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Your Body Has A Voice

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Your Body Has a Voice

By Fisher, MA, RCC

Take a moment before you continue reading to pay attention to what

your body is saying. Yes, your body has a voice. Begin with scanning

your body from one end to the other and notice if there are any areas

of pain, tension or discomfort. Pick one of those areas, close your

eyes, turn inward, and breathe into that area. Now decide, if it had a

voice, what it would say. Take as long as you need. It takes time and

practice to learn to listen to your body's voice.

For instance, say you have scanned your body and noticed that you have

a dull headache across your forehead. As you breathe into that area,

you might begin to become aware of tension in your forehead. And as

you focus on the tension and dull ache, you might find yourself

becoming curious about this tension and dull ache. As you remain

curious, you might become aware of a thought or feeling that has

surfaced, such as " I'm furious that I was overlooked for that

promotion! I feel so unappreciated! "

Or, as you focus in on tense shoulders, you might become aware of how

they sit shrugged up to your ears. As you lower them with a deep,

abdominal breath, you might find a releasing thought come to mind,

such as " Wouldn't it be nice if I didn't have to do it all. "

Be open to this voice. It's an opportunity to connect with a deeper

understanding of yourself, your inner self. It informs you about what

you need to address in your life. Follow it's lead.

It's a chance to witness the body-mind-emotion-spirit connection. The

wisdom of your body, the rhetoric of your mind, your emotions held in

muscular tension, and your spirit, are inextricably connected.

At this point, don't jump to the erroneous, self-blame conclusion that

if you have sore shoulders because you take on too much

responsibility, therefore you are creating your physical problems.

That is not the point at all. And that oversimplifies the picture. If

it were that simple, everyone who takes on extra responsibility would

have sore shoulders. And that's just not the case.

Instead, understand that things such as trauma, depression, stress and

unresolved emotion are stored in the body. Healing these results in

physical healing. Chronic tension holds limiting beliefs, defenses and

emotions that we can learn to let go of by releasing tension.

Healing is the process of becoming more whole. Whether the symptom is

anxiety, neck tension, or the belief you're not good enough, the

solution involves moving towards the body-mind-emotion-spirit whole self.

Author's Bio

Fisher is a Clinical Counselor specializing in Pain Management.

She offers workshops internationally, and provides counseling for

people who want to RECLAIM their lives from pain or illness. She has

developed 4 audio CDs to help with learning to relax, managing pain

and getting better sleep. You can learn more through her website at




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