... how could one honestly and consciously deliver that Justice if one could see that on a " global scale " innocent people will have to suffer and pay the price too. It's not a " personal " thing (never has been).... it's having to take responsibility and facing the consequences of our blind (unconscious) actions as an entire global family. Not that it is our fault for having been unconscious... because how could we know... if we didn't know? But NOW we know... we are learning our lessons! Rejoice! When you look at it from a different light... it's simply soul lessons being learned on a scale so large (and so fast)... it's almost incomprehensible to the human mind! And the lessons currently being learned, although coming from a human, material, physical perspective... are being perceived as a bad and scary thing... but from a spiritual perspective it is something to be rejoiced, celebrated and embraced! It is our Greatest Lesson... and we are all here to live and learn from it TOGETHER. Remember you are an ETERNAL BEING... just take it all in, experience it... and surround it with love, hope, faith and simple understanding. I know it's so very hard (even for me!!)... but let's leave FEAR at the back door... and put our " faith " in the fact that there is an energy... a force who is in control of all that we see and experience.... that has our highest and best interests of learning at heart. (We are in safe hands... but we make the mistake of looking at everything through human eyes... instead of spiritual eyes.) I think that is the single best thing we can do.

I thank you also for sharing your thoughts and insights. I'm sure you have many, many, many more who will agree with you... rather than disagree.

Peace & Hugs!

Kerrie in Rhode Islandwww.KerrieAmatelli.com

On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 12:07 AM, Stefanie <diddiejar@...> wrote:

Liane, I have to agree e-mama. I've heard a lot of talk from many new agers (not my favorite term btw) and what many of them have taught me is that no matter what belief or spiritual structure, there will always be the fanatics. It's disheartening sometimes to know that others out there lose control of themselves like this, but on the other hand it really helps bring the true light workers to the surface. Using reason in spirituality is so important in order to touch the whole. That's what a real deal light worker should be able to do is to touch who they meet with their simple beautiful selves. That ability is not in a person looking only for admiration . At least not until they come to terms with their unhealthy ego self they are trying to feed will they be able to surrender to their true light.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. This is a short response, but not much more need be said I think. Love always,StefanieP.S: Sorry I edited this post a couple of times because the way I worded it before didn't come out exactly right. Sorry if some of you get some repeats.

>> > Hello family,

> I wanted to share with you all, some of my personal views and> perspectives on the latest events, such as the opening of the gates of> 08-08, and the Solar /lunar eclipse.> > I want to first state that those opinions are exclusive mine, what

> means they could not be personally truth, but they are based on my own> experience throughout the years. Many different Lightworkers were > naming this Astronomical event as the gate of Isis, Ra, and

> definitely letting all think that it was just the last , or one of the> last moments where we could experience the Earth making its way to the> fourth and fifth dimension. I beg to diverge my opinion here, and

> usually I would not come in public to say those things, but there is a> limit when you have to distinguish what is the truth, and what is> Fantasy or wishful thinking.> > If anyone bothered to just follow the Traditions , the Ancient

> knowledge, the first element to be seen would be the Vibration of the> number 8, being a 08-08 gate! The Number 8 is a complex number, it> retains the secrets of rithms of the Creation(2x2x2=2 to the third) The

> numeral 8 can express the incarnation of the spirit on the body,but > most of all, the number 8 expresses the universe in movement ( The> leminiscate) , the transformation cycles and also the balance which

> maintains and rules all the spiritual laws.> > On the Tarot, the number 8 is the Justice, or on cosmic terms, the law> of adjustments. There is a profound mystery on the image of the Lady> Justice being Blind, why? Not only because she does not see the

> differences, the external factors as the difference among people, the> poor/ the rich, the oppressor and the oppressed, but because she,> Lady Justice, if she could see it, she would not be able to keep the

> balance on the Universe and deliver her verdict.> > In Kaballah, The path that retains the eighth card is placed> between the Pillar of Severity or strength (Geburah) and the pillar of> Mercy(Chesed/ Gedulah).

> > The journey through this path is difficult, but it is one of the> learning experiences from we can gather the most, and It is where we> let go of most of our attachments. On this path, we just can progress

> if you are really initiated on the mysteries of the heart! Jesus> was one of the Master of teachings of the Sacred Heart.> > What I just said comes from Tradition, from many years studying Tarot

> through the journey of self discovery, and numerology, not only from> here say or " just make up something so we look better then others.> > I never endorsed those Attitudes, and sincerely think we as workers of

> light are losing our time ( when we have so much to do) on those> performatic events .> > Fact is, I recognize I am a dinosaur, and I am very weary of what is> being said and done inside the so called " Lightworker community " . I

> know many may be mad at me for saying those things, but nevertheless> they have to be said. I dislike the New age, and I tell you why, They> always come with the ideas and transform everything in a mix salad. For

> instance, talking with another lightworker last night , she told me that> inside her group, they are working with the grid and ley lines and they> " channeled " that Mother Earth/ Gaia is about the leave this planet,

> because Mankind finally was able to assume the wheels and drive this> planet. I asked her: Do you believe on this? She said " I don't know.> > What is going on? whatever can happen when a Being, a soul leave his

> body? Gaia is a Planetary soul, if she leaves Earth, we would not go > to ascension, or fourth or any other dimensions, we will be just cosmic > dust! And people believe those lies because it is fancy to " work for

> the light " and " create the new Earth " based on personal power trips?> > Do I believe in new Earth??.> > YES, absolutely, but not one made up according to my happy place, but

> the real one, build with light weaving, build with lightworking,build> with compassionate actions and hard work, build by our efforts to be> again aligned with the supreme will, for the greater good and according

> with the Law of ONE.> > I am sorry If I talked to much, these are my two cents, and my personal> humble opinion.> Much love and respect to all,> Liane>

-- Kerrie Amatelli


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I wanted to respond to this and all of the religions are confusing to me all of the names even used I was born to believe only in myself and my earth to live as one with <3Kerrie Amatelli <Kerrie@...> wrote: Hi Liane... Let me say that I would have to agree with you 100% too. I, too, see so many fanatics... that I simply just don't get

involved... and often find myself wondering "WHERE" all these strange, new beliefs are coming from? I find that I often will weight a new belief or "claim" being said with ancient teachings from the past and the Physical and Spiritual LAWS of Nature that have always existed and governed us (and of course LOVE for all... and good ol' common sense). I think many of these new beliefs are really (honestly) stemming from or coming out of a state of total FEAR... the mind searching for ways OUT of the global troubles and mess we are so obviously in.... because somewhere deep inside we ALL know the Law of Justice is coming around. And this Law of Justice has within it and behind it... all the Physical and Spiritual Laws of Nature that cannot be ignored anymore! We can all clearly see it... and feel

it. Again, it's like trying to run away from the problems via the mind's run-away fantasies... when in reality, REALITY and the consequences of that reality... just need to be faced honestly and directly. Acknowledge the lessons learned. I don't think we can "FIX" our way out of this one... nor do I think we should try... we will simply drive ourselves crazy. (Has everyone read "The Insanity of Humanity?" - very good online book - and free to read!) Nor do I believe that just because you meditate, visualize or pray harder and harder... that it will change the physical facts nor the Laws of Nature. It never has in the past... and what would make us think we are better or more "special" than those human

beings of the past. We may "know" a bit more now scientifically... but we still have to deal with the same Physical and Spiritual LAWS of Nature that those of the past did. However, I do think that humanity as a WHOLE will LEARN a great deal from what is headed our way... after all the dust settles. And THAT is what is really important here. Will humanity LEARN from the consequences of it's past mistakes and unconscious actions? I BELIEVE we will.... with the help from Spirit, Source, Light, Angels, Guides, Jesus, Buddha, God (whatever you want to call it!) and the continued opening of our consciousness on a global scale! And I believe out of that Great Lesson.... will come new and better things for

ALL of humanity.... and our species continued survival. Like the continued understanding of how precious and vital Earth is to us.... and the quick implementing of CLEAN energy on a massive, global scale for reasons of LOVE vs GREED. And the recognizing of our FEARS and dealing with all of our problems head on... instead of ignoring, covering-up and/or denying they even exist. Knowing now that these actions create balls of negative energy and even more negative actions that have far - far reaching consequences. And most importantly... maybe... just maybe.... FEAR, HATRED and GREED - that power struggle that exists between the people and their need to control each other.... will become a thing of the past (or at least be greatly lessened)! And together, having learned the

Great Lesson... people will learn to live in harmony and share the load of living L.I.F.E. Earth, in turn, will become a classroom for even "higher" learning! And it makes perfect sense to me that on the Tarot card.... Justice, is blindfolded. Because you are right... how could one honestly and consciously deliver that Justice if one could see that on a "global scale" innocent people will have to suffer and pay the price too. It's not a "personal" thing (never has been).... it's having to take responsibility and facing the consequences of our blind (unconscious) actions as an entire global family. Not that it is our fault for having been unconscious... because how could we know... if we didn't know? But NOW we know... we are

learning our lessons! Rejoice! When you look at it from a different light... it's simply soul lessons being learned on a scale so large (and so fast)... it's almost incomprehensible to the human mind! And the lessons currently being learned, although coming from a human, material, physical perspective... are being perceived as a bad and scary thing... but from a spiritual perspective it is something to be rejoiced, celebrated and embraced! It is our Greatest Lesson... and we are all here to live and learn from it TOGETHER. Remember you are an ETERNAL BEING... just take it all in, experience it... and surround it with love, hope, faith and simple understanding. I know it's so very hard (even for me!!)... but let's leave FEAR at the back door... and put our "faith" in the fact that there is an energy... a force who is in control of all that we see

and experience.... that has our highest and best interests of learning at heart. (We are in safe hands... but we make the mistake of looking at everything through human eyes... instead of spiritual eyes.) I think that is the single best thing we can do. I thank you also for sharing your thoughts and insights. I'm sure you have many, many, many more who will agree with you... rather than disagree. Peace & Hugs! Kerrie in Rhode Islandwww.KerrieAmatelli.com On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 12:07 AM, Stefanie <diddiejar > wrote: Liane, I have to agree e-mama. I've heard a lot of talk from many new agers (not my favorite term btw) and what many of them have taught me is that no matter what belief or spiritual structure, there will always be the fanatics. It's disheartening sometimes to know that others out there lose control of themselves like this, but on the other hand it really helps bring the true light workers to the surface. Using reason in spirituality is so important in order to touch the whole. That's what a real deal light worker should be able to do is to touch who they meet with their simple beautiful selves. That ability is not in a person looking only for admiration . At least not until they come to

terms with their unhealthy ego self they are trying to feed will they be able to surrender to their true light. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. This is a short response, but not much more need be said I think. Love always,StefanieP.S: Sorry I edited this post a couple of times because the way I worded it before didn't come out exactly right. Sorry if some of you get some repeats. >> > Hello family, > I wanted to share with you all, some of my personal views and> perspectives on the latest events, such as the opening of the gates of> 08-08, and the Solar

/lunar eclipse.> > I want to first state that those opinions are exclusive mine, what > means they could not be personally truth, but they are based on my own> experience throughout the years. Many different Lightworkers were > naming this Astronomical event as the gate of Isis, Ra, and > definitely letting all think that it was just the last , or one of the> last moments where we could experience the Earth making its way to the> fourth and fifth dimension. I beg to diverge my opinion here, and > usually I would not come in public to say those things, but there is a> limit when you have to distinguish what is the truth, and what is> Fantasy or wishful thinking.> > If anyone bothered to just follow the Traditions , the Ancient > knowledge, the first element to be seen would be the Vibration of the> number 8, being a 08-08 gate! The Number 8 is a complex number,

it> retains the secrets of rithms of the Creation(2x2x2=2 to the third) The > numeral 8 can express the incarnation of the spirit on the body,but > most of all, the number 8 expresses the universe in movement ( The> leminiscate) , the transformation cycles and also the balance which > maintains and rules all the spiritual laws.> > On the Tarot, the number 8 is the Justice, or on cosmic terms, the law> of adjustments. There is a profound mystery on the image of the Lady> Justice being Blind, why? Not only because she does not see the > differences, the external factors as the difference among people, the> poor/ the rich, the oppressor and the oppressed, but because she,> Lady Justice, if she could see it, she would not be able to keep the > balance on the Universe and deliver her verdict.> > In Kaballah, The path that retains the eighth card is placed>

between the Pillar of Severity or strength (Geburah) and the pillar of> Mercy(Chesed/ Gedulah). > > The journey through this path is difficult, but it is one of the> learning experiences from we can gather the most, and It is where we> let go of most of our attachments. On this path, we just can progress > if you are really initiated on the mysteries of the heart! Jesus> was one of the Master of teachings of the Sacred Heart.> > What I just said comes from Tradition, from many years studying Tarot > through the journey of self discovery, and numerology, not only from> here say or" just make up something so we look better then others.> > I never endorsed those Attitudes, and sincerely think we as workers of > light are losing our time ( when we have so much to do) on those> performatic events .> > Fact is, I recognize I am a dinosaur, and I am very

weary of what is> being said and done inside the so called " Lightworker community". I > know many may be mad at me for saying those things, but nevertheless> they have to be said. I dislike the New age, and I tell you why, They> always come with the ideas and transform everything in a mix salad. For > instance, talking with another lightworker last night , she told me that> inside her group, they are working with the grid and ley lines and they> "channeled" that Mother Earth/ Gaia is about the leave this planet, > because Mankind finally was able to assume the wheels and drive this> planet. I asked her: Do you believe on this? She said"I don't know.> > What is going on? whatever can happen when a Being, a soul leave his > body? Gaia is a Planetary soul, if she leaves Earth, we would not go > to ascension, or fourth or any other dimensions, we will be just cosmic > dust! And

people believe those lies because it is fancy to "work for > the light" and "create the new Earth" based on personal power trips?> > Do I believe in new Earth??.> > YES, absolutely, but not one made up according to my happy place, but > the real one, build with light weaving, build with lightworking,build> with compassionate actions and hard work, build by our efforts to be> again aligned with the supreme will, for the greater good and according > with the Law of ONE.> > I am sorry If I talked to much, these are my two cents, and my personal> humble opinion.> Much love and respect to all,> Liane> -- Kerrie Amatelli www.kerrieamatelli.com Tell me and I'll forget Show me and I may remember Involve me and I'll understandsending healing and soulful messages from the angels of mystic I'm following the rainbow of love

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