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Healing Unseen Negative Influences

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Healing Unseen Negative Influences :

Many keep asking me how to heal unseeen negative influences. The

veils between worlds are getting thin and there is a lot of

interference from unseen negative influences. Here is the technique.

Astral Healing Technique For Discarnate Spirits, Thought Forms,

Limiting Mental Concepts, Psychic Bonds And Mental Coercion

With the vibrational lifting and healing of the Earth, the quickening

or ascension process, comes a greater sensitivity and awareness to

other realms of consciousness. With the greater sensitivity and

expanded consciousness comes the responsibility to heal any unseen

negative influences.

There are thought forms, limiting mental concepts, and discarnate

spirits often referred to as lost souls, or wayward spirits, ghosts

and poltergeists.

These unfortunate souls continue in an emotional and mental body and

are bound to Earth because of unfinished business, karmic ties, and

unresolved attitudes, emotions, wounds and traumas.

Some are even coercive and desire to manipulate, control and express

through others in the physical.

Just because you are dead does not mean you are enlightened.

Love heals and casting them out only sends them away temporarily or

they find someone else to bother. Some of the symptoms are headaches,

nausea, pain within the neck, heart, discomfort within the solar

plexus, multiple accidents, bizarre erratic behavior, large mood

swings, suicidal tendencies and the clairvoyant seeing of gray or

dark energies around someone.

If you do the astral healing technique and feel relief, your problem

may not be a physical one; yet if the problem persists, by all means

get any professional help you think you may need. In the interest of

cleaning up the consciousness here and making it easier to access and

maintain higher consciousness and energy, we are giving out the

process for healing unseen negative influences.

We all have Angelic Guides and Ascended Masters waiting to help in

this process. This is a power tool. Don't forget to plug it in and

ask for help from on high.

Step 1 Call upon your chosen representative of the Source, all that

is, God, through prayer or meditation.

Step 2 Ask that your aura be closed to all but your Angelic Guide or

Ascended Master of the Christ Vibration.

Step 3 Tell any discarnate spirits that they are healed and forgiven,

lifted and enlightened. Repeat several times until it feels clear.

Step 4 Tell them they are filled and surrounded with the Universal

Christ light and the Christ love.

Step 5 Ask your chosen Angelic Guide or Ascended Master to take them

to their perfect place.

Step 6 Ask that all negative thought forms, limiting mental concepts

be dissolved in the light of truth and all psychic bonds severed.

Step 7 Ask that all auras be closed to all but their own higher

selves and that all residual energies be cleansed from every level of

your being.

Repeat the above until energies feel clear; there may be many more

than one. Remember Love is the ultimate power in the universe and

maintain self-authority at all times. Those who are on the path to

enlightenment often draw discarnate entities like a moth to a flame;

therefore it is very important to use this process in meditation and

every day living to keep one's energies clear and help others. You

only expand to the level that you feel safe and clear. If you need

help e-mail or write to Self-Mastery Earth Institute where daily

healing circles are ongoing.

From :Temple_Of_Enlightenment_Order

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