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RE: new member~~SUPPORT YOU will get & then some ! ! !

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Welcome , Hi I am one of the few men in THE group. I too joined

the day of my DX(diagnosis) and have been supported beyond my expectations. This

is a very Loving,caring caring bunch. WE know HURT to well, oh so very well.

Since I joined back in April 07 I have been helped in so many ways. How to deal

w/unbelievers, how to deal w/Drs. that don't believe US and how to deal w/OUR

emotions that go w/the MONSTER as WE refer to Fiboemyalgia.

Currently I am on Celexa-depression,Klonopin-anxiety,Strattera- AADD also a

noerphineprine reuptake inhibitor simular to one of the ingridients in

Cymbalta,Lunesta-insomnia,Lyrica-fop the nerve pain aspects of this

DISease,Robaxin-muscle relaxer,Vicodan(hydrocodon)-PAIN and am recieving trigger

point injections-some type of non-nabolic steroids.

Dealing w/the unbelief of others has been one of the biggest sticklers I've had

to deal with. I told Church members over & over about my FM but never have I

been ask how I'm doing concerning this condition.Now if I had cancer I belief or

atleast hope they would ask byt questions about my FM not even my mother ask how

well are the trigger point injections working. So go figure! An invisible

DISease as it is often refered to.

I HOPE YOU find the Love, encourgement and SUPPORT you are seeking,

I certainly have since

joining! ! !

GOD Bless YOU ! ! ! . . .

........................................... . . .

S.E. Arkansaw GOD grant me the serenityto accept the

things I cannot change the courage to change the things I canand the wisdom to

know the difference. Amen

! ! !

To: fibromyalgia_support_group@...:

big_booty_mama38@...: Fri, 1 Feb 2008 22:42:35 -0800Subject: new


Hello everyone,My name is ,I am 40 yrs old and was just diagnosed with

fibromyalgia this morning. Never imagined that I would be told that. I thought

my iron dropped AGAIN. For the last 3 weeks I have had chronic fatigue and I

HURT!!! Last year a friend of mine who has fibro told me I needed to talk to my

doctor about because she said thats what is wrong. Well until 3 weeks ago I

would have pain here and there same with the fatigue.Again thought it was my

iron.Now I am in alot pain and its hard to stay awake most days. I have no

trouble falling asleep but I wake up about 3x a night. When I do wake up in the

morning after falling back to sleep again,I feel like I been hit by a truck!!!!

I joined this group to get more information about the condition,to talk to other

people who have it and for SUPPORT.Looking forward to chatting with

yall.---------------------------------Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo

your homepage.

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