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What is up in Planet Earth by Bishop

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August 28 , 2008


The What's Up On Planet Earth? energy alerts are offered several times per month by viewing them here. Your financial support makes it possible to continue offering information on this website free of charge. Please make a donation.

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Get ready!

October will bring in a full manifestation of our new roles, our new

purposes, and a whole new set of "responsibilities" to our beautiful

planet earth. Our "careers" will blast off, as we will then be poised

and ready to offer the services of our heart's desires to those in need

of them. Not only will our new store-fronts or portals for receiving

money be activated and greatly utilized, but many miracles, higher

connections to others, new arrivals of hopes and dreams, and much of

everything else will fall in our laps as well. There will be so much

going on for us in October, that we will barely be able to keep up!


this lull of the past several weeks and even for awhile longer, we are

undergoing a process of preparation for our new roles. We are opening

more, and readying in many ways to be carrying new responsibilities. We

will be holding much more light, and thus, carrying much more

responsibility for the awakening and evolution of the planet. Our very

new "assignments" are being placed within us most assuredly now.


this lull or eye of the storm, it can seem very quiet. We may think

that our jobs are drying up, that our source of income is waning and

perhaps over forever, or even that we are sitting here twiddling our

thumbs with nothing much occurring anywhere for us. We needed a rest

and we needed to rejuvenate from the gut wrenching energies of July and

the latter part of June. After this restful period and still within the

lull, we then began the "re-wiring" or rather preparation period for

our service to humanity…our service to those on differing rungs of the

evolutionary ladder. And we will indeed be needed.


full solar eclipse of August 1st opened the door for these new

arrivals. It was the start of a very new beginning….at last. Most

recently, it was time to really let go of much. It was time to cleanse

and clear out anything in our lives which no longer fit us, which

dragged us down, and which placed us in a less desirable space that

what we would have preferred. The interactions and manifestations of

the past year and a half that were not as pleasant as we would have

hoped, were now very over. The time for doing what we really did not want to do is now very over. Experiencing any unpleasantness is now very over. Any sacrifices on our parts are now very over. (Apologies here….I have been writing on my book so much of late that I'm having a hard time putting a sentence together!)


have literally left one world behind and are now fully enmeshed in

another reality. This new reality is so very light, so very quick to

manifest our every thought, so very loving, so very there, so

very free, so very complete, and so very magical indeed. Currently,

these energies are surrounding us but in a much more quiet and peaceful

way. Come October, they will be much more forceful, moving, and will

manifest so much for us that we may become overloaded with too much of

a good thing. During

this time of movement into the new, some of our animal companions who

embody much of our old energy are chosing to leave. Although they will

not be going with us in their current form, they have already made

plans to come back into different situations and are so very excited

about their return...whether returning again to us or to our loved



you are currently not experiencing any of the peaceful stillness

mentioned above, I would suggest to you that you have not yet let go

entirely of the old world or the old reality. All you need do is to

close the door. Close the door and open another one. Tap into something

different from what is falling. Tap into something different from the

old outside manifestations. Remove yourself from the old, literally or

not. Take time for yourself. If you are still in a job, when you arrive

home, turn off the phone, the internet, the television, and take a

wonderful walk, read a pleasure book, bake or cook, do something

creative, take a hot bath, and simply be in another space altogether.

Remove yourself from the old.


to be a part of it. Refuse to participate in the dramas of others. Look

ahead. See a new horizon. Know that it is indeed there, just waiting

for you. Decide what it is that you really want to do now. Know that

there will be a place for it. Remember what it is that you wish to

offer the world. And know that this gift of service has been within you

always…you need not learn anything new. And know as well that a gift of

service can be a work of art, a piece of music, or anything that serves

to connect others to a higher light.


order that things become stabilized during this massive transition from

the old world to the new reality, a few things have been set into place

to hold the energies firm during the fall. Firstly, the new babies are

arriving. These new little ones are coming in rapid numbers, in twos

and threes, and arriving as quickly as they possibly can. Because there

are so many of them, and because they carry such a high vibration, they

are thus laying a very solid grid for the creation of the new. Another

stabilizing force is Barack Obama. He will be poised and positioned

perfectly to bring the entire planet together, there-by creating yet

another grid of unity that will serve to stabilize things as much as

possible during the fall. We will connect and support each other

through his divine and highly evolved leadership. All, as always, is in

divine and perfect order. Things are being put into place very

perfectly indeed, including us! We will be an additional piece which

will hold things together during the fall, as we assist those in



now is the time to examine what it is that you really and truly want to

offer to the world. I can assure you, when you connect to your soul's

plan, you will be miraculously poised to offer it to the world. You

need not know how, you need not plan in great detail, you only need

connect to your heart's desire, begin it, and the rest will fall into

place all on its own.


go of the old. Leave your old responsibilities behind if you are

comfortable doing that. Know that the struggle is over. Know that you

need no longer hold anyone or anything up ever again. Know that

unpleasant energies cannot be where you are…if they do show up, ignore

them, as they only want your energy and your light…you have better

things to do. Dis-connect from the old reality and trust that when you

do, you will find yourself at the gates of Heaven. www.whatsuponplanetearth.com

Wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times...

Until next time,

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